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Two independent articles published more than a decade ago pointed to the potential of the somewhat neglected K‐Ca system for very precise K‐Ca dating and thermochronology, but have not been followed up since. In the first of these articles, highly precise determination of K and hence the K/Ca ratio in lunar granites showed the feasibility of K‐Ca dates of micas with an analytical precision known so far in only U‐Pb and Ar/Ar dating. In the second article, it was shown that responses of the K‐Ca and Rb‐Sr isotopic systems in micas subjected to a slow post‐metamorphic cooling could provide new insights into thermochronology. Crucial to the follow‐up of these two promising leads is the development of a simple and user‐friendly method for routine high precision K determination in real samples, such as the one described in this report.  相似文献   
在前人对甘肃白银—靖远地区早白垩世河口群(K1H)沙漠研究的基础上,对皋兰地区的河口群进行了沉积结构、构造和石英砂颗粒表面特征等综合对比分析,确认皋兰地区亦存在沙漠沉积。首次通过系统测量研究区风成沙丘的前积层的产状,对当时的古风向、古风带进行了恢复,结果表明,早白垩世晚期研究区盛行西风,与东部鄂尔多斯盆地早白垩世罗汉洞组(K1l)沙漠沉积风向记录完全一致。岩性特征与古风向的一致性表明,研究区与鄂尔多斯盆地均处于北半球西风带中,研究区可能为“古鄂尔多斯沙海”的一部分。  相似文献   
Word是图书杂志编排的主要字处理软件,如何将Word编排的书文档直接在激光打印上镜像输出,是出版社面临的主要问题,也是降低印刷成本的的主要手段,作者首先介绍了HP激光打印机PCL5命令集和PCL5的四种数据压缩算法,然后以HP6L激光打印机的PCL命令集为例介绍了Word文档像打印原理及实现方法。  相似文献   
Integrated sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and microfossil and macrofossil biostratigraphies of the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene Dakhla Formation of the Western Desert, Egypt, provide improved age resolution, information on the cyclic nature of sediment deposition, and the reconstruction of depositional environments. Age control based on integrated biostratigraphies of planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils and macrofossils yields the following ages for stratigraphic and lithologic sequences. The contact between the Duwi and Dakhla formations marks the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary (zone CF8a/b boundary) and is dated at about 71 Ma. The age of the Dakhla Formation is estimated to span from 71 Ma at the base to about 63 Ma at the top (zones CF8a–Plc). The Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary is within the upper unit of the Kharga Shale Member and marked by a hiatus that spans from 64.5 Ma in the lower Paleocene (base Plc) to at least 65.5 Ma (base CF2, base M. prinsii zones) in the upper Maastrichtian at Gebel Gifata, the type locality of the Dakhla Formation. As a result, the Bir Abu Minqar horizon, deposited between about 64.2 and 64.5 Ma (Plc(l) zone), directly overlies the K/T boundary hiatus. Major hiatuses also span the late Maastrichtian–early Paleocene in sections to the northwest (c. 61.2–65.5 Ma at North El Qasr, c. 61.2–69 Ma at Bir Abu Minqar and c. 61.2–65.5 Ma at Farafra), and reflect increased tectonic activity.During the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene a shallow sea covered the Western Desert of Egypt and the clastic sediment source was derived primarily from tectonic activity of the Gilf El Kebir spur to the southwest of Dakhla and the Bahariya arch. Uplift in the region resulted in major hiatuses in the late Maastrichtian–early Paleocene with increased erosion to the southwest. The area was located near the palaeoequator and experienced warm, wet, tropical to subtropical conditions characterized by low seasonality contrasts and predominantly chemical weathering (high kaolinite and smectite). A change towards perennially more humid conditions with enhanced runoff (increased kaolinite) occurred towards the end of the Maastrichtian and in the early Paleocene with shallow seas fringed by Nypa palm mangroves. Sediment deposition was predominantly cyclic, consisting of alternating sandstone/shale cycles with unfossiliferous shales deposited during sea-level highstands in inner neritic to lagoonal environments characterized by euryhaline, dysaerobic or low oxygen conditions. Fossiliferous calcareous sandstone layers were deposited in well-oxygenated shallow waters during sea-level lowstand periods.  相似文献   
Sub‐basaltic sediments in the Mt Royal Range area, studied with a view to testing models of the evolution of the Eastern Highlands, have yielded a palynoflora ascribed to the Paleocene Lygistepollenites balmei Zone. The palynofloras come from a core sampling sediment which accumulated when a stream was dammed by basalt. This is the first reported occurrence of a definite Paleocene flora in the Eastern Highlands region. Basalt in the vicinity of the core gave a K‐Ar age of 54.1 ± 0.3 Ma. The discrepancy between the pollen age and the K‐Ar date is considered to be relatively minor.  相似文献   
利用1961-2012年中国区域586个气象站的降水、气温、日照时数、相对湿度、风速等资料计算了逐月K干旱指数, 在此基础上, 对全国16个区的干旱持续性特征进行了研究. 结果表明: 华北、河套、西北地区东部、西南地区北部、黄淮及新疆南部地区干旱的持续性较强, 常发生3个月以上的长期干旱过程, 并且容易在旱情解除后的短期内(1个月)再次出现干旱; 而南方、东北和新疆北部地区干旱的持续性较弱, 以1个月的短期干旱为主, 且干旱过程之间的时间间隔相对较长, 大多为3个月以上; 华北、河套、西北地区东部、西南地区北部和南部、以及华南地区的干旱过程在冬、秋季开始的频次最高, 且大部分在春季结束, 而冬、春两季的干旱明显比夏、秋两季偏多. 100°E以西(新疆北部除外)的广大地区干旱过程的开始时间主要集中在秋季, 结束时间集中在春、冬两季; 同时, 冬季和秋季干旱多发, 其次是春季, 夏季出现的干旱频次最少.  相似文献   
以盐湖卤水为原料提取并制备Li2CO3的过程中,共存离子对其结晶过程影响较大,尤其西藏盐湖卤水为原料制备碳酸锂的原料中,K/Li约为0.3左右,所以研究K+对Li2CO3晶体的影响具有重要意义。本研究通过实验和计算模拟相结合研究不同K/Li条件下K+对Li2CO3晶体的影响程度,建立晶体中K+含量与比表面积关联式。实验结果表明,K+的存在对Li2CO3的高品质性影响较大,且随着钾离子含量增加,晶体比表面积增大易于吸附杂质离子,表面粗糙度增强,且K+存在对碳酸锂晶体的收率影响较大,而当K/Li控制在0.1以内时,K+对碳酸锂晶体的影响相对较小;通过第一性原理计算,计算并分析了K掺入碳酸锂晶体中的几何结构、缺陷形成能及态密度,结果表明K原子在碳酸锂晶体中更易替代晶体中的Li原子,且K原子的掺入对碳酸锂晶体的晶格参数以及电子结构性质的影响较小。本文对西藏盐湖高效提锂和制备高附加值碳酸锂晶体提供理论依据。  相似文献   
“HY—1A”卫星海洋水色扫描仪像旋转图像校正处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"海洋1"号("HY—1A")卫星海洋水色扫描仪由于K镜的失效而出现了像旋现象,对获得的卫星图像质量产生直接影响。基于光学反射矢量理论,分析了多元探测器并行扫描方式下45°扫描镜加K镜的扫描轨迹特征,利用图像之间的相关性,首先自动寻找K镜停转的准确角度,然后根据K镜的停转角度与多元并扫理论对像旋图像进行了校正处理,获得了可用的校正图像。  相似文献   
Light hydrocarbons, especially C7 isoalkanes, cyclopentanes, cyclohexanes and n-heptane in 540 oils from the Tarim Basin were studied systematically. The results suggested the K1 values [ (2-MH+ 2,3-DMP)/(3-MH + 2,4-DMP) ] of crude oils vary from a lowest value of 0.78, to a highest value of 1.54, but the K1 values of the majority of oil samples (80%) range from 0.90 to 1.20. However, the absolute contents of ( 2-methylhexane + 2,3-dimethylpentane) and ( 3-methylhexane + 2,4-dimethylpentane) in the total light hydrocarbons ( C4-C7 ) show a similar variation trend. The variation of K1 values of crude oils can suggest a typical sedimentary environment for source rocks. Therefore, according to the compositional characteristics of C7 light hydrocarbons in light of the steady-state catalytic hypothesis, nonmarine oils from the Yingmaili area and marine oils from the Tazhong uplift in the Tarim Basin were genetically classified.  相似文献   
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