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西气东输管道工程EJ065桩附近边坡稳定性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西气东输管道工程EJ065桩附近边坡陡峻,并处于强震区,必须进行墩位地基所在岩体和岩壁边坡稳定性评价(包括震动条件下),以评价跨越墩位的适宜性,通过野外地质调查确定研究区的区域地震活动,工程地质条件和受力边界条件,采集样品进行测试获取岩体的基体物理力学指标,作者进行了不同条件下(天然,饱和,震动力)的边坡三维模拟定量分析,评价了边坡的稳定性,提出了工程建议。  相似文献   
耒宜高速公路路堑边坡变形破坏特征及其综合治理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
耒宜高速公路修建于山岭重丘区 ,沿线地形、地质条件差异较大 ,路堑开挖边坡类型较多 ,特征不一。本文介绍了路堑边坡的主要特征、边坡失稳的主要原因及治理对策。  相似文献   
遗传算法在边坡抗震稳定性分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
根据遗传算法的思想和拟静力瑞典法基于圆弧滑动面的假定,提出一种用遗传算法搜索最危险滑动面及其对应的最小安全系数的方法。该方法模拟了生物遗传进化过程,克服了传统方法容易陷和局部极小值的缺点,是一种全局优化算法。并通过一个工程实例对其进行了验证。  相似文献   
成都外环路高速公路东半环超过有20km的路段处在成都粘土分布区,针对成都粘土的易滑性,本文提出了全封闭的浆砌片石护坡,土钉墙,非全封闭的锚杆框架护坡,钢纤维混凝土喷锚全封闭护坡,重力式挡土墙等五种方法处理成都粘土路堑边坡工程,施工实践表明,这些方法行之有效,在该类土的边坡防护中值得推广。  相似文献   
采用数值模拟方法研究和论证我国西南某水电站拱肩槽高边坡的稳定性。重点对左岸拱肩槽边坡在自然状态下和施工开挖过程中以及开挖后的应力、应变场特征和演化规律进行了二维有限元分析,并据此对边坡的稳定性进行分析与评价,为设计和施工提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Data from in situ piezocone tests (CPTU) and laboratory analyses are utilized for the interpretation of the stress history of Quaternary sedimentary sequences in the upper continental slope of the Gulf of Lion, northwestern Mediterranean Sea. A CPTU based preconsolidation pressure profile referenced to the current effective stress indicates that the deposit is underconsolidated from 12 meters below the seafloor (mbsf) down to at least 150 mbsf. Excess pore pressure below 12 mbsf is further supported by results from oedometer and dissipation tests. Subseafloor pockmarks and indications of free gas in seismic reflection profiles reveal four main overpressure sources (SI–SIV) with overpressure ratios >0.3 at subseafloor depths coinciding with levels where the dominantly silty-clayey sediment contains increased proportions of sand. We relate the excess pore pressure related to free gas due to gas exsolution processes and sea level variations driven by Pleistocene sea level changes.  相似文献   
刘润  闫玥  闫澍旺  乔春生 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3417-3422
在某吹填软黏土岸坡上修建码头时发生了较大规模的滑坡,待滑体稳定后采取了一系列的工程措施,实现了码头的重建。详细阐述了岸坡发生滑动的全过程,通过现场勘察和有限元模拟分析了岸坡发生滑动破坏的原因。分别考虑了打桩与交通荷载作用,导致地基土中产生超静孔压,从而对岸坡的稳定性造成影响。分析结果表明,岸坡发生失稳破坏是多种不利工况叠加的结果,其主要原因是在低潮位时的超挖引起的,打桩及交通荷载作用也是造成滑坡的不利因素。在破坏的岸坡上重建码头,采用了振动砂桩加固地基,同时在地表铺碎石垫层作为预压荷载,加速地基土的固结。有限元分析和码头的成功重建表明,使用砂桩加固地基可以同时达到提高地基承载力和加速土体排水固结的目的,对于码头的重建是有效的技术措施。  相似文献   
在反倾层状边坡内,开挖边坡并修筑隧道洞口后,出现岩体从隧道掌子面整体挤出和洞顶塌方现象,并导致边坡出现后缘拉裂、坡体内出现多处裂缝和岩块崩塌等坡体失稳迹象。通过对该边坡失稳和隧道塌方的勘察和机制分析,确定该坡体的变形破坏模式,提出针对性治理方案。  相似文献   
A plane–strain numerical model has been developed to mimic a nailed loose fill slope under surcharge loading. The model has been used to back-analyse a field test that was conducted to examine the behaviour of soil nails in loose fill slopes under surcharge loading. Incremental elasto-plastic analyses coupled with pore water diffusion have been performed to study the internal deformation, water content redistribution in the soil, and the performance of the soil nails during and after the application of surcharge loading. The model parameters describing the mechanical and hydraulic properties of the nailed slope were obtained from field or laboratory tests. Different modelling techniques and boundary conditions for mimicking soil–nail interaction in loose fill material have been examined. Comparisons between numerical predictions and field measurements demonstrate that a new interfacial model, denoted as the embedded bond–slip interface model, is more suitable for mimicking the interfacial behaviour. Despite the simplicity of the numerical model, the predicted responses are in close agreement with the field test results, in particular the mobilisation and distribution of nail forces in response to surcharge loading. Both the numerical and the field test results suggest that soil nails are capable of increasing the overall stability of a loose fill slope for the loading conditions considered in this study. The increase in confining stress along the soil nails near the surcharge area is central to the overall stabilising mechanism. On the contrary, the nail forces mobilised near the nail heads are much smaller, indicating that the beneficial effect of having a structural grillage system at the slope face is limited for the range of surcharge pressures considered in this study.  相似文献   
惠民凹陷南坡煤型气有效供气中心分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠民凹陷南坡石炭-二叠系煤层分布广泛,厚度较大,为一套以潮坪-泻湖沉积为主的海陆交互相地层,其有机质属浅沼森林有机相和深沼芦苇有机相。生气模拟实验表明,太原组和山西组煤岩生气潜力分别达150mL/g有机碳和110mL/g有机碳,煤型气源岩经历了复杂的热演化过程,其有效二次生气时期为早第三纪至今,门限温度135℃,对应的埋深入4000m,有效供气中心位于济阳地堑东部和曲堤地垒东段, 生气强度一般达到(20-40)×10^8m^3/km^2。位于主导运聚方向上的曲堤地垒东段是今后勘探的重点目标。  相似文献   
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