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朱秋颖  杨薇  冯箫  张涛 《气象科技》2023,51(1):115-123
利用中国第一代全球大气/陆面再分析产品(China’s first generation global atmospheric/land surface reanalysis product,简称CRA),结合地面自动站观测、中国气象局陆面数据同化系统的能见度格点数据、葵花8号卫星资料,分析了2021年1月21—26日琼州海峡一次持续性海雾过程的发展演变、环流形势以及边界层特征,同时分析了两种不同类型雾的形成机制。结果表明:(1)21—22日为低层冷空气扩散形成的锋面雾;23—26日为冷高后部偏东气流型平流雾过程,其中23日23:00至24日14:00大雾发展最强盛,连续12个时次出现特强浓雾,最小能见度达25 m。(2)锋面雾阶段,偏北风影响,风速为1~3 m/s;平流雾阶段,偏东风影响,风速为4~6 m/s。(3)锋面雾阶段,水汽辐合中心位于琼州海峡南岸至海南岛东北部陆地,大雾在陆地开始发展。平流雾阶段,水汽辐合中心位于琼州海峡北岸至海南岛东部海面一带,大雾自海上发展。(4)锋面雾阶段,逆温层在950 hPa左右高度发展,为下冷上暖的平流配置;平流雾阶段,950 hPa以下均为暖平...  相似文献   
土地的高效利用和配置优化是城市化进程的现实需求,探究如何提高土地利用综合效益,从而实现对地区土地利用可持发展具有重要意义。从经济、社会、生态环境效益三个子系统构建土地利用效益评价指标体系,利用熵值法探究海峡西岸城市群2008—2017年的土地利用效益及其时空演化过程和耦合协调关系,进一步识别限制各城市耦合协调关系提升的主要因素。结果表明:(1)海峡西岸城市群城市土地利用综合效益存在持续上升的时序特征,空间上表现为“东高西低”,高效益单元主要分布于沿海门户城市及中心城市,且趋于聚集,低值单元主要长期分布于内陆城市和南部沿海城市,且范围不断缩减。(2)城市土地利用经济效益在时序上表现出持续上升的特征,空间上表现为“中高西低”,西部低值区范围明显变小;社会效益小幅增长,中东部形成“环状”中效益区;生态效益整体较低,中部低效益区范围扩张显著。(3)各城市土地利用“经济-社会-生态环境”效益耦合协调度呈不同程度增长趋势,近年以协调发展为主,耦合协调程度表现出由沿海向内陆城市递减的空间异质性,土地利用耦合协调发展主要受复合因素制约。  相似文献   
根据1987年夏季(7月)的调查结果,讨论了台湾海峡中、北部叶绿素a的分布与上升流存在的密切关系。在调查海区,高叶绿素a含量均处于福建沿岸低温、高盐的上升流区。其垂直分布的最大值在10—20m层之间,与上升流锋层的位置相吻合。文中还讨论了该海区沿岸上升流的中心位置及上升流的成因。  相似文献   
By compiling all the tidal data gathered from island-wide results of simple harmonic analysis, anomalous amplifications of semidiurnal tides along the western coast of Taiwan are illustrated. The mechanisms are investigated both theoretically and numerically by applying the linear shallow-water wave equations. Waves trapped by a continental shelf and resonance of tidal co-oscillation are identified theoretically. Numerically, a two-dimensional finite element model is applied to real topography for tidal computations. The co-range and equi-phase charts of three main semidiurnal constituents (M2, S2, and N2) and one diurnal constituent K1 are calculated. Anomalous amplifications of semidiurnal tides that appear as partially standing waves are demonstrated.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAsthefundamentalbasisofthewholebiogeOChemicalcyclingofcarbon,primaryproduction.TIsWOrkwassupportedbyfUndsfmtheStateEducation~ssboandFujianaudienceFOUndstion.processesswitchontheflowofmaterialsandenergyintheoceanicecosystem,supportlargeamountoffisheryproductiononwhichourhumanbeingsrelyonfacesupply.Althoughconsistingonly8%oftheglobaloceanarea,coastalregionssupply26%oftheglobaloceanicbiologicalproductsand2/3--3/4oftotalfisheryresources.Therefore,theinvestigationsonphytoplank…  相似文献   
This study examines the evolution of the Kuroshio Tropical Water (KTW) from the Luzon Strait to the I-Lan Ridge northeast of Taiwan. Historical conductivity temperature depth (CTD) profiles are analyzed using a method based on the calculation of the root mean square (rms) difference of the salinity along isopycnals. In combination with analysis of the distribution of the salinity maximum, this method enables water masses in the Kuroshio and the vicinity, to be tracked and distinguished as well as the detection of the areas where water masses are modified. Vertical and horizontal eddy diffusivities are then calculated from hydrographic and current velocity data to elucidate the dynamics underlying the KTW interactions with the surrounding water masses. Changes in KTW properties mainly occur in the southern half of the Luzon Strait, while moderate variations are observed east of Taiwan on the right flank of the Kuroshio. In spite of a front dividing the KTW from the South China Sea Tropical Water (SCSTW) on Kuroshio׳s western side, mixing between these two water masses seemingly occurs in the Luzon Strait. These water masses׳ interaction is not evident east of Taiwan. The estimation of eddy diffusivities yields high horizontal diffusivities (Kh~102 m2 s−1) all along the Kuroshio path, due to the high current shear along the Kuroshio׳s flanks. The vertical diffusivity approaches 10−3 m2 s−1, with the highest values in the southern Luzon Strait. Instabilities generated when the Kuroshio encounters the rough topography of this region may enhance both vertical and horizontal diffusivities there.  相似文献   
台湾海峡及其邻近海域潮汐数值计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立二维潮波模式,模拟了台湾海峡及其邻近海域(18-30°N,110-130°E)八个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、P1、Q1、K2、N2),并利用中国大陆及环台湾岛20多个潮位站的实测资料进行验证,计算结果与实测值吻合良好.此外,给出了八个主要分潮的同潮图,并逐个讨论了潮汐特征.结果显示:⑴台湾海峡中的潮波运动是北部蜕化了的旋转潮波系统和南部的前进潮波系统共同作用的结果.⑵半日分潮南、北两支潮波在台湾海峽中部汇合,而全日分潮则在台湾海峽南部海域汇合后继续朝西南方向传播.⑶半日分潮振幅最高值发生在福建省湄洲湾—兴化湾一带,全日分潮最高值则出现在雷州半岛以东一带近岸海域.⑷N2、K2和O1、P1、Q1分潮的振幅、迟角分布分别同M2与K1分潮的整体分布趋势相似.  相似文献   
1205号台风“泰利”影响下台湾海峡风浪特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相对密集的海上浮标和岸基台站观测资料,分析、总结了1205号台风"泰利"影响期间台湾海峡及周边海域的风浪特征,得到如下结论:(1)台湾海峡东南海域海浪始终相对较大,过程极值出现在该区域的七股浮标;(2)台风中心位于台湾海峡中部和南部时,海峡中线浪高自台风中心向外递减,台风中心位于台湾海峡北部时,海峡中线浪高自台风中心向外递增;(3)台湾海峡西南侧1号浮标风速曲线两次出现漏斗型向下波动;(4)在13个主要浮标站点中有8个浮标的风浪经验相关系数未达到高度相关。本文从台风机构、风浪成长要素、相关天气系统、台湾海峡特殊地形、边界层风场环流等方面分析了台湾海峡的台风浪分布特征及形成机理,研究成果可为该类型台风浪预报提供参考。  相似文献   
A Note on the South China Sea Shallow Interocean Circulation   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
1. IntroductionThe South China Sea (SCS) has many channelsconnecting with the outer oceans/seas (Fig. 1). Thewidest and deepest channel is the Luzón Strait, whichis the main entrance to the SCS from the WesternPacific Ocean, having a sill depth of about 2500 m.On the north, the Taiwan Strait connects with theEast China Sea, with a sill depth of about 70 m. Inthe vicinity of Mindoro Island, there are a numberof channels connecting the SCS with the Sulu Sea.The main channel is the M…  相似文献   
Calculation of currents in Taiwan Strait during ummerⅠ.Three-dimensional diagnostic calculationTXCalculationofcurrentsinTaiwan...  相似文献   
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