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大气臭氧层,紫外辐射与人类健康   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文首先评述了近数十年来大气O3层的演变,其中包括全球与中国地区及南极臭氧洞的情况,之后,评述了由此引发的达地面太阳紫外辐射强度的变化,以及对人类健康与环境的影响。  相似文献   
We describe how a local plasma structure can be changed by a transverse shear flow using numerical simulation to investigate the disturbance process near the magnetopause. The results show that magnetic field lines are bent by transverse shear flow disturbance near the current sheet region. There are multiple bipolar structures of the normal magnetic field in the numerical simulation. We term this new feature as K-point magnetic reconnection, realistic for discussing space observations.  相似文献   
Human space exploration is not considered a strategic priority in the United Kingdom at present. However the UK would benefit from participating in human spaceflight, for both scientific and social reasons. From the point of view of medical science there are many parallels between the physiology of spaceflight and terrestrial disease processes, and studies of the response of astronauts to long-duration spaceflight can therefore help in the development of therapeutic strategies on Earth. On the social side, human spaceflight is an attractive vehicle for stimulating the interest of young people in science and engineering, something that must be of value for an aspiring ‘knowledge-based’ economy.  相似文献   
收集、整理淮北台数字化SS-Y型伸缩仪观测资料,根据SS-Y型伸缩仪工作原理,分析气压因素对其观测资料的影响。结果表明,气压变化对观测数据有明显的干扰,且二者呈正相关关系。最后通过量化分析,建立淮北台SS-Y型伸缩仪观测值的气压改正数学解析式,能够对该气压效应进行有效改正。  相似文献   
可视人数据集是人体解剖结构的基础信息数据集。为了确定人体结构在三维空间中的准确定位以及在不同个体之间便于比较,文中提出和建立了可视化人体的整体坐标系统。以通过耻骨联合上缘中点的水平横切面为标准原点平面,将人体分为上、下部:上部包括头,颈、胸、腹、上臂、前臂等重要部位;下部包括骨盆、下肢和手。人体的整体坐标系可以确定人体重要结构的每一个体元的空间绝对坐标及相对坐标,在图像的分割、匹配、重建中起重要作用。通过坐标系统的变换,人体整体坐标系统可以方便地应用于临床的定位定量诊断,手术导航,放射定位治疗以及人体运动功能等领域的研究。  相似文献   
本文着重研究大地形对正压大气迭加在非均匀纬向基本气流上挑动演变的影响。用WKBJ方法推导了正压扰动的频率和频散关系以及波作用量所满足的方程。当基本流场定常且存在无限长的东西向山脉时,则有波作用量守恒。据此,获得了正压不稳定的必要条件:即在所考察的平面域内至少在某点或某些点上含地形效应的某一物理量等于零,扰动就可能得到发展。对波包动能的倚时变化的讨论得知,在无摩擦正压纬向非均匀基流的情形,地形对扰动动能并无直接影响,即导波和曳波分别在西风急流的南侧和北侧得到加强,并分别在西风急流的北侧和南侧强度减弱。扰动的发展由扰动的结构所决定。导波和曳波的波长缩短总伴同其轴线倾向于东西向相联系,而它们的波长伸长总是与其轴线倾向于南北向同时发生。还指出,正压扰动的加强(或减弱)与波长的伸长(或缩短)不是必然的联系,它的成立是有条件的。  相似文献   
自2018年1月11日,河北广平地震台数字电扰动仪NS、EW测道每日北京时间18时至次日06时出现规律性高值变化。通过观测系统检测、测区环境调查、现场实验分析、周边台站观测对比、其他台干扰形态分析及震例总结等手段,并对各种可能的影响因素进行分析论证,综合分析认为,该变化为干扰的可能性较大,非地震前异常。  相似文献   
A limnogeological reconnaissance study was carried out on Lake Iznik, located in the southeast of the Marmara region of Turkey, involving a seismic survey and collection of short sediment cores. This lake is located on the middle branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), a transform plate boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian Plates. It is, therefore, tectonically active and offers an opportunity to investigate the interplay of sedimentary and seismo-tectonic processes, as well as climate change and human impact in the region. Short cores of the three sub-basins, maximum length of 35.5 cm, recovered non-laminated, blackish clays and silts with varying amounts of biogenic and minerogenic (allochthonous, autochthonous) material, which documented almost the last 80 years of deposition and environmental history. High sedimentation rates in the deeper core sections are accompanied by changes in land use (conversion of woodland to farmland) in the northern areas of Lake Iznik, which caused the deposition of more weathered material (high K/Na ratios) and higher contents of Mn in the lake. A tendency towards eutrophic conditions within the last 20 years is indicated by high nutrient content (N, TOC, P), decreasing C/N-ratios, and characteristic diatom and cladoceran associations. Also increased pollution is revealed by higher Pb, Cu, and Zn contents and increased supply of human and animal faeces (high coprostanol content) during the last two decades. But simultaneous lower sedimentation rates towards the core tops complicate the reconstruction of recent and past eutrophication and pollution states of Lake Iznik. This requires an extension of the pilot study and deeper sediment cores, to recover non-anthropogenic influenced sediment levels.  相似文献   
Environmental NGOs are increasingly called upon to respect human rights when undertaking conservation programs. Evaluating a family planning program running alongside marine management measures in Madagascar, we find that family planning services provided by an environmental NGO can support women’s reproductive rights. Family planning services allow the option of smaller families, and give more time to work, increased income and better health. These benefits do not translate into increased support for, or participation in, marine management, however, and women who are able to work more are typically fishing more. We identify patriarchal norms as a key factor preventing the family planning programme from manifesting in improved resource stewardship, limiting opportunities for women to participate fully in resource management meetings and diversify their livelihood outside traditional tasks, including fishing. We propose that a successful human rights-based approach must be more comprehensive, targeting multiple rights and challenging existing institutions and power structures.  相似文献   
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