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自2007年太湖蓝藻水华引起无锡供水危机后,在太湖流域及湖区开展了一系列综合治理措施以改善太湖水环境质量.本研究在太湖梅梁湾和贡湖湾各设置3个采样点,自2010年4月起每月2次监测太湖水质.结合水文气象数据及无锡市环境监测站和太湖局的同期数据,明确太湖自2010年以来,水质整体良好,总氮浓度在波动中呈现下降的趋势,总磷浓度在2014年前也是在波动中呈现下降的趋势,但在2015和2016年有所回升,回升比例约为15%~20%.2015和2016年总磷浓度出现回升的主要原因是这2年的2次大洪水过程携带大量N、P进入太湖湖区,洪水消退过程中,N大多以溶解态排泄出湖区,而P则由于大多数以颗粒态存在,逐渐沉积到湖泊中,随着微囊藻生长消耗水体溶解态P以及水体pH和溶解氧的变化逐渐释放到太湖水体中.  相似文献   
热带大气对单一型赤道非对称热源的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢楠  李建平  李耀锟 《大气科学》2014,38(6):1147-1158
本文采用Gill模式得到了热带大气对单一型赤道非对称热源响应的理论解析通解,从理论上完善了单一型赤道非对称热源激发的赤道非对称的大气响应结果。同时在单一型赤道非对称热源的位置、强度及范围变化对大气响应的影响方面做了详细的研究。当热源中心位置北移,北半球气旋强度增加、位置北移,同时赤道辐合气流减弱而越赤道气流增强;当热源强度增强(减弱),热源激发的大气响应整体增强(减弱),但大气分布型不发生变化;当热源范围不断增大(减小)时,北半球气旋强度增强(减弱)、位置西移(东移)、范围增大(减小),同时越赤道气流增强(减弱)。将上述结论应用于分析孟加拉湾地区海温对夏季风爆发影响的研究,指出当孟加拉湾地区经向最大暖海温位于赤道附近时,其两侧表现为Rossby波响应的Gill型气旋环流,而海温暖轴北移后,其南侧激发出有利于季风爆发的越赤道气流,这是Rossby重力混合波对热源响应的结果。这是上述理论结果的一个很好例证,同时也为孟加拉湾夏季风的爆发给出一种动力学解释。  相似文献   
利用广东省汕尾红海湾大型浮标站的近4年观测资料,统计分析汕尾红海湾近海海面风的日变化特征、季节变化特征和大风特点.分析表明:红海湾近海海面秋、冬风速大,夏季风速小,风向以东北风为主;平均情况下中午前后风速较小,早晚较大,风向以东北风为主;冷空气和热带气旋是造成红海湾近海大风的主要天气系统;大风平均阵风系数较小,最大阵风系数在热带气旋影响下出现.  相似文献   
万能  汤俊  李林  郑凌凌  宋立荣 《湖泊科学》2009,21(6):806-812
滇池北部福保湾主要承接上游昆明市的生活污水及周边工业污水,其污染程度极为严重.本研究在福保湖湾内设置4个采样点,分别采集了不同区域的沉积物,首次模拟研究了微囊藻(Microcystis)在不同沉积物环境中复苏能力差异,结果表明微囊藻在模拟实验中的复苏能力表现出对不同底质的不同适应性,入口湖区的沉积物对微囊藻的复苏有极强的抑制作用.藻类复苏后达到的最大生物量(以叶绿素a计)分别为东岸对照区的4.7%,西岸对照区的6.6%及吹填区的11.9%,其中微囊藻生物量也远低于其它各样点,占东岸对照、吹填区及西岸对照的比例分别为5.2%、10.3%和19.4%.以上研究暗示了河口处沉积物不适合微囊藻的复苏.福保湾藻类水华的种源贡献应该主要依靠外源性输入,即湖流场和风向所导致的藻类水平迁移贡献远远大于底泥复苏至水体的垂直迁移.  相似文献   
Differences among species in prosome length and in species’ response to environmental factors do exist. Therefore, it is useful to examine prosome length for different copepod species in variable environments. Seasonal variations in prosome length of four small copepods and their copepodite stages in the Jiaozhou Bay were compared and the relative influence of temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll concentration were examined. Two peaks were found in the mean prosome length of Paracalanus parvus (in early winter and May). For Acartia bifilosa, the maximum values of all copepodites occurred mainly from February to April, and decreased to the bottom in July. Prosome length of Acartia pacifica peaked when it first appeared in June, then reached to the minimum in July. Parvocalanus crassirostris only appeared from late summer to autumn and the mean prosome length showed no clear changes. Correlations of adult prosome length with environmental factors were evaluated. For the four species, temperature was negatively correlated to prosome length except for P. crassirostris. But the different species varied markedly in their responds to temperature. A. bifilosa showed a more definite trend of size variation with temperature than P. parvus and A. pacifica. Correlations of prosome length with salinity were significantly positive for almost all the small copepods. The relationship between chlorophyll concentration and prosome length was complicated for these copepods, but for P. parvus, chlorophyll concentration was also an important affecting factor. Furthermore, investigation needs to be done on food quality for some copepod. These results are essential to estimate the biomass and the production, and to understand these small copepods’ population dynamics in this human-affected bay.  相似文献   
2013年7月7~11日,四川盆地大部分地区出现了持续性强降雨天气(以下简称四川“7.9”暴雨).此次过程的降水中心稳定少动、降水强度及总量大、持续时间长,累积降水量最高达到了1000ram以上,造成严重灾害.为分析位于孟加拉湾地区的大气河对四川“7.9”暴雨的影响.利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过研究孟加拉湾大气河水汽对这次暴雨的作用及影响,得到的结果表明:此次持续性暴雨过程中,孟加拉湾大气河受西太平洋副高东撤影响,并在200 hPa和850 hPa高低空急流的共同作用下,不断向四川地区输送水汽.这种水汽输送一直持续到11日才停止,此时降水也趋于结束.在整个暴雨过程中,850 hPa上孟加拉湾大气河输送的水汽由于云贵高原阻挡,而绕开云贵高原在南海地区与西太副高外围的水汽以及南半球的越赤道气流汇合后,在低空急流左侧辐合气流作用下输送到四川盆地,为暴雨产生提供水汽.同时,700 hPa上的水汽直接越过云贵高原到达四川盆地.孟加拉湾大气河的这两种输送方式为四川盆地持续性暴雨提供了充足的水汽供应.  相似文献   
A Lagrangian tracer model is set up for Hangzhou Bay based on Coupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for Regional Shelf Sea (COHERENS). The study area is divided into eight subdomains to identify the dominant physical processes, and the studied periods are March (the dry season) and July (the wet season). The model performance has been first verified by sea-surface elevation and tidal current observations at several stations. Eight tracer experiments are designed and Lagrangian particle tracking is simulated to examine the impact of physical processes (tide, wind and river runoff) on the transport of passive tracer released within the surface layer. Numerical simulations and analysis indicate that: (1) wind does not change the tracer distribution after 30 days except for those released from the south area of the bay during the wet season; (2) the tide and the Qiantang River runoff are important for particle transport in the head area of the bay; (3) the Changjiang River runoff affects the tracer transport at the mouth of the bay, and its impact is smaller in the dry season than in the wet season. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40576080); National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, No. 2007AA12Z182)  相似文献   
Three ship-based observational campaigns were conducted to survey sea ice and snow in Prydz Bay and the surrounding waters(64.40°S–69.40°S, 76.11°E–81.29°E) from 28 November 2012 to 3 February 2013. In this paper, we present the sea ice extent and its variation, and the ice and snow thickness distributions and their variations with time in the observed zone. In the pack ice zone, the southern edge of the pack ice changed little, whereas the northern edge retreated significantly during the two earlier observation periods. Compared with the pack ice, the fast ice exhibited a significantly slower variation in extent with its northernmost edge retreating southwards by 6.7 km at a rate of 0.37 km?d-1. Generally, ice showed an increment in thickness with increasing latitude from the end of November to the middle of December. Ice and snow thickness followed an approximate normal distribution during the two earlier observations(79.7±28.9 cm, 79.1±19.1 cm for ice thickness, and 11.6±6.1 cm, 9.6±3.4 cm for snow thickness, respectively), and the distribution tended to be more concentrated in mid-December than in late November. The expected value of ice thickness decreased by 0.6 cm, whereas that of snow thickness decreased by 2 cm from 28 November to 18 December 2012. Ice thickness distribution showed no obvious regularity between 31 January and 3 February, 2013.  相似文献   
In this paper, we assessed the ecological and biodiversity status in the Bohai Sea through a quantitative survey on mac-rofaunal community at 25 stations in Laizhou Bay and adjacent waters in the autumn of 2006.We tested the robustness and effectiveness of taxonomic distinctness as an ecological indictor by analyzing its correlation with species richness and natural environmental variables and by analyzing other ecological indicators (Shannon-Wiener H' and W statistics from Abundance Biomass Comparison curve).Results so obtained indicated that the benthic environment of the study waters in general is not under major impact of anthropogenic disturbance, but some stations in Laizhou Bay and along the coast of the Shandong Peninsula and even in the central Bohai Sea might be moderately disturbed and showed signs of ecological degradation.The taxonomic distinctness measures △+ and Λ+ were independent of sampling effort and natural environment factors and were compliant to other ecological indicators.Further application of the taxonomic distinctness indicator to assess marine biodiversity and ecosystem health on a larger regional scale with historical data seems promising.  相似文献   

黄河对渤海海底沉积物贡献量巨大,但黄河物质进入渤海后向北扩散的范围尚不明确。本文对位于辽东湾北部海域岩芯总长为62.68 m的JXC-1孔1.2 Ma以来沉积物稀土元素进行测试分析,结合岩性、粒度参数和测年数据,研究了钻孔稀土元素垂向变化的影响因素,并对其物质来源变化进行了探讨。研究表明,沉积环境变化导致沉积物粒度和物质组成差异,钻孔沉积物的ΣREE与粒度变化有一定的相关性,但ΣLREE/ΣHREE、(La/Yb)NδEu等参数不受粒度控制。稀土元素分异参数有效示踪了物质来源,经对比,JXC-1孔沉积物分异参数特征与南部的黄河和北部的辽河(原双台子河)、大辽河沉积物较为一致,而与滦河和复州河有明显不同;结合判别函数(FD),推测JXC-1孔沉积物早更新世晚期以来主要来由南部的黄河和北部的辽河、大辽河搬运而来。分析结果表明,17.00 m以上层位为晚更新世沉积,0~2.00 m、4.00~11.00 m和14.00~16.00 m可能为海相地层,渤海环流将黄河入海物质向东北扩散的一支输送至辽东湾北部,同时接受潮流作用输送的北部辽河和大辽河细粒物质,但总体以黄河输送物质占主导;17.00 m以下层位主要为早更新世晚期以来的陆相沉积,以湖相环境为主,物源受距离河口远近和沉积物通量影响。36.00~48.00 m和58.00~70.30 m为湖相高水位期,古黄河水系流路可能位于现今流路以北的区域,受湖流等沉积动力影响,黄河输送物质扩散范围较广,对钻孔沉积物影响较大;在48.00~58.00 m低水位时期,钻孔沉积物以距离较近的北部辽河和大辽河输送物质占主导。16.40~36.00 m主要为河流相,物源复杂,但在26.00~36.00 m层位明显受辽河和大辽河影响较大。上述分析结果显示黄河东流入海(渤海古湖)以后,受海洋环流、距离河口远近和湖泊沉积动力等因素控制,携带沉积物扩散范围可以到达40.5°N左右或者以北的区域。本文的研究结果对辽东湾海域海底沉积物物源是一个新的认识,对黄河贯通、渤海环流及第四纪环境演化研究提供了新的证据。

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