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余克服  陈特固 《地学前缘》2009,16(6):138-145
揭示晚全新世以来的海平面变化过程对于理解海平面所处的现状和变化的趋势等具有重要意义。构造活动相对稳定的雷州半岛珊瑚礁区蕴藏着丰富的海平面变化信息,文中对该区晚全新世发育的海滩沉积序列研究表明,距今约1.7~1.2Cal.kaBP(14C年代为2.1~1.7kaBP)期间总体上是一个海平面持续上升的时期,其中在距今约1.5Cal.kaBP时海平面有过短暂的下降波动,约1.2Cal.kaBP时的海平面比现在的至少高128cm;之后海平面开始下降,至今海岸线后退了约210m,形成现代海滩-沙堤地貌体系。结合本区珊瑚礁记录的全新世其他时段海平面的变化特征,本文认为全新世海平面与气候变化一样,也存在千年、百年、年代际尺度的波动特征。  相似文献   
沙滩休闲旅游价值影响因素分析——以青岛海水浴场为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘康 《海岸工程》2009,28(1):72-80
沙滩休闲游乐价值受到沙滩的物理、化学、生物学特征及人口统计因素等各种社会、经济因素的影响,特别是游客的个体因素对沙滩休闲游乐价值具有重要的影响。通过对影响游客沙滩选择的因素进行评估,结合沙滩的游客支付意愿和环境保护意愿调查,系统地对不同自然及人口统计因素对沙滩游憩成本、沙滩使用支付意愿及环境保护意愿的影响及关联程度进行了统计分析,得出环境质量、家庭收入、沙滩游览次数等因素对沙滩休闲旅游价值具有显著影响。  相似文献   
A fluorescent sand-tracer experiment was performed at Comporta Beach (Portugal) with the aim of acquiring longshore sediment transport data on a reflective beach, the optimization of field and laboratory tracer procedures and the improvement of the conceptual model used to support tracer data interpretation.

The field experiment was performed on a mesotidal reflective beach face in low energetic conditions (significant wave height between 0.4 and 0.5 m). Two different colour tracers (orange and blue) were injected at low tide and sampled in the two subsequent low tides using a high resolution 3D grid extending 450 m alongshore and 30 m cross-shore. Marked sand was detected using an automatic digital image processing system developed in the scope of the present experiment.

Results for the two colour tracers show a remarkable coherence, with high recovery rates attesting data validity. Sand tracer displayed a high advection velocity, but with distinct vertical distribution patterns in the two tides: in the first tide there was a clear decrease in tracer advection velocity with depth while in the second tide, the tracer exhibited an almost uniform vertical velocity distribution. This differing behaviour suggests that, in the first tide, the tracer had not reached equilibrium within the transport system, pointing to a considerable time lag between injection and complete mixing. This issue has important implications for the interpretation of tracer data, indicating that short term tracer experiments tend to overestimate transport rates. In this work, therefore, longshore estimates were based on tracer results obtained during the second tide.

The estimated total longshore transport rate at Comporta Beach was 2 × 10− 3 m3/s, more than four times larger than predicted using standard empirical longshore formulas. This discrepancy, which results from the unusually large active moving layer observed during the experiment, confirms the idea that most common longshore transport equations under-estimate total sediment transport in plunging/surging waves.  相似文献   

在准噶尔盆地中部(简称准中)4区块侏罗系岩心观察的基础上,考虑粒度分析、薄片镜下观察及古气候恢复成果,认为该区头屯河组沉积时期发育滨浅湖滩坝沉积;以典型风暴沉积构造的识别为基础,提出一种与滩坝相伴生出现的新的风暴岩类型——滨浅湖风暴岩,并建立理想垂向序列模型,自下至上依次为:递变、块状层段(Sa),平行层段、冲洗交错层段(Sb),波状层段(Sc);断续纹层段(Sd)和滨浅湖泥岩段(Se).该类风暴岩发育在正常浪基面之上的滨浅湖地区,与半深湖风暴岩相比,更易遭受后期波浪改造而难以完整保存;因其发育的平面位置不同,滨浅湖风暴岩序列顶底的沉积物可以是氧化色调的滨浅湖泥坪沉积物或是正常的滨浅湖滩坝沉积物.滨浅湖风暴岩的提出完善了滨浅湖滩坝沉积体系,为研究区古地理、古气候特征的恢复提供线索,为滩坝的成因和沉积环境研究提供思路,对准噶尔盆地隐蔽油气藏的勘探具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   
Increases in the frequency and magnitude of extreme water levels and storm surges are correlated with known indices of climatic variability (CV), including the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), along some areas of the British Columbia coast. Since a shift to a positive PDO regime in 1977, the effects of ENSO events have been more frequent, persistent, and intense. Teleconnected impacts include more frequent storms, higher surges, and enhanced coastal erosion. The response of oceanographic forcing mechanisms (i.e. tide, surge, wave height, wave period) to CV events and their role in coastal erosion remain unclear, particularly in western Canada. As a first step in exploring the interactions between ocean–atmosphere forcing and beach–dune responses, this paper assembles the historic erosive total water level (TWL) regime and explores relations with observed high magnitude storms that have occurred in the Tofino‐Ucluelet region (Wickaninnish Bay) on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Extreme events where TWL exceeded an erosional threshold (i.e. elevation of the beach–foredune junction) of 5·5 m aCD are examined to identify dominant forcing mechanisms and to classify a regime that describes erosive events driven principally by wave conditions (61·5%), followed by surge (21·8%), and tidal (16·7%) effects. Furthermore, teleconnections between regional CV phenomena, extreme storm events and, by association, coastal erosion, are explored. Despite regional sea level rise (eustatic and steric), rapid crustal uplift rates have resulted in a falling relative sea level and, in some sedimentary systems, shoreline progradation at rates approaching +1·5 m a–1 over recent decades. Foredune erosion occurs locally with a recurrence interval of approximately 1·53 years followed by rapid rebuilding due to high onshore sand supply and often in the presence of large woody debris and rapidly colonizing vegetation in the backshore. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The tsunami similar to the one that has occurred in December 26, 2004 (Boxing Day Tsunami) in the Indian Ocean is simulated using the expression derived from Modified Weibull Distribution (for maximum wave height simulation) for extreme wave height predictions. The tuning coefficient plays a significant role in estimating the tsunami heights at various stages. It follows well defined mathematical laws at different stages. It is time dependent in the first three stages and depth dependent in the last two stages. The beach run-up heights estimated by the expression derived from the work-energy relation are comparable with observed values with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   
根据厦门岛东南岸沙滩剖面1999年2月-2002年11月4年的观测资料,分析了该剖面上平均高潮位、平均海平面、平均低潮位的位置变化,绘制了冲淤变化曲线,研究剖面的形态特征及季节和长周期变化趋势。结果表明,风暴潮影响后沙滩剖面呈风暴型剖面,而常浪季节均表现为滩肩型复式剖面。受滨外地形、岸线走向、季节性风浪和潮汐活动等因素影响,沙滩剖面的季节变化比较复杂,长周期变化及风暴潮后剖面的恢复过程各岸段有所不同:泥沙流上游的岸段供沙不足,呈侵蚀状态,剖面恢复较慢;下游则呈基本稳定或淤长状态,剖面恢复相对较快。暴风浪和季节性常风浪交替作用控制着本区沙滩剖面的长周期循环变化过程,该过程一般包括风暴侵蚀期、快速恢复期、稳定恢复期和基本稳定期4个阶段。  相似文献   
蔡则健 《江苏地质》2008,32(1):29-33
通过多期遥感资料,在潮水位基本相同的前提下,对江苏沿海中段低潮滩的时空演变从三个方面进行了分析,进一步指出其演变趋势已由淤转蚀,并已威胁到中潮滩,滩涂资源呈逐年减少的趋势;强调海涂资源并非是取之不尽用之不竭,唤醒人们要更加珍惜和使用好每一寸自然资源的意识。  相似文献   
The Easington Raised Beach, in Shippersea Bay, County Durham, is the most northerly known interglacial beach deposit in England. It lies directly on Magnesian Limestone bedrock at 33 m O.D. and is covered by glacial sediments attributed to the Devensian. Detailed sedimentological analysis suggests that it is an interglacial beach, which is supported by the presence of pebbles bored by marine organisms and littoral, temperate-climate, marine macro- and micro-fossils. It comprises beds of unconsolidated, bedded, imbricated, well-rounded sands and gravels, overlain by similar, but calcreted, deposits. The gravel fraction is dominated by Magnesian and Carboniferous limestone, with orthoquartzite, flint, and porphyries also present; these are far-travelled erratics that must have derived from the erosion of older glacially transported sediments. Previous workers have described erratics derived from the Oslofjord region of Norway in the raised beach gravel, although rocks diagnostic of a Scandinavian origin have not been recovered as part of this study. The heavy-mineral suite is rich in epidote, dolomite, clinopyroxenes, garnet, tourmaline, and micas. The beach was dated previously by conventional amino acid analysis of the shells, which suggested a Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7 age, albeit with a reworked component from MIS 9. This has been confirmed by new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates, which indicate that the beach formed between 240 and 200 ka BP. New amino acid racemisation analyses, using a modified technique, broadly support this interpretation but must await more comparative data before they can be assessed fully. The strong indication of an MIS 7 age for the formation of the beach has implications for the uplift history of northeastern England during the Pleistocene, and indicates an uplift rate of 0.19 mm a−1. The stable isotope geochemistry indicates that the cementation occurred during an interglacial period, whilst U-Series dating of the cement indicates that cementation occurred mostly during the Holocene, and is genetically related to the overlying Devensian till. This work has formed part of a full re-appraisal of the glacial sequence in eastern County Durham, the results of which suggest that the Warren House Formation pre-dates the raised beach, and that the Devensian Horden Till overlies the raised beach.  相似文献   
Between April 2002 and April 2003, in situ measurements of water depth, current velocity and suspended sediment content were carried out in edge region of East Chongming salt marsh and neighboring bald flat in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary under different weather conditions. Cross-shore suspended sediment flux was calculated and analyzed. The results show that under calm weather conditions, the current velocity process in bald field and salt marsh area varied differently during semidiurnal tidal cycles. Owing to current velocity asymmetry, mean SSC during flood tide phase was 1.8 times higher than that of ebb tide phase. As a result, net onshore sediment flux controlled cross-shore suspended sediment transport process and salt marsh pioneer zone was generally accreting. There was significant positive correlation between total sediment flux and quartic power of maximum water depth. It indicates that tidal ranges dominate suspended sediment transport and sedimentation process in the salt marsh pioneer zone under the calm weather condition. The sedimentation rate on the adjacent mudflat was higher than the salt marsh, which induced stable accreting of salt marsh towards the sea. The wind events enhanced SSC and current velocity during the semidiurnal tides. And the remarkable onshore net sediment flux could occur on the high marsh and mudflat close to the marsh fringe during the short period under the rough weather condition.  相似文献   
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