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In this paper, an analysis, with the simulation of PRECIS(Providing Regional Climate for Impact Studies), was made for future precipitation extremes, under SRES(Special Report on Emission Scenarios) A2 and B2 in IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) AR4. The precipitation extremes were calculated and analyzed by ETCCDI(Climate Change Detection and Indices). The results show that:(1) In Present Scenario(1961–1900), PRECIS could capture the spatial pattern of precipitation in Xinjiang.(2) The simulated annual precipitation and seasonal precipitation in Xinjiang had a significantly positive trend and its variability had been deeply impacted by terrain. There was a strong association between increasing trend and the extreme precipitation's increase in frequency and intensity during 1961–2008. Under SRES A2 and B2, extreme precipitation indicated an increasing tendency at the end of the 21 st century. The extreme summer precipitation increased prominently in a year.(3) PRECIS's simulation under SRES A2 and B2 indicated increased frequency of heavy precipitation events and also enhancement in their intensity towards the end of the 21 st century. Both A2 and B2 scenarios show similar patterns of projected changes in precipitation extremes towards the end of the 21 st century. However, the magnitude of changes in B2 scenario was on the lower side. In case of extreme precipitation, variation between models can exceed both internal variability and variability of different SRES.  相似文献   
IPCC AR4模式对热带气旋热力控制因子的模拟评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海平面温度是影响热带气旋活动重要的大尺度环境热力控制因子,根据1948-1999年热带地区(30°S-30°N)海平面温度(SST)的气候场、线性趋势、年代际变化与年际变化的空间结构特征,分别就24个IPCC AR4模式的模拟性能进行评估.结果表明,虽然24个IPCC AR4模式对SST气候场的模拟性能都比较好,但大部...  相似文献   
如何实现区域陆地生态系统碳增汇(carbon sequestration)、如何科学地评估/认证其碳汇效应,目前仍是一个颇具争议的科学问题。本文探讨了区域陆地生态系统碳增汇途径,并对现阶段中国陆地生态系统主要人为管理措施的碳汇效应进行了定性评价。从技术和经济可行性看,许多人为管理措施均具有较明显的碳汇效应;但在确定技术或经济投入规模时,应充分考虑特定人为管理措施下生态系统碳增汇的特征曲线,合理地控制投入,实现人为管理措施碳增汇效应最优化。此外,基于定性评价结果,本文分别针对森林、草地、农田和湿地生态系统提出了行之有效的碳汇管理措施。建议相关科学家围绕这些已较大面积推广的管理措施,深入研究其碳收支过程及其机理,尽快提出科学的、可验证的碳增汇认证方法,为科学地评估中国陆地生态系统碳汇功能提供理论依据。  相似文献   
政府间国际气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)2007年发布了第4次评估报告后,全球气候变化问题再次成为国际社会、科技界和社会公众关注的焦点之一,并迅速成为了一个重要的国际科学和政治议题。 2007年以来,尤其是第4次国际极地年的实施,越来越多的观测和研究事实表明,北极和南极地区正在出现快速地变化着,这些变化也正在从量上到质量变化,当在跨越这种变化的阈门时,可能出现:北冰洋会在2040年前后出现夏季无海冰所引起的北半球大范围的持续暴雪的寒冷冬季;2050年左右南极上空臭氧空洞可能消失并恢复到上世纪80年代水平,南极地区可能会快速升温并引起东南极冰盖和海冰快速融化,使海平面升高加速;极区海水温度快速升高会驱动极区表层海洋和上覆大气之间CO2分压平衡加速,极区海洋也会大量吸收大气CO2,并诱发海水酸化及对极区生态系统产生不可逆的破坏。因此,南极和北极地区的快速变化,正在扮演对全球气候变化的指示和调控作用。  相似文献   
IPCC SROCC和AR6对高山区气候变化的评估表明,近期全球山地增暖速率提高,1980年代以来亚洲高山区增暖速率明显高于全球平均和其他高山区同期水平。各山地增暖普遍具有海拔依赖性,但机制复杂且区域差异大,除落基山脉未来气温增幅随海拔降低外,其余山地均随海拔有不同程度的升高。全球山地年降水在过去几十年没有明显趋势;预计未来北半球许多山地年降水将增加5%~20%,但极端降水变化的区域和季节差异较大,其中青藏高原喜马拉雅山脉极端降水频次和强度都将增大。山地年最大雪水当量的减少在固-液态降水转化的海拔高度带更强,未来山地降雪和积雪变化不仅与排放情景有关,而且与海拔高度密切相关。2010—2019年全球山地冰川物质亏损较有观测记录以来的任何一个10年都多,亚洲高山区虽然冰川物质亏损速率较小,但每年亏损的冰量在全球四大高山区中仅次于安第斯山脉南段。预计山地冰川将持续退缩数十年或数百年,未来亚洲高山区冰川退缩对海平面上升的贡献将居全球四大高山区之首。山地多年冻土温度升高、厚度减薄,预计未来多年冻土将加速退化,即使在低温室气体排放情景下,21世纪末青藏高原多年冻土面积预计也将减少13.4%~27.7%。从评估的完整性和信度水平来看,山地观测和研究仍存在巨大差距。  相似文献   
解读政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第六次评估报告(AR6)粮食系统的影响与适应,对科学认识国际气候变化对农业影响学科前沿动态具有重要意义。最新发布的IPCC AR6在深化阐述粮食生产能力、种植布局、病虫害影响的基础上,高度确信人类活动导致的气候变暖对粮食系统产生了负面影响,论述了粮食运输及消费中的气候风险,解析了粮食生产-存储-运输-消费的全链条气候变化影响,延展了影响评估归因内容并丰富了农业环境影响等相关科学认识。对于粮食系统的适应能力,强调适应及减缓协同发展的气候恢复力发展路径,适应评估从适应能力、适应方式等理论逐步转向适应实施行动和成效评估,并注重适应行动的区域特异性和有效性。本次评估强调了气候变化对作物影响的检测和归因、关注了气候和农业环境变化复合影响、倡导基于生态系统的适应方案和技术,评估了现有适应技术的可行性和成效。报告内容对中国强化农业影响评估能力及把握国际学科动态具有参考价值。  相似文献   
The inter-annual variation and linear trends of the surface air temperature in the regions in and around the Bay of Bengal have been studied using the time series data of monthly and annual mean temperature for 20–40 years period within 1951–1990. The study area extends from Pusma Camp of Nepal in the north and Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia in the south and between 80--100 ° E. The annual variation of temperature has also been studied using the mean monthly temperature for the variable time frames 1961–1975, 1976–1990 and 1961–1990. The trend of temperature has been analyzed using linear regression technique with the data from 1961–1990, which showed that the warming trend is dominant over the study areas except for a few stations. It has been found that Nepal shows predominant warming trends. Bangladesh and the adjacent areas of India and the northern part of Bay of Bengal adjacent to the Bangladesh coast have shown strong warming trends of the annual temperature with maximum at Dhaka (0.037 °C/year). The near equatorial zone, i.e., southern India, Sri Lanka and part of Thailand and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) shows warming trends in the annual mean temperature with strong warming at Pamban and Anuradhapura (around 0.04 °C/year). The cooling trends have been observed at a few stations including Port Blair, Yangoon and Cuttack. Further analysis shows the presence of prominent ENSO scale of variations with time period 4–7 years and 2–3 years for almost all the stations. The decadal mode with T >7 years is present in some data series. The results of the variations of temperature with respect to the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) show that SOI has some negative correlation with temperature for most of the stations except those in the extreme northeast. It has been found that positive anomaly of temperature has been observed for El Niño events and negative anomaly for the La Nina events.  相似文献   
Methane (CH4) emissions estimated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) inventory method at the city and regional scale are subject to large uncertainties.In this study,we determined the CH4:CO2 emissions ratio for both Nanjing and the Yangtze River Delta (YRD),using the atmospheric CH4 and CO2 concentrations measured at a suburban site in Nanjing in the winter.The atmospheric estimate of the CH4:CO2 emissions ratio was in reasonable agreement with that calculated using the IPCC method for the YRD (within 20%),but was 200% greater for the municipality of Nanjing.The most likely reason for the discrepancy is that emissions from unmanaged landfills are omitted from the official statistics on garbage production.  相似文献   
四个耦合模式在模拟和预测东亚季风系统方面的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张维娟  杨波  魏皓 《海洋科学》2014,38(9):96-108
基于政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第四次评估报告(AR4)中的海气耦合模式实验,本文研究了温室气体辐射强迫达到4.5 W/m2(Representative Concentration Pathways,RCP4.5)未来情景下东亚地区季风气候变化,对4个海气耦合模式(FGOALS_s2.0(Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model_s2.0)、GFDL_CM3(Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Coupled Model v3)、MPI_ESM_LR(Max Planck Institute-Earth System Model-Low Resolution)和MIROC5(Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate v5))的模拟结果进行了对比。结果显示,各模式均能较好地模拟东亚地区的季风气候态特征,例如冬、夏季盛行风向,降水、热通量的季节和海陆分布特点及降水北进南撤特征。然而,各模式的模拟结果之间也存在差异,例如与再分析资料相比,FGOALS_s2.0模拟的风速偏大,GFDL_CM3模拟的降水较低,综合比较得出,GFDL_CM3对东亚地区气候变化的模拟效果最好。对未来气候的预测方面,4个模式给出较为一致的结论:未来100 a东亚季风的总体变化趋势为季风环流夏季风增强,冬季风减弱,夏季风速增加3.7%左右;降水增加,尤以陆地增加明显,东亚地区未来降水全年增加量约为4.62%;大部分地区热通量有增加的趋势,这是温室效应增强的结果。  相似文献   
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