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海洋对台风的响应对台风预报具有重要意义,但是由于动力结构比较复杂,近岸水体对台风的响应仍然不明确。基于珠江口海洋生态环境教育部野外科学观测研究站的1号浮标观测资料(2021年7~8月),分析了珠江口鸡啼门海域在台风“查帕卡”和“卢碧”期间海洋动力学和热力学响应特征。台风过境引起水体的纬向流速显著增强,“查帕卡”激发了强烈的顺时针近惯性振荡,“卢碧”则激发了接近惯性频率的逆时针海水运动。受当地浅水深的影响,近惯性能量在一个惯性周期(32 h)后快速耗散。两个台风引起的海表温度(sea surface temperature,SST)降温幅度均大于2.2℃,这种降温受潜热通量影响较大;同时,台风过后晚上的SST均大于白天的SST,这也是受到潜热通量的影响。  相似文献   
采用1958—2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国160站降水资料,对东亚大陆季风湿润区冬季的水汽收支变化与大气环流和我国降水异常特征的关系进行研究。结果表明:冬季水汽收支时间序列表现出明显的长期气候变化趋势。挑选的水汽收支高、低值年不仅能够指示季风湿润区经向风的异常变化,还能够指示东亚冬季风的强弱和降水的异常变化。高值年,蒙古冷高压和阿留申低压偏弱,对流层低层为异常偏南风,整层为异常逆时针环流,30°N以南的辐合和上升运动强,大气水分收入增多,降水增加;低值年则相反。差值合成的异常降水量中心值可达40 mm以上,差值合成的水汽异常输入主要集中在600~900 hPa。合成的经向水汽收支占净收支变化的91.3%,纬向上相差较小。季风湿润区南、北区域的水汽收支及降水的差异明显,纬向的收入支出对此差异贡献较大。水汽收支的年代际特征,不仅能够指示水汽输送的强弱及从海洋输入水汽的多少,还能够指示季风湿润区降水的变化,且差值合成的异常降水量最大可达30 mm以上。  相似文献   
基于NCEP资料的近30年夏季青藏高原低涡的气候特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
基于NCEP/NCAR再分析资料并通过人工识别与天气图对比,本文对1981~2010年夏季高原低涡的气候特征进行了统计分析,对比研究了高原低涡高发年和低发年的大气环流场和低频分量场的特征,主要结果有:(1)近30年来夏季高原低涡平均每年生成32个,低涡发生频数呈现较明显的增多趋势,并具有较强的年际变化特征,低涡频数在2000年和2005年出现显著突变,在2000年由增多趋势转为减少趋势,在2005年又转为增多趋势,同时低涡频数具有显著的准5年、准9年和准15年周期振荡,6月生成的高原低涡呈减少趋势,而7月和8月生成的高原低涡均呈现增多趋势;(2)夏季高原低涡生成源地主要集中在西藏双湖、那曲和青海扎仁克吾一带,其中高原中部涡占50.8%,西部涡占27.0%,东部涡占22.2%,6月、7月和8月生成的高原低涡分别占夏季低涡总数的44.7%、29.9%和25.4%,高原低涡生成时绝大多数为暖性涡,占总数的90.7%。近30年来平均每年夏季有1.3个高影响高原低涡移出高原并在下游大范围地区产生强降水天气;移出的高原低涡以东移为主,占移出高原低涡的56.4%,而东北移和东南移的分别占移出高原低涡的20.1%和20.5%;(3)高原低涡高发年,低层的大气环流场和低频大气环流分量场均表现出较强的水平辐合及偏南气流,高层的青藏高压在高原主体范围内较气候态偏强;高原低涡低发年的情况则与之相反,伊朗高原上空的气旋、青藏高原低槽和高原南侧反气旋的配置对高原低涡的发生具有重要作用。  相似文献   
A sustained heavy rainfall event occurred over the Sichuan basin in southwest China during 10–18 August 2020, showing pronounced diurnal rainfall variations with nighttime peak and afternoon minimum values, except on the first day. Results show that the westward extension of the anomalously strong western Pacific subtropical high was conducive to the maintenance of a southerly low-level jet (LLJ) in and to the southeast of the basin, which favored continuous water vapor transport and abnormally high precipitable water in the basin. The diurnal cycle of rainfall over the basin was closely related to the periodic oscillation of the LLJ in both wind speed and direction that was caused by the combination of inertial oscillation and terrain thermal forcing. The nocturnally enhanced rainfall was produced by moist convection mostly initiated during the evening hours over the southwest part of the basin where high convective available potential energy with moister near-surface moist air was present. The convective initiation took place as cold air from either previous precipitating clouds from the western Sichuan Plateau or a larger-scale northerly flow met a warm and humid current from the south. It was the slantwise lifting of the warm, moist airflow above the cold air, often facilitated by southwest vortices and quasi-geostrophic ascent, that released the convective instability and produced heavy rainfall.  相似文献   
CISK-rossby wave and the 30-60 Day Oscillation in the Tropics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 30-60 day oscillation is an important aspect of the atmospheric variance in the tropical area. A number of works have been done on this phenomenon, this article is a further one. A quasi-geostrophic linear model that consists of a two-layer free atmosphere and a well-mixed boundary layer is used to investigate the instability of intraseasonal oscillation, its propagation and vertical structures. Results show that the dynamical coupling and interaction between the barotropic and baroclinic components via boundary layer convergence / divergence are responsible for the appearance of a new kind of low-frequency wave. Such wave is very different from the traditional tropical Rossby wave. It can propagate westward and eastward. Some behaviours of it appear to resemble the observed 30-60 day oscillation mode in many aspects, such,as vertical structures, zonal and meridional propagations. Now many researchers emphasize the direct relationship between CISK-Kelvin mode and the tropical atmospheric 30-60 oscil  相似文献   
热带海气相互作用对大气BSISO年际振荡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卫星观测OLR资料以及海气耦合数值模拟试验结果,从每年波-频分析结果提取了各种传播模态的强度指数序列,分析了热带北半球夏季季节内振荡(BSISO)各种传播模态的年际变化谱特征,探讨了热带各海区海气相互作用对其影响。主要结果如下:赤道外西传波和印度洋北传波以准2 a为显著振荡周期,赤道东传波、南海北传波和西太平洋北传波则都包含准2 a和准5 a两种周期,南海北传波是5种指数中惟一以准5 a为最主要周期振荡的模态。热带印度洋、西太平洋、东太平洋各海区海气相互作用对各指数准2 a振荡、准5 a振荡既有加强作用,也有削弱作用。各海区比较而言,对赤道东传波准2 a和准5 a振荡、南海北传波准2 a和准5 a振荡起最大加强作用的是西太平洋海区海气相互作用;对赤道外西传波准2 a振荡、西太平洋北传波准2 a和准5 a振荡起最大加强作用的是印度洋海区海气相互作用。  相似文献   
极地平流层位势高度变化与中国冬季气温的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平流层异常对于对流层的影响研究,尤其是将平流层的异常信号加入中长期天气预报已成为近年来的研究热点。首先利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和国家气候中心提供的160站气温资料,采用SVD方法深入分析平流层位势高度场与中国冬季气温的关系。结果表明,极涡与中国东北地区温度有着非常密切的联系。即当中高纬地区位势高度场减弱时(极涡增强),东北地区的温度上升;中高纬地区位势高度场增强时(极涡减弱),东北地区的温度下降。进一步通过挑选出的6个东北亚型强极涡年,6个北美型强极涡年和8个弱极涡年,分别对冬季位势高度场和温度场进行合成分析、小波分析和交叉谱分析。结果发现,东北亚型强极涡和中国东北地区冬季气温的关系最为密切,平流层关键区位势高度场和东北地区地面温度场都有着50天左右的振荡周期,并且关键区位势高度场的季节内振荡有着超前于温度场的特征;北美型强极涡和东北地区温度的联系较小;弱极涡与东北地区温度的关系也不太明显。  相似文献   
蒸发-风反馈机制的进一步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对蒸发-风反馈的作用进行了简单动力学研究。结果表明,蒸发-风反馈不能像波动-CISK那样改变热带大气波动的性质(减缓移速),不可能单独成为激发热带大气季节内振荡的动力学机制。在积云对流加热和蒸发-风反馈的共同作用下,CISK-Kelvin波和CISK-Rossby波可以不稳定发展,共同作用比单独的积云对流加热反馈作用能更全面合理地解释热带大气季节内振荡的活动。因此,蒸发-风反馈对于热带大气季节内振荡也有重要作用。   相似文献   
The results from simple dynamic studies on the evaporation-wind feedback show that the effect cannot change the nature of tropical atmospheric waves (by retarding the speed), so that the evaporation-wind feedback alone cannot be an exciting mechanism of intraseasonal oscillation in the tropical atmosphere. This is different from that of the wave-CISK mechanism. With combined effect of the cumulus convection heating and evaporation-wind feedback, the CISK-Kelvin waves and CISK-Rossby waves will develop unstably, explaining the dynamic mechanism of tropical intraseasonal oscillation in a more complete and reasonable way than the convection heating alone. Therefore, the evaporation-wind feedback is also important to the intraseasonal oscillation in the tropical atmosphere.  相似文献   
欧亚雪盖准2年振荡对中国降水的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}   {{if article.graphicalAbstractinfoCn && article.graphicalAbstractinfoCn != ""}}{{@ article.graphicalAbstractinfoCn}}{{/if}}  相似文献   
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