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南黄海北部坳陷是在印支期前陆盆地基底上发育的白垩纪—新生代大型伸展盆地。笔者系统总结了国内外学者南黄海北部坳陷周缘大地构造学研究、盆地内构造变形—陆相层序充填研究近年来的研究成果,对比了中韩两国学者对于北部坳陷的陆相层序划分方案的异同点,列举了目前研究的薄弱点,提出了一些亟待解决的问题。此研究对于东亚陆缘断陷盆地群地球动力学机制分析、扬子—华北碰撞造山带垮塌研究以及南黄海油气勘探突破均有重要的科学和经济意义。  相似文献   
碎屑沉积岩的物质组成对其形成的构造背景具有重要的指示作用。通过对临清坳陷东部三叠系碎屑沉积岩样品地球化学主量和微量元素分析表明:三叠系岩石样品主要为成熟度较低的杂砂岩和长石砂岩;碎屑沉积岩的母岩总体上与大陆地壳组成基本一致,原岩以沉积岩和花岗岩为主;临清坳陷东部中生代早—中三叠世处于靠近大陆岛弧的活动大陆边缘构造环境,其动力学机制与早期秦岭洋壳向华北板块俯冲、晚期扬子板块和华北板块碰撞作用有关。研究结果为确定三叠纪时期华北东部南侧的构造环境提供了地球化学方面的证据。  相似文献   
十屋断陷是断坳叠置的复合盆地,充填了巨厚的断陷地层。其深部地层包括登娄库组、营城组、沙河子组以及火石岭组。在十屋断陷深部沉积了沙河子组-营城组和登娄库组两套烃源岩和良好的储盖层组合;由于断陷构造运动,形成大量的断裂构造和不整合面,构成了油气运移的有效通道,同时还形成有效断裂、断鼻构造圈闭以及不整合圈闭。综合分析认为,十屋断陷深部具有有利油气成藏生储盖组合。主要有下生上储式、自生自储式和上生下储式三种成藏模式。  相似文献   
The development of expulsion fractures in organic-rich shale is closely related to hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from kerogen. Organic-rich shales from the upper part of the fourth member and the lower part of the third member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China, are used as an example. Based on thin sections, SEM and thermal simulation experiments, the characteristics of hydrocarbon generation and the conditions supporting the development of expulsion fractures were explored. The key factors influencing these fractures include the presence of kerogens, their distribution along laminae and around particle boundaries, their exposure to heat and the build-up in pressure due to confinement by low permeability. The development of excess pore fluid pressures and intrinsic low rock fracture strength are the main influencing factors. Pressurization by rapid generation of hydrocarbon provides impetus for fracture initiation and cause bitumen to migrate quickly. The shale laminae results in distinctly lower fracture strength laminae-parallel than laminae-normal and this directs the formation of new fractures in the direction of weakness. When pore fluid pressure increases, maximum and minimum principal effective stresses decrease by different proportions with a larger reduction in the maximum principal effective stress. This increases the deviatoric stress and reduces the mean stress, thus driving the rock towards failure. Moreover, the tabular shape of the kerogen aids the generation of hydrocarbon and the initiation of expulsion fractures from the tip and edge. The resulting fractures extend along the laminae when the tensile strength is lower in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. Particle contact boundaries are weak and allow fractures to expand around particles and to curve as the stress/strength regime changes. When pore fluid pressure fields at different fracture tips overlap, fractures will propagate and interconnect, forming a network. This paper could provide us more detailed understanding of the forming processes of expulsion fractures and better comprehension about hydrocarbon expulsion (primary migration) in source rocks.  相似文献   
Studies on migration pathways remain qualitative, albeit extensive quantification of migration forcing. In this study, hydrocarbon carriers are defined as carrier units and their corresponding carrier beds for the Third Member of Eocene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, on the basis of their lithofacies and physical properties, spatial relationships, and data availability; secondary migration conduits are then quantified. A carrier unit is defined as a stratigraphic unit that contains microscopically porous and permeable carrier beds and is covered by regional seals. The carrier beds are macroscopically and physically connected to each other within a carrier unit and are hydrodynamically connected during secondary migration. A method of quantifying sandstone carrier units using common physical properties is developed. First, a carrier unit containing potential carrier beds is identified on the basis of lithofacies and their lateral changes. Second, physical connectivity of sandstone carrier beds is assessed on the basis of percolation theory. Third, the hydrodynamic connectivity of a sandstone carrier unit is analyzed using effective parameters that may reflect the hydraulic circulation in the carrier unit. Last, the conductivity of a sandstone carrier bed is quantitatively characterized using appropriate physical property parameters. The results for sandstone carrier units in the Third Member of the Shahejie Formation are used in numerical models addressing Pleistocene secondary migration. The model results explain the discovered accumulation and hydrocarbon shows well; and the model predictions on exploration targets have been confirmed by drilling.  相似文献   
平衡剖面技术广泛应用于构造解释合理性检验和构造演化史分析。平衡剖面发展历史与现状表明,二维平衡剖面技术理论与应用已趋于成熟,真三维平衡恢复算法的精确实现和实际应用是今后的主要发展方向。在详细总结二维平衡剖面技术原理和制作过程后,以苏北盆地溱潼凹陷为例,紧密结合区域地质与地球物理资料、选择合理的剖面走向、采用变速时深转换,多次修改地震构造解释方案并最终制作平衡剖面。结果表明,合理运用平衡剖面技术可检验地震构造解释的合理性并分析构造演化历史,指导油气资源勘探。  相似文献   
北黄海盆地东部坳陷火成岩分布复杂并具有多期性,直接影响了油气成藏作用,然而目前对其空间分布尚缺乏深入认识,制约着该区勘探开发的部署。利用全三维地震资料,根据地震反射特征识别出了不同类型的火成岩地震相模式,并对其不同特征进行了分析,通过地震相识别进行平面追踪,结合时间切片三维地震技术及属性分析对火成岩分布进行了预测。结果表明,北黄海盆地东部坳陷主要发育柱状、尖峰状、蘑菇状和丘状4种火成岩反射地震相;研究区火成岩分区性较明显,主要发育3处火成岩体,分别位于东部隆起剥蚀区、坳陷中部和坳陷的西北部。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地番禺4洼“小而肥”,目前的探明石油地质储量已超出早期估算的地质资源量,早期对烃源岩的认识不足可能是其主要原因,尤其是对优质烃源岩的分布范围仍缺少精确刻画,在很大程度上限制了对该洼陷勘探潜力的认知。以该难点问题为切入点,利用最新钻井和地震资料,采取层序地层学开展了番禺4洼烃源岩的预测工作。通过地震资料上识别的各种反射特征,结合区内已有钻井资料识别的旋回特征,将番禺4洼文昌组划分5个三级层序,进而建立了等时地层格架。在此基础上,综合运用地震沉积学最新技术手段,精细揭示了番禺4洼文昌组文三段优质烃源岩的分布范围。研究结果表明,番禺4洼优质烃源岩分布面积较为广泛,尤其在北次洼和西次洼,优质源岩面积均超过了以往预期。这一研究成果对本区和珠江口盆地油气勘探具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
西湖凹陷位于东海大陆架边缘,地壳为相对软弱的过渡壳。西湖凹陷中新世末以前属于萎缩型盆地,上新世伴随冲绳海槽的形成才成为扩张性盆地。受构造控制盆地萎缩期沉积有以下3个特点:第一,整体表现为海退;第二,沉积范围逐次减小;第三,泥岩百分比越来越低,盖层条件越来越差。平湖组存在区域盖层,钻遇断块气藏;花港组存在局部盖层,背斜充满度高,断背斜充满度低,断块未成藏;新近系盖层条件更差,断背斜亦未能成藏。由此可见保存条件是西湖凹陷油气成藏的主控因素,保存条件好的领域是西湖凹陷下一步勘探的方向。  相似文献   
北部湾盆地海中凹陷油气成藏条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海中凹陷位于北部湾盆地西南部,其勘探程度低,对油气成藏条件欠缺系统的认识和深入的研究。以含油气系统理论为指导,在简要介绍地层与构造特征的基础上,重点论述了烃源岩、储集层、圈闭及输导介质等油气系统的基本要素,认为海中凹陷发育多套烃源岩、多套储集层、多种类型圈闭和复合的输导介质,具备油气系统形成的基本条件,具有较为广阔的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   
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