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高岭土的工艺矿物学特征直接决定着它的工业用途。本文作者采用化学的方法、X射线衍射、热分析、扫描电镜以及一系列物性测试手段,对蓝田高岭土的物质成分及其工艺性能进行了系统的研究,认为蓝田高岭土虽然白度偏低,但其可塑性、结合性、干燥性和烧结性均较好,可以作为日用陶瓷和建筑卫生陶瓷的主要原料,也可作为电瓷或其它陶瓷配方中的结合粘土。  相似文献   
论文以高科技园区如何促进智慧产业集聚为研究导向,总结智慧产业集群演化、集聚模式等的研究进展,先基于信息产业的已有分类标准,界定高科技园区智慧产业集群的概念和产业分类;然后基于中关村科技园智慧产业2002—2016年的统计数据,分析中关村科技园智慧产业的空间布局演化和产业增长格局,以波特经典钻石模型为理论框架,细化分析演化过程背后的动力因素,得出高科技园区智慧产业集群的细分动力因素模型,继而以主要动力因素为依据,提炼中关村科技园智慧产业集群演化的主要集聚模式,得出结论:① 中关村科技园区智慧产业集群的演化呈现“一核多园”的先政策引导、后自然溢出的协同发展格局,从海淀核心区向周边园区先辐射集聚,然后基于各园区间的交通、楼宇等生产要素,逐步在非园区范围连贯成片;② 海淀作为核心区集聚了各细分智慧产业,其他各分园则主要在个别细分智慧产业形成集聚优势;③ 中关村科技园区智慧产业的演化主要受生产要素、政府影响变数、相关及支持产业等3大因素影响;④ 中关村科技园区智慧产业集群有生产要素驱动、产业平台驱动、商业地产企业驱动等3种集聚模式。  相似文献   
The Kwinana Industrial Area is nearing its 60th anniversary as a resource-processing industrial cluster. Its longevity may be understood in the traditional terms of industrial inertia resulting from three types of agglomeration economies: localisation, transfer, and urbanisation economies. However, industrial ecology provides an alternative approach to describe the environmental impacts of interplant linkages: utility/infrastructure sharing, supply-chain synergies, by-product exchanges, and joint provision of services. The agglomeration economies and industrial symbiosis approaches to clustering are compared using interplant relationships drawn from the case of Kwinana.  相似文献   
房地产业是中国国民经济的重要支柱行业,从微观视角解析房地产企业空间格局与区位选择因素对指导中国城市房地产业健康发展至关重要.论文基于杭州市房地产业工商企业登记数据,采用最近邻指数、Ripley'sK函数、最近邻层次聚类等空间点模式方法以及地理探测器模型,系统分析了杭州市房地产企业空间集聚特征与区位选择影响因素,研究结果...  相似文献   
利用城市居民在网络搜索中的百度指数分析城市网络联系格局,从百度指数网(http://index.baidu.com)上得到2011—2014年成渝城市群14个城市两两间的百度指数,建立14×14的多值矩阵并导入社会网络分析软件,采用Net Draw和优势流分析法研究成渝城市群网络联系格局。结果表明:(1)Net Draw分析表明成都和重庆在成渝城市群网络联系中为核心城市,其他城市为边缘城市。(2)从优势流分析看,成都为成渝城市群中的主导城市,重庆为次级主导城市,其他城市为从属城市。总体而言,成渝城市群形成了"一主一次多从"的网络联系基本格局。  相似文献   
The Middle Triassic (Anisian) Otter Sandstone was laid down mostly by braided rivers in a desert environment and is now well exposed along the south-east Devon coast in south-west England, part of the ‘Jurassic Coast’ World Heritage Site. It yields uncommon and generally fragmentary fossils, principally of vertebrates, including fish, temnospondyl amphibians and reptiles such as rhynchosaurs, predatory archosaurs, and small superficially lizard-like forms. These provide important information about a freshwater and terrestrial ecosystem that marks recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction, but pre-dated the appearance of dinosaurs and mammals. The constantly eroding Otter Sandstone exposures continue to reveal new taxa (for example, freshwater sharks). Furthermore, microvertebrate material obtained by sieving bone-bearing levels has the potential to further expand the faunal list. Newly discovered associated and articulated vertebrate remains, including small tetrapods, improve knowledge of whole-body anatomy and facilitate systematic work. Invertebrate burrows and reptile footprints provide information on ecological interactions and detailed bed-by-bed collecting casts light on taphonomic processes and faunal changes over time.  相似文献   
使用中尺度数值模式WRF3.9/Noah/UCM,对长三角地区无明显天气过程的2013年8月11至17日一周进行数值模拟,采用2013年500 m分辨率的MODIS数据更新土地覆盖资料,依据城镇比例将城市下垫面进一步分类为高中低3种类型,以此研究长三角城市群非均匀性对区域热岛效应的影响。结果表明:长三角城市群近地面气象要素场对城市下垫面的非均匀性比较敏感,平均热岛强度、干岛强度和风速衰减相较于不考虑城市非均匀性分别减小了16.41%、20.04%和6.25%;受背景风场影响,白天城市群的热岛强度弱于夜晚,均有向下游扩展现象,且内陆城市的热岛强度和干岛强度较沿岸区域更强;相比于均匀城市下垫面试验,考虑非均匀城市影响后,整体热岛强度和干岛强度减弱;白天垂直热岛环流结构明显,整体可以伸展至2 km高度,在东南风背景下,热岛上游高密度城市的热岛环流会抑制下游热岛环流发展,考虑城市非均匀性后,上游效应更显著;热岛强度受非均匀性影响在傍晚和夜间最高减弱可达0.2℃,且进入较强热岛的时间会推迟,维持时间也将缩短。因此,忽略城市下垫面的非均匀性,可能会高估区域热岛效应。  相似文献   
王宏伟  任永琳 《地理科学》1996,16(2):170-175
为建立城市经济社会与环境协调发展的多目标决策模型,考虑了模型特点,数学结构以及模型的求解方法,据此,建立了西安市2000年经济、社会与环境协调发展的多目标决策模型,应用交互STEM方法,实现分析者和决策者连续交互求解,最后得到一组满意结果。  相似文献   
王娜  吴健生  彭子凤 《热带地理》2021,41(5):956-967
基于生活性服务业POI、手机信令和管理人口数据等大数据,采用最邻近指数、核密度、熵指数及地理探测器方法,探究深圳市生活性服务业的空间格局及影响因素.结果表明:1)深圳市生活性服务业空间分布不均衡,主要集中在中、西部地区,总体呈现"两核-三带"的空间集聚特征;空间上呈带状发展形态,主要集聚在交通主干道及轨道线周边区域.2...  相似文献   
In order to evaluate whether or not the county units' economy in the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan (Chang-Zhu-Tan) Urban Agglomeration was growing as expected, this study analyzed the spatial economy pattern at county-level by using the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) method. In this process, the global Moran's I and local Getis-Ord Gi* indexes were employed to analyze indicators including per capita GDP and three industrials (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary industry) from 2000 to 2010. The results show that: 1) the county units' economy in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration has exhibited a strong spatial autocorrelation and an accelerated integration trend since 2008 (Moran' s I increased from 0.26 to 0.56); 2) there is a significant difference in economy development between the northern and southern county units in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration: the hotspot zone with high economic level was formed among the northern county units whereas the coldspot zone with low economic level was located in the southern areas. This difference was caused primarily by the increasingly prominent economic radiation effect of Changsha 'upheaval'; 3) town density, secondary industry, and the integration policy are the major contributors driving the evolution of the spatial economy pattern in the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration.  相似文献   
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