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The precipitation of authigenic quartz plays a significant role to reduce the reservoir characteristics and enhance the stiffness of the rock.The Es1 sandstone of Shahejie Formation is acting as a significant hydrocarbon producing rock in the Nanpu Sag.Various methods like thin section petrography,cathodoluminescence(CL),scanning electron microscope(SEM,with EDS),and electron microprobe analysis has been used to reveal the origin of quartz cement as well as to evaluate the effect of quartz cement on reservoir quality.The studied sandstone is classified as immature to mature feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose and consists of quartz,feldspar,rock fragments and micas.Petrographic studies and SEM analysis shows that the authigenic quartz is acting a significant cement that reduces the reservoir quality.Whereas clay minerals(kaolinite and mixed layer illite to smectite)are dominant in the Es1 sandstone,that can reduce the reservoir quality.SEM,CL and thin section analysis reveal that there are two stages of quartz cement in the studied samples;that are pore filling authigenic cement and quartz overgrowth cement.Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures shows that stages of quartz cement were developed with continuous process from 70℃ to 130℃.Quartz cements were generally originated from I/S reaction,feldspar dissolution,conversion of rock fragments and pressure solution.Feldspar dissolution(K-feldspar)and kaolinite to illite reaction is an insignificant silica source for the silica cement which is internally precipitated in a close system with diffusion transporting mechanism.Overall,quartz cement significantly enhance the rock strengthen and brittleness effectively as well as it reduce the overall reservoir quality.  相似文献   
1984年6月和1985年12月,对东海进行了首次黑潮实验性调查.整个调查区涉及到东海及东海黑潮区。作为综合调查项目其中之一的生物调查,在全调查区进行了取样:冬、夏两航次共采集浮游动物样品115份,经分析共鉴定出莹虾类4种。夏季(6月)出现中型莹虾 Luciferintermedius、正型莹虾 Lucifer typus、刷状莹虾 Lnckfer penicillifer、东方莹虾 Lucifer oriental-is;冬季(12月)出现中型莹虾 Lucifer intermedius、正型莹虾 Lucifer typus,可以明显地看出莹虾类的数量分布和种类分布与水温、营养盐、水团、流系等之间有密切的关系。并且莹虾类的数量分布与渔场的位置也有一定关系。据本次调查及资料分析,夏季可将中型莹虾作为东海混合水的指标种;正型莹虾可作为黑潮水的指标种;刷状莹虾可作为台湾暖流的指标种,为水文的调查提供较有价值的参考.  相似文献   
河北四家地热异常区地势西北高、东南低,地热资源丰富。为了科学保护、合理利用该地热资源,以地热异常为研究对象,采用地温场测量、水化学及同位素测试、地球物理测量等方法手段,探讨了四家地热异常区地热资源形成机制、赋存环境及循环机理。研究表明,该地热异常区内地热井水位埋深介于-0.94~3.02 m之间,水位埋深浅; 异常中心以垂直向上对流传热为主,异常外围以传导传热为主,深部热流沿异常中心的断裂交会处上升,并产生横向迁移、扩散,在一定范围内储存起来,形成了本区的地热异常。可控源音频大地点测测深剖面解译成果表明,四家地区深部花岗岩体被切割,使深部的热流能够沿断裂上升,混合并加热赋存于四家地热异常区下部,形成该区域的地热异常。水质分析结果表明,四家地区地热流体水化学类型主要为SO42--Na+型,F-、SiO2含量与水温呈良好的正相关关系,同时F-、SiO2质量浓度严格受地温场的控制。四家地区地下热水为大气降水补给,属大气成因,区内地下热水氚值较低,为0.6~0.8T.U,通过研究认为本区地下热水年龄大于30 a。研究成果为今后在冀东及类似山区开展地热资源勘查研究具有指导意义。  相似文献   
南海潜在天然气水合物藏的成因及形成模式初探   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
文章分析了南海部分地区浅表层沉积物酸脱氢烃类气体的组成及ODP184航次部分岩屑样品罐顶气的组成与同位素特征,总结了南海部分气苗的烃类气体与同位素组成特征,并根据它们的同位素值估算了这些气体源的深度。估算值与实际值较吻合。在此基础上对这些烃类气体的成因进行了判别,结果为:北部陆坡的烃类主要来源于深部的裂解气,可能还有浅部生物气的混合,南部陆坡的烃类主要以浅部的生物气为主,还有热解气的混合。文中还对南海潜在天然气水合物藏的形成模式进行了初步的探讨。这些认识将有助于对南海天然气水合物的形成过程及同一构造背景下油气藏的关系的理解,对今后的普查勘探具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地高桥地区盒8段砂岩储层致密成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用常规薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜及恒速压汞等实验手段,对鄂尔多斯盆地高桥地区盒8段储层特征进行研究,并以孔隙演化过程为线索分析了储层致密成因。研究结果表明:盒8段储层主要为岩屑石英砂岩、石英砂岩与岩屑砂岩,成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较高,储层物性差;砂岩分选性好,初始孔隙度整体较高,平均可达34.7%;受岩石组分、埋深及煤系烃源岩酸性流体的影响,压实作用强烈,破坏了大约20.4%的原生孔隙度,胶结作用破坏了其余13.9%的原生孔隙度,原生孔隙几乎被破坏殆尽;早期溶蚀产生的孔隙被压实作用破坏,而晚期溶蚀作用较弱,仅增加了大约3.4%的次生孔隙度,难以大幅度改善储层物性。因此,成岩期原生孔隙被破坏殆尽及次生孔隙形成较少共同导致该区储层致密。  相似文献   
四川省九龙县里伍铜田成矿物质来源探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过氢氧同位素、硫同位素及微量元素的测试分析,结合矿田地质背景对成矿物质来源进行了分析,认为里伍铜矿田成矿物质主要与燕山期"S"型花岗岩的侵入作用有关。在岩浆侵入过程中,由于热作用的驱动,岩浆热液携带部分成矿物质,沿一定的通道上升或运移,并不断与围岩发生物质的带出和带入,成矿流体是以岩浆热液为主的多组份的热液体系。  相似文献   
Invasions by non-indigenous species (NIS) have been suggested to alter local, regional and global biota on unprecedented scales. To manage NIS, it is pivotal to identify whether a species is introduced or native, but even today the geographical origin of thousands of species worldwide remain uncertain. Most of these ‘cryptogenic species’ are inconspicuous and rare, but in a few instances, they can also be abundant and conspicuous species, with large impacts on community structure. The identification of cryptogenic species, and summarizing information on their most likely origin, is an important task in invasion biology, and can highlight the need for research and management. Here, we document that the gastropod Batillaria australis in the Swan River estuary (Perth, Western Australia) is a conspicuous species of uncertain origin. A literature review combined with new survey data revealed that all evidence point to a recent human-mediated transfer; for example, it is absent from the fossil record, was first collected in 1954, has a low parasite diversity, has increased its population size dramatically in recent times, is separated by >3000 km from conspecifics, has no long-distance dispersal mechanisms, and existing ocean currents run against a natural range extension. Surprisingly, despite political and scientific focus on NIS hardly any ecological data have been published on this species from Western Australia. We show that B. australis is highly abundant in both seagrass beds (424 ± 29 ind m−2) and on unvegetated sand flats (92 ± 22 ind m−2) being orders of magnitudes more abundant than any native gastropod in the Swan River. Experiments showed that high resistance to predation and environmental stress potentially explains its success. From our survey data, we calculated that >3.6 billion invasive snails today occupy the Swan River. This large snail populations support other organisms; for example, almost 1 billion macroalgae are found attached to living B. australis and >100 million hermit crabs occupy its empty shells. Given Battilaria’s high abundance, wide distribution, large size, persistent shells that support other organisms and bioturbating behavior, it seems inescapable that this potential invader has impacted the ecosystem functioning of the Swan River. We argue that the search for abundant species of uncertain origin should continue, and that these species generally should be treated with the same interest as high status invaders to mitigate impacts in already invaded systems and to avoid secondary spread into neighboring ecosystems.  相似文献   
新疆预须开普台铁铜矿床成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据矿床地质地球化学等方面的研究,认为该矿床成矿物质来源于深部地壳或上地幔;通过海底火山同流作用,在酸性相对还原的热学沉积盆地中沉积成矿。成矿流体来源岩浆水,并有海水混入。红碧玉、重晶石等具有喷流岩的特征。矿床成因属于海底火山喷流一热水沉积矿床。  相似文献   
山东省东平-汶上铁矿成矿带是鲁西重要的成矿带,区内已发现李官集、彭集等多个大中型铁矿床,探明了铁矿石资源量超过12亿t。通过收集东平-汶上地区基础地质调查、区域重磁、矿产勘查、科研成果等资料,分析了区内地层、构造、岩浆岩及区域航磁异常特征、重力异常特征与铁矿床的对应耦合关系,提出了矿床的3个控矿因素:即控矿地层(泰山岩群雁翎关组、山草峪组,地层控矿专属性)、控矿构造(同斜复式背斜构造)、控矿岩浆岩(改造和破坏了铁矿带的完整性),通过对成矿区带样品采集测试,分别从主量元素、稀土元素、微量元素、原岩恢复、变质岩构造背景等方面进行系统分析对比,探讨了该区铁矿床为海相岛弧火山——沉积变质成因。  相似文献   
基于新参考系的极移改正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用IAU2000决议中关于CIP的定义阐述了极移坐标系和极移坐标的定义,在总结微分旋转矩阵的性质的基础上给出了极移旋转矩阵的详细推导,结合极移产生的主要原因,详细介绍了目前国际上关于极移模型化工作的最新进展,最后给出了获取极移坐标和TIO位置的方法和途径。  相似文献   
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