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The penetration and use of social media services differs from city to city. This paper is aimed to provide a comparison of the use of Twitter between different cities of the world. We present a temporal analysis of activity on Twitter in 15 cities. Our study consists of two parts: First, we created temporal graphs of the activity in the 15 cities, through which hours of high and low activity could be identified. Second, we created heat map visualizations of the Twitter activities during the period of 19 September 2012–25 September 2013. The heat map visualizations make the periods of intense and sparse activity apparent and provide a snapshot of the activity during the whole year.  相似文献   
以1999-2004年间中国西部地区近650个GPS站点的观测资料为基础,采用二维“高张力样条”函数内插算法获得了连续地壳形变场。结果表明,相对于稳定欧亚参考框架,中国西部现今地壳运动西强东弱,北向运动从西向东逐渐减弱,东向运动逐渐增强,青藏高原东缘及附近地区是东向运动的消减区带;主应变从西向东由压缩应变转变为拉伸应变;最大剪应变主要位于喜马拉雅地块及其东部地区;中国西部地区地震活动在空间分布上似乎集中发生在印度板块北东向挤压欧亚板块的两条共扼带内,与地壳形变场有一定对应关系,地壳形变的高应变率区为中强地震多发地带。  相似文献   
首都圈地区现今地壳运动的GPS观测与构造活动模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用首都圈地区1992~2004年间280多个GPS点位复测资料,获得了该地区高精度的地壳形变速度场,相对欧亚板块的水平速度场由北向南由4 mm/a逐渐增加到9 mm/a;采用边界元(BEM)理论及位移不连续的多边形元素构建断层的三维模型,并利用均匀介质且各向同性的半无限线弹性空间模型反演计算了断层滑移量,模拟了GPS点位的位移场,在此基础上获得了主要活动断层和首都圈地区的地表、地表下15km和25 km剖面的静态位移场、应力及应变场。结果表明,GPS点位的模拟位移场与观测值在南北向和东西向的误差分别为0.68 mm及0.77 mm,各个主要活动断层在1992~2004年间的构造活动较弱,随着深度的增加,剖面的应变逐渐增加。  相似文献   
Smart card-automated fare collection systems now routinely record large volumes of data comprising the origins and destinations of travelers. Processing and analyzing these data open new opportunities in urban modeling and travel behavior research. This study seeks to develop an accurate framework for the study of urban mobility from smart card data by developing a heuristic primary location model to identify the home and work locations. The model uses journey counts as an indicator of usage regularity, visit-frequency to identify activity locations for regular commuters, and stay-time for the classification of work and home locations and activities. London is taken as a case study, and the model results were validated against survey data from the London Travel Demand Survey and volunteer survey. Results demonstrate that the proposed model is able to detect meaningful home and work places with high precision. This study offers a new and cost-effective approach to travel behavior and demand research.  相似文献   
IntroductionRolnalha,acountryof238391kmZlocatedintheSouth-EanemPaltofEurope(43'37'-8'15'N20,15,~29'41'E)boastSagreatvarietyofnatulalcondihons.ThereliefasawholeisarTangedonthreelevelsfmountainsstirroundedbyhillsandplains,stretchingoutbetWeentheCarpathianMountains(highestpeak2544m),whichencirCletheT~lvAnanPlateauinthecentre,andtheDanubehiverandtheBlackSeatotheSouthandSouth-EaSt,respechvely.Theselevelsareequallydivided(aroundl/3each)andconcentricallydistributed(FigUrel).Theclhate,vegeta…  相似文献   
代维秀  陈占龙  谢鹏 《测绘学报》2021,50(4):532-543
出租车是居民出行的重要交通工具,其轨迹数据蕴含着丰富的居民出行信息.原始出租车轨迹数据因缺少语义信息无法直观反映居民出行规律.通过轨迹数据挖掘技术处理之后的出租车轨迹数据能够反映居民活动规律和行为模式,从而为城市规划决策提供参考依据.本文重点研究了基于语义的交互模式度量,通过出租车停留点推断其语义信息;然后根据语义信息...  相似文献   
浅议我国北方地区的沙漠化问题   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
吴正 《地理学报》1991,46(3):266-276
本文根据作者在我国沙漠地区的多年研究工作,对沙漠化的概念含义、我国沙漠化的成因和沙漠化现状等问题提出了看法。  相似文献   
吴婧  李艳  秦善  鲁安怀 《矿物学报》2011,31(4):647-653
对天然闪锌矿进行了原位高温X射线衍射实验研究,结果表明:闪锌矿受热膨胀,27~675℃温度范围内其膨胀系数为25.61×10-6℃-1;随着温度的升高,在543℃时产生中间物相Zn3O(SO4)2,并分解产生红锌矿ZnO;在797℃时中间物相完全消失,同时出现尖晶石结构的ZnFe2O4;加热至1160℃时的产物为ZnO和ZnFe2O4。实验表明,天然闪锌矿的热改性可产生一定比例的红锌矿(ZnO),其与闪锌矿一起形成二元复合半导体。在光的激发下,该半导体体系产生的光生载流子由一种半导体注入另一种半导体,降低了光生电子-空穴对的复合几率,提高其光催化活性。本文的研究可为热改性提高天然闪锌矿光催化活性提供理论依据。  相似文献   
用XRF和ICP-AES方法分别测试了湖北辽瓦店遗址地层样品的氧化物含量和地球化学元素含量,恢复了遗址地层中夏代文化层、东周文化层和明清文化层记录的环境变化和人类活动特征。结果表明:1)夏代文化层时期,气候温暖湿润,生态环境良好,人类活动与自然环境和谐度高,有原始的手工业活动记录。2)东周时期气候开始进入干旱期,干旱程度在上东周文化层中部逐渐加深(LOI=6.98%),到了上东周文化层顶部气候进入暖湿期。该层Cu含量的异常高值(0.31mg/g)和出土的青铜器表明本文化层反映了青铜社会的繁荣期,而P含量的高值(22.73mg/g)和动物骨屑则反映了该期人们驯养、捕猎动物的普遍性。3)明清时期的气候趋于干凉,明代文化层中部有短暂暖湿期,后又进入冷干期。清代文化层中下部有暖湿特征,之后重新进入干冷期。该层Ca(均值101.5mg/g),Mg(均值60.27mg/g),Zn和Pb的高含量表明遗址曾有过制陶(瓷)业的历史。另外,Mg和Ca含量的高值与耕作区、墙壁灰浆、生活垃圾堆积等人类活动相关。Ca和Mg含量在近现代层逐步升高揭示了人类活动逐渐增强的事实。地层的平均粒径自上东周文化层(<142cm)开始出现振荡,暗示汉江洪水和季节性山洪发生的频率不断增加,表明恶劣环境条件虽然促进了人类生产力水平的提高,但原始生态系统却遭到破坏,人类活动对自然环境的正反馈效应日益凸显。  相似文献   
For about the last 30 years it has been recognized that the high frequency component of the tree rings 14C/12C record is dominated by the modulation of the cosmic ray flux by the solar wind. In particular, it has been demonstrated that the three most recent periods of low sunspot occurrence were characterized by high values of atmospheric 14C/12C. During the last millennium other periods of high 14C/12C values were observed but their solar origin is still debatable. In the present work we compare these fluctuations with an independent record of cosmogenic 10Be measured in ice from the South Pole to check the solar origin of the observed 14C/12C variations. In order to compare quantitatively the results obtained on 10Be and 14C, it is necessary to take into account the different behaviour of these two cosmogenic isotopes, and especially the damping effect of the carbon cycle in the case of 14C. As an input to a 12-box numerical model we used the relative fluctuations of the 10Be concentrations record measured in South Pole ice and converted it into a synthetic 14C record. We took into account the fact that 10Be modulation is enhanced in polar regions due to the orientation of the geomagnetic field. As expected, the fluctuations of the modelled 14C record are much smaller (a factor of 20) than those observed for the raw 10Be record. In addition, the variations are smoother and shifted in time by a few decades. The 10Be-based 14C variations closely resemble the 14C measurements obtained on tree rings (R = 0.81). In particular, it is easy to identify periods of maximal 14C/12C which correspond to solar activity minima centred at about 1060, 1320 (Wolf), 1500 (Spörer), 1690 (Maunder) and 1820 (Dalton) yr A.D. Cross-correlation calculations suggest that there is no significant lag between the 10Be-based 14C and the tree-ring 14C records. Our study strongly suggests the dominance of the solar modulation on the cosmonuclide production variations during the last millennium.  相似文献   
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