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环境长期变化对胶州湾浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:21,自引:10,他引:21  
主要依据1991年5月-1995年11月和1997年2月-2004年11月连续多年每季度月(2、5、8、11月)采用“浅水Ⅲ型”浮游生物网在胶州湾10个站位自海底至表垂直拖取的浮游植物样品,同时搜集自1954年以来约50年有关胶州湾环境因子及浮游植物的历史监测资料,分析研究胶州湾环境因子长期变化及其对浮游植物群落结构的影响.结果表明,近50年来由于大规模人类活动给胶州湾环境带来很大影响,大量工农业生产废水和生活污水源源不断进入湾内,造成水域营养盐含量迅速增加,近3年来NO3-N和NH4-N比1962年分别提高14.5倍和9.5倍,沿岸带的开发导致胶州湾水域面积不断缩小,纳潮量下降,水域环境容量和自净能力减弱,水域环境趋向退化.环境因子的变化对胶州湾浮游植物群落结构造成明显的影响,近50年来,浮游植物数量呈增加趋势;优势种更替明显,原先一些优势种不再居优势地位,而比较喜肥的种类如中肋骨条藻数量显著增加,成为最重要的优势种;浮游植物多样性指数有所下降,表明胶州湾浮游植物群落处于演化之中,同时由于营养盐含量迅速增加,为赤潮的形成与发展提供了丰富的物质基础,自1997年以来,赤潮几乎连年暴发,并有愈演愈烈的发展趋势,反映出胶州湾生态环境已呈现异常的征兆.  相似文献   
地理信息系统在渤海湾水体富营养化研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般的关系型数据库处理近岸海域富营养化监测数据时难以同时管理数据的空间属性和一般属性,且不具有对数据进行空间分析的能力。文中以A rcG IS地理信息系统为数据管理平台,克服了一般数据库的上述缺陷。文章以渤海湾水体富营养化研究为实例,应用A rcG IS地理信息系统自身的功能对监测数据进行了空间分布特性和时间变化趋势分析及水体营养状况的评价,取得了较满意的结果。  相似文献   
沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)属于软体动物门(Mollusca)双壳纲(Bivalvia)帘蛤目(Veneroida)饰贝科(Dreissenidae),也称萨氏仿贻贝.20世纪90年代初作为鱼虾饵料被引到厦门马銮湾,逐渐成为附着生物的优势种,严重影响贝类养殖.在厦门马銮湾水域设计挂板实验和采集沉积物中大型底栖动物,获得了外来物种沙筛贝与其他大型底栖动物的时空分布数据.SPSS统计软件回归分析表明,沙筛贝与网纹藤壶(Balanus reticulatus)在挂板的垂直分布上呈负相关,沙筛贝高密度(大于105个/m2)时能导致网纹藤壶死亡,其主要原因是沙筛贝附着在网纹藤壶壳壁上,抢夺网纹藤壶食物而导致其饿死.无论是在挂板上还是在沉积物中,小头虫(Capitella capitata)、凿贝才女虫(Polydoraciliata)的数量有随沙筛贝数量增加而增加的趋势,这是因为成团的沙筛贝有利于小头虫和凿贝才女虫的栖息.  相似文献   
A numerical ecosystem model expressing both phosphorus and nitrogen cyclings in the pelagic system of Hiroshima Bay, Japan, was developed in order to investigate the seasonal variations of these elements and their annual budgets. Based on the geophysical and chemical structures of the bay, Hiroshima Bay was divided into northern and southern boxes, themselves divided into two layers of an upper 5 m and a lower layer according to the stratification of the water column. The model consists of equations representing all relevant physical and biological processes. The results revealed that the internal regeneration of materials was an important source of bioavailable nutrients for phytoplankton growth in the water column. The incorporation of phytoplankton aggregation improved the accuracy of the outputs in comparison to the observed data, especially during the stratified summer season. The results also indicated that phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton growth occurs in the upper layer during summer while light limitation occurs in the lower layer. In addition, physical processes such as diffusion and advection were also important as they ensured that most of regenerated nutrients in the lower layer were transported to the upper layer. Thus, these processes might support the high primary production and the production of oysters that are extensively cultured in this bay. Considering the informative results obtained, the model used in this study provides a sound basis and tool to describe the dynamics of phosphorus and nitrogen cyclings in Hiroshima Bay.  相似文献   
Interlinked mangrove–seagrass ecosystems are characteristic features of many tropical coastal areas, where they act as feeding and nursery grounds for a variety of fishes and invertebrates. The autotrophic carbon sources supporting fisheries in Gazi bay (Kenya) were studied in three sites, two located in the tidal creeks flowing through extensive mangrove forests, another site located in the subtidal seagrass meadows, approximately 2.5 km away from the forest. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition of 42 fish species, 2 crustacean species and a range of potential primary food sources (e.g., mangroves, seagrasses and epiphytes, macroalgae) were analysed. There was considerable overlap in the δ13C signatures between fish (−16.1 ± 2.1‰), seagrasses (−15.1 ± 3.0‰), seagrass epiphytes (−13.6 ± 3.3‰), and macroalgae (−20.4 ± 3.1‰). Nevertheless, the signatures for most primary producers were sufficiently distinct to indicate that the dominant carbon sources for fish were mainly derived from the seagrass and their associated epiphytic community, and possibly macroalgae. Mangrove-derived organic matter contributes only marginally to the overall fish food web. Carbon supporting these fish communities was derived directly through grazing by herbivorous and some omnivorous fishes, or indirectly through the benthic food web. Fishes from the mangrove creeks had distinctly lower δ13C signatures (−16.8 ± 2.0‰) compared to those collected in the adjacent seagrass beds (−14.7 ± 1.7‰). This indicated that these habitats were used as distinct sheltering and feeding zones for the fishes collected, with minimal degree of exchange within the fish communities despite their regular movement pattern.  相似文献   
Reservoir characterization based on geostatistics method requires well constraints (e.g. seismic data with high quality) to predict inter-well reservoir quality that is conformed to geological laws. Nevertheless, the resolution of seismic data in multiple basins or reservoirs is not high enough to recognize the distribution of different types of sand bodies. In this paper, we propose a new method to improve the precision of reservoir characterization: reservoir modeling with the constrains of sedimentary process model and sedimentary microfacies. We employed stratigraphic forward modeling, a process-based method, to constrain the reservoir modeling in one oil-bearing interval of the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation in J-Oilfield of Liaoxi Sag, Bohai Bay Basin.We divide reservoir modeling into two orders using different types of constrains. In the first order, we use the simulated shale model from stratigraphic forward model that is corrected by wells data as a 3D trend volume to constrain the reservoir sand-shale modeling. In the second order, different types of sedimentary microfacies in the sandy part of the model are further recognized and simulated within the constrains of sedimentary microfacies maps. Consequently, the porosity, permeability and oil saturation are modeled under the control of precise sedimentary microfacies model. The high-resolution reservoir model shows that the porosity, permeability and oil saturation of distributary channel is generally above 20%, 10md and 50%, respectively, which are much higher than that of other types of sedimentary microfacies. It can be concluded that comparing to other types of sedimentary facies, distributary channel has better physical properties and more oil accumulation in the fan-delta front and therefore is the most favorable zones for petroleum development in the research area.  相似文献   
基于对胶州湾表层沉积物中总可水解氨基酸(THAA)的含量、组成、构型及分布特征的系统研究,通过氨基酸碳氮归一化产率(THAA-C%,THAA-N%)、降解因子DI、反应活性指数RI以及D型氨基酸占比(D-AA%,摩尔百分比)等指标结合碳氮比(TOC/TN)、碳稳定同位素(δ13C)探析了胶州湾沉积物中有机质的来源与降解状态,利用细菌源有机质及胞外肽酶活性(EEA)探讨了微生物在有机质迁移转化过程中的作用与贡献。结果表明,胶州湾表层沉积物中氨基酸平均含量为(7.60±3.64)μmol/g,在陆源与海源混合影响下,其水平分布呈现湾内高于湾外、湾内东部高于西部的特点,表明湾内东部陆源输入对沉积物THAA具有较高贡献。THAA-C%、THAA-N%、DI、RI以及D-AA%等指示因子均显示胶州湾表层沉积物中有机质的降解程度呈现湾外高于湾内、湾内东部高于西部的变化趋势,有机质来源、微生物活性与上覆水水深共同影响了有机质的降解程度。胶州湾表层沉积物中细菌源有机碳的贡献率为(29.35±18.73)%,其水平分布显示出湾内西部与湾外相近且高于湾内东部的特点。细菌胞外肽酶活性(EEA)平均为(0.81±1.31)nmol/(g·h)(以MCA计),整体分布趋势与细菌贡献率相反,呈现湾内东部高于湾内西部和湾外的特性。沉积物中有机质的不同海源、陆源占比决定了有机质的可降解性,而有机质的降解程度进一步影响了细菌源有机质的贡献与胞外肽酶活性。  相似文献   
陆源污染是半封闭海湾环境恶化的主要原因,评估海湾地区陆源污染的生态损害,对目前迫切需要制定的海洋生态损害补偿政策以及生态修复计划具有重要的现实意义。本文以象山港为研究区域,运用生态恢复评估与生态服务价值评估相结合的方法,构建陆源污染生态损害评估模型,进行陆源污染对海湾生态服务损害评估与补偿标准研究。结果显示:(1)象山港陆源污染造成的生态服务损害价值为38 342.81万元,执行损害评估的费用约为20万元;以生态损害评估的总费用作为补偿标准,生态补偿费用共计38 362.81万元,单位面积补偿价值为0.42万元/hm~2·a。(2)象山港陆源污染所导致的海洋生态系统初始性修复成本为零,恢复期内损害价值主要以养分循环和净化环境为主,分别为19 740.72万元和13 938.13万元;美学景观损害价值为3 798.59万元,占比为9.91%;生物多样性维持损害价值598.66万元,占比为1.56%;食物生产的损害价值最小,为266.72万元。  相似文献   
用ADCP进行走航式悬沙浓度测量的初步研究   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
用DR300型宽幅ADCP在胶洲湾口站进行了走航工断面观测。观测期间悬沙浓度小于40mg/L,悬沙粒度分布曲线具有双峰特征,调查船航速为2 ̄3m/s。用水样过滤法率定相应的ADCP声学信号,获得池计算悬沙浓度的半经验公式及悬沙浓度剖面分布数据,分析结果即使在悬沙浓度较低,悬沙分选性较差,船速较高等不利于ADCP观测的现场条件下,测量误差与光透式浊度计的误差相当。因此,在走航状态和低悬沙浓度条件下  相似文献   
Mechanisms of pore water organic matter adsorption to montmorillonite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The extent and mechanisms of adsorption of marine pore water organic matter to montmorillonite were studied in a series of batch and sequential adsorption experiments. Pore water natural organic matter (pNOM) and easily extracted natural organic matter (eNOM) were collected from Liberty Bay (Puget Sound, WA, USA) sediments. The pNOM and eNOM were each divided into two size fractions using a 1000 D ultrafilter. Batch adsorption isotherms were approximately linear, and the >1000 D fractions of both pNOM and eNOM had larger partition coefficients (Kd) than the <1000 D fractions. A two-component fit of the sequential adsorption data indicated that pNOM and eNOM contained a similar amount of NOM (30%) that was not surface reactive toward montmorillonite. After correcting the batch adsorption Kds for the non-reactive components, the Kds estimated by batch and sequential adsorption were identical (2.7 l/kg for >1000 D pNOM and eNOM, and 1.6 l/kg for <1000 D pNOM and eNOM). Mechanisms of adsorption were investigated by systematically changing conditions (pH, temperature and ionic composition) of >1000 D fractions during batch isotherm experiments. Adsorption of NOM was found to decrease with increased temperature, suggesting that hydrophobic effects were not the dominant adsorption mechanisms in this system. Ion exchange was also not an important adsorption mechanism because adsorption increased with ionic strength. The observed enhancement in adsorption with ionic strength indicated that van der Waals interactions were important in the adsorption of NOM. Ligand exchange was found to be a significant mechanism since the presence of SO42− in solution reduced the amount of NOM adsorbed. Ca2+ enhanced adsorption slightly more than Na+, suggesting that cation bridging was involved. The relative contributions of van der Waals interactions, ligand exchange and cation bridging were estimated to be approximately 60%, 35% and 5%, respectively, for adsorption of NOM in a CaCl2 solution.  相似文献   
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