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Coastal lagoon muds were analyzed to evaluate changes in sedimentary environments by the Jomon transgression from the lower to middle Holocene age and human activities. Core samples from Lake Shinji, Southwest Japan were utilized, which cover the entire Holocene Nakaumi Formation (ca. 23-m thick), and comprise the Lower, Middle, Upper and Uppermost members. Total sulfur (TS) contents and Fe2O3/Al2O3 ratios increase from the boundary of Middle and Upper members, which is 1 m below the Kikai-Akahoya (K-Ah) volcanic ash of 6300 years BP. This change coincides to the pollen flora zone boundary of the PinusAbies and the CyclobalanopsisCastanopsis, suggesting transition to a warming climate. Chemical index of alteration (CIA) values [(ratio of Al to Al+Ca+Na+K)×100] and Rb/K ratios also show gradual increase from the middle part of the Upper member, due to its derivation from highly weathered source material probably formed under warming and rainy condition. Al2O3/TiO2 and SiO2/TiO2 show little variation from the Lower to the Upper members, probably related to consistent feldspar composition in the source rocks, and homogeneously mixed clays. In the Uppermost member (from 1500 years), sharp increases in Ti/Zr and decreases in both Nb/Y and Zr/Y occurred, suggesting heavy mineral fractionation. This change was caused by iron sand processing called Kannanagashi and charcoal-making in the most mountainous regions. Soil erosion by these processes brought changes in mud composition, shown by the enrichment in Al2O3, and depletion in Zr and Cr. Human activities thus had severe impacts on sedimentary environments compared with the natural changes since the Jomon transgression.  相似文献   
Effects of suspended mussel and infaunal clam cultivation on sediment characteristics, and benthic organic and inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes were compared in a shallow coastal lagoon. The two species had different impacts on sediment features, but both created “hotspots” of nutrient fluxes with annual N and P regeneration rates being 4.9 and 13.5 (mussel) and 4.5 and 14.9 (clams) fold greater than those of unfarmed control sediments. Mussel farming also caused considerable nutrient regeneration within the water column with the mussel ropes contributing ∼25% of total inorganic N and P production and at times dominating the sediments (e.g. 95% of SRP production in summer and 45% of DIN production in winter). Such nutrient regeneration rates seriously question the proposal that suspension-feeding bivalves act as a eutrophication buffer, especially during summer when nutrient regeneration rates are maximal, but other nutrient sources (freshwater run-off and unfarmed sediments) are at their lowest.  相似文献   
黔南祥摆组的化石资料稀少且以植物化石为主,在独山县羊风乡祥摆组中发现了一个海相动物群,主要化石有腕足类、珊瑚类、苔藓虫类、头足类和遗迹化石,其中以腕足类最为丰富。在鉴定分析所发现化石的基础上,结合该动物群所在层位的岩性特征、矿物特征和区域上该时期的沉积特征,采用古生态学分析方法,认为该动物群生存环境为一个淡化渴湖。区域上,该渴湖主要位于平塘县与独山县之间,而构成渴湖与外海的障壁则主要位于摆者至麻尾一线东北,呈北西向延伸;在北部兔场附近祥摆组已演变为以泛滥平原沉积为主。溻湖范围内现今构造形态完整,同时这种局限低能的沉积环境可以形成良好的烃源岩,因此它们在区域上的分布对岩相古地理和油气生储盖组合研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
根据实际观测和勘测资料,介绍和总结了白沙滩沙坝、泻湖、潮流通道和外潮流三角洲等地貌单元的沉积特征和演化机理,分析了它们之间的依存演化关系.白沙滩沙坝是由全新世不同时期3条沙嘴拼贴而成的,沙坝发育导致泻湖出现.当沙坝扩展时泻湖水面缩小,当泻湖扩展时沙坝变窄,在沙坝泻湖交接地带二者呈犬牙交错关系.潮流通道增强直接影响潮流三...  相似文献   
For the first time, a sediment core spanning the entire Holocene has been analysed from Fiji. The 6 m core was obtained from the floor of an ancient coastal lagoon (palaeolagoon) adjacent to Bourewa, the site of the earliest known human settlement in this island group. The basal sediments, just above bedrock, date from 11 470 cal bp. A major transition occurs around 8000 cal bp where marine influences on palaeolagoon sedimentation increase sharply. Full shallow-water marine conditions are attained around 4630 cal bp and last until 3480 cal bp after which there is a regressive phase. The results agree with the area-specific predictions of sea level in the ICE-4G model, particularly in the timing of the highstand. In addition, the results support the ideas (a) that early human colonisation of Fiji occurred during the late Holocene regression, (b) that the first inhabitants of Bourewa utilised both nearshore marine (reefal) and brackish lagoon food sources, and (c) that the abrupt human abandonment of the area around 2500 cal bp could have been prompted by a reduction in these resources driven largely by sea-level fall.  相似文献   
海南岛东南部新村和黎安潟湖的4条地震剖面揭示了平均厚度达30m的全新世沉积层, 从中可识别出两个地层层序, 厚度分别为8~20m和5~45m。新村潟湖剖面中发现了2处老珊瑚礁和3处埋藏谷; 根据海湾发育历史和珊瑚礁分布特征分析, 老珊瑚礁和埋藏谷在约6ka B.P.的高海面时期被埋藏。将地震地层分析与海南岛全新世地层分布以及区域钻孔对比信息相结合, 本文提出全新世以来新村和黎安潟湖经历了古河道、浅海或滨海和沙坝-潟湖等环境演变过程。全新世海进淹没本区之后, 海湾南部山丘之间形成与外海相通的水道。此后, 波浪和潮流携带的沉积物在潟湖内堆积, 海湾南部水道被封闭, 并逐渐形成海湾中部的连岛沙坝, 把水域分为两个部分, 其西部为新村潟湖, 东部为黎安潟湖。  相似文献   
The Coorong is a choked coastal lagoon in South Australia that forms part of the terminal lake system at the end of the River Murray, Australia’s major river. It is an inverse estuary with a constricted channel connection to the sea at one end and extends parallel to the coast for more than 100 km away from this inlet. The present paper considers the physical dynamics of the Coorong, particularly its ecologically important salinity and water level regimes, and how these respond to connectedness with the ocean, barrage flows and meteorological conditions. The approach combines hydrodynamic modelling with measurements and considers temporal variation in the system ranging from seasonal to multi-decadal timescales.  相似文献   
王宏 《第四纪研究》2003,23(4):393-403
渤海湾泥质海岸带国土资源大调查以其特有的方法、手段和要求,获得了一批带有地质调查特点的、关于全新世地层与近现代地质环境变化的阶段性成果,主要包括:1)该地区海岸带全新世地层具有4种沉积类型:(A)远离海岸的传统的"三分"型;(B)海相层与陆(海陆过渡)相层的多次交替;(C)末次冰期后期未接受沉积,全新统半咸水的海陆过渡相直接覆于历时约10~20ka的沉积间断面上,向上,进一步发育为海相层;(D)沿海低洼地区在末次盛冰期后的晚更新世晚期即已进入海侵阶段,晚更新世晚期与全新世早期的海陆过渡相沉积是连续的,向上继续发育海相层.2)从以海水影响为主的开放潮坪(及浅海区)环境转变为(陆源影响逐渐加强的)湖-盐沼环境,是研究区中晚全新世地质环境转变的重要特征,建立了表征这两种不同环境的非正式地层单位("灰色单元"与"黄色单元").3)牡蛎礁与贝壳堤的对比方案,以牡蛎礁对应潮坪的贝类繁盛期,牡蛎礁中的水平再搬运夹层和/或上覆泥质盖层(往往形成"岭地")对应贝壳堤成堤.4)大比例尺区调地质点(浅孔)揭示了中晚全新世(近现代)地质环境变化,编绘出约4500calB.P.以来小于1ka时段的二维、假三维环境系列图.一个实例是Ⅱ贝壳堤向陆侧的洼地甚至早于该堤的形成,推测洼地边缘的NNW向的埋藏线性凸起可能受同一方向的新构造活动控制.5)渤海湾沿海平原线性砂坝(障壁岛)-湖/盐沼成因假说.作为堆积贝壳堤正地形的补偿,堤前因"簸选"贝壳导致的潮坪负地形,同样可发育湖沉积.6)210pb/137Cs测年研究提供了该地区现代沉积速率的初步结果(<0.1cm/a或>3cm/a不等),据此将海岸带划分为不同的沉积类型区.  相似文献   
The consequences of artificially opening lagoon entrances on the fish assemblages of coastal lagoons in south-eastern Australia were investigated. Impacts of lagoon opening were assessed by comparing changes in the fish assemblages of Werri and Shellharbour Lagoons, both of which intermittently opened to the sea with that of Lake Illawarra, a third coastal lagoon which remained closed during the study period. Numbers of fish species and individuals did not differ significantly after lagoon openings at Werri Lagoon and Shellharbour Lagoon. However, higher numbers of species and individuals were found in Lake Illawarra before the other lagoons had opened. Abundances of some economically significant species (namelyMugil cephalus, Myxus elongatus andLiza argentea) significantly increased after openings, mainly due to small juveniles (<40 mm FL) recruiting to the seagrass beds. In contrast, these species were caught as larger juveniles (>70 mm FL) in Lake Illawarra. Furthermore, their abundance in Lake Illawarra declined during successive months, coinciding with declining salinity. Abundances of resident species (such asPseudomugil olorum andAfurcagobius tamarensis) remained largely unchanged after openings. Although it was clear that marine-spawning species must benefit from lagoon openings, the number and composition of species able to move into lagoons from adjacent waters may be dependent upon the frequency, duration and time of year that the entrance is connected to the sea. The present study thus provides data which may be useful for fisheries management in intermittently open lagoons. However, these results should not be cited as reason to artificially open lagoon entrances as further detailed studies of other aspects of lagoon biota, such as their invertebrate and avian faunas, are also needed to provide sufficient basis for broader management frameworks.  相似文献   
The Pulmoddai placer sands in Sri Lanka(9°3’23.65’’-8°51’38.83’’N and 80°55’22.91’’-81°3’32.65’’E) is considered to be one of the major rare earth element(REE) prospects world-wide. This deposit has a global significance in terms of strategic economic resources and can provide valuable insight for resource estimation and for its economic use. A detailed study of the geochemical, mineralogical, and textural properties of the heavy minerals of this region is undertaken applying the scanning electr...  相似文献   
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