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廊固凹陷近岸水下扇特征及控制因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对廊固凹陷18口井541 m岩心的系统观察、156口井测井序列的建立、1km×1 km三维地震测网密度的地震相识别,分析了该沉积体系的相带展布特征。该砂砾岩层总体趋势为向上厚度减薄、层数减少,共识别出5期扇体,多呈条带状沿大兴断层断面分布,每期之间发育稳定的暗色泥岩段。该近岸水下扇的形成受3级层序、大兴断层、古构造、古气候、古地形以及物源供给等多种因素的控制。3级层序的发育特点、大兴断层的分段活动以及特殊的物源供给背景因素的匹配对近岸水下扇形成起到决定性作用。2~3期扇体扇中分布范围广,储集条件好,是凹陷下一步开发工作的有利目标。  相似文献   
Geographic regions all have some degree of uncertainty, though this is seldom represented on their maps. Uncertainty of the Great Plains boundary is shown here by comparing 50 previously published maps of the region. These maps were found in a variety of sources, from classic 1930s geographic works to current regional studies on the Internet. By examining this diverse collection, a distinction can be seen between those maps using primarily physical criteria to define the region and those using cultural characteristics, or a combination of these two characteristics. This distinction is supported by trends in boundary shape, size, and even the map's date of publication. The Great Plains is shown as a complex region, subject to the interpretations of individual cartographers, and can be better understood by considering all points of view rather than any single boundary line.  相似文献   
二道河子铅锌矿床位于额尔古纳地块得尔布干成矿带的中段,地处大兴安岭西坡。为有效限制该矿床的成矿时代,对硫化物Rb-Sr年龄和安山玢岩锆石U-Pb年龄开展研究得出:该矿床的内生成矿作用共经历了3个成矿阶段:石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅱ)和石英-方解石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅲ),其中石英-多金属硫化物阶段是主要的矿化阶段;Ⅲ号矿带主成矿阶段5件闪锌矿和3件黄铁矿的Rb、Sr含量分别为0.081×10-6~2.632×10-6和0.661×10-6~3.186×10-6,Rb-Sr同位素等时线年龄为140.8±2.3 Ma,(87Sr/86Sr)i值为0.71025~0.71205;与矿体平行、局部切穿矿体的安山玢岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄为138.8±1.7 Ma。上述结果表明,二道河子矿床为热液脉状铅锌矿床,形成于早白垩世,与次火山岩(安山玢岩)热事件相近。结合前人研究成果,推测成矿与安山质岩浆作用有关,形成于蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合后的伸展环境。  相似文献   
Variation in growth, physiology and ionic relations patterns of Allenrolfea occidentalis, a perennial halophyte of dry habitats, was studied under field conditions from May 1996 to November 1997. An A. occidentalis community has a characteristic soil pH of 7·3–8·3. During the two years, the population was exposed to great variations in soil salinity, from 29 to 146 dS m−1, and soil moisture, ranging from drought (9·2%) to wet (19%). The salt concentrations were significantly higher in the surface soil layers than in the subsurface layers. Seasonal changes in dry weight are directly related to soil salinity stress. Allenrolfea occidentalis had greater growth and biomass production under saline conditions. Na+and Clions were accumulated in plant tissues in much greater amounts than K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Soil salinities were significantly reduced at the end of the growing season. Water potentials of the shoots decreased significantly with increasing salinity. The plant (Fv/Fmratio) was more affected by salinity and irradiation levels during the summer period.  相似文献   
张家口-蓬莱断裂带渤海段晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张家口-蓬莱断裂带是华北地区一条显著的地震带.利用最新获得的高分辨率浅层地震资料研究了渤海海域内该断裂带晚第四纪以来的活动特征.研究表明:在渤海,张家口-蓬莱断裂带主要由沙西断裂、埕北断裂、沙南断裂、沙东北断裂、柏各庄断裂、石臼坨3号断裂、渤中2号断裂和BZ29断裂等一系列NW走向断裂组成,走向在290°~310°之间;在浅层沉积物中各断裂由多条次级小断裂组成;晚第四纪以来主要表现出强烈的垂向运动特征,具有正断性质;海域各断裂的最新活动时代为晚更新世(Q3)末期-全新世(Q4)初期,并具有相同的活动趋势,在20 ka B.P.和60 ka B.P.左右活动强烈,统计计算显示平均垂向活动速率分别为0.15 mm/a和0.1 mm/a,近20 000 a以来的垂向活动速率超过0.06 mm/a.  相似文献   
通过对青藏高原东北缘西秦岭地区断裂构造系统的特征及与滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害关系的分析研究,探讨了断裂构造系统对滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的形成和分布的控制作用。认为虽然滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害是内外动力地质作用复杂的联合作用的结果,但断裂构造系统及其活动性对滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害形成具有关键性的作用,这种作用方式有直接和间接之分。西秦岭地区典型的滑坡、泥石流等的形成大多与断裂构造及其活动密切相关,主要表现在:(1)断裂构造发育的区域一般是滑坡、泥石流高发区;(2)断裂带活动为滑坡和泥石流的发生提供了物源和结构条件;(3)断裂的地震活动是诱发滑坡的关键因素;(4)断裂带的长期活动形成的构造破碎带和地形高差易于为流水的侵蚀而形成泥石流沟和陡坡地形。因此在对滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害研究中,不应孤立的认识单个滑坡、泥石流的形成与发展,而应把其放在区域地质环境演化中去认识,尤其是把区域断层格架、断层带结构和断层活动性研究作为地质灾害形成与发展的关键影响因素深入研究,从而为科学认识崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的形成过程、制定科学的灾害的防御和治理方案提供科学依据。  相似文献   

2021年9月16日四川泸县发生M6.0地震, 该地震发震构造不明, 发震机理尚存在争议.地震精定位和震源机制有助于分析地震活动时空演化与震源破裂特征, 能够有效揭示活动构造机制和地震发生机理, 为评估区域地震危险性提供科学依据.为此, 本文首先采用双差定位法对震中及附近2009年1月至2021年10月发生的地震进行了精定位, 结果显示, 研究区地震震源深度大多集中在10 km范围内, 事件主要沿地表断层呈条带状或丛集分布, 部分震群邻近当地工业井, 周边无明显断层分布.其次, 通过CAP波形反演计算得到M≥3.5地震的震源机制解, 表明研究区震源破裂以逆冲挤压型为主, 部分震源机制解具有不确定性.基于震源机制解反演区域应力场, 进一步探讨了区域应力场与地震事件的力学一致性.研究结果显示, 区域应力场以水平构造挤压作用为主, 部分事件震源机制解与其吻合度较低, 暗示存在局部应力差异.综合地震活动时空演化特征、已知断层展布以及区域应力场等研究结果, 认为华蓥山断裂带南段的地震活动与资源开采活动密切相关, 泸县M6.0地震是在局部应力场扰动下, 下方滑脱层活动触发了上覆隐伏断层的挤压错动而产生.

Two fundamentally different types of silicic volcanic rocks formed during the Cenozoic of the western Cordillera of the United States. Large volumes of dacite and rhyolite, mostly ignimbrites, erupted in the Oligocene in what is now the Great Basin and contrast with rhyolites erupted along the Snake River Plain during the Late Cenozoic. The Great Basin dacites and rhyolites are generally calc-alkaline, magnesian, oxidized, wet, cool (<850°C), Sr-and Al-rich, and Fe-poor. These silicic rocks are interpreted to have been derived from mafic parent magmas generated by dehydration of oceanic lithosphere and melting in the mantle wedge above a subduction zone. Plagioclase fractionation was minimized by the high water fugacity and oxide precipitation was enhanced by high oxygen fugacity. This resulted in the formation of Si-, Al-, and Sr-rich differentiates with low Fe/Mg ratios, relatively low temperatures, and declining densities. Magma mixing, large proportions of crustal assimilation, and polybaric crystal fractionation were all important processes in generating this Oligocene suite. In contrast, most of the rhyolites of the Snake River Plain are alkaline to calc-alkaline, ferroan, reduced, dry, hot (830–1,050°C), Sr-and Al-poor, and Nb-and Fe-rich. They are part of a distinctly bimodal sequence with tholeiitic basalt. These characteristics were largely imposed by their derivation from parental basalt (with low fH2O and low fO2) which formed by partial melting in or above a mantle plume. The differences in intensive parameters caused early precipitation of plagioclase and retarded crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides. Fractionation led to higher density magmas and mid-crustal entrapment. Renewed intrusion of mafic magma caused partial melting of the intrusive complex. Varying degrees of partial melting, fractionation, and minor assimilation of older crust led to the array of rhyolite compositions. Only very small volumes of distinctive rhyolite were derived by fractional crystallization of Fe-rich intermediate magmas like those of the Craters of the Moon-Cedar Butte trend. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The Andrews site represents one of countless prairie potholes found in areas of hummocky moraine on the northern Great Plains. Sediments from a depth of 5.8 to 3.1 m at this 'kettle-fill' site in the Missouri Coteau upland of southern Saskatchewan, Canada, provides a record of vegetation, climate, and hydrologic changes within a small, ca 30 m diameter, closed-drainage basin from ca 10.2 to 5.8 ka. Plant macrofossil analyses of 67 samples, 6 14C ages, and stratigraphy were used to identify 5 zones, representing the paleohydrological changes that followed deglaciation in southern Saskatchewan.Results of this study indicate that with the melting of residual stagnant ice a pond (>2 m deep) with abundant aquatic, emergent, and shoreline plants developed in the basin at ca 10.2 ka and persisted until at least ca 8.8 ka. During this time there was a shift in upland vegetation from a white spruce forest (Zone II) to a deciduous parkland at ca 10 ka (Zone III). As climate warmed, brackish and alkaline conditions developed coincident with shallowing of the pond at the end of Zone III. The perennial water phase ended at ca 8.8 ka and was followed by a low-water stand lasting ca 1100 years. Prairie fires and slopewash from unstable slopes were dominant sedimentological processes until ca 7.7 ka (Zone IV). Water levels began to rise and between ca 7.7 and 5.8 ka a semi-permanent pond was established in a grassland setting (Zone V). After ca 5.8 ka this prairie pothole wetland became ephemeral, to the point that plant macrofossils could not be preserved, a situation continuing today. Interactions between climate change, variability in local groundwater supply, and sedimentological processes likely account for the paleohydrologic events reconstructed at the Andrews site.  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article: Boundary Control and Legal Priniciples . Curtis M. Brown , Walter G. Robillard and Donald A. Wilson . Lost Initiatives: Canada's Forest Industries, Forest Policy, and Forest Conservation . R. Peter Gillis and Thomas R. Roach . The Navajo Atlas: Resources, People, and History of the Dine Bikeyah . James M. Goodman . The City and the Sign . M. Gottdiener AND Alexandros Ph . Lagopoulos , EDS. The Comfortable House: North American Suburban Architecture 1890–1930 . Alan Gowans . Arabic-Islamic Cities. Building and Planning Principles . Besim Salim Hakim . Contemporary Climatology . Ann Henderson -Sellers and Peter J. Robinson . A Trace of Desert Waters . Samuel G. Houghton . Geography, Resources and Environment. Vol. 1: Selected Writings of Gilbert F. White. Vol. 2: Themes from the Work of Gilbert F. White . Robert W. Kates AND Ian Burton , ED. Spatial Dimensions of Unemployment and Underemployment (A Case Study of Rural Punjab) . Gopal Krishan . Maps of the Holy Land: Cartobibliography of Printed Maps, 1475–1900 . Compiled by Eran Laor , assisted by Shoshana Klein . The Geography of Third World Cities . Stella Lowder . A Perspective on U.S. Farm Problems and Agricultural Policy . Lance Mc Kinzie , Timothy G. Baker AND Wallace E. Tyner . Soil Erosion and Its Control. R.P.C . Morgan , ED Geopolitics . Patrick O'Sullivan . Landscape, Meanings and Values . Edmund C. Penning -Rowsell AND David Lowenthal , EDS.  相似文献   
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