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Five transects across the NW Iberian margin were studied in the framework of the EU-funded Ocean Margin EXchange II (OMEX II) project, to determine and establish recent sediment and organic carbon transport and accumulation processes and fluxes.On the Galician shelf and shelf edge, resuspension of sediments resulting in well-developed bottom nepheloid layers was observed at all stations, but transport of suspended sediment appears largely confined to the shelf. On the continental slope, only very dilute bottom nepheloid layers were present, and intermediate nepheloid layers were only occasionally seen. This suggests that cross-slope transfer of particles is limited by the prevailing northerly directed shelf and slope currents.Optical backscatter and ADCP current measurements by the BOBO lander, deployed at 2152 m depth on the Galician slope, indicated that particles in the bottom boundary layer were kept in suspension by tidal currents with highest speeds between 15–25 cm s−1. Net currents during the recording period August 6th–September 10th 1998, were initially directed along-slope toward the NNW, but later turned off-slope toward the SW.The separation of the water masses on the slope from the sediment-laden shelf water by the along-slope current regime is reflected in the recent sedimentary deposits of the Galician shelf and slope. Apart from compositional differences, shelf deposits differ from those on the slope by their higher flux of excess 210Pb (0.57–5.37 dpm cm−2y−1 versus 0.11–3.00 dpm cm−2y−1), a much higher sediment accumulation rate (315.6–2295.9 g m−2y−1 versus 10.9–124.7 g m−2y−1) and organic carbon burial rate (1.01–34.30 g m−2y−1 versus 0.01–0.69 g m−2y−1).In contrast to the observations on the Galician margin, pronounced nepheloid layers occurred in the Nazaré Canyon, which extended to considerably greater water depths. This indicates that significantly greater transport of fine-grained particles in both the INL and the BNL was occurring within the canyon, as reflected in the exceptionally high 210Pb excess flux (up to 34.09 dpm cm−2y−1), mass accumulation rates (maximum 9623.1 g m−2y−1) and carbon burial fluxes (up to 180.91 g m−2y−1) in the sediment. However, radioisotope fluxes in the lower canyon were only slightly higher than at comparable depths on the Galician margin. This suggests that transport and rapid accumulation is focused on the upper and middle part of the canyon, from where it is episodically released to the deep sea. Compared to the Galician margin, the Nazaré Canyon may be considered as an important organic carbon depocenter on short time-scales, and a major conduit for particulate matter transport to the deep sea on >100 y time-scales.  相似文献   
Water bodies in Tanzania are experiencing increased siltation, which is threatening water quality, ecosystem health, and livelihood security in the region. This phenomenon is caused by increasing rates of upstream soil erosion and downstream sediment transport. However, a lack of knowledge on the contributions from different catchment zones, land-use types, and dominant erosion processes, to the transported sediment is undermining the mitigation of soil degradation at the source of the problem. In this context, complementary sediment source tracing techniques were applied in three Tanzanian river systems to further the understanding of the complex dynamics of soil erosion and sediment transport in the region. Analysis of the geochemical and biochemical fingerprints revealed a highly complex and variable soil system that could be grouped in distinct classes. These soil classes were unmixed against riverine sediment fingerprints using the Bayesian MixSIAR model, yielding proportionate source contributions for each catchment. This sediment source tracing indicated that hillslope erosion on the open rangelands and maize croplands in the mid-zone contributed over 75% of the transported sediment load in all three river systems during the sampling time-period. By integrating geochemical and biochemical fingerprints in sediment source tracing techniques, this study demonstrated links between land use, soil erosion and downstream sediment transport in Tanzania. This evidence can guide land managers in designing targeted interventions that safeguard both soil health and water quality.  相似文献   
The interaction between the land surface and the atmosphere is a crucial driver of atmospheric processes. Soil moisture and precipitation are key components in this feedback. Both variables are intertwined in a cycle, that is, the soil moisture – precipitation feedback for which involved processes and interactions are still discussed. In this study the soil moisture – precipitation feedback is compared for the sempiternal humid Ammer catchment in Southern Germany and for the semiarid to subhumid Sissili catchment in West Africa during the warm season, using precipitation datasets from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), from the German Weather Service (REGNIE) and simulation datasets from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the hydrologically enhanced WRF-Hydro model. WRF and WRF-Hydro differ by their representation of terrestrial water flow. With this setup we want to investigate the strength, sign and variables involved in the soil moisture – precipitation feedback for these two regions. The normalized model spread between the two simulation results shows linkages between precipitation variability and diagnostic variables surface fluxes, moisture flux convergence above the surface and convective available potential energy in both study regions. The soil moisture – precipitation feedback is evaluated with a classification of soil moisture spatial heterogeneity based on the strength of the soil moisture gradients. This allows us to assess the impact of soil moisture anomalies on surface fluxes, moisture flux convergence, convective available potential energy and precipitation. In both regions the amount of precipitation generally increases with soil moisture spatial heterogeneity. For the Ammer region the soil moisture – precipitation feedback has a weak negative sign with more rain near drier patches while it has a positive signal for the Sissili region with more rain over wetter patches. At least for the observed moderate soil moisture values and the spatial scale of the Ammer region, the spatial variability of soil moisture is more important for surface-atmosphere interactions than the actual soil moisture content. Overall, we found that soil moisture heterogeneity can greatly affect the soil moisture – precipitation feedback.  相似文献   
To increase the resilience of regional water supply systems in South Africa in the face of anticipated climatic changes and a constant increase in water demand, water supply sources require diversification. Many water-stressed metropolitan regions in South Africa depend largely on surface water to cover their water demand. While climatic and river discharge data is widely available in these regions, information on groundwater resources – which could support supply source diversification – is scarce. Groundwater recharge is a key parameter that is used to estimate groundwater amounts that can be sustainably exploited at a sub-watershed level. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a reliable hydrological modelling routine that enables the assessment of regional spatio-temporal variations of groundwater recharge to discern the most promising areas for groundwater development. Accordingly, we present a semi-distributed hydrological modelling approach that incorporates water balance routines coupled with baseflow modelling techniques to yield spatio-temporal variations of groundwater recharge on a regional level. The approach is demonstrated for the actively managed catchment areas of the Amathole Water Supply System situated in a semi-arid part of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. In the investigated study area, annual groundwater recharge exhibits a high spatio-temporal heterogeneity and is estimated to vary between ~0.5% and 8% of annual rainfall. Despite some uncertainties induced by limited data availability, calibration and validation of the model were found to be satisfactory and yielded model results similar to (point) data of annual groundwater recharge reported in earlier studies. Our approach is therefore found to derive crucial information for efficiently targeting more detailed groundwater exploration studies and could work as a blueprint for orientating groundwater potential exploration in similar environments.  相似文献   
尼日尔Termit盆地上白垩统储层岩石学特征及控制因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对尼日尔Termit盆地17口井218个井壁取芯样品开展普通薄片、阴极发光、X衍射、扫描电镜及重矿物分析,研究上白垩统储层的岩石学特征,并探讨其控制因素。实验分析结果表明,Termit盆地上白垩统储层的岩石类型主要为石英砂岩,成分成熟度高,以石英为主,含量达86%以上,钾长石、方解石及斜长石等含少量,占比约5%,这种岩石类型对原生孔隙的保存比较有利;填隙物主要为粘土杂基,含量为7%左右,矿物成分以高岭石为主,利于对晶间孔的保留;岩石中发育硅质、方解石和铁质等胶结类型,胶结物的含量占比较小,对储层的破坏作用不大;重矿物类型为磁铁矿、赤铁矿、锆石、磷灰石,推测物源区的母岩类型主要为花岗岩;以细粒结构和少量的不等粒结构为主,分选中等-差,磨圆度一般为次棱角-次圆状,磨圆差。与国内石英砂岩沉积于高能的滨浅海环境不同,研究区石英砂岩成分成熟度高,但分选程度和磨圆度较低,一方面反映了物源区母岩富含石英,同时也反映了这种石英砂岩沉积于近源的河流-三角洲环境。影响研究区上白垩统储层物性的主要因素是岩石类型及成岩作用,由于储层的岩石类型为石英砂岩,压实作用对储层的破坏作用较一般岩石类型偏小。砂岩埋深小于2500m时,主要发育原生孔隙,面孔率大于15%。溶蚀作用对本区储层产生一定的影响,最常见的为长石的溶蚀,溶蚀作用形成粒内溶孔和粒间溶孔,还会扩大原生孔隙形成混合孔,改善了砂岩的储集性能。  相似文献   
白云岩化是影响储层发育是否的重要沉积-成岩过程。作者通过在对川西地区的中三叠统雷口坡组的雷三至雷四段的岩相学,碳、氧、锶、镁同位素以及元素地球化学等综合研究,划分出含膏的泥晶云岩AD0、泥晶云岩D0、泥粉晶云岩D1、粉细晶云岩D2、微生物云岩MD、含灰质藻云岩CD(交代结构)以及去云化的泥粉晶云岩(CD0CD1)等七类白云岩。白云石有序度及铁、锰含量较低。阴极发光以暗紫、暗紫红、蓝紫为主;次为玫瑰红、橙红及橙黄红色。δ~(13)CPDB=1. 95‰~2. 46‰,δ~(18)OPDB=-4. 05‰~2. 70‰;~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr=0. 70778~0. 70807,δ~(26)Mg=-1. 872‰~-2. 124‰,其中δ~(13)C_(PDB)、~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr的平均值与中三叠世全球海水相似;δ~(18)O_(PDB)为弱负漂及正偏移。从D2、D1至D0、AD0,Sr、Na和大部分微量元素含量及比值和δ~(18)O_(PDB)逐渐增加; AD0、少量D0或MD相对富含硅、铝,并与高(低镁)方解石、黏土、有机质等共生。离子组成反映出白云石的前驱物以方解石型为主,少量为文石、原白云石结构。存在广盐、稍咸和超盐度的碱性等沉积环境。白云岩形成主要受向上变浅米级旋回序列,干燥、炎热为主、偶夹潮湿古气候以及古地貌-古水文条件等因素影响。存在浅潟湖的萨勃哈(AD0或D0)、环潮缘至局限台地(D0-D1、微生物诱导MD)、潮间-潮下的微生物礁(席)构成的障壁的台缘带(MD-CD1-CD)、潮坪-开阔台地(D0-D2-CD1、MD)等环境,以萨勃哈和受蒸发泵-密度差驱动的"渗透-回流白云石化"模式为主。  相似文献   
Due to their common occurrence in various types of chondrites, igneous rims formed on pre-existing chondrules throughout chondrule-forming regions of the solar nebula. Although the peak temperatures are thought to reach similar values to those achieved during chondrule formation events, the heating duration in chondrule rim formation has not been well defined. We determined the two-dimensional chemical and oxygen isotopic distributions in an igneous rim of a chondrule within the Northwest Africa 3118 CV3oxA chondrite with sub-micrometer resolution using secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The igneous rim experienced aqueous alteration on the CV parent body. The aqueous alteration resulted in precipitation of the secondary FeO-rich olivine (Fa40–49) and slightly disturbed the Fe-Mg distribution in the MgO-rich olivine phenocrysts (Fa11–22) at about a 1 μm scale. However, no oxygen isotopic disturbances were observed at a scale greater than 100 nm. The MgO-rich olivine, a primary phase of igneous rim formation, has δ17O = −6 ± 3‰ and δ18O = −1 ± 4‰, and some grains contain extreme 16O-rich areas (δ17O, δ18O = ∼−30‰) nearly 10 μm across. We detected oxygen isotopic migration of approximately 1 μm at the boundaries of the extreme 16O-rich areas. Using oxygen self-diffusivity in olivine, the heating time of the igneous rim formation could have continued from several hours to several days at near liquidus temperatures (∼2000 K) in the solar nebula suggesting that the rim formed by a similar flash heating event that formed the chondrules.  相似文献   

Several hundred million people in sub-Saharan Africa are at risk of being without access to electricity by 2030 despite the ongoing work aimed at achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7—sustainable energy for all. Based on qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, observation, and participation in Kenya and Senegal between 2010 and 2018, the author aims to explain why the rate of progress is slower than intended. The findings highlight three strong hindrances: lack of affordability due to extreme poverty, mismatch between the village-level outreach of grid-based electricity systems and the geography of settlements, and lack of consideration given to gender inequality. The findings also provide new insights into the ways that decentralized small-scale solar power increasingly meets some of the shortcomings of centralized grids in addressing these three issues, even in rural areas where grids are already present. The author concludes that the ways in which village communities have combined the use of solar-powered energy with grid-supplied energy indicates the importance of the former and the need to intensify efforts to improve solar power delivery models and integrate them fully in energy sector strategies.  相似文献   
The climate change research community’s shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) are a set of alternative global development scenarios focused on mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. To use these scenarios as a global context that is relevant for policy guidance at regional and national levels, they have to be connected to an exploration of drivers and challenges informed by regional expertise.In this paper, we present scenarios for West Africa developed by regional stakeholders and quantified using two global economic models, GLOBIOM and IMPACT, in interaction with stakeholder-generated narratives and scenario trends and SSP assumptions. We present this process as an example of linking comparable scenarios across levels to increase coherence with global contexts, while presenting insights about the future of agriculture and food security under a range of future drivers including climate change.In these scenarios, strong economic development increases food security and agricultural development. The latter increases crop and livestock productivity leading to an expansion of agricultural area within the region while reducing the land expansion burden elsewhere. In the context of a global economy, West Africa remains a large consumer and producer of a selection of commodities. However, the growth in population coupled with rising incomes leads to increases in the region’s imports. For West Africa, climate change is projected to have negative effects on both crop yields and grassland productivity, and a lack of investment may exacerbate these effects. Linking multi-stakeholder regional scenarios to the global SSPs ensures scenarios that are regionally appropriate and useful for policy development as evidenced in the case study, while allowing for a critical link to global contexts.  相似文献   
Comparison is now taken as vital to the constitution of knowledge about cities and urbanism. However, debate on comparative urbanism has been far more attentive to the merits of comparisons between cities than it has been to the potential and challenges of comparisons within cities—to what we call “Intra-Urban Comparison” (IUC). We argue that a focus on the diverse forms of urbanism located within cities may generate critical knowledge for both intra- and inter-urban comparative projects. IUCs highlight the diversity inherent in the category “city,” revealing dimensions of the urban that are central to how cities work and are experienced. We mobilise fieldwork within three cities: Mumbai, Delhi and Cape Town, and consider both how these cities have been historically understood as different urban worlds within a city, and discuss key findings from IUCs we have conducted on infrastructures. We find that IUCs can enhance comparative work both within and between cities: reconceptualising urban politics; attending to the varied and contradictory trajectories of urban life; and bringing visibility to the diverse routes through which progressive change can occur.  相似文献   
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