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Colombian biomes are reconstructed at 45 sites from the modern period extending to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The basis for our reconstruction is pollen data assigned to plant functional types and biomes at six 3000‐yr intervals. A reconstruction of modern biomes is used to check the treatment of the modern pollen data set against a map of potential vegetation. This allows the biomes reconstructed at past periods to be assessed relative to the modern situation. This process also provides a check on the a priori assignment of pollen taxa to plant functional types and biomes. For the majority of the sites, the pollen data accurately reflect the potential vegetation, even though much of the original vegetation has been transformed by agricultural practices. At 18 000 14C yr BP, a generally cool and dry environment is reflected in biome, assignments of cold mixed forests, cool evergreen forests and cool grassland–shrub; the latter extending to lower altitudes than presently recorded. This signal is strongly recorded at 15 000 and 12 000 14C yr BP, the vegetation at these times also reflecting a relatively cool and dry environment. At 9000 14C yr BP there is a shift to biomes thought to result from slightly cooler environmental conditions. This trend is reversed by 6000 14C yr BP; most sites, within a range of different environmental settings, recording a shift to more xeric biome types. There is an expansion of steppe and cool mixed‐forest biomes, replacing tropical dry forest and cool grassland–shrub biomes, respectively. These changes in biome assignments from the modern situation can be interpreted as a biotic response to mid‐Holocene climatic aridity. At 3000 14C yr BP the shift is mainly to biomes characteristic of slightly more mesic environmental conditions. There are a number of sites that do not change biome assignment relative to the modern reconstruction, although the affinities that these sites have to a specific biome do change. These ‘anomalies’ are interpreted on a site‐by‐site basis. Spatially constant, but differential response of the vegetation to climatic shifts are related to changes in moisture sources and the importance of edaphic controls on the vegetation. The Late Quaternary reconstruction of large‐scale vegetation dynamics in Colombia allows an understanding of the environmental controls on these to be developed. In particular, shifts in the character of the main climatic systems that influence Colombian vegetation are described. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A path information is defined in connection with different possible paths of irregular dynamic systems moving in its phase space between two points. On the basis of the assumption that the paths are physically differentiated by their actions, we show that the maximum path information leads to a path probability distribution in exponentials of action. This means that the most probable paths are just the paths of least action. This distribution naturally leads to important laws of normal diffusion. A conclusion of this work is that, for probabilistic mechanics or irregular dynamics, the principle of maximization of path information is equivalent to the least action principle for regular dynamics.We also show that an average path information between the initial phase volume and the final phase volume can be related to the entropy change defined with natural invariant measure of dynamic system. Hence the principles of least action and maximum path information suggest the maximum entropy change. This result is used for some chaotic systems evolving in fractal phase space in order to derive their invariant measures.  相似文献   
The occurrence of a novel C25 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) mono-unsaturated hydrocarbon in Arctic marine sediments from the Fram Strait is described. The structure was determined following synthesis from a closely related diene and NMR spectroscopic analysis. The position of the double bond was confirmed by oxidation (RuO4) and comparison of the mass spectrum of the resulting C19 ketone with that of an authentic sample synthesised previously. The same C19 ketone was also present following oxidation of the Fram Strait sediment extracts. The source of the novel HBI monoene biomarker is not known, but is believed to be certain marine diatoms on the basis of structural similarities with other HBIs from such sources. It does not, however, appear to be biosynthesised by Arctic sea ice diatoms, unlike its regio isomer, IP25, an established proxy for Arctic sea ice. Alternatively, it may represent a diagenetic product of the sea ice diatom biomarker IP25; this seems unlikely, however, on the basis of their respective structures. Since the new HBI monoene and IP25 possess similar gas chromatographic and mass spectral properties, but probably have contrasting sources, we suggest that future paleo sea ice reconstruction studies based on the occurrence of IP25 should pay further attention to the rigorous assignment of this biomarker in marine sediment extracts. Some suggestions for achieving this, based on analytical purification and mass spectrometric measurements, are provided.  相似文献   
Floods can destroy fish habitat. During a flood a fish has to seek shelters (refuges) to survive. It is necessary to know the maximum discharge that the fish can sustain against the strong current. Ecological and hydraulic engineers can simulate the flow condition of high flow for designing the refuge when restoring and enhancing the rivers are needed. Based on the average ratio of the mean and maximum velocities invariant with time, discharge and water level, this paper tries to introduce the concept of ecological high flow. The mean‐maximum velocity ratio can be used to estimate the mean velocity of the river. If the maximum velocity of the cross section is replaced by the maximum sustained swimming speeds of fish, the mean velocity of ecological high flow can be calculated with the constant ratio. The cross‐sectional area can be estimated by the gage height. Then the ecological high flow can be estimated as the product of mean velocity of ecological high flow multiplied by the cross‐sectional area. The available data of the upstream of the Dacha River where is the habitat of the Formosan landlocked salmon were used to illustrate the estimation of the ecological high flow. Any restoration project at Sonmou that try to improve the stream habitat can use the ecological high flow to design the hydraulic structure at suitable location to offer refuges for the Formosan landlocked salmon that is an endangered species in Taiwan Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Field evidence of palaeoglacial records in the Verçenik valley in the Eastern Black Sea Mountains was examined and 19 samples for surface exposure dating with cosmogenic 10Be were collected with the aim of increasing knowledge on the amplitude and frequency of palaeoglacier advances in Anatolia. Glacial erosional features were mapped and the flow directions of the palaeoglaciers were determined. The Verçenik palaeoglacier advanced before 26.1 k ± 1.2 k yr. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) advance continued until 18.8 k ±1.0 k yr. The Verçenik palaeoglacier collapsed during Termination I. After 17.7 k ± 0.8 k yr there was no more ice in the main valley. The Verçenik palaeoglacier most probably then separated into five small glaciers that were restricted to the tributary valleys. Among these, the Hem?in palaeoglacier completed its recession around 15.7 k ± 0.8 k yr. On the basis of glacial erosion features, a Lateglacial glacier advance can be identified. Evidence of the Little Ice Age advance appears to be absent. The results from this valley system seem to be consistent with the first results from the adjacent Kavron valley and with the Anatolian LGM palaeoclimate, the sea surface temperature minima in the western Mediterranean, the deposition of red clay layers in the Black Sea and deposition of the Heinrich‐1 layer in the North Atlantic. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
许家窑泥河湾组高分辨率磁性地层学研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对许家窑泥河湾组两个平行剖面的高分辨率古地磁研究结果发现,在剖面的中下 部存在厚度约 10m(未见底)的巨厚负向极性带.根据正负极性带的相对位置及组合关系并 结合剖面附近相关层位火山豆的K-Ar绝对年龄值进行分析认为,该负向极性带应为松山反 向极性时带.此结果否认了作者关于在遗址剖面底部存在Blake反向极性偏移的结论.由此 推断,分布在许家窑一带的泥河湾组年代应为早更新世晚期至中更新世早中期.  相似文献   
With regard to the analysis and application of diatoms in the marine sediments, diatom purification method, data analysis method and diatom application in environmental reconstruction were summarized. The diatom purification is composed of four main processes (removing calcium carbonate, organic and minerogenic matter, and slide preparation). For each process, frequently used methods and improvements were introduced, while their pros and cons were compared. As to the data analysis, in order to ensure statistical reliability, the essential methods and principles were represented in detail with species identification and counting, data expression and error estimation involved to reduce errors as much as possible. On this basis, the numerical method application was explained for its advantage of improving the accuracy for analysis. The applications of diatom fossils in environmental reconstruction were studied more deeply abroad, including the investigation of relationship between diatom fossils and upper-water environment, the application of diatoms from deeper core sediment for reconstructing oceanic paleoenvironment, tracing salinity and reflecting eutrophication. As far as the deficiency of the domestic research was concerned, multidisciplinary technologies and observational data were suggested to be combined into the study in order to promote the quantitative research of diatom fossils and the accuracy of environmental reconstruction.  相似文献   
Shallow seismic-reflection profiling and proton-precession magnetometry have been conducted over the continental shelf off Sydney between Broken Bay (in the north) and Bate Bay (in the south) as well as over part of the upper continental slope in the area east of the coastline between Narrabeen and Port Hacking. In this area, four major paleodrainage channels incise the bedrock, within the coastal estuaries and on the inner and mid-shelf:
  1. the Hawkesbury paleo-watercourse, which is joined offshore by four lesser paleochannels, that we call the Newport, Mona Vale, Narrabeen and Long Reef paleo-watercourses;

  2. the Parramatta paleo-watercourse, which is joined by the Bondi paleo-watercourse;

  3. the Botany paleo-watercourse and

  4. the Georges paleo-watercourse, which is joined under the Kurnell Peninsula land isthmus by the Cooks paleo-watercourse, and then by the Hacking paleo-watercourses in Bate Bay.

Of these paleodrainages, only that of the Hawkesbury River has discernible expression at depths >120 m, the sea-level low and inferred paleo-shoreline of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at ca 20 ka. Some of the lesser paleo-watercourses are manifested only at depths shallower than the ?120 m paleo-shoreline and include those of the Maroubra paleo-watercourse and the combined Manly/North Head paleo-watercourses. Paleochannels detected below the LGM shoreline are those of:
  • the ancestral Hawkesbury River;

  • the minor Peak paleo-watercourse east of Coogee, which is discernible at depths shallower than the ?100 m isobath and is maintained to depths greater than ?210 m; and

  • the minor Island paleo-watercourse whose head terminates at ~?140 m east of Bronte, lies entirely below the LGM paleo-shoreline, and can be traced to a depth of ?260 m.

Based on the paleotopographic and sediment-infill geophysical records obtained, 10 stages in the evolution of the paleo-watercourses are proposed.  相似文献   
Based on the line integral (LI) and maximum difference reduction (MDR) methods, an automated iterative forward modelling scheme (LI‐MDR algorithm) is developed for the inversion of 2D bedrock topography from a gravity anomaly profile for heterogeneous sedimentary basins. The unknown basin topography can be smooth as for intracratonic basins or discontinuous as for rift and strike‐slip basins. In case studies using synthetic data, the new algorithm can invert the sedimentary basins bedrock depth within a mean accuracy better than 5% when the gravity anomaly data have an accuracy of better than 0.5 mGal. The main characteristics of the inversion algorithm include: (1) the density contrast of sedimentary basins can be constant or vary horizontally and/or vertically in a very broad but a priori known manner; (2) three inputs are required: the measured gravity anomaly, accuracy level and the density contrast function, (3) the simplification that each gravity station has only one bedrock depth leads to an approach to perform rapid inversions using the forward modelling calculated by LI. The inversion process stops when the residual anomalies (the observed minus the calculated) falls within an ‘error envelope’ whose amplitude is the input accuracy level. The inversion algorithm offers in many cases the possibility of performing an agile 2D gravity inversion on basins with heterogeneous sediments. Both smooth and discontinuous bedrock topography with steep spatial gradients can be well recovered. Limitations include: (1) for each station position, there is only one corresponding point vertically down at the basement; and (2) the largest error in inverting bedrock topography occurs at the deepest points.  相似文献   
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