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全球气候变暖背景下索马里急流变化的预估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林美静  范可  王会军 《气象学报》2008,66(5):756-764
索马里急流的变化对亚洲季风和气候变动具有重要的影响,未来索马里急流到底会如何演变?如何受全球变暖的影响?针对这个问题,文中利用IPCC第四次评估报告(IPCC AR4)的多个海气耦合模式的模拟结果,评估了多个模式在当前气候(20C3M)条件下对夏季低空索马里急流的模拟能力;预估模式在SRESA2排放情景下对21世纪(2010—2099)的索马里急流变化。研究结果表明,18个模式在现代气候条件下对索马里急流有较好的模拟能力;18个模式的集合平均结果预测夏季索马里低空急流在21世纪的变化过程是:初期(2010—2040)增强至减弱,中期(2050—2060)增加至最强,末期(2070—2090)减至最弱。与现代气候条件模拟结果相比,夏季索马里低空急流在未来气候变暖背景条件下是趋于减弱的过程,在21世纪末期最弱。研究还表明了夏季低空索马里急流的变化幅度与全球平均气温的变化幅度是一个非线性的关系,各模式对二者关系的描述存在不确定性,鉴于索马里急流对印度季风和东亚季风及中国气候的重要性,索马里急流的变化规律和未来演变是科学界特别需要深入研究的问题。  相似文献   
选择IPCC排放情景特别报告(SRES)中的A2和B2方案,利用区域气候模式PRECIS构建的气候变化情景文件与作物模型(CERES-Rice)耦合,采用雨养与灌溉两种方式,并综合考虑未来CO2浓度增加带来的直接增益效应,模拟了未来2020s及2040s两个时段气候变化对福建省水稻生育期与产量的影响。结果表明:无论是雨养方式还是灌溉方式,未来全省各稻区水稻生育期都将缩短,并且随着温度增高,2040s时段缩短的时间较2020s更长,单季稻生育期缩短时间最长,可达15~20 d。雨养条件下,除了闽东南双季稻区后季稻在2020s时段表现为2.3%(A2)和3.1%(B2)较小幅度的增产外,其他稻区各种稻作制度下的水稻产量较之BASE均出现了不同幅度的减产。闽西北稻区后季稻减产幅度最大,2020s时段A2和B2情景下减产幅度依次为6.9%和10.2%,2040s时段减产幅度进一步加大至14.1%和15.6%。闽东南稻区后季稻模拟结果较为乐观,尤其是在灌溉条件下表现为不同幅度的增产,两种情景下分别增产了1.7%、3.9%。双季稻种植区的后季稻产量稳定性均不如早稻和单季稻的,且随着温度升高,到2040s产量不稳定性有增加的趋势。灌溉在一定程度上可以缓解未来高温天气带来的产量波动。从全省的总产变化趋势来看,A2和B2两种排放情景模拟的结果都不容乐观,即使采用充分灌溉的方式,也依旧表现为减产。2020s时段,两种情景下分别减产0.74%与2.44%;2040s时段,两种情景下减产为3.50%与3.23%。未来早稻和单季稻生长季的土壤水分条件将变得不如目前湿润,与之相关的灌溉需要量均有所增加。  相似文献   

In southeastern Arizona, almost all summer rainfall results from widely-scattered high-intensity afternoon or evening thunderstorms of limited areal extent. For eleven years of record on the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Tombstone, Arizona, about 70 percent of the annual rainfall of 11 1/2 inches and over 95 percent of the annual runoff occurred in July, August, and early September. In contrast, about 5 percent of the rainfall occurred in the previous 3 months, and about 25 percent in the remaining 6 1/2 months.

Therefore, summer rainfall, although highly variable, represented the most dependable source of water to the Walnut Gulch watershed. On the average, significant rainfall was recorded on some part of the watershed on 40 percent of the days in the critical July-August period. The maximum frequency was 3 out of every 4 days in 1955, and the minimum 3 out of every 10 days in 1960.

The wettest year was 1955, with a continuous rainy period of 47 days; whereas, the driest was 1960, with the longest rainy period lasting only 5 days. The longest summer drought during the period of record occurred in 1962, when no rain fell for 17 days in August, following a 14-day rainy period in late July.

As yet, there are not enough data to determine reliable expectancies for summer rainy or drought periods.  相似文献   
The output of 25 models used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (CMIP3) were evaluated, with a focus on summer precipitation in eastern China for the last 40 years of the 20th century. Most models failed to reproduce rainfall associated with the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and hence the seasonal cycle in eastern China, but provided reasonable results in Southwest (SW) and Northeast China (NE). The simulations produced reasonable results for the Yangtze-Huai (YH) Basin area, although the Meiyu phenomenon was underestimated in general. One typical regional phenomenon, a seasonal northward shift in the rain belt from early to late summer, was completely missed by most models. The long-term climate trends in rainfall over eastern China were largely underestimated, and the observed geographical pattern of rainfall changes was not reproduced by most models. Precipitation extremes were evaluated via parameters of fitted GEV (Generalized Ex- treme Values) distributions. The annual extremes were grossly underestimated in the monsoon-dominated YH and SW regions, but reasonable values were calculated for the North China (NC) and NE regions. These results suggest a general failure to capture the dynamics of the EASM in current coupled climate models. Nonetheless, models with higher resolution tend to reproduce larger decadal trends and annual extremes of precipitation in the regions studied.  相似文献   
IPCC评估报告气温变化观测数据的不确定性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王芳  葛全胜  陈泮勤 《地理学报》2009,64(7):828-838
IPCC评估报告给出了全球气候变暖的结论.本文从IPCC采集引用的数据源角度对其揭示的近百年地表增温结论进行了不确定性分析,具体包括地表气温观测网络空间分布、温度序列时间尺度、数据可信度、人类活动对温度的影响等.结果表明:百年尺度全球地表气温观测网络覆盖范围较少;经纬度单元网格内数据源分布不均匀;长时间尺度的温度序列记录有限,且不同年代气温记录数量存在显著差异;大量站点观测连续性差,年平均温度可信度低;目前使用的地面温度观测记录大部分来自大城市,对城市化的热岛效应考虑不足.  相似文献   
依据IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第一工作组报告第四章的内容,对未来全球气候的预估结果进行解读。报告对21世纪全球表面气温、降水、大尺度环流和变率模态、冰冻圈和海洋圈的可能变化进行了系统评估,并对2100年以后的气候变化做了合理估计。评估指出全球平均表面气温将在未来20年内达到或超过1.5℃,平均降水也将增加,但随季节和区域而异,同时变率将增大。大尺度环流和变率模态受内部变率影响较大。到21世纪末,北冰洋可能出现无冰期;全球海洋会继续酸化,平均海平面将持续上升,百年内上升幅度依赖不同排放情景,都在2100年后继续升高。在最新的评估中采用多种约束方法,减小了预估不确定性的范围。AR6对于低排放情景以及“小概率高增暖情节”的关注为应对气候变化提供了更多、更完整的信息。综合报告的评估结果指出,未来需要进一步减小区域,特别是季风区气候预估的不确定性,并从科学研究和模式发展两方面加强我国气候预估能力的建设。  相似文献   
This paper presents a quantitative analysis of international representation in the activities of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change using expert authorship counts by country in each of the four IPCC assessment reports (1990, 1995, 2001 and 2007). Overall, we find that 45% of countries, all Non-Annex 1, have never had authors participate in the IPCC process; on the other hand, European and North American experts are make up more than 75% of all authors (N = 4394). Generalized linear models using negative binomial regression were used to quantitatively estimate the effect of a number of socio-economic, environmental and procedural factors influencing country-level participation in the IPCC. Per capita gross domestic product, population, English-speaking status, and levels of tertiary education were all found to be statistically significant drivers of authorship counts. In particular, participation by authors from English-speaking Non-Annex 1 countries is 2.5 times greater than those that are non-English speaking. Regionally small island nations of Oceania were the most severely under-represented group. South American and Asian countries had fewer authors, and African countries had more authors than what might be expected on the basis of demographic and socio-economic data. These differences across nations partly reflect existing scientific capacity that will be slow to change. However, the on-going under-representation of developing country scientists in the IPCC, particularly in the assessment of climate science (WGI) and climate mitigation (WGIII) warrants greater efforts to close the capacity gap.  相似文献   
赵霞  杨光 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):114-125
冬季重现(再现)是中高纬度大尺度海表温度重要的持续性特征,是热带外海洋特有的现象。北太平洋大气环流也存在这一现象,它可能会强迫产生这一海域海温的冬季重现。本文利用IPCC 20C3M耦合模式资料,评估了耦合模式模拟北太平洋海–气系统冬季重现的能力。北太平洋海温冬季重现的空间范围是海盆尺度的,中部重现时间比其周围晚。大气环流场的冬季重现主要是在北太平洋中部,它与海温冬季重现关系密切。大多数IPCC耦合模式基本上可以模拟出太平洋海温大范围的冬季重现现象。与重现范围的模拟相比,耦合模式对重现时间地理差异的模拟都比较差。各模式对大气环流冬季重现时空分布特征的模拟较差,大部分模式未能模拟出大气环流场中主要的重现区域。而且,大气环流冬季重现对海温重现的可能影响并没有体现在这些耦合模式中。耦合模式对北太平洋大气冬季重现的模拟还有待改善。  相似文献   
刘娜  王辉  张蕴斐 《海洋学报》2014,36(7):9-16
利用IPCC-AR4气候模式诊断与比较计划(PCMDI)20C3M试验和A1B情景试验模拟数据,研究了在温室气体排放情景下,北太平洋海表面温度的变化及其对太平洋风应力旋度变化的响应。结果表明,温室气体中等排放A1B情景与20C3M情景相比,北太平洋年平均海表面温度表现为一致增温的趋势,且最大的增温中心位于黑潮及其延伸体区。与20C3M试验相比,CO2增加情景下北太平洋中部东风加强,增加向北的Ekman输送,使得北太平洋内区增温。风应力旋度零线也向北略有移动,导致黑潮延伸体向北移动并得到加强,从而引起延伸体区较强增温。风应力旋度零线的纬度附近产生的Rossby波,向西传播到黑潮延伸体区,进一步加强黑潮延伸体区的温度异常。海洋对北太平洋风应力场变化的局地响应及延迟响应,使黑潮延伸体海域海表面增温远大于周围海区。  相似文献   
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