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本文介绍了利用遥感技术对宝天铁路滑坡和崩塌灾害的调查与动态分析。通过对5个时相不同比例尺的航空像片的分析判读,在宝天段线路两侧各1公里的地带内共发现滑坡398处、崩塌206处,其中涉及线路的滑坡61处、崩塌94处。其次,在综合分析地形、地质、水文和人文等病害因素的基础上,探讨了该区域工程病害的发生规律。分析结果表明,滑坡以发生在黄土者最多,其次为破碎的变质岩和风化的花岗岩,而砂砾岩中最少;崩塌以发生在花岗岩者居多,其次是变质岩系,再次为黄土,砂砾岩中最少。该成果不仅发现了比既有资料多得多的滑坡数量,而且初步摸到了滑坡的发生规律,从而为该段线路病害的防治提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   
A National Research Council, Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection (IRPI) study on Italian monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List has revealed that many are affected by geological, geomorphological, and engineering geological problems. These monuments are static entities set in an environment that often manifests highly dynamic processes. As part of the efforts to protect sites of cultural and natural heritage, this study has applied a preliminary and empirical Geographical Information System-based method developed to characterize the environmental hazards at the sites where the monuments are located. Because the study of hydrogeological degradation falls within the province of IRPI, this hazard zoning focuses on river and mountain slope dynamics specifically concerning landslides and floods.  相似文献   
Global landslide and avalanche hotspots   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
Allocating resources for natural hazard risk management has high priority in development banks and international agencies working in developing countries. Global hazard and risk maps for landslides and avalanches were developed to identify the most exposed countries. Based on the global datasets of climate, lithology, earthquake activity, and topography, areas with the highest hazard, or “hotspots”, were identified. The applied model was based on classed values of all input data. The model output is a landslide and avalanche hazard index, which is globally scaled into nine levels. The model results were calibrated and validated in selected areas where good data on slide events exist. The results from the landslide and avalanche hazard model together with global population data were then used as input for the risk assessment. Regions with the highest risk can be found in Colombia, Tajikistan, India, and Nepal where the estimated number of people killed per year per 100 km2 was found to be greater than one. The model made a reasonable prediction of the landslide hazard in 240 of 249 countries. More and better input data could improve the model further. Future work will focus on selected areas to study the applicability of the model on national and regional scales.  相似文献   
The Suusamyr region is located in the northern part of the Tien Shan Range in Central Asia. In 1992, this region was hit by the Ms = 7.3 Suusamyr earthquake triggering several large landslides along the Suusamyr Valley and on the southern slopes of the adjacent Suusamyr Range. One of these landslides had been investigated by geophysical and geotechnical methods in order to determine local trigger factors. The present paper focuses on the influence of geological and morphological factors upon landslide occurrence on a regional scale. The analysis is based on a digital data set including landslides triggered in 1992 and several older landslides as well as various types of digital elevation models (DEMs), ASTER image data, and geological and active fault maps. These data were combined to compute landslide susceptibility (LS) maps using statistical methods, Landslide Factor and Conditional Analyses (LFA, CA), as well as a geotechnical one, the Newmark's Method (NM). The landslide data set was also analyzed with respect to the size–frequency relationship. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Slope instability studies appear to recognize a number of potential superficial slide-producing agents, which may be directly detected and monitored with Earth Observation (EO) data. The main objective of this work is to use conventional EO data and automatic techniques for providing land-use change maps useful in landslide prevention. The idea is to use the detection of changes in areas already involved in landslide events as a precursory sign of variations in the equilibrium status of the slope, independently from other natural triggering events, such as rain and seismic events. Attention is focused on man-induced surface changes, such as deforestation, urban expansion and construction of artificial structures. A historical set of 20 multi-temporal Landsat TM images, covering the period 1987–2000, was analyzed using a supervised change detection technique on a test site affected by slope instability phenomena located in the Abruzzo region in Southern Italy. A change image is obtained by comparing year-specific thematic map pairs. It contains useful information not only on the place where a transition occurred, but also on the specific classes involved in the transitions between two different years. The full set of change images is used to extract class-conditional transition probabilities, to evaluate variations in specific class distribution and the total number of changed pixels in time. Four classes and their transitions were considered in the analysis: (1) arboreous land, (2) agricultural land, (3) barren land, and (4) artificial structures. The quantitative analysis of the class-joint transition probability values of some specific class-transitions that may worsen slope stability showed that in an area prone to landslides the probability of landslide re-activation or first activation is higher where changes have occurred. Although based on a limited number of known events, such a result encourages extensive experimentation of the proposed technique on better documented landslide test sites.  相似文献   
This work presents the first exhaustive study of the entire surface of the Reunion Island volcanic system. The focus is on the submarine part, for which a compilation of all multibeam data collected during the last 20 years has been made. Different types of submarine features have been identified: a coastal shelf, debris avalanches and sedimentary deposits, erosion canyons, volcanic constructions near the coast, and seamounts offshore. Criteria have been defined to differentiate the types of surfaces and to establish their relative chronology where possible. Debris avalanche deposits are by far the most extensive and voluminous formations in the submarine domain. They have built four huge Submarine Bulges to the east, north, west, and south of the island. They form fans 20–30 km wide at the coastline and 100–150 km wide at their ends, 70–80 km offshore. They were built gradually by the superimposition and/or juxtaposition of products moved during landslide episodes, involving up to several hundred cubic kilometers of material. About 50 individual events deposits can be recognized at the surface. The landslides have recurrently dismantled Piton des Neiges, Les Alizés, and Piton de La Fournaise volcanoes since 2 Ma. About one third are interpreted as secondary landslides, affecting previously emplaced debris avalanche deposits. On land, landslide deposits are observed in the extensively eroded central area of Piton des Neiges and in its coastal areas. Analysis of the present-day topography and of geology allows us to identify presumed faults and scars of previous large landslides. The Submarine Bulges are dissected and bound by canyons up to 200 m deep and 40 km long, filled with coarse-grained sediments, and generally connected to streams onshore. A large zone of sedimentary accumulation exists to the north–east of the island. It covers a zone 20 km in width, extending up to 15 km offshore. Volcanic constructions are observed near the coast on both Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes and are continuations of subaerial structures. Individual seamounts are present on the submarine flanks and the surrounding ocean floor. A few seem to be young volcanoes, but the majority are probably old, eroded seamounts. This study suggests a larger scale and frequency of mass-wasting events on Reunion Island compared to similar islands. The virtual absence of downward flexure of the lithosphere beneath the island probably contributes to this feature. The increased number of known flank–failure events has to be taken into consideration when assessing hazards from future landslides, in particular, the probability of landslide-generated tsunamis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
滑坡位移预测预报是滑坡防灾减灾的重要组成部分,提高滑坡位移预测的准确性与精确度是该项研究的重点与难点。本文在滑坡位移预测中考虑了监测样本的离群值,通过忽略、指定与修正离群值3种方式,研究滑坡位移预测样本离群值的最优处理方式。以三峡库区朱家店滑坡为例,基于ARIMA(p,d,q)模型,分别对累积位移与位移速率时间序列开展了预测研究。研究结果表明:修正离群值的预测结果介于忽略和指定离群值两者之间,更适用于存在监测离群值的滑坡位移预测;对于ARIMA模型,更适合采用位移速率进行预测预报;使用位移速率时间序列ARIMA(1,0,1)并修正离群值的预测结果为:2016年和2017年6月份滑坡前缘GP3"阶跃"位移分别为79. 0 mm和70. 2 mm,截止2017年8月,GP3累积位移将达1647. 7 mm。  相似文献   
This study proposed a random Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method for analyzing the post-failure behavior of landslides,which is based on the Karhunen-Loeve(K-L) expansion,the non-Newtonian fluid model,and the OpenMP parallel framework.Then,the applicability of this method was validated by comparing the generated random field with theoretical result and by simulating the post-failure process of an actual landslide.Thereafter,an illustrative landslide example was created and simulated to obtain the spatial variability effect of internal friction angle on the post-failure behavior of landslides under different coefficients of variation(COVs) and correlation lengths(CLs).As a conclusion,the reinforcement with materials of a larger friction angle can reduce the runout distance and impact the force of a landslide.As the increase of COV,the distribution range of influence zones also increases,which indicates that the deviation of influence zones becomes large.In addition,the correlation length in Monte Carlo simulations should not be too small,otherwise the variation range of influence zones will be underestimated.  相似文献   
国道212线甘肃段地貌特征与滑坡泥石流关系研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
国道212线甘肃段是甘肃省南北向的主要通道,在甘肃境内全长707km,公路沿线是我国滑坡、泥石流的主要发育区,特别是陇南市的宕昌武都段是我国最主要的滑坡、泥石流灾害区之一。线路通过地区的自然地理条件迥异,造成滑坡、泥石流类型和性质有很大差别。本文分析了该区地形地貌时、时空规律性及其与滑坡、泥石流的关系,为未来的高速公路建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   
地震崩滑与地震参数的关系及其在边坡震害预测中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在对我国已有的地震崩塌和滑坡(简称地震崩滑)资料进行研究的基础上,建立地震崩滑与地震参数间的关系,确定触发地震崩滑的最小震级、最小烈度和最大震中距,提出3个预测地震崩滑的初判准则。利用1996年2月3日云南省丽江7.0级地震引发的地震崩塌和滑坡实例,对此初判准则进行了验证。  相似文献   
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