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贵州红枫湖纹理沉积物中近代气温记录 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本通过红枫湖纹理沉积物柱芯碳酸盐特征剖面与流域气温资料对比、沉积纹理年代校正以及早期成岩化学过程对碳酸盐沉积记录的改造作用等方面的研究,表明湖泊碳酸盐沉积记录基本不受早期成岩作用的影响,碳酸钙含量和CaO/MgO·Al2O3比值可作为湖泊沉物中具高分辨率、短时间尺度的气温变化的代用指标。 相似文献
Paul Augustinus Michael Reid Sofia Andersson Yanbin Deng Mark Horrocks 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2006,35(4):789-805
Frozen sediment cores from Lake Pupuke in Auckland City, New Zealand, contain a high resolution decadal to annual scale record
of changing lake paleoenvironments and geochemistry that reflects changing landuse and hydrology in the catchment over the
past c. 190 years. A reliable chronology is available from AMS 14C and 210Pb dating of the sediments, with the timing of the older part of the record supported by the first appearance of pollen of
introduced Pinus and Plantago lanceolata associated with European settlement of Auckland in the early 1840s. Diatom stratigraphy, sediment elemental and carbon isotope
geochemistry reflect changes in sediment sources and lake conditions commensurate with European development of the Lake Pupuke
catchment, in particular enhanced algal productivity controlled by the influx of nutrients after c. 1920 AD. Attempts to prevent
nuisance algal blooms in 1933, 1934 and 1939 using CuSO4 addition produced Cu spikes in the sediment that allowed confirmation of the accuracy of the 210Pb chronology. Hence, the elemental and isotopic composition of the Lake Pupuke sediments reflect the timing of significant
anthropogenic activities, rather than climatic variations, that have occurred within the watershed over the past c. 190 years.
The comparison of records of land use change in the catchment with the multi-proxy record of changes in the sediments usually
allowed unambiguous identification of the signatures of change and their causes. 相似文献
1 IntroductionPast Global Changes (PAGES) is one of the important IGBP (International Geo-Biosphere Program) core programs, of which the objectives are to obtain and interpret all kinds of palaeoclimate records, understand the history of environment and ecological change, and provide basic material and necessary test for the establishment and improvement of climate forecasting models. Because the research of climatic and environmental changes on short time scale is the key connection bet… 相似文献
青海湖是我国内陆最大的闭流型水体,地处东亚季风和西风的交汇影响区,对区域降水的改变等气候变化反应敏感,其水位变化历史是研究区域季风环境演变极其宝贵和重要的环境档案。青海湖Q14B孔岩芯介壳δ18Oc变化曲线自1991年发表以来,受到国内外同行的广泛关注和继续探讨。依据近年来青海湖气候与环境演变研究的最新研究结果和个人对闭流型湖泊同位素地球化学的认识,对介壳δ18Oc变化曲线进行了重新判读并得出以下结论:14.5~10.5 ka B.P.,青海湖区气候已逐渐从干冷向温湿过渡,季风降水逐渐增加;10.8~10.5 ka B.P.,青海湖处于碳酸盐滩湖环境,湖水深度从几米演变到接近干涸;10.5~9.5 kaB.P.,季风降水增加;9.5~8 ka B.P,湖水位从此前的接近干涸演变到此间的2~8 m,δ18Oc值跌落到一个较低的位置;8~3.5ka B.P,气候条件相对稳定,湖水不断蒸发引起重同位素的富集;3.5~0ka B.P,湖水处于同位素稳定阶段。研究结果还显示,δ18Oc值的短期波动与湖泊水位短期变化关系密切且明显,即水位高低分别对应δ18Oc的低值与高值。δ18Oc值的长期变化与湖泊水位长期变化关系不明显,水位较浅时,二者几乎无关联;水位较深时,水位的长期缓慢下降自然会导致δ18Oc逐渐攀升,而水位的长期缓慢上升也可以伴随δ18Oc逐渐攀升。 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using Landsat TM data to retrieve leaf area index (LAI). To get a LAI retrieval model based ground reflectance and vegetation index, detailed field data were collected in the study area of eastern China, dominated by bamboo, tea plant and greengage. Plant canopy reflectance of Landsat TM wavelength bands has been inversed using software of 6S. LAI is an important ecological parameter. In this paper, atmospheric corrected Landsat TM imagery was utilized to calculate different vegetation indices (VI), such as simple ratio vegetation index (SR), shortwave infrared modified simple ratio (MSR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Data of 53 samples of LAI were measured by LAI-2000 (LI-COR) in the study area. LAI was modeled based on different reflectances of bands and different vegetation indices from Landsat TM and LAI samples data. There are certainly correlations between LAI and the reflectance of Tm3, TM4, TM5 and TM7. The best model through analyzing the results is LAI = 1.2097*MSR + 0.4741 using the method of regression analysis. The result shows that the correlation coefficient R2 is 0.5157, and average accuracy is 85.75%. However, whether the model of this paper is suitable for application in subtropics needs to be verified in the future. 相似文献
洞庭湖的冲淤变化和空间分布 总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25
在实测的1974,1988,1998年1:2.5万地形图的基础上,利用地理信息系统的数据处理和空间分析方法,分析洞庭湖24年来的冲淤规律,得到了2个时期(1974-1988,1988-1998)洞庭湖冲淤量和冲淤区域的空间分布位置,研究表明,洞庭湖近24个来总的趋势冲淤厚度没有明显的变化,为0.017m/a。以两期冲淤变化的趋势预测了2010年三峡工程全部完工时洞庭湖的冲淤变化状况,结果表明,1998-2010年间洞庭湖将平均淤高0.33m。最后以3年数字地形模型为基础,分析了洞庭湖24年来的不同水位下湖盆容积的变化。 相似文献
青海湖流域防沙治沙生态效益现状评价及分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究选择了青海湖周边沙漠化防治区,对研究区内的土壤和植被指标进行了野外观测,并对周边农牧户基本状况及生态环境保护意识进行了调查,建立了青海湖沙漠化治理生态效益评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定了指标权重,通过模糊评价的方法计算得出各指标的隶属度,最终得出以下结论:①通过专家系统打分建立判断矩阵,经计算得出生态效益各指标权重,明显看出,植被在青海湖沙漠化防治过程中具有非常重要的作用。②根据模糊评价结果得出研究区内目前防沙治沙生态效益差,说明青海湖防沙治沙工程生态恢复还处于初级阶段,综合治理生态系统建设未达到标准,生态系统仍非常脆弱。③通过农牧户基本情况及生态意识调查,发现研究区的农牧户生态环境保护意识较差,对生态环境了解及认识程度远远不够,还需要加强农牧民的生态环境保护意识。 相似文献
呼伦湖是内蒙古第一大湖,在草原生态环境保护中举足轻重。在气候变化和人类活动的影响下,呼伦湖的水环境状况不容乐观。为了掌握呼伦湖水体的水质状况,在实地采样的基础上,基于地统计学半方差函数理论和GIS克立格空间插值方法,定量分析了呼伦湖水体溶解氧含量的空间变异特征及分布格局。结果表明:溶解氧的半方差拟合最优模型为球面模型,该水质参数具有强烈的空间自相关性;空间分布上,结合地表水环境质量标准,呼伦湖大部分水域的水质为IV类;考虑到鱼类等水生生物的生存需要,呼伦湖整体的溶解氧状况基本适合鱼类的生长,其中比较适合的区域分布在湖中部。 相似文献
GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生的地形分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
草地蝗虫发生的地形分析是建立草地蝗虫发生预报模型的基础,以青海湖地区为实验区,在Arc/Info和ArcView地理信息系统的支持下,进行草地蝗虫发生与各地形变量(包括海拔高度、坡度与坡向)的叠置分析,提取草地蝗虫发生的地形信息数据库,然后,分别采用T-检验(对连续变量-海拔高度和坡度)和卡方(Chisquare)检验(对类变量-坡向类型)进行各地形变量对草地蝗虫发生的差异显著性检验,结果表明,海拔高度和坡度对草地蝗虫发生的影响极为显著(显著性水平p=0.000),而坡向地草地蝗虫发生的影响不是特别明显(显著性水平p=0.039)。 相似文献