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贾建颖  刘毅 《地球物理学报》2020,63(10):3626-3639
利用1979年1月至2016年12月ERA-interim月平均再分析资料和CAMP全球月降水资料,分析夏季(6—8月)南亚高压下方500 hPa到100 hPa暖中心的时空分布,从三维结构来揭示夏季南亚高压暖心特征.回归分析进一步探讨青藏高原上空暖中心对全球大气环流产生的可能影响.结果表明:南亚高压在150 hPa达到最强,这一层也是异常冷暖中心分界面,150 hPa以下有一强大异常暖中心,异常暖中心位于300 hPa附近,150 hPa以上为异常冷中心,中心位置位于70 hPa附近.异常暖中心从500 hPa向上逐渐向西向北倾斜,异常暖中心面积200 hPa达最大,150 hPa异常暖中心消失,100 hPa以上转变为异常冷中心.500~200 hPa异常暖中心表现出不断增暖的长期趋势(1979—2016),100 hPa异常冷中心则表现出不断变冷的长期趋势(1979—2016).去掉长期趋势的时间序列表现出明显的"准两年振荡"特征,异常暖中心位置在纬向上较稳定,在经向上表现出年际的"东西振荡".300 hPa异常暖中心是整个南亚高压的关键层.300 hPa异常暖中心对全球其他变量场进行回归分析.高度回归场表明,青藏高原上空异常暖中心在北半球中高纬度高度场上激发出3波的行星波,波特征在对流层中上层表现明显,波振幅随高度增高不断加强,在对流层中下层逐渐减弱并消失.纬向风回归场在对流层中上层表现出横跨南北半球的波列,这个波列在200 hPa振幅最大.经向风回归场在北半球中纬度(30°N—60°N)表现出7波型,说明南北能量交换频繁.降水回归场表明,东亚地区长江中下游至日本降水偏少,而其南北两侧降水偏多.  相似文献   
城市街道景观三维可视化的快速实现   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
提出了融合车载序列影像和二维矢量地图、快速实现城市街道景观三维可视化的方法。实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
针对3DSurs系统在城市空间数据采集与定位过程中利用静态相对定位模式时存在的基准站设置、距离限制等局限性,提出了利用CORS的3DSurs系统高精度定位技术方案。首先,进行流动站(3DSurs)的坐标概略计算;然后,解算流动站的综合误差改正值;最后,进行流动站的精确坐标计算。以青岛CORS为例,分析了3DSurs系统的高精度定位结果。结果表明,基于CORS的3DSurs高精度定位点位精度优于10cm,能够满足城市空间数据采集与定位精度的要求。  相似文献   
About 70years ago,Frenc卜卜alaeohdoglst回LL sc卜dars al卜ome and a卜road卜ave successively con-HARD de Chardin P.et al.Initiated the Quaternary ducted large amount ofwork on the Later Quaternarygeologlcal research In the >alawusu River Basin of strata(TEILHARD,1924; YUAN,1978; LI,1987;desert region of Northern China and established th,ZHENG,1989; SUN et al,1996; LI et al,1993),Salawusu Formation门EILHARD,1924).Sine,then,palaeobiology…  相似文献   
参数优化方法是准确估计生态模型参数、降低其不确定性的有效手段。本文提出一种基于贝叶斯机器学习的No-U-Turn Sampler(NUTS)生态模型参数优化方法。NUTS是一种高效的参数优化方法,每次取样中利用递归算法生成候选参数集(二叉树)推断参数的后验信息,如果满足约束条件“非U型回转”,不断构建子树更新参数;否则,记录本次抽样的“最优”参数集,并开始下一次取样,直到获取足够样本。该算法在每次取样中充分优化参数,避免因随机游走行为产生冗余抽样,提高了参数优化效率。本文以千烟洲亚热带人工针叶林碳通量模拟为例,基于Pymc3框架利用NUTS参数优化方法实现了碳通量(Net Ecosystem Exchange,NEE)模型参数反演,并与Metropolis-Hastings(MH)方法进行对比。结果表明,本文算法的参数值达到稳定波动时的抽样次数减少了85%左右,参数优化效率提升3倍左右。参数优化后,2种NEE模型中7个参数不确定性降低10%~53%。此外,NEE模拟效果明显提升,模拟值与实测值的R2分别提高23%和17%,RMSE分别降低3%和4%。综上所述,本文提出的参数优化方法对生态领域的参数估计或数据同化工作具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Future temperature distributions of the marginal Chinese seas are studied by dynamic downscaling of global CCSM3 IPCC_AR4 scenario runs.Different forcing fields from 2080-2099 Special Report on Emissions Scenarios(SRES) B1,A1,and A2 to 1980-1999 20C3M are averaged and superimposed on CORE2 and SODA2.2.4 data to force high-resolution regional future simulations using the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS).Volume transport increments in downscaling simulation support the CCSM3 result that with a weakening subtropical gyre circulation,the Kuroshio Current in the East China Sea(ECS) is possibly strengthened under the global warming scheme.This mostly relates to local wind change,whereby the summer monsoon is strengthened and winter monsoon weakened.Future temperature fluxes and their seasonal variations are larger than in the CCSM3 result.Downscaling 100 years’ temperature increments are comparable to the CCSM3,with a minimum in B1 scenario of 1.2-2.0°C and a maximum in A2 scenario of 2.5-4.5°C.More detailed temperature distributions are shown in the downscaling simulation.Larger increments are in the Bohai Sea and middle Yellow Sea,and smaller increments near the southeast coast of China,west coast of Korea,and southern ECS.There is a reduction of advective heat north of Taiwan Island and west of Tsushima in summer,and along the southern part of the Yellow Sea warm current in winter.There is enhancement of advective heat in the northern Yellow Sea in winter,related to the delicate temperature increment distribution.At 50 meter depth,the Yellow Sea cold water mass is destroyed.Our simulations suggest that in the formation season of the cold water mass,regional temperature is higher in the future and the water remains at the bottom until next summer.In summer,the mixed layer is deeper,making it much easier for the strengthened surface heat flux to penetrate to the bottom of this water.  相似文献   
The action of the wind field and the influence of topography can cause divergence or convergence of surface current. The existence of the divergence-convergence effect is proved and the dynamical significance of the divergent or convergent state and its link with many marine phenomena are pointed out. Divergence fields of surface current in the Bohai Sea in winter and summer are obtained by numerical modelling describing the divergence-convergence character of seasonally wind-driven current. The relation between the effect and seasonal marine phenomena is discussed. Study on the divergence-convergence effect of surface current (DCESC)can be an indirect method for testing the calculated results.  相似文献   
以中线工程河北段主干线为例,讲述了虚拟技术在南水北调工程中的应用设计,并利用虚拟三维模型在三维景观显示、最佳路线选择、缓冲分析、土方计算、分析表面形态、计算坡度、坡向、长度等方面进行了可行性分析。并指出今后需进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   
使用搭载200&400 MHz复合天线的LTD系列探地雷达,对埋设的未爆弹进行探测试验,并运用克希霍夫积分偏移法及三维插值算法对探地雷达数据进行三维成像。试验结果能准确地反映出浅埋未爆弹的位置信息,可指导排爆人员进行精确的开挖及排除。  相似文献   
目前基于野外地质调查数据自动、快速地建立区域三维地质体模型是中国全面开展三维数字地质填图的迫切需求。本文基于产状、地质界线与路线剖面等野外区域地质调查要素,提出了一种二维平面地质图及路线剖面图向三维地质体模型的快速转换方法。该方法针对无剖面约束及含剖面约束2种情形,通过地质界线区域分割、多段线仿射变换等空间几何变换处理,推估出剖面线约束的地下地质界线,基于Coons曲面构建出地质体的侧面模型;然后,通过约束三角网算法构建地质体的顶、底面模型,最终建立拓扑一致的区域地质体三维模型。基于此方法,对中国1:2.5万区域地质调查试点区域进行了区域三维地质建模实践,实现了火山口、地层、岩体、断层等典型地质构造的快速三维重建。  相似文献   
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