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冀中坳陷前第三系岩溶发育规律及其控制因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冀中坳陷自蓟县纪杨庄运动以来经历了七次较大规模的构造运动,伴随发育有七期岩溶,但只有最晚的发生于印支—燕山运动的第Ⅶ期岩溶被较多保存下来,它可划分出三个次级岩溶期。从中元古界长城系高于庄组到下古生界奥陶系峰峰组,潜山碳酸盐岩的溶蚀作用发生在多个层位,尤其是蓟县系白云岩和奥陶系灰岩岩溶现象普遍。纵向上可统计出第Ⅶ期岩溶中的全部三期次级岩溶,岩溶层位主要为蓟县系雾迷山组、寒武系及奥陶系。钻井中泥浆漏失现象普遍,其中单井泥浆漏失量最大的层位是雾迷山组,其次是奥陶系,寒武系相对最小。冀中坳陷岩溶的总体展布特征表现为水平岩溶带距古地表的深度由凹陷向凸起变大,而水平岩溶带的厚度总体呈现由凹陷向凸起减小的趋势。构造运动、多层系碳酸盐岩的发育以及多套烃源岩的生烃演化,是影响冀中坳陷岩溶发育的三个主要控制因素。  相似文献   
The South Caspian sedimentary basin is a unique area with thick Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments (up to 30–32 km) characterized by an extremely high fluid generation potential. The large amount of active mud volcanoes and the volumes of their gas emissions prove the vast scale of fluid generation. Onshore and offshore mud volcanoes annually erupt more than 109 cubic meters of gases consisting of CH4 (79–98%), and a small admixture of C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, C5H12, CO2, N, H2S, Ar, He. Mud volcanism is closely connected to the processes occurring in the South Caspian depression, its seismicity, fluctuations of the Caspian Sea level, solar activity and hydrocarbon generation.The large accumulations of gas hydrates are confined to the bottom sediments of the Caspian Sea, mud volcanoes crater fields (interval 0–0.4 m, sea depth 480 m) and to the volcanoes body at the depth of 480–800 from the sea bottom. Resources of HC gases in hydrates saturated sediments up to a depth of 100 m and are estimated at 0.2×1015–8×1015 m3. The amount of HC gases concentrated in them is 1011–1012 m3.The Caspian Sea, being an inland closed basin is very sensitive to climatic and tectonic events expressed in sea level fluctuations. During regressive stages as a result of sea level fall and the reducing of hydrostatic pressure the decomposition of gas hydrates and the releasing of a great volume of HC gases consisting mainly of methane are observed.From the data of deep drilling, seismoacoustics, and deep seismic mud volcanic activity in the South Caspian Basin started in the Lower Miocene. Activity reached its highest intensity at the boundary between the Miocene and Pliocene and was associated with dramatic Caspian Sea level fall in the Lower Pliocene of up to 600 m, which led to the isolation of the PaleoCaspian from the Eastern ParaTethys. Catastrophic reduction of PaleoCaspian size combined with the increasing scale of mud volcanic activity caused the oversaturation and intoxication of water by methane and led to the mass extinction of mollusks, fishes and other groups of sea inhabitants. In the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary mud volcanism occurred under the conditions of a semi-closed sea periodically connected with the Pontian and Mediterranean Basins. Those stages of Caspian Sea history are characterized by the revival of the Caspian organic world.Monitoring of mud volcanoes onshore of the South Caspian demonstrated that any eruption is predicted by seismic activation in the region (South-Eastern Caucasus) and intensive fluid dynamics on the volcanoes.  相似文献   
The Caucasian orogenic wedge formed as a consequence of the closure of the Tethyan Ocean, and numerous fields of active mud volcanoes pepper the area adjacent to the Black and Caspian Seas. Stable isotope ratios of boron, helium, and carbon have been measured for gas, fluid and sediment samples from active mud volcanoes of Taman Peninsula and Georgia to estimate the sources and mobilization depths of the fluid phase and mud. Boron concentrations in mud volcano fluids were found to be 5–35× higher than seawater. Fluid isotope ratios vary between 11B=22 and 39, while isotope ratios of the smectite- and illite-rich extruded mud are considerably depleted in heavy 11B (11B=–8 to +7). B contents of these muds are ~8× higher than modern marine sediments. This suggests that liquefaction prior to mud volcanism was accompanied by both B enrichment and isotope fractionation, most likely at an intermediate depth mud reservoir at 2–4 km.The hydrocarbon-generating source beds to the mud volcanoes are located at 7 to >10 km depth in the folded Maikop Formation and are of proposed Oligocene–Miocene age. The most likely mechanism is re-hydration of these shales by both hydrocarbons and a geochemically mature fluid from greater depth within the orogenic wedge. Such a deep fluid source is supported by our results from gas analyses, which imply an admixture of minor amounts (less than 1%vol) of 3He (Georgia), thermogenic 13C in methane as well as "ultraheavy" 13C in CO2 (both Taman and Georgia). The overall results attest active local flow of geochemically different fluids along deep-seated faults penetrating the two study areas in the Caucasian orogenic wedge, with the waters as well as the gases coming from below the Maikop Formation.  相似文献   
Deadwood tree stems scattered above treeline on tephra-covered slopes of Whitewing Mtn (3051 m) and San Joaquin Ridge (3122 m) show evidence of being killed in an eruption from adjacent Glass Creek Vent, Inyo Craters. Using tree-ring methods, we dated deadwood to AD 815-1350 and infer from death dates that the eruption occurred in late summer AD 1350. Based on wood anatomy, we identified deadwood species as Pinus albicaulis, P. monticola, P. lambertiana, P. contorta, P. jeffreyi, and Tsuga mertensiana. Only P. albicaulis grows at these elevations currently; P. lambertiana is not locally native. Using contemporary distributions of the species, we modeled paleoclimate during the time of sympatry to be significantly warmer (+3.2°C annual minimum temperature) and slightly drier (−24 mm annual precipitation) than present, resembling values projected for California in the next 70-100 yr.  相似文献   
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted in the Wushanting mud volcano field (Yanchao, Kaohsiung) using a 500 MHz antennae, which allowed high-resolution imaging of subsurface structures. Seven GPR reflection characteristics are recognized. Sigmoid GPR reflection patterns resulted from a recent mud lobe deposited above an underlying older mud lobe front. Contorted GPR facies resulted from recent mud flow which encountered obstacles. Subparallel reflections resulted from mud volcano deposits of limited flowability, low velocity and gentle gradient. Hummocky reflection patterns are formed by interfingering of recent mud lobes building onto low land. Disrupted GPR facies were due to lateral breaks of continuity from mud cracks, which, according to field observation, can provide channels for erosion and form deeper erosion gullies. GPR time slices of different depths are rendered as a three-dimensional model. Approximately orbicular GPR reflection characteristics can indicate arcuate stacked mud lobe fronts of different periods. Some depositional models to explain GPR reflection characteristics can be founded upon observations of recent sedimentary phenomena. The models of this study may be applied to paleoenvironments and the depositional evolution of mud volcanoes in similar geological settings.  相似文献   
Plinian/ignimbrite activity stopped briefly and abruptly 16 and 45 h after commencement of the 1912 Novarupta eruption defining three episodes of explosive volcanism before finally giving way after 60 h to effusion of lava domes. We focus here on the processes leading to the termination of the second and third of these three episodes. Early erupted pumice from both episodes show a very similar range in bulk vesicularity, but the modal values markedly decrease and the vesicularity range widens toward the end of Episode III. Clasts erupted at the end of each episode represent textural extremes; at the end of Episode II, clasts have very thin glass walls and a predominance of large bubbles, whereas at the end of Episode III, clasts have thick interstices and more small bubbles. Quantitatively, all clasts have very similar vesicle size distributions which show a division in the bubble population at 30 μm vesicle diameter and cumulative number densities ranging from 107–109 cm–3. Patterns seen in histograms of volume fraction and the trends in the vesicle size data can be explained by coalescence signatures superimposed on an interval of prolonged nucleation and free growth of bubbles. Compared to experimental data for bubble growth in silicic melts, the high 1912 number densities suggest homogeneous nucleation was a significant if not dominant mechanism of bubble nucleation in the dacitic magma. The most distinct clast populations occurred toward the end of Plinian activity preceding effusive dome growth. Distributions skewed toward small sizes, thick walls, and teardrop vesicle shapes are indicative of bubble wall collapse marking maturation of the melt and onset of processes of outgassing. The data suggest that the superficially similar pauses in the 1912 eruption which marked the ends of episodes II and III had very different causes. Through Episode III, the trend in vesicle size data reflects a progressive shift in the degassing process from rapid magma ascent and coupled gas exsolution to slower ascent with partial open-system outgassing as a precursor to effusive dome growth. No such trend is visible in the Episode II clast assemblages; we suggest that external changes involving failure of the conduit/vent walls are more likely to have effected the break in explosive activity at 45 h.  相似文献   
A new stratigraphy for bimodal Oligocene flood volcanism that forms the volcanic plateau of northern Yemen is presented based on detailed field observations, petrography and geochemical correlations. The >1 km thick volcanic pile is divided into three phases of volcanism: a main basaltic stage (31 to 29.7 Ma), a main silicic stage (29.7 to 29.5 Ma), and a stage of upper bimodal volcanism (29.5 to 27.7 Ma). Eight large-volume silicic pyroclastic eruptive units are traceable throughout northern Yemen, and some units can be correlated with silicic eruptive units in the Ethiopian Traps and to tephra layers in the Indian Ocean. The silicic units comprise pyroclastic density current and fall deposits and a caldera-collapse breccia, and they display textures that unequivocally identify them as primary pyroclastic deposits: basal vitrophyres, eutaxitic fabrics, glass shards, vitroclastic ash matrices and accretionary lapilli. Individual pyroclastic eruptions have preserved on-land volumes of up to ∼850 km3. The largest units have associated co-ignimbrite plume ash fall deposits with dispersal areas >1×107 km2 and estimated maximum total volumes of up to 5,000 km3, which provide accurate and precisely dated marker horizons that can be used to link litho-, bio- and magnetostratigraphy studies. There is a marked change in eruption style of silicic units with time, from initial large-volume explosive pyroclastic eruptions producing ignimbrites and near-globally distributed tuffs, to smaller volume (<50 km3) mixed effusive-explosive eruptions emplacing silicic lavas intercalated with tuffs and ignimbrites. Although eruption volumes decrease by an order of magnitude from the first stage to the last, eruption intervals within each phase remain broadly similar. These changes may reflect the initiation of continental rifting and the transition from pre-break-up thick, stable crust supporting large-volume magma chambers, to syn-rift actively thinning crust hosting small-volume magma chambers.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   
Feng  Guo  Weiming  Fan  Yuejun  Wang  Chaowen  Li 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):69-90
Abstract Early Cretaceous high‐K calc‐alkaline volcanism occurring in the Laiyang Basin north of the Sulu high‐pressure to ultrahigh‐pressure (HP‐UHP) Metamorphic Belt, eastern China, comprises a wide spectrum of rock types, ranging from trachybasalts to trachydacites. The basaltic–andesitic rocks erupted at 107–105 Ma, spanning an SiO2 range of 50.1–59.6% and an MgO range of 2.6–7.2%, and are characterized by large ion lithophile element (LILE; e.g. Ba and K) and light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, high field strength element (HFSE) depletion and highly radiogenic Sr but non‐radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70750–0.70931; ?Nd(t) = ?17.9 ? ?15.6). The geochemical similarities between these rocks and the earlier Sulu Belt lamprophyres suggest that both types of mafic rocks were derived from similar mantle sources with LILE and LREE enrichment. Thus, the Wulian–Qingdao–Yantai Fault that separates the two terranes at the surface should not be considered as a lithospheric boundary between the North China and Yangtze blocks. The felsic lavas erupted at 93–91 Ma, spanning an SiO2 range of 61.6–67.0% and an MgO range of 1.1–2.6%, and show a trace element geochemistry similar to the basaltic rocks, but with higher radiogenic Sr and even lower Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70957–0.71109; ?Nd(t) = ?19.1 ? ?17.5), similar to I‐type granitoids in the Sulu Belt. A crustal origin was proposed to explain their compositions (which are comparable to those of experimental slab melts), the >10 Ma eruption interval and the compositional gaps in some elements (e.g. P, Ti and Sr) between them and the older basaltic–andesitic rocks. These melts were derived from predominant metaigneous protoliths containing mafic accumulative counterparts of the basaltic–andesitic and/or lamprophyric magmas. The extensive extrusion of Early Cretaceous high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks in the Laiyang Basin favored an extensional regime in response to the progressive attenuation of the thickened lithosphere and orogenic collapse, as reflected in the development of the basin from a foreland basin (before the end of the Jurassic period) to a fault basin (since the Early Cretaceous period).  相似文献   
Jeju Island, the largest Quaternary volcanic island in Korea, has formed mostly since the early Pleistocene, but its latest chronology of volcanism and sedimentation is still poorly constrained. Here we report optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages for two hydromagmatic volcanoes on the southwestern coast of Jeju Island, i.e., the Songaksan and Suwolbong tuff rings. The basaltic tuffs of these volcanoes contain abundant quartz sands from underlying marine sedimentary sequences. Two samples collected from the middle part of the Songaksan Tuff yielded highly reproducible quartz single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) OSL ages of 7.0±0.3 ka, providing the first direct age estimate of Holocene volcanism in Jeju Island. The quartz OSL age estimate of 5.1±0.3 ka for the younger reworked basaltic tuff (the Hamori Formation) is comparable with previous radiocarbon and U-series disequilibrium dating of fossil mollusk shells. Two samples from the Suwolbong Tuff show quartz OSL age estimates of 18.3±0.7 and 18.6±0.9 ka, which are identical within error ranges and younger than the quartz OSL age estimate of 23.2±1.0 ka for the underlying Gosan Formation. This study confirms that volcanism and attendant sedimentation were active in Jeju Island until very recently.  相似文献   
Steady-state vertical distribution of cohesive sediments in a flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Settling velocity of diluted suspended aggregates is examined under steady-state conditions. It is shown that if the local settling velocity of the suspended mass of sediments at the bottom is gamma distributed, then, the vertical variation of the local mean settling velocity W¯ is proportional to a power 1/r of the local concentration C, where r is the gamma distribution parameter. That is a consequence of the suspended-sediment sorting produced by the vertical dynamics. The parameter r characterizes the range of settling velocity values for all the aggregates simultaneously in suspension. To cite this article: M. Sánchez et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
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