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用一个水平分辨率比较高的非线性正压模式,对热带西太平洋海域里的海流进行了数值模拟。计算海流与观测结果颇相一致。结果表明:赤道以北、棉兰老岛以东附近海域中,棉兰老冷涡在一年的大部分时间里都得到发展,但是其范围、强度和中心位置在各个月份并不相同,显示出很强的季节变化;在哈马黑拉岛东北海域,6月份突然出现了一个反气旋式的涡旋;这个涡旋8月份发展得最强,一直持续到10月份,在11月份就消亡了。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheSCSisthelargestmarginseainthewestoftheNorthPacificOcean .Theprevailingwindinwinterisnortheast,whileinsummeritissouthwest .Itisstilluncertainthathowthecirculationandtemperature -salinityfieldassociatewiththemonsoonforcingandaccompanywithseveralkindsofvariationsbeforeorafterthesummermonsoonburst .DuringSECMEXin 1 998,twointensiveobservationperiods (IOP)havebeencarriedoutntheSCS (Fig 1 ) :IOP1 ,from 1 0Aprilto 5May ;IOP2 ,from 1 2JunetoJuly 6 ,inordertounderstandthe…  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池区气象学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据TOGA-COARE强化观测资料及卫星资料分析讨论了西太平洋暖池区11-2月间海面气象要素的平均特征。分析发现海面气压平均日变化似乎同中纬度区明显不同。文中还分析讨论了在西太暖池区西风爆发、赤道浅涡、信风逆温及ITCE和南太平洋辐合带SPCZ的变化特征。  相似文献   
The properties of salinity in the South China Sea (SCS), a significant marginal sea connecting the Pacific andIndian Oceans, are greatly influenced by the transport of fresh water flux between the two oceans. However, the long-termchanges in the intermediate water in the SCS have not been thoroughly studied due to limited data, particularly in relationto its thermodynamic variations. This study utilized reanalysis data products to identify a 60-year trend of freshening in theintermediate waters of the northern South China Sea (NSCS), accompanied by an expansion of low-salinity water. Thestudy also constructed salinity budget terms, including advection and entrainment processes, and conducted an analysis ofthe salinity budget to understand the impacts of external and internal dynamic processes on the freshening trend of theintermediate water in the NSCS. The analysis revealed that the freshening in the northwest Pacific Ocean and theintensification of intrusion through the Luzon Strait at intermediate levels are the primary drivers of the salinity changes inthe NSCS. Additionally, a weakened trend in the intensity of vertical entrainment also contributes to the freshening in theNSCS. This study offers new insights into the understanding of regional deep sea changes in response to variations in boththermodynamics and oceanic dynamic processes.  相似文献   
Groundwater evaporation and subsequent precipitation of soluble salts at Owens Lake in eastern California have created one of the single largest sources of airborne dust in the USA, yet the evaporation and salt flux have not been fully quantified. In this study, we compare eddy correlation, microlysimeters and solute profiling methods to determine their validity and sensitivity in playa environments. These techniques are often used to estimate evaporative losses, yet have not been critically compared at one field site to judge their relative effectiveness and accuracy. Results suggest that eddy correlation methods are the most widely applicable for the variety of conditions found on large playa lakes. Chloride profiling is shown to be highly sensitive to thermal and density-driven fluxes in the near surface and, as a result, appears to underestimate yearly groundwater evaporation. Yearly mean groundwater evaporation from the playa surface estimated from the three study areas was found to range from 88 to 104 mm year−1, whereas mean evaporation from the brine-covered areas was 872 mm year−1. Uncertainties on these mean rates were estimated to be ±25%, based on comparisons between eddy correlation and lysimeter estimates. On a yearly basis, evaporation accounts for approximately 47 × 106 m3 of water loss from the playa surface and open-water areas of the lake. Over the playa area, as much as 7.5 × 108 kg (7.5 × 105 t) of salt are annually concentrated by evaporation at or near the playa surface, much of which appears to be lost during dust storms in area.  相似文献   
Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   
Abstract: K–Ar ages of the following porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc are determined: Lobo-Boneng (10.50.4 Ma), Santo Niño (9.50.3 Ma), Black Mountain (2.10.1 Ma), Dizon (2.50.2 Ma) and Taysan (7.30.2 Ma). Microphenocrys-tic apatite in the late Cenozoic intermediate to silicic intrusions associated with porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc contains sulfur as SO3 detectable by electron probe microanalyzer. Sulfur is supposed to have been accommodated dominantly as oxidized species in oxidizing hydrous magmas that generated porphyry Cu deposits. Likewise, such high SO3 contents in microphenocrystic apatite are common characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magmatism of the western Luzon arc, from tonalitic rocks of the Luzon Central Cordillera of about 15 Ma to an active magmatism at Mount Pinatubo. Thus, the western Luzon arc has been generating porphyry Cu mineralization associated with oxidizing hydrous intermediate to silicic magmatism related to eastward subduction, since Miocene to the present day. Intermediate to silicic rocks since 15 Ma to present-day western Luzon arc generally show high whole-rock Sr/Y ratio ranging from 20 to 184. However, porphyry Cu deposit is not necessarily related to the rocks that show higher Sr/Y ratios compared to the other barren rocks in the western Luzon arc. The characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magma associated with porphyry Cu deposit are not attributed to the composition of the source material of the magma, but to the properties defined by the high activity of oxidized species of sulfur in the fluid phase that is encountered during the generation of intermediate to silicic magmas.  相似文献   
涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪观测通量的空间代表性   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在对涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪足迹模型进行敏感性分析的基础上,利用北京密云站2006年8月至2007年12月期间的观测资料,应用足迹模型对观测通量的空间代表性做了初步的分析.结果表明:涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪的源区对风向、Monin-Obukhov长度,空气动力学粗糙度和观测高度/有效高度等因子比较敏感.密云站涡动相关仪的源区白天主要分布在仪器的西南与南面,而夜间则在东北与北面.大孔径闪烁仪的源区为西南一东北向分布.涡动相关仪各月源区形状不同,但大致分布在南北长1000 m、东两宽850 m的范嗣内,而LAS各月源区为西南一东北向分布,长约2060 m,最宽处约为620 m.对涡动相关仪通量有贡献的下垫面主要为园地(67%)和耕地(19%).其中园地的通量贡献比例在夏、秋季比较大,冬、春季稍小,而耕地则相反.大孔径闪烁仪的主要通量贡献源区为园地、耕地和居民地,通量贡献比例分别为49%,28%和11%.其中园地和耕地通量贡献率的变化趋势与涡动相关仪的观测结果一致,但没有涡动相关仪的变化明显.  相似文献   
大孔径闪烁仪测量戈壁地区感热通量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2008年6月11~30日在金塔开展的"绿洲系统非均匀下垫面能量水分交换和边界层过程观测与理论研究"期间第一阶段戈壁下垫面大孔径闪烁仪(LAS)的观测资料,用混合对流方法和自由对流方法分别计算了戈壁感热通量。结果表明,对于利用LAS资料计算地表感热通量的方法中,混合对流方法相对于自由对流方法更加适用,且混合对流方法中Andreas给出的参数相对于DeBruin的参数更加适用于戈壁下垫面。此外,LAS测得的感热通量相对涡动相关方法的值较大,提高了地表能量闭合度。  相似文献   
吕少宁  文军  张宇  王少影  张堂堂  田辉  刘蓉 《高原气象》2012,31(6):1530-1538
通过处理涡动相关系统观测的近地层湍流脉动量可以获取地—气间感热和潜热通量,然而选择不同平均时间对通量计算的结果有较大影响。采用黄土高原陆面过程野外观测试验(LOPEX10)期间获得的涡动相关系统观测资料,分析了不同平均时间对湍流通量计算的影响,并采用雷诺平均和分解方法推导了平均时间引起的通量差值的数学表达式(Flux Compensation,FC)。结果表明:(1)FC公式可以说明采用不同平均时间数据之间的关系,也可以直接计算低频涡旋对湍流通量的贡献。FC公式计算的结果与直接计算的不同平均时间通量计算之差的相关系数在0.95以上,并可以确定计算湍流通量的最佳平均时间。(2)通过采用Ogive函数确定了计算LOPEX10期间通量的最佳平均时间长度为30min,印证了利用雷诺平均和分解方法计算湍流通量补偿的准确性。(3)通过进一步的数学变换,证明了平均时间对湍流通量计算的影响直接与湍流低频变化相关,FC公式可以用来确定涡动相关观测数据的最佳平均时间,并且在获得较高时间分辨率的湍流通量数据的同时,补偿因平均时间过短而遗漏的低频信息。  相似文献   
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