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通过钻井、测井资料分析,建立了台兴油田下第三系阜宁组(Ef3)下亚段测井相与沉积微相的关系,研究了台兴油田的沉积微相类型及主要含油气单元———各砂体沉积微相的平面展布特征。研究表明,Ef3下亚段主要砂体沉积微相类型为水下分流河道、河漫滩、河口砂坝以及席状砂沉积微相。  相似文献   
西沙群岛潮、余流特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1962、1974、1976、1991、2002年西沙群岛海域实测海流资料分析得出:西沙群岛潮汐特征系数为3.40,是不正规日潮;潮流特征比较复杂,少数为不规则半日潮流型,多数为不规则日潮流型;半日周期的内潮在永兴岛西部特别显著,最大流速可达1.5m/s,对珊瑚生态系统有重要影响;西沙群岛余流,春季4~5月总体方向是东北,最大余流速度66cm/s,出现在中建岛西部;夏初余流方向偏北,速度明显降低,中建岛表、底层流速都不超过50cm/s。结合18a卫星高度计资料统计分析得出,春季和夏季西沙群岛海域处于反气旋式环流的北部,中建岛处于反气旋式环流的西缘,水平压强梯度大,加之地形影响,因此流速最大。  相似文献   
基于全视野数字图像的能见度估算方法是将全视野图像大气透射率与大气能见度通过曲线拟合方法建立联系,得到估算模型进行能见度估算。首先通过历史全视野图像和对应时刻的大气能见度建立样本数据集,再利用暗原色先验理论获取全视野图像大气透射率,通过多项式拟合方法建立离散样本数据集中大气透射率与对应时刻大气能见度的关系,即全视野图像能见度估算模型,最终将所需估算时刻的数字图像输入估算模型进行能见度估算,得到大气能见度数值。结果表明:建立的基于全视野数字图像能见度估算模型在环境光照均匀时大气能见度估算值与能见度实测值有较好的一致性,可作为前向散射仪的补充观测方法,弥补其采样存在的局限性。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地阿克苏市柯坪露头区下志留统地层出露连续、完整,是较好的海相碎屑岩沉积露头研究区,其沉积体系类型有待进一步探讨。笔者通过多次精细的露头沉积学观察及室内研究,对柯坪露头区下志留统海相碎屑岩沉积体系类型及其特征进行了分析研究。识别出三角洲及碎屑海岸沉积(潮坪),并在该区提出了河流作用为主的三角洲和潮汐影响三角洲两种三角洲类型。柯坪塔格组主要为河流作用为主的三角洲沉积,而塔塔埃尔塔格组则主要发育潮汐影响三角洲及潮坪沉积。探讨和对比了各类型沉积体系的沉积特征及其之间的差异性。  相似文献   
利用多沙黄河河口潮波平面二维泥沙数学模型,通过典型时刻近海海区潮汐、河口口门河道、河海流场、含沙量、河床变形和海底等值线等图形对入海河口海域潮汐和潮流海洋动力特性、入海泥沙运动扩散输移规律、河口拦门沙形状、形成过程、泥沙冲淤和海底地形变化进行了分析,这些都与实测资料和遥感图像的分析基本一致。  相似文献   
The characteristics of currents and tidal currents in the Andaman Sea(AS) are studied during the second half of2016 using observed data from a moored acoustic Doppler current profiler(ADCP) deployed at 8.6°N, 95.6°E.During the observation period, the mean flow is 5–10 cm/s and largely southward. The root mean square and kinetic energies of the low and high frequency flows, which are divided by a cutoff period of 5 d, are at the same level, indicating their identical importance to the total current. A power spectrum analysis shows that intraseasonal oscillations, a tidal-related semilunar month signal, a semidiurnal tidal signal and periods of 3–4 d are prominent. The barocliny of an eddy kinetic energy is stronger than the mean kinetic energy, both of which are the strongest on the bottom and the weakest at 70 m depth. Residual currents are largely southward(northward) during the summer(winter) monsoon season. Two striking peaks of the southward flow cause the 80 d period of meridional currents. The first peak is part of a large-scale circulation, which enters the AS through the northern channel and exits through the southern channel, and the second peak is part of a local vortex. The 40 d oscillation of the zonal current is forced by geostrophic variations attributed to local and equatorial remote forcing. The tidal current is dominated by semidiurnal constituents, and among these, M2 and N2 are the top two largest major axes. Moreover, astronomical tidal constituents MM and MSF are also significant. Diurnal constituents are weak and shallow water tides are ignorable. The aims are to introduce the new current data observed in the AS and to provide initial insights for the tidal and residual currents in the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   
文中首先介绍了DOT2008A模型建立的原理和方法,利用我国48个长期验潮站19 a连续观测数据验证DOT2008A模型的精度,其均方差为0.118 m,残差的标准偏差为0.086 m;联合多源测高卫星建立的海面地形模型数据验证DOT2008A的精度,均方差为0.106 m,残差的标准偏差为0.099 5 m,且其残差分布图基本符合正态分布。从实验结果来看,DOT2008A模型在我国周边海域精度较高,其建立方法较为合理,转化应用价值较高;同时与多源测高卫星建立的海面地形比较结果来看,验证了自主建立的海面地形模型的正确性,对建立我国高精度海面地形模型具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
钦州湾潮流特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1994年5月和11—12月两个航次的调查及近年有关海湾的海流观测资料,分析了钦州湾的潮流特征,观测资料来自分布于该海湾东中西三个航道及相关区域的8个测站。钦州湾涨落潮流特征:落潮流速大于涨潮流速:东部最大涨落潮流速小于西部:夏季落潮流总是大于冬季:龙门水道附近的流速最大,而其余区域的流速相对较小。外湾(钦州湾)余流,是气旋式环流:水体东进而西出。从湾内来的泥沙和污染物质,主要从西部进入外海;中、东槽是主要“进水”通道,外海低泥沙含量、少污染物质的清洁水从这里潮流而上。因此,与西部相比,东部盐度高,水质清洁,底质重金属含量少。  相似文献   
开展非均质条件下潮汐湿地中地下水流动特征研究,成为深入揭示潮汐湿地水循环及物质循环过程的重要前提。以广州南沙区的河畔潮汐湿地为对象,基于放射性氡同位素示踪技术考察含水层非均质情况下地下水的流动特征。结果表明:1)研究区介质干容重、介质孔隙度和介质氡释放(Ern)呈现空间异质性,介质氡释放是导致介质氡平衡能力([Rn]gw)呈现显著空间异质性(2 210.15~7 700.33 Bq/m3)的主要因素。2)非均质条件下地下水流动呈现显著的分区特征,根据氡的比活度可以划分为快速流动区和滞留区。其中,快速流动区地下水氡比活度较小,观测期内平均值为1 522.39 Bq/m3,地下水呈现由陆向海近似“U”型的流动模式。滞留区地下水氡比活度显著增大,观测期内平均值为3 858.40 Bq/m3,地下水受潮汐作用而滞留更久。滞留区地下水流动状态受潮高差影响,潮高差越大,潮汐对湿地地下水的整体驱动力越大,滞留区地下水渗出相对容易,反之滞留区地下水渗出较难。由此可见,潮汐湿地含水层介质的空间异质性是影响地下水流动特征的关键因素。  相似文献   
Upper Miocene strata in the Acre sub‐basin, Brazil, consist dominantly of various types of inclined heterolithic stratification and pedogenic horizons. These strata were sedimentologically and ichnologically described to: (i) study different temporal controls responsible for inclined heterolithic stratification generation and their variation in a distal–proximal trend; and (ii) delineate the depositional setting. For this purpose, nine representative outcrops were sedimentologically and ichnologically studied, and their facies associations described. Thickness variations of the heterolithic strata of various orders (lamina, lamina bundles and beds) were analysed by statistical methods (Fourier transform). The deposits were interpreted as tidally and seasonally influenced estuarine or delta‐related and continental strata. The inclined heterolithic stratification deposits represented vastly different settings ranging from tidally dominated, brackish‐water ichnofossils‐bearing channels to seasonally controlled, articulated Purussaurus (a freshwater alligator) fossil‐bearing channels. Several time cycles were distinguished in the strata, including semi‐diurnal, fortnightly and seasonal. Tidal imprint was best observed in low‐energy brackish‐water settings, whereas seasonal rhythmicity was distinguishable throughout the depositional system. However, the latter was most apparent in riverine channels proximal to the inferred fluvio‐tidal transition. The different temporal controls commonly had distinguishable impact on sedimentological and ichnological properties in the studied sediments. The differing properties included: (i) the degree and nature of lateral variability with respect to lithology and bedforms in inclined heterolithic stratification; (ii) the lateral continuity of inclined heterolithic stratification; (iii) the nature of sedimentary contacts between the inclined heterolithic stratification members; (iv) thickness variation of inclined heterolithic stratification members within a set; (v) the cyclicities observed in inclined heterolithic stratification series; (vi) the degree of bioturbation; (vii) the types of trace fossils observed; and (viii) the distribution of bioturbation in adjacent inclined heterolithic stratification members.  相似文献   
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