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Patent transfer has been regarded as an important channel for the nations and regions to acquire external technology, and also a direct research object to depict the relationship between supply and demand of technology flow. Therefore, based on traceable patent transfer data, this article has established a dual-pipeline theoretical framework of transnational-domestic technology transfer from the interaction of the global and local(glocal)perspective, and combines social networks, GIS spatial ana...  相似文献   
Based on teleseismic broadband data, mainly recorded from stationsof the Incorporated Research Institute for Seismology (IRIS) and theGräfenberg (GRF) array in Germany, the focal mechanism and thefocal depth of the largest earthquakes in northeastern Siberia in thetime interval 1976–1996 were determined. For 9 events the relativeanelastic attenuation of the shear wave with respect to the compressionalwave along the travel paths could be calculated. Using the slip vectorsfrom the best constrained focal mechanisms and additional slip vectorsfrom Jemsek et al. (1986) and Parfenov et al. (1988), we obtained the North American–Eurasian pole of rotation west of the Cherskii mountainsat 67.1° N, 132.3° E.The investigation shows that the extension of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridgeinto the continental shelf acts as a continental graben structure.Actually, the crustal extension is concentrated on the eastern LaptevSea area and the seismicity of the western part of the Laptev Sea canbe explained by the assumption of a separate microplate. In the continentsoutheast of the Laptev Sea a series of northwest trending depressions,known as the Moma `Rift', are observed. Although in this region elevatedheat flow, recent volcanism and a low crustal thickness were found (i.e.Duchkov and Sokolova, 1985; Devyatkin, 1985), there is only a poorcorrelation between the seismicity and the rift valleys. So the Momastructures seem to be related to an aborted rift structure.  相似文献   
用欧空局EISCAT极光区非相干散射雷达观测资料、南极中山站电离层垂测站和我国120°E电离层站链f0F2资料,分析了1991年5月2~3日一次主要由磁层对流引起的电离层扰动过程。从形态特征上看,它与热层中性大气参与的动力耦合过程明显地不同。对照比较表明,这是一次典型的磁层-电离层电动耦合事例。全球地磁站网资料从另一侧面证实,本文讨论的耦合机制是正确的。  相似文献   
硅硼镁铝矿、柱晶石和电气石组合产于东南极拉斯曼丘陵,三种矿物相互接触并表现出特定的顺序:电气石(Trn1)→硅硼镁铝矿→电气石(Trn2)→柱晶石→电气石(Trn3),表明其产出是受B2O3、H2O活度的时间演化而不是空间变化所控制。这一组合的出现对于变质作用环境及过程中组分性质是一个很好的限定  相似文献   
应用高光谱图像进行异常目标检测是高光谱遥感最重要的应用之一,而异常目标检测算法最为关键的是对背景的描述。rx 等经典算法受制于对背景分布的高斯假设,因而在复杂背景条件下不能有效地提取出感兴趣的异常目标。本文提出了一种新的异常目标检测算法,不仅能够有效地检测出亚像元的异常目 标,同时以新的方式描述背景。算法首先针对异常检测先验信息不足的问题,采用盲分解方法建立描述背景的冗余字典,该字典是根据像元的纯净性定义估计的背景类端元束构成;然后采用稀疏回归计算每个像元的重建误差,以误差特征作为异常指数,误差越大越可能是异常;为了增强对可能异常目标的描述能力,应用了局 部近邻分析来增强目标在图像邻域的离群表达,从而获得最终的异常检测特征。算法将字典构造的全局性与地物的局部连续性结合,提高了异常目标检测的可靠性。采用不同混合比例模拟的亚像元数据和两幅真实数据进行实验,结果表明,算法不仅仅获得了比 rx 等经典算法更高的精度,同时在不同信噪比条件下表现稳健且抗噪能力强。  相似文献   
在介绍Torus方法反演地球重力场模型的基本原理和方法的基础上,基于圆环面上均匀分布的卫星引力梯度模拟观测值解算了200阶次的地球重力场模型,在无误差情况下,Torus方法解算模型的阶误差RMS小于10-16,验证了该方法的严密性。利用61dGOCE卫星轨道上无误差的模拟引力梯度观测值解算了200阶次的地球重力场模型,分析了格网化误差、极空白对解算精度的影响,迭代3次后,在不考虑低次系数情况下,模型的大地水准面阶误差和累积误差均较小,最大值仅为0.022mm和0.099mm。在沿轨卫星引力梯度模拟数据中加入5mE/Hz1/2的白噪声,基于Torus方法和空域最小二乘法解算了200阶次的地球重力场模型,Torus方法的精度略低于空域最小二乘法的精度,在不考虑低次项的情况下,两种方法解算模型的大地水准面阶误差最大值分别为1.58cm和1.45cm,累积误差最大值分别为6.37cm和5.55cm。但由于采用了二维快速傅里叶技术和块对角最小二乘法,极大地提高了计算效率。本文数值结果说明Torus方法是一种独立有效的方法,可用于GOCE任务海量卫星引力梯度观测值反演重力场的快速解算。  相似文献   
基于青藏高原GPS形变1991-1999年间的测量成果,通过对中尼(中国与尼泊尔)、中印(中国与印度)边界及中不(中国与不丹)边界附近GPS测站地壳水平运动速率的统计分析,运用平均速度法估算了近10a西部边境地区的形变面积。初步计算结果表明,青藏高原形变对我国西部边界存在影响,在1991-1999年之间西部边界的不均匀形变导致国土面积缩小0.37km2。  相似文献   
资源外交寓于国际地缘政治的长期博弈之中。地缘政治是一国对外交往所要考虑的重要因素之一。本文立足于内线周边和外线外围的地缘关系分析,总结了中国资源外交地缘政治的总体态势和潜在风险,并试图提出我国资源外交的基本思路。在全球地缘政治格局中,中国的资源外交包括内线地带和外线地带两个层次:内线由接壤的邻国以及接近的近邻组成,是中国资源外交的战略依托地带;外线由涵盖美洲、欧洲、非洲和澳洲大陆的资源生产大国和消费大国组成,是中国资源外交的战略腾挪空间。在这两个层次上,我国的地缘风险主要来自其他大国的地缘战略遏制、“走出去”战略的地缘选择权旁落、资源通道和贸易路线受制于人。要突破这些地缘限制与束缚,我国的资源外交需统筹国内、国际两个大局,分清内线、外线战略方向的轻重缓急,以周边关系为首要、以大国关系为关键、以发展中国家关系为基础,积极拓展对外友好关系的发展空间,有序扩展资源合作领域,坚定维护国家资源权益。  相似文献   
The existence of uncertainty in classified remotely sensed data necessitates the application of enhanced techniques for identifying and visualizing the various degrees of uncertainty. This paper, therefore, applies the multidimensional graphical data analysis technique of parallel coordinate plots (PCP) to visualize the uncertainty in Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data classified by the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). The Landsat TM data are from the Yellow River Delta, Shandong Province, China. Image classification with MLC and FCM provides the probability vector and fuzzy membership vector of each pixel. Based on these vectors, the Shannon's entropy (S.E.) of each pixel is calculated. PCPs are then produced for each classification output. The PCP axes denote the posterior probability vector and fuzzy membership vector and two additional axes represent S.E. and the associated degree of uncertainty. The PCPs highlight the distribution of probability values of different land cover types for each pixel, and also reflect the status of pixels with different degrees of uncertainty. Brushing functionality is then added to PCP visualization in order to highlight selected pixels of interest. This not only reduces the visualization uncertainty, but also provides invaluable information on the positional and spectral characteristics of targeted pixels.  相似文献   
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