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双拱初始缺陷海底管线水平向整体屈曲数值模拟分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研究具有双拱反对称初始缺陷海底管线的整体屈曲特性,采用模态分析法将最可能出现的缺陷形态引入数值分析模型中。针对管线在高温高压作用下发生整体屈曲的动态变形特征,运用显式动力数值模拟方法研究了管线整体屈曲过程中水平向变形与轴向变形随温度和内压的变化规律,建立了在整体屈曲过程中屈曲管段与滑动管段轴力的变化过程与初始缺陷形态的关系。将数值模拟结果同经典解析解和室内模型实验结果进行对比,验证了本方法的可靠性。工程算例的分析结果表明,管线整体屈曲的发生是一个由低阶向高阶发展的过程,具有双拱缺陷的管线首先发生二阶模态的整体屈曲,而后过渡到四阶模态;管线整体屈曲的变形包括屈曲段的水平向变形和滑动管段的轴向缩进,其中水平变形释放了管壁内的轴力,轴力的释放量随初始缺陷尖锐程度的降低而增大;轴向缩进变形由于受到地基土的摩阻力使滑动管段内的轴力发生累积,轴力的累积量随初始缺陷的尖锐程度的降低而增加。以上研究成果对指导实际工程具有现实意义。 相似文献
本文基于拟微分算子理论和李代数积分法,根据程函方程和波场坐标变换,提出一种新的适于横向变速介质Kirchhoff叠前深度偏移的地震波走时算法.该算法与Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移所用李代数时间积分表达相比,差异在于增加了波数一次项,且二次项的系数在求积时亦需进行修正.针对单平方根算子象征、李代数积分、指数映射和走时多项式的求解而言,皆需对以往Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移中所用算法进行深化调整.文中数值算例对比了本文李代数积分表达与时间积分的区别,本算法计算结果与线性横向变速介质中的理论值相当吻合.通过走时多项式中各项对结果的影响分析,可知非对称项使计算精度得到了进一步提高.数值试验表明,本算法对横向变速介质中走时求取是可行的,且不需要存储海量走时表,有利于提高Kirchhof叠前深度偏移的精度和效率. 相似文献
介绍了杭州某地铁站基坑开挖过程中的监测的侧向位移变化情况,总结了其变化规律,对施工过程提供了参考。用FLAC软件对基坑的侧向位移进行了数值模拟,然后与实际监测结果进行了对比,阐述了影响模拟结果准确性的影响因素。 相似文献
Pull-apart Basins and the Total Lateral Displacement Along the Haiyuan Fault Zone in Cenozoic 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
INTRODUCTIONItisdebatedaboutthetotallateraldisplacementalongthemainboundaryfaultsofintraplateblocksineasternAsiacontinentinCenozoicera .Inthe 1 970sof2 0thcentury ,somescientistshades timatedlateraldisplacementbasedongeomorphicdata .Theyproposedthatthetotald… 相似文献
The first sandstone unit of the Esdolomada Member of the Roda Formation (hereafter referred to as ‘Esdolomada 1’) was formed by a laterally‐migrating, shelf tidal bar. This interpretation is based on detailed mapping of the bedding surfaces on the digital terrain model of the outcrop built from light detection and ranging data and outcrop photomosaics combined with vertical measured sections. The Esdolomada 1 sandbody migrated laterally (i.e. transverse to the tidal currents) towards the south‐west along slightly inclined (1.6° to 4.6°) master bedding surfaces. The locally dominant tidal current flowed to the north‐west. This current direction is indicated by the presence of stacked sets of high‐angle (average 21°) cross‐stratification formed by dunes that migrated in this direction, apparently in an approximately coast‐parallel direction. The tidal bar contains sets and cosets of medium‐grained cross‐stratified sandstone that stack to reach a thickness of about 5·5 m. Individual cross‐bed sets average about 50 cm thick (with a range of 10 to 70 cm) and have lengths of ca 130 to 250 m in a direction perpendicular to the palaeocurrent. Set thickness decreases in the direction of migration, towards the south‐west, and the degree of bioturbation increases, so that the cross‐bedded sandstones gradually change into highly bioturbated finer‐grained and thinner‐bedded sandstones lacking any cross‐stratification. The rate of thinning of individual dune sets as they are traced down any obliquely‐accreting master surface is some 40 cm per 100 m (0·004) for the older, thicker sandstones, whereas the younger, thinner beds thin at a rate of 15 cm over 100 m (0·0015). The tidal bar has a sharp base and top and is encased in finer‐grained bioturbated, marine sandstones. The Esdolomada bar crest was oriented north‐west to south‐east, parallel to the tidal palaeocurrents and to the nearby palaeoshoreline, but built by lateral accretion towards the south‐west. Lateral outbuilding generated a flat‐topped bar with a measured width of about 1700 m, and a preserved height of 5·5 m. The bar, disconnected from a genetically related south‐westward prograding delta some 2 km to the north‐east, developed during the transgressive phase of a sedimentary cycle. The tidal bar was most probably initiated as a delta‐attached bar at the toesets of the delta front and during transgression evolved into a detached tidal bar. 相似文献
根据中朝地台东北缘地区 (东经 1 1 7°0 0′— 1 2 6°0 0′ ,北纬 36°0 0′— 44°0 0′) 1 980— 1 997年的 380 0 0余条P波走时数据 ,利用正交投影法重建了该区地壳和上地幔的三维速度结构 .通过分析及同人工地震测深剖面的详细对比 ,证明了成像结果的可靠性 .结果表明 :中朝地台东北缘地区地壳上地幔介质存在显著的横向不均匀性 ,直至 1 2 0km深度处依然明显 ;地壳上部的速度图像清楚地反映了不同岩石单元的分布与该区不同性质的基岩分布基本吻合 ;从上、中地壳的速度图像中发现了研究区存在海城、朝阳、义县、丹东南、唐山等几个低速异常区(即速度逆反层区 ) ,其中海城、唐山、朝阳等地区的壳内低速层已由深地震测深资料所证实 ;研究区陆地发生的几次强震均发生于壳内低速层上方的高速脆性介质内 ,而渤海发生的强震 ,此现象不明显 ,但都发生于横向介质速度显著突变的位置 ;在地壳不同深度上发现了普兰店至山海关横跨渤海的北西向低速异常带 ;地震层析二维速度图像与深地震测深资料的对比表明 ,研究区利用地震层析成像技术 ,在一定条件下可以获得与人工地震测深相似的效果 相似文献
Alexandros I. ValsamisGeorge D. Bouckovalas Yannis K. Chaloulos 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2012,34(1):99-110
Extensive damage to pile-supported structures has been witnessed in several recent earthquakes (Chi-Chi, 1999; Kobe, 1995, etc.), as a result of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading of slightly sloping ground or free-face topographic irregularities. This paper presents a parametric analysis of the basic pile and soil parameters, as well as the pile-soil interaction mechanisms affecting the response of single piles subjected to such lateral spreading, based on numerical simulation with the nonlinear P-y method. In parallel, a set of design charts and analytical relations is established, for approximate computation of maximum pile deflections and bending moments, using a “theory guided” multi-variable statistical analysis of the numerical predictions. Three different combinations (design cases) of pile head constraints and soil conditions were considered, which are commonly encountered in practice. The overall accuracy of the proposed analytical relations is evaluated against experimental results from seven centrifuge and five large shaking table experiments. 相似文献
川滇地区是中国大陆构造变形及地震活动最强烈的区域之一.本文利用从国际地震中心(ISC)、中国地震台网以及云南、四川、重庆三个省级地震台网的地震观测报告中严格挑选出的53673个Pn波到时数据,用Pn波层析成像方法反演了川滇地区的Pn波速度结构和各向异性.结果表明该地区上地幔顶部速度结构的横向变化与现代构造运动有明显的关联:盆地地区上地幔顶部速度明显高于其周边区域,四川盆地尤为突出,其上地幔顶部P波速度是整个研究区域的高值;上地幔顶部P波速度低值区与研究区现代火山活动区域(如腾冲)及高热泉活动区域(如康定)有明显的相关性.强震大都发生在Pn波速低值区或Pn波速低值边界区.Pn波速度低速带与狭义的南北地震带相吻合,反映出上地幔顶部的流变性对构造应力的传递起着重要作用.Pn波各向异性表明:位于川青块体与四川盆地交界的龙门山地区,快波方向与该区域绝对运动方向不一致,而是基本沿龙门山断裂走向,这表明该地区的各向异性主要受龙门山断裂对Moho面切割变形的影响.而在其他区域的Pn波各向异性方向大体与当地块体的绝对运动方向一致,说明其各向异性主要是由板块运动产生的软流圈变形引起. 相似文献
鉴于海底管道的服役水深越来越深,主要采用犁式挖沟机对预铺设于海床之上的海底管道采取后挖沟的方式将海底管道埋设于海床之下,以保护其免受不必要的损伤。针对后挖沟深度H是海底挖沟机的重要设计参数,也是影响管道悬跨的重要因素的问题,对SMD(UK)犁式挖沟机展开参数优化,确保作业过程中悬跨段管道在外部静水压力作用下,海底管道不会发生屈曲破坏。采用ABAQUS软件,分别建立了作业前和作业中两种工况下的悬跨模型,分析机械手对接触部分管道的损伤,结果显示,作业中的机械手对悬跨管道的损伤更大;同时,建立了作业中不同管径下,后挖沟深度对管道损伤的安全裕量关系曲线。进一步,结合作业中不同挖沟深度下的管跨段屈曲数值模型,对处于外部静水压力作用下的悬跨管的屈曲失效展开分析,结果显示,随着后挖沟深度的加大,不同管径下的悬跨段管道局部出现塑性压溃的临界压力值不断降低;管道外径的增大,降低了同一后挖沟深度下发生屈曲失效的压力值。最后,在后挖沟深度与外部静水压力组成的区域内,建立屈曲失效临界关系曲线,并划分出工作区和压溃区,为深海管道后挖沟埋管的施工提供工程参考。 相似文献
The occurrence of foliated rock masses is common in mining environment. Methods employing continuum approximation in describing the deformation of such rock masses possess a clear advantage over methods where each rock layer and each inter‐layer interface (joint) is explicitly modelled. In devising such a continuum model it is imperative that moment (couple) stresses and internal rotations associated with the bending of the rock layers be properly incorporated in the model formulation. Such an approach will lead to a Cosserat‐type theory. In the present model, the behaviour of the intact rock layer is assumed to be linearly elastic and the joints are assumed to be elastic–perfectly plastic. Condition of slip at the interfaces are determined by a Mohr–Coulomb criterion with tension cut off at zero normal stress. The theory is valid for large deformations. The model is incorporated into the finite element program AFENA and validated against an analytical solution of elementary buckling problems of a layered medium under gravity loading. A design chart suitable for assessing the stability of slopes in foliated rock masses against flexural buckling failure has been developed. The design chart is easy to use and provides a quick estimate of critical loading factors for slopes in foliated rock masses. It is shown that the model based on Euler's buckling theory as proposed by Cavers (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1981; 14 :87–104) substantially overestimates the critical heights for a vertical slope and underestimates the same for sub‐vertical slopes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献