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大陆科学钻探在江苏岗上超镁铁岩体上打了一个卫星孔(CCSD-PP3),孔深705m,穿透428m厚超镁铁岩体,其下主要为不同类型片麻岩及少量榴辉岩。该岩体产在苏鲁超高压变质带中,面积1370×700m,上覆约10m厚第四纪盖层。岩心柱可以粗分为4段,370m上部超镁铁岩,50m片麻岩夹榴辉岩,60m下部超镁铁岩,225m片麻岩类。榴辉岩夹在片麻岩中,片麻岩有正、副之分。榴辉岩石榴石中发现柯石英假象,表明岩石经历超高压变质作用。超镁铁岩主要岩性为纯橄岩和含石榴石纯橄岩,含石榴石纯橄岩出现3层,总厚度仅90m,与不舍石榴石的纯橄岩无截然界线。岩相学研究观测到石榴石中保留橄榄石、单斜辉石和尖晶石等超高压变质之前的矿物组合,以及退变质矿物替代石榴石的现象。岩石化学成分总体变化小,SiO242.17-44.79,平均43.78;MgO46.35-48.98,平均47.42,Mg#值(=Mg/(Mg Fe)×100)为91.89-92.75,平均92.4,属于高Mg型;Al2O3和CaO丰度低,分别为0.66-0.27,平均0.43,和0,01-0.35,平均0.13;REE总量较原始地幔亏损,但LREE相对HREE富集。结合矿物组合特征,说明这套岩石属亏损型,但可能经历了流体热液的改造;纯橄岩和含石榴石纯橄岩成分的一致型,说明后者是前者经变质改造形成。SHRIMPU-Pb定年测得含石榴石纯榄岩中锆石存在两组年龄,超高压变质阶段新形成的锆石时代为240±2.7Ma,核部残留岩浆锆石给出726±56Mao前者与区域上超高压变质年龄十分吻合,后者与大别-苏鲁区域上新元古代大规模花岗质岩浆侵位时代。岗上超镁铁岩体可能记录了早期侵位到地壳,在陆陆俯冲碰撞阶段被俯冲岩片带入到柯石英形成深度,以及随岩片折返到地表的整个历史。  相似文献   
Muscovite-2M1 shows a major phase transition at about 800°C, which is generally attributed in the literature to the structural dehydroxylation process, although a number of structural models have been proposed for the dehydroxylated phase, and different transformation mechanisms have also been put forward. The observed first order transformation involves an increase in the cell volume, and it is not clear to date how the cell expansion is related to the loss of hydroxyl groups. The phase change has been re-investigated here by in situ high temperature powder diffraction, both in non-isothermal and isothermal modes, to combine for the first time the structural and the kinetic interpretation of the transformation. The results unequivocally confirm that the reaction taking place in the temperature range 700–1000°C is truly a dehydroxylation process, involving the nucleation and growth of the high temperature dehydroxylated phase, having Al in 5-fold coordination. Structural simulations of the basal peaks of the powder diffraction patterns indicate that the model originally proposed by Udagawa et al. (1974) for the dehydroxylated phase correctly describes the high temperature phase. The kinetic analysis of the isothermal data using an Avrami-type model yields values for the reaction order compatible with a reaction mechanism limited by a monodimensional diffusion step. Apparent activation energy of the process in vacuum is about 251 kJ/mol. Experiments carried out at temperatures much higher than the onset temperature of the reaction show that the dehydroxylation reaction overlaps with the reaction of formation of mullite, the final product in the reaction pathway. Received: 24 April 1998 / Revised, accepted: 12 October 1998  相似文献   
老挝岩浆岩成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱延浙  吴军  严城民 《云南地质》2007,26(2):189-196
老挝的岩浆活动分为三个阶段:早期古元古代—早石炭世,中期晚石炭世—中三叠世,晚期晚三叠世—第四纪。早期以中酸性及中基性侵入岩、火山岩为主,中期从超基性—酸性均有出露,晚期则为中酸性侵入岩,火山岩及玄武岩。反映不同构造位置及成因。  相似文献   
本设计主要用于360°旋转的三维扫描,实现角度数据的实时获取。设计中采用单片机控制交流伺服电机进行自定的角度、速度与方向的旋转并实时上传时间、角度数据至上位机进行处理,实现了对平台旋转精度的控制与检测,着重研究了该传感器误差源的产生,对实际应用中的误差进行了定量分析,利用偏心改正、4分频等方法减少了误差,提高了参数精度。角度范围为360°,角度分辨率为0.01°。  相似文献   
袁薇 《四川测绘》2011,34(1):11-13
在对高分辨率影像进行几何纠正、影像拼接以及制作正射影像图的基础上,制作了某实验区的三维地形景观,并利用SketchUp进行地物的精细建模同时通过ArcGIS 9.3进行三维显示和三维系统的二次开发。实验结果表明:利用高分辨率影像制作的三维地形具有地形逼真、清晰度高、信息量丰富等特点;完成了ArcGIS与三维建模软件的数据交换以及所建立模型的查询功能。  相似文献   
三峡库区巫山县翠屏小区岩溶引起的地质灾害危险性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
三峡库区移民迁建中发现的岩溶问题是一个重大工程地质问题.巫山县城翠屏小区是较早发现有确切岩溶证据的地方,研究证实小区三叠系嘉陵江组灰岩普遍遭受了强烈的岩溶作用.不同部位具有不同的岩溶特点和强度,在纵向上,从山顶到坡脚岩溶作用有增强的趋势;从地表向深部,有局部强烈岩溶层位.岩溶作用在小区产生了顺坡或顺层延伸的溶洞和深部蜂窝状溶孔.岩溶作用在小区形成了脖颈状溶蚀槽地、槽状谷地、溶蚀台地和与地貌相关的"飞雁状"褶皱、岩溶正断层及帚状密集节理带.岩溶过程中伴随着其他外营力作用,它们的相互耦合形成各种次生岩土体.岩溶轻则引起岩体质量降低,重则可能导致地面不均匀沉降、地裂缝、滑坡、崩塌、泥石流及地面塌陷地质灾害.  相似文献   
针对警用地理信息系统建设中地图风格过于陈旧的问题,该文以四川省公安厅相关系统为例,在考虑互联网主流电子地图的制图配图风格与PGIS平台用户体感的基础上,结合ArcGIS Engine二次开发技术设计并实现了警用地理信息系统支持下的仿三维电子地图算法。实际应用结果表明,该算法与百度、高德等电子地图实现的仿三维立体效果趋于一致,且电子地图的配图风格和制图精细化均有较大幅度的提升,为警用地理信息系统平台下仿三维地图的制图技术应用提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   
The Hercynian basement of the Iberian Peninsula was uplifted by the Alpine orogeny during the Tertiary. It gave rise to a set of block mountains and tectonic grabens, one of which is the Ciudad Rodrigo Basin. It is located in Western Spain and forms a westward extension of the great Tertiary Duero Basin. The sediments filling this graben are of continental origin, their ages ranging from Palaeogene to Quaternary. Morphologically, the southern part of this basin forms a set of piedmont surfaces (the “Raña” surfaces) appearing above the terrace system of the present rivers. This paper examines the weathering processes developed over these old piedmont surfaces using micromorphological, XR diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microporosity techniques.The Raña sediments are rich in quartzite pebbles and gravel within a clayey matrix. Once deposited, these materials underwent important in situ weathering processes under somewhat hydromorphic conditions, of which hydrolysis, ferrolysis and xerolysis were the most important. All these processes gave rise to: (1) transformation of most of the clasts of shists and slates into a matrix causing the destruction of the original sedimentary structures and a relative concentration of the resistant lithologies (quartzites and quartz); (2) important changes in the clay fraction, leading to a predominance of kaolinite in the upper levels of the profiles, (3) release of elements from primary minerals, Fe being one of the most important, and (4) redistribution of matter, mainly clay and Fe oxyhydroxides, within the profiles.The coexistence of seasonal periods with pF higher than 4.2 repeated over a long time, together with poor internal and external drainage conditions, are the cause of the special features displayed by Raña deposits.  相似文献   
通过对不动产空间数据和ArcGIS的GeoDatabase数据模型的分析,设计了不动产登记空间数据成果二三维数据统一存储的规则和方法,从而为不动产登记成果的二三维系统应用提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   
沙丘形态监测对开展土地沙化防治工作具有重大意义。应用无人机,分别在2016年7月、2017年3月、7月和9月对青海湖克土沙区4个沙丘进行影像采集,借助PhotoScan软件进行三维重建生成高分辨率的沙丘正射影像和DEM数据,使用ArcGIS软件获取沙丘形态参数并分析变化。实验结果表明:基于无人机影像监测沙丘形态,具有可行性和准确性,正射影像精度较高,DEM数据通过校正后可正确反映沙丘形态,为逐天高精度监测变化提供了可能。  相似文献   
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