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东中国海黑潮海洋锋的季节变化特征及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张然  徐海明  张百超 《气象科学》2016,36(2):203-211
利用高分辨率海洋和大气再分析资料研究了东中国海黑潮海洋锋的季节变化特征及其成因。研究表明,东海黑潮海洋锋存在明显的季节变化,从冬季到次年春季逐渐增强,并在春季达到最强,初夏以后强度逐渐减弱,9—10月达到全年最弱。通过诊断混合层热流量方程发现,东海黑潮区一年四季均表现为暖的温度平流,有利于海洋锋的形成和维持,该暖平流也存在季节变化并在春季达到最大,对海洋锋在春季达到最强起了重要作用。海气界面净热通量在秋冬季对海洋锋的形成有促进作用,有利于海洋锋增强,而在春夏季则起抑制作用,促进海洋锋消亡。温度垂直输送全年对海洋锋起一定程度的抑制作用。总之,在海温水平平流和海表净热通量的共同作用下导致海洋锋春季达到最强,而夏秋季海表净热通量和温度垂直输送作用的共同作用致使海洋锋减弱并最后消失。因此,海洋的动力和热力共同作用导致了东海黑潮海洋锋的季节变化,其中海温水平平流和海表净热通量对海洋锋的季节变化起主要作用,而温度垂直输送项对海洋锋的发展起抑制作用,但影响相对较小。  相似文献   
根据1994年8月28日至9月7日韩国“Onnuri”号海洋调查船获得的CTD资料及在调查期间投放的11个卫星跟踪漂流浮标资料,分析研究了东海东北部黑潮水的分离及其与陆架水的相互作用,进而探讨了夏季的对马暖流的形成过程。  相似文献   
北太平洋副热带环流变异及其对我国近海动力环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国东部陆架海和南海是国防安全的重要门户;位处第二岛链以西的副热带北太平洋既是各国争夺的重要海区,又是我国从近海走向大洋的重要通道.围绕"北太平洋副热带环流变异如何通过黑潮与我国近海动力环境之间相互作用"这一国际前沿科学问题,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目"北太平洋副热带环流变异及其对我国近海动力环境的影响"于2007年9月正式立项.该项目不仅有助于拓展和丰富海洋动力学理论,揭示我国近海及邻近大洋动力环境变异机制,提高预测能力,而且也将为维护我国国防安全和海洋权益,为可持续开发利用海洋资源提供海洋动力环境保障.该项目主要研究内容包括:①北太平洋副热带环流变异和调整机理;②黑潮与我国近海的能量与水体交换过程及机制;③北太平洋副热带环流变异与大气驱动力的耦合效应;④我国近海及邻近大洋动力环境变异的可预测性研究.拟解决的关键科学问题为:北太平洋副热带内区环流变异的机理及其对黑潮的影响;黑潮源头变异机理及其对吕宋海峡水交换的影响和黑潮变异机理及其对东部陆架海域动力环境的影响.  相似文献   
Variability of the Kuroshio path to the south of Japan plays a central role in the local climate change and exerts tremendous influences on the local atmosphere and ocean. In this study, the response of ocean dynamics, in terms of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE), potential vorticity (PV), relative vorticity, and eddy-mean flow interaction, to the Kuroshio path change is discussed. Kuroshio path south of Japan includes the near-shore non-large meander (nNLM), the off-shore non-large meander (oNLM), and the typical large meander (tLM). Analyses reveal that the distribution of EKE, PV, relative vorticity, and energy exchange between the eddy field and the mean flow respectively varies with the Kuroshio path: (1) The tLM has the maximum EKE along the path; (2) The positive and negative PV are located at the onshore and offshore side of Kuroshio axis, respevetively; (3) The distributions of anomalous relative voritcity of nNLM, oNLM, and tLM are consistent with sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs); (4) The tLM has the largest energy exchange between the eddy field and the mean flow in terms of the rate of barotropic energy conversion. On the other hand, the stability analysis of ocean currents suggests that the three Kuroshio paths south of Japan have their own intrinsic properties of the instability.  相似文献   
利用 1981—2019 年 NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和观测降水资料,对山东5月降水多(少)雨年环流特征进行分型,分析前期海温影响大气环流进而影响降水的过程。结果表明:典型多(少)雨年,亚洲中高纬环流呈“-、+”(“+、-” )距平分布,盛行纬(经)向环流,东亚大槽偏弱(强)。前期冬春季黑潮区和热带印度洋海温是影响山东5月降水的关键外强迫因子,黑潮区海温偏暖(冷)时,其上空500 hPa高度场为明显正(负)距平,低层风场呈现异常反气旋(气旋),山东受异常东南风(偏西风)控制,加强(削弱)了水汽输送, 利于降水偏多(少)。热带印度洋偏暖年,山东地区 500 hPa高度场上表现为西低东高,低层处于异常反气旋后部的东南气流中,这与典型多雨年的环流特征基本一致,印度洋偏冷年对应环流特征与偏暖年大致相反。  相似文献   
利用高分辨率的海温分析资料模式资料,分析了黑潮暖舌与我国气温的关系,初步探讨了太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)等造成黑潮暖舌变化的可能原因。结果表明,冬季和春季东海黑潮暖舌存在明显的年际和年代际变化。暖舌在1996/1997年发生了一次突变,此前暖舌处在偏冷的状态,之后转为偏暖的状态。我国冬季和春季气温存在一定的年代际变化,1997年之后,冬季除东北和新疆外,气温有所偏高,而春季气温全国表现为一致的显著偏高。冬季和春季气温对黑潮暖舌存在邻(域)响应。冬季东海黑潮暖舌指数与冬季我国东部气温存在正相关,并且这一相关性能够延续到次年春季。冬季黑潮暖舌指数与我国4月海陆热力差异指数也存在显著的正相关。当冬季暖舌偏强(弱)时,4月海陆热力差异指数偏高(低),即东亚地区海陆热力差异偏大(小)。春季黑潮暖舌指数与春季我国中部及南方地区气温也存在正相关,当春季黑潮暖舌偏强(弱)时,上述地区气温将偏高(低)。PDO和黑潮暖舌之间的相互作用存在一个反馈机制。西风的增强,可通过使海洋向大气释放热量增加和向南的埃克曼(Ekman)输送,降低北太平洋中部的SST,而这一地区SST的降低对应着PDO的暖位相。增强的负风应力旋度在北太平洋副热带流涡中强迫出的向南斯维尔德鲁普(Sverdrup)流也偏强,而向北流动的东海黑潮的增强正是补偿了这一向南的海流。黑潮增强后经过两个月将大量热量输送至北太平洋中部,增强了这一地区的SST,而这对应着PDO的冷位相。  相似文献   
在经典PID控制律基础上,引入模糊控制的概念设计模糊自整定PID控制律改进无人直升机姿态回路控制器,实现了PID控制器的参数在线自整定,并改善了控制器性能.通过Matlab对闭环系统进行算法仿真,表明模糊自整定PID控制器能够发挥优于传统PID控制器的控制性能.最后对所设计的控制器进行半物理仿真验证,通过对比典型输入指令下经典PID和模糊自整定PID两种控制器的控制效果,验证了模糊自整定PID对系统性能的优化.  相似文献   
刘国臻  龚家军 《气象科技》2007,35(1):130-132
针对信息系统防雷工作中经常出现电源N-PE(中性线与保护地)电压过大而影响设备正常工作的情况,分析了N-PE电压产生的机理,它们是纯电阻引起的N-PE电压、地电路环路引起的N-PE电压和公共阻抗干扰引起的N-PE电压;分讨论了引起N-PE电压的常见原因以及降低N-PE电压的常用方法。  相似文献   
Hydrographic and biogeochemical observations were conducted along the longitudinal section from Ise Bay to the continental margin (southern coast of Japan) to investigate changes according to the Kuroshio path variations during the summer. The strength of the uplift of the cold deep water was influenced by the surface intrusion of the Kuroshio water to the shelf region. When the intrusion of the Kuroshio surface water to the shelf region was weak in 2006, the cold and NO3-rich shelf water intruded into the bottom layer in the bay from the shelf. This bottom intrusion was intensified by the large river discharge. The nitrogen isotope ratio (δ15N) of NO3 (4–5‰) in the bottom bay water was same as that in the deeper NO3 over the shelf, indicating the supply of new nitrogen to the bay. The warm and NO3-poor shelf water intruded into the middle layer via the mixing region at the bay mouth when the Kuroshio water distributed in the coastal areas off Ise Bay in 2005. The regenerated NO3 with isotopically light nitrogen (δ15N=−1‰) was supplied from the shelf to the bay. This NO3 is regenerated by the nitrification in the upper layer over the shelf. The contribution rate of regenerated NO3 over the shelf to the total NO3 in the subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer in the bay was estimated at 56% by a two-source mixing model coupled with the Rayleigh equation.  相似文献   
In this paper, a numerical method for correlation sensitivity analysis of a nonlinear random vibration system is presented. Based on the first passage failure model, the probability perturbation method is employed to determine the statistical characteristics of failure modes and the correlation between them. The sensitivity of correlation between failure modes with respect to random parameters characterizing the uncertainty of the hysteretic loop is discussed. In a numerical example, a two-DOF shear structure with uncertain hysteretic restoring force is considered. The statistical characteristics of response, failure modes and the sensitivity of random hysteretic loop parameters are provided, and also compared with a Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   
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