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Among the Sinian to Triassic strata in South China, the stratiform, quasi-stratiform and lenticular metallic deposits in association with hydrothermal sedimentation mainly occur in the four periods: (1) the Sinian Datangpo interglacial period, (2) the early period of Early Cambrian, (3) the late period of Middle Devonian to early period of Late Devonian,and (4) the late period of Early Permian. The four mineralization periods all happened around the maximum flooding period in the third-order seal-level cycle during the ascending stage in the first-order sea-level cycle. The deep seawater layer, starved and non-compensatory basin, low sedimentary rate, and low energy and anoxic environment during the maximum flooding period are very suitable for the formation and preservation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits. The maximum flooding period also coincided with the intensified regional tectonism, extensive deep magmatism and hydrothermal sedimentation, which provide, for the formation of large to superlarge hydrothermal sedimentary deposits through the rapid accumulation of hydrothermal sediments, the needed dynamics, ore-forming materials and favorable passway for hydrothermal fluids to enter the basin.  相似文献   
深海沉积物分类与命名的参数指标和主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于南海中部(118个表层沉积物样,水深82~4 420 m)、东部(106个表层沉积物样,水深700~4 508 m)海域的表层沉积物的粒度资料按小于200 m,200~2 000 m,大于2 000 m水深段对水深、平均粒径、黏土含量进行统计分析,结果表明从陆架到陆坡再到深海,平均粒径和黏土含量随水深增加呈非常有规律的变化;把大于2 000 m水深区域再细分为大于2 500 m,大于3 000 m,大于3 500 m,结果表明平均粒径和黏土含量随水深增加几乎无变化,在南海中部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径为3.39~3.54μm,黏土平均含量为54.91%~55.47%;在南海东部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径为3.25~3.37μm,黏土平均含量为53.91%~54.56%。研究表明2 000 m水深具有划分深海沉积物的指示意义。南海中部水深大于2 000 m海域黏土平均含量为55.19%,平均粒径为3.39μm;在南海东部水深大于2 000 m海域黏土平均含量为53.91%,平均粒径为3.37μm;在南海中部、东部水深大于2 000 m海域平均粒径均小于4μm,黏土平均含量均大于50%,表明深海沉积物粒度特征是平均粒径小于4μm和黏土平均含量大于50%。黏土含量是非生物组分的代表和划分深海沉积物类型的一个独立参数,钙质生物和硅质生物组分是另外两个独立参数。南海东部海域表层沉积物中55种元素总含量为47.50%,硅、铝、钛、钠、钾、磷、钙、镁、铁、锰十种主元素含量为47.03%,其他45种元素含量为0.47%,虽然沉积物来源复杂、成因不同,但沉积物化学主成分并不复杂,主要由前10种主元素和氧元素组成。沉积物主元素铝、钙、硅分别富集于黏土、钙质沉积、硅质沉积中。通过建立沉积物生源组分与碳酸钙、三氧化二铝、二氧化硅的量化关系,可把碳酸钙、生物二氧化硅作为钙质生物和硅质生物的两个替代参数。  相似文献   
The sediment temperature distribution at mud volcanoes provides insights into their activity and into the occurrence of gas hydrates. If ambient pressure and temperature conditions are close to the limits of the gas hydrate stability field, the sediment temperature distribution not only limits the occurrence of gas hydrates, but is itself influenced by heat production and consumption related to the formation and dissociation of gas hydrates. Located in the Sorokin Trough in the northern Black Sea, the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV) was in the focus of detailed investigations during the M72/2 and M73/3a cruises of the German R/V Meteor and the ROV Quest 4000 m in February and March 2007. A large number of in-situ sediment temperature measurements were conducted from the ROV and with a sensor-equipped gravity corer. Gas hydrates were sampled in pressurized cores using a dynamic autoclave piston corer (DAPC). The thermal structure of the DMV suggests a regime of fluid flow at rates decreasing from the summit towards the edges of the mud volcano, accompanied by intermittent mud expulsion at the summit. Modeled gas hydrate dissociation temperatures reveal that the gas hydrates at the DMV are very close to the stability limits. Changes in heat flow due to variable seepage rates probably do not result in changes in sediment temperature but are compensated by gas hydrate dissociation and formation.  相似文献   
The effect of an abundant sandy beach polychaete, Scolelepis squamata, on the colonisation of defaunated sediments by marine nematodes indicates that sandy beach fauna can be partially controlled by biological interactions within and across size groups. Experimental cores, equipped with windows allowing infaunal colonisation, were filled with defaunated sandy beach sediment containing two different treatments with and without S. squamata. These cores were inserted into microcosms filled with sediment with indigenous meiofauna collected from the field. The treatments were incubated in the laboratory at ambient temperature and salinity for 2, 7, 14 and 21 days, in order to follow the colonisation process of the defaunated sediments by the indigenous nematode fauna over time. Nematodes initially colonised both treatments, with abundances of up to 10% of the densities in the control; after 2 weeks, nematode densities in the cores without S. squamata surpassed the control densities. Nematode assemblages in both treatments were not species rich, and also differed in composition from the natural assemblages. The most successful colonising species, Enoplolaimus litoralis, was rare in the surrounding sediment, suggesting that colonisation was determined by species-specific characteristics such as body size, motility and feeding strategy. Initially the presence of macrofauna did not affect the nematode community composition, but after 2 weeks of the experiment, the presence of the polychaete seemed to facilitate the earlier establishment of non-opportunistic species.  相似文献   
吴晓东 《福建地质》2014,33(4):293-299
根据福建沿海湄洲湾、江阴、可门3条支线港口铁路的工程地质条件、水文地质特征,综合分析认为在工程施工过程中局部出现不良地质现象,主要有软土、块石填土、不均匀地基、地下水的腐蚀性等.总结在施工过程中因工程地质问题导致的设计变更及处理措施.  相似文献   
In this paper,the basic conditions and characteristics of the Datong-Yanggao earthquake are described in detail.The type of the earthquake,the aftershock activity,the earthquake trend,the characteristics of damage are analyzed and discussed.This earthquake belongs to a sequence of earthquake swarm type and is of the concentratedly occurring characteristics of several main shocks in a time sequence,and the aftershock activity was normally attenuated.Because of the unreasonable design of buildings and repeated vibration by several destructive main shocks within a short period,the damage in the high intensity region was aggravated.The analysis and the prediction procedure of the 1991 Datong-Yanggao earthquake(Ms=5.8)are also briefly given.  相似文献   
中国西南及邻区上地幔P波三维速度结构/   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
雷建设  周蕙兰 《地震学报》2002,24(2):126-134
利用ISC报告以及中国和NEIC基本测震台网报告中的80974条P波初至到时资料(地震数为7053,台站数为165,且地震和台站都分布在研究区内),对中国西南及邻区(北纬10~36、东经70~110)的深至400km的上地幔三维速度结构进行了研究,分辨率达22.初步结果表明:①研究区速度的横向不均匀性,虽随深度增加而减弱,但至400km深度时仍很明显;②在北纬16和24的纵剖面上,可以看到与印度板块向东和欧亚板块相碰撞挤压相对应的速度结构,以及印度板块与欧亚板块速度结构的差异.在东经90的纵剖面上,与印度板块向北俯冲到欧亚板块(青藏高原)之下相对应的速度结构也比较明显;③在90km深度的横剖面上,由缅甸的密支那至越南的洞海的低速条带,可能与红河断裂带有关;④ 提出并使用了能够更为准确直观地描述分辨率好坏的图示方法.   相似文献   
When a study is to be made of seismic risks, the present-day geodynamic conditions are of fundamental importance: Earthquakes do not happen by themselves, they do have a cause. The cause of earthquakes is that the tectonic stresses exceed a critical limit. The build-up of these stresses is conditioned by the geodynamic processes occurring in the region in question. A knowledge of the geodynamics characteristic of a region is therefore fundamental for seismic risk studies. The general methodology for making such a geodynamic study is based on the entire set of manifestations of the plate-tectonic conditions of that region: these include the mechanism of earthquakes, the stresses observed in mines, the orientation of surface joints and even the direction of river valleys. Examples of geodynamic studies and their bearing on seismic risks are shown from various areas of the world, notably from China, India, and Colombia.  相似文献   
利用哥伦比亚大学 GCMT 目录给出的祁连山中东段地区中强地震震源机制资料,研究较大区域(34°-41°N,100°-106°E)的应力场;利用该地区布设的中法微震数字监测台网多年监测资料和甘肃数字监测台网资料,使用 P 波和 S 波初动及振幅比联合反演方法,反演中小地震震源机制解和发震应力场。结果表明,地区构造应力大致为北东40°-45°水平向压应力;景泰地区主压应力方向约北东45°,绝大多数地震为走滑型。天祝-古浪地区有相当部分的逆断层地震分布,主压应力方向约60°,P 轴仰角在10°左右优势分布,大致为水平应力场。这与大区域构造应力场和断层实际分布基本一致。  相似文献   
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