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Primary production was studied at nine sites distributed within the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain) and North-Western (NW) Alboran Sea by analyzing photosynthesis-irradiance (P–I) relationships and integrated primary production rates in relation to the different types of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) detected in the area. The characteristics of the DCM were examined by several methods, including flow cytometry, quantification of transparent expolymer particles and fluorimetric measurements that were applied in order to assess the photo-physiological state of the phytoplankton assemblages with respect to their species composition and water column structure (hydrology). The photosynthetic parameters (derived from P–I relationships) and integrated primary production (range 6–644 mg m−2 d−1) responded greatly to the diverse DCM identified and thereby the spatial variability of the primary production observed in the region was found to depend upon the occurrence of the different types of phytoplankton accumulations, which were themselves indicative of the previous history of the water column. The net contribution of the primary production to the air–sea CO2 exchange process was also evaluated in the area. Results indicated that this region behaved as a net sink for the atmospheric CO2, with the intensity of the flux being strongly modulated by the wind intensity.  相似文献   
Peritidal carbonates of the Lower Jurassic (Liassic) Gibraltar Limestone Formation, which form the main mass of the Rock of Gibraltar, are replaced by fine and medium crystalline dolomites. Replacement occurs as massive bedded or laminated dolomites in the lower 100 m of an ≈460‐m‐thick platform succession. The fine crystalline dolomite has δ18Ο values either similar to, or slightly higher than, those expected from Early Jurassic marine dolomite, and δ13C values together with 87Sr/86Sr ratios that overlap with sea‐water values for that time, indicating that the dolomitizing fluid was Early Jurassic sea water. Absence of massive evaporitic minerals and/or evaporite solution‐collapse breccias in these carbonate rocks indicates that the salinity of sea water during dolomitization was below that of gypsum precipitation. The occurrence of peritidal facies, a restricted microbiota and rare gypsum pseudomorphs are also consistent with penesaline conditions (salinity 72–199‰). The medium crystalline dolomite has some δ18Ο and δ13C values and 87Sr/86Sr ratios similar to those of Early Jurassic marine dolomites, which indicates that ambient sea water was again a likely dolomitizing fluid. However, the spread of δ18Ο, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr values indicates that dolomitization occurred at slightly increased temperatures as a result of shallow (≈500 m) burial or that dolomitization was multistage. These data support the hypothesis that penesaline sea water can produce massive dolomitization in thick peritidal carbonates in the absence of evaporite precipitation. Taking earlier models into consideration, it appears that replacement dolomites can be produced by sea water or modified sea water with a wide range of salinities (normal, penesaline to hypersaline), provided that there is a driving mechanism for fluid migration. The Gibraltar dolomites confirm other reports of significant Early Jurassic dolomitization in the western Tethys carbonate platforms.  相似文献   
Three rapid-response Lagrangian particle-tracking dispersion models have been developed for southern Spain coastal waters. The three domains cover the Gulf of Cádiz (Atlantic Ocean), the Alborán Sea (Mediterranean), and the Strait of Gibraltar with higher spatial resolution. The models are based on different hydrodynamic submodels, which are run in advance. Tides are calculated using a 2D barotropic model in the three cases. Models used to obtain the residual circulation depend on the physical oceanography of each region. Thus, two-layer models are applied to Gibraltar Strait and Alborán Sea and a 3D baroclinic model is used in the Gulf of Cádiz. Results from these models have been compared with observations to validate them and are then used by the particle-tracking models to calculate dispersion. Chemical, radioactive and oil spills may be simulated, incorporating specific processes for each kind of pollutant. Several application examples are provided.  相似文献   
We present a new set of brittle microtectonic measurements carried out in the Pliocene and Quaternary rocks outcropping in several key sectors of the western Betic and Rif orogen, the so-called Gibraltar orogenic arc. This data set, along with available earthquake focal mechanisms and borehole breakouts, allowed us to compile the Pliocene and Quaternary stress map of this area. This map provides new constraints for tectonic models and the present-day tectonic activity of the proposed active eastward subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the Gibraltar Arc and roll-back. The horizontal maximum compressive stress (SHmax) is NW-SE in the Betic Orogen and N-S/NNW-SSE in the southern Rif Cordillera. There is a significant consistency between SHmax and the displacement field deduced from GPS measurements with respect to the African plate: both appear to reflect the NW-SE convergence between the African and the European plates that is perturbed in the Rif. We propose that part of the eastern Rif behaves as a quasi-rigid block welded to the stable African plate. This block is bounded by important faults that localized most of the deformation disturbing the stress and surface displacement field. Pliocene to Quaternary N-S to NW-SE Africa-Europe plate convergence seem to be associated to the reorganization of the remnant Early Miocene subduction system in a continental–continental collision framework. Three-dimensional reconstruction of available seismic tomography plotted against the intermediate seismicity shows that only part of the old subduction system, whose orientation ranges from N20°E to N100°E, remains active: the portion ranging from N30°E to N40°E, orthogonal to the regional convergence.  相似文献   
This is the first study describing the crustacean fauna associated to Asparagopsis armata, a non-native, red seaweed widely distributed along western Mediterranean coasts. First found in Australia and New Zealand, it was introduced naturally through the Strait of Gibraltar and rapidly spread out. A one-year spatio-temporal study (Feb 08-Feb 09) was carried out in the Strait of Gibraltar to characterize the spatio-temporal patterns of the associated crustacean fauna. Maximum biomass of A. armata was measured during April-June, whereas the maximum crustacean abundances were registered from June-October. In total 41 crustacean species were identified. The caprellid Caprella penantis, traditionally associated to non-polluted areas, was more abundant on Tarifa Island (higher values of dissolved oxygen and pH) than in Algeciras (lower oxygen and pH). The gammarid Podocerus variegatus was dominant in Algeciras Bay while Hyale schmidti and Apherusa mediterranea were the most abundant on Tarifa Island. Among isopods, Synisoma nadejda was only found on Tarifa Island. When compared with literature of native algae of the intertidal and shallow sublittoral, the species richness of associated crustaceans was similar in A. armata and the natives. Very little is known about the influence of this algae on altering marine communities, so complete faunistic studies dealing with other groups such as polychaetes or molluscs are necessary to properly address biogeographical, ecological and management programmes dealing with this non-native species.  相似文献   
The originality of the Malm–Cretaceous series of the Tariquides (Gibraltar arc), as compared to those of the Rifian–Betic ‘Dorsale’ (Alboran domain), and especially with the Penibetic (Iberia) domain, is emphasized. In the Los Pastores Group, near Algeciras, Upper Tithonian nodular limestones directly lie on the Dogger and are followed by Aptychus-bearing limestones (Late Berriasian to Barremian). In the Musa Group, Rif, radiolarites are followed by siliceous limestones (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian), then by karst and massflow breccias connected to a Berriasian tectonics, by Aptychus-bearing marly limestones, then by karst filled by Turonian limestones, and finally by Maastrichtian–Palaeocene polychrome pelites, whose micropalaeontological and mineral compositions (clay minerals, FeMn nodules) refer to a deep-sea, probably infra-CCD, sedimentation. To cite this article: M. Durand-Delga et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The response of a climate proxy against measured temperature, rainfall and atmospheric circulation patterns at sub-annual resolution is the ultimate test of proxy fidelity but very few data exist showing the level of correspondence between speleothem climate proxies and the instrumental climate record. Cave sites on the Gibraltar peninsula provide a unique opportunity to calibrate speleothem climate proxies with the longest known available precipitation isotopes and instrumental records. An actively growing speleothem sampled from New St. Michaels Cave in 2004 is composed of paired laminae consisting of light columnar calcite and a darker microsparitic calcite. Stable isotope analysis of samples micromilled in 100 μm steps at the equivalent of bi-monthly intervals reveals fabric-correlated annual cycles in carbon isotopes, oxygen isotopes and trace elements responding to seasonal changes in cave microclimate, hydrology and ventilation patterns. Calcite δ13C values reach a minimum in the light columnar fabric and evidence from trace element behaviour and cave monitoring indicates that this grows under cave ‘winter’ conditions of highest pCO2, whereas the dark microsparitic calcite, characterised by elevated δ13C and δ18O values grows under low ‘summer’ pCO2 conditions. Drip water δ13CDIC reaches a minimum in March–April, at which time the attenuated δ18O signal becomes most representative of winter precipitation. An age model based on cycle counting and the position of the 14C bomb carbon spike yields a precisely dated winter oxygen isotope proxy of cave seepage water for comparison with the GNIP and instrumental climate record for Gibraltar. The δ18O characteristics of calcite deposited from drip water representing winter precipitation for each year can be derived from the seasonally resolved record and allows reconstruction of the δ18O drip water representing winter precipitation for each year from 1951–2004. These data show an encouraging level of correspondence (r2 = 0.47) with the δ18O of rainfall falling each year between October and March and on a decadal scale the δ18O of reconstructed winter drip water mirrors secular change in mean winter temperatures.  相似文献   
The Lias–Dogger successions of the Tariquide units in the Gibraltar Arc differ from the series of tectonically adjacent units, the Penibetic (Iberia margin) and the Limestone ‘Dorsale’ (Alboran Domain). Lower Lias limestones are eroded and covered by the Domerian, which starts by deposits of open sea, continuous up to the Dogger (J. Musa-type successions), and elsewhere (Los Pastores-type successions) by a thin series (Upper Lias to Upper Dogger), starting by a manganesiferous episode (Ras Leona) and including marls deposited into three episodes, dated by calcareous nannofossils. Faulting events occurred before the Domerian and during the Late Toarcian (Los Pastores). To cite this article: M. Durand-Delga et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
A new gravimetric geoid is computed for South Spain and the Gibraltar Strait area. This geoid is located just in the junction between two tectonic plates (Euro-Asiatic and African plates) and in the junction of two gravimetric geoids: IGG2005 (the Iberian Gravimetric Geoid obtained in 2005) and MORGEO (the MORoccan GEOid). IGG2005 is the Iberian geoid and MORGEO is the Moroccan geoid, both geoids have been previously obtained. The new geoid is the gravimetric geoid solution that connects the two above-mentioned geoids, getting a more accurate and reliable picture of this area than the other previous geoids. The method used is the Stokes integral in convolution form, which shows to be an efficient method to reach the proposed objective. The terrain correction and the indirect effect have been taken into account. The new geoid is obtained as a regular grid (with a mesh size of 1.5′ × 1.5′) in the GRS80 reference system, covering the study area from 34° to 40° of latitude and from −8° to 0° of longitude. This gravimetric geoid and the previous geoids: IGG2005 and MORGEO; are compared to the geoid undulations derived at the validation points located on the study area (four GPS/levelling points measured on Morocco and five points of the European vertical reference network (EUVN) measured on Iberia). As it is expected, the new geoid is a more precise and reliable model, fitting the geoidal heights of these validation points with more accuracy than the other previous geoids. This new model will be useful for orthometric height determination by GPS in the mountains and remote areas, where levelling has many logistic problems. Also, it can be interesting for other geophysical purposes different to the height measurements, because it can provide a constraint for the density distribution, the thermal state of Lithosphere and the viscosity in the mantle. Such details can be inferred from a geoid model and the seismic velocity structure.  相似文献   
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