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The representation of geoscience information for data integration   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In mineral exploration, resource assessment, or natural hazard assessment, many layers of geoscience maps such as lithology, structure, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, slope stability, mineral deposits, and preprocessed remotely sensed data can be used as evidence to delineate potential areas for further investigation. Today's PC-based data base management systems, statistical packages, spreadsheets, image processing systems, and geographical information systems provide almost unlimited capabilities of manipulating data. Generally such manipulations make a strategic separation of spatial and nonspatial attributes, which are conveniently linked in relational data bases. The first step in integration procedures usually consists of studying the individual charateristics of map features and interrelationships, and then representing them in numerical form (statistics) for finding the areas of high potential (or impact).Data representation is a transformation of our experience of the real world into a computational domain. As such, it must comply with models and rules to provide us with useful information. Quantitative representation of spatially distributed map patterns or phenomena plays a pivotal role in integration because it also determines the types of combination rules applied to them.Three representation methods—probability measures, Dempster-Shafer belief functions, and membership functions in fuzzy sets—and their corresponding estimation procedures are presented here with analyses of the implications and of the assumptions that are required in each approach to thematic mapping. Difficulties associated with the construction of probability measures, belief functions, and membership functions are also discussed; alternative procedures to overcome these difficulties are proposed. These proposed techniques are illustrated by using a simple, artificially constructed data set.  相似文献   
Land use conflict within the Lal Lal Water Catchment is between landowners, the Shire, the Water Board and those directing regional pressures for development. It is exacerbated by inconsistency in building permit appraisal outcomes. The deliberations involved would clearly have benefited from access to spatial data sets through use of a Geographical Information System (GIS) during applications appraisal, in that inconsistencies are most obvious when mapped in relation to the criteria applied. GIS methodologies would ensure that information of a high standard was produced. Three strategic points are identified for the implementation of GIS: at the planning scheme formulation stage; the permit application stage; and the formal conflict resolution stage. Reference to GIS at the first two stages presupposes the existence of a local government area (LGA) spatial data base and a GIS/LIS that can output overlay maps. Application of GIS at the third stage is somewhat ‘after the event’. This study suggests that without such a regional review of the spatial patterns of permit appraisal criteria (including overland flow modelling) each appeal or negotiation is likely to yield an outcome that is inconsistent in relation to other cases. An LGA planning office maintaining a GIS with all layers relating to these criteria will have assembled its spatial data according to the requirements of its planning scheme and will make most use of it in a GIS at the permit appraisal stage.  相似文献   
Due to hardware developments in the last decade, the high-frequency end of the frequency band of seismic waves analyzed for source mechanisms has been extended into the audio-frequency range (>20 Hz). In principle, the short wavelengths corresponding to these frequencies can provide information about the details of seismic sources, but in fact, much of the signal is the site response of the nearsurface. Several examples of waveform data recorded at hard rock sites, which are generally assumed to have a flat transfer function, are presented to demonstrate the severe signal distortions, includingf max, produced by near-surface structures. Analysis of the geology of a number of sites indicates that the overall attenuation of high-frequency (>1 Hz) seismic waves is controlled by the whole-path-Q between source and receiver but the presence of distinctf max site resonance peaks is controlled by the nature of the surface layer and the underlying near-surface structure. Models of vertical decoupling of the surface and nearsurface and horizontal decoupling of adjacent sites on hard rock outcrops are proposed and their behaviour is compared to the observations of hard rock site response. The upper bound to the frequency band of the seismic waves that contain significant source information which can be deconvolved from a site response or an array response is discussed in terms off max and the correlation of waveform distortion with the outcrop-scale geologic structure of hard rock sites. It is concluded that although the velocity structures of hard rock sites, unlike those of alluvium sites, allow some audio-frequency seismic energy to propagate to the surface, the resulting signals are a highly distorted, limited subset of the source spectra.  相似文献   
本文介绍了利用小比例尺重磁资科进行构造分区的数理统计方法。讨论了分区中的单元划分及变量组合等问题,提出了单元划分的原则及各类变量在分区中的作用。最后,利用辽宁及新疆的资料作了统计分区,取得了较为满意的结果。  相似文献   
应用遥感信息复合方法的森林分类和动态监测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在森林资源清查和动态监测中,一般要求能识别树种、在树种复杂时也要求识别到树种组。成图时要求可直接使用几何精度高、类型边界清晰的中比例尺如1:2.5万的影像图。为了满足生产的需要,我们进行了遥感信息复合、遥感与非遥感信息复合及复合方法等实用技术应用的研究。实验中应用了MSS与TM卫星图像、TM不同时相的图像、TM与Spot的复合,及复合前后信息特征变化的定量分析等研究。从而为最优波段组合、特征信息提取方法提供了基础。在动态分析中主要进行了采伐迹地、林墙、迹地更新等方面的测定,并对测定精度进行了评估。  相似文献   
本文就中国石油天然气集团公司CNPC海外业务成功运作实践,指出数字油田技术可望成为中石油在国际市场竞争中的利器.随着海外业务的快速发展,作业的国家及相关项目迅速增加,随之而来的项目管理、经营调度、生产监控等公司日常管理工作日趋复杂,相关信息往来越来越多、传递速度越来越快.与此同时,信息技术的迅猛发展,为实现企业的海量信息处理需求提供了可能,而连接海内外的数字油田建设正是提高公司核心竞争力的重要载体和手段.论述了CNODC海内外项目的信息化现状及存在问题,指出勘探开发一体化集成系统建设作为核心技术是海外数字油田的重中之重,呼吁尽快提出适合自己的高效、规避风险的与海外项目紧密连接的“海外数字油田”战略.  相似文献   
Cellular automata are simple mathematical idealizations of natural systems and they supply useful models for many investigations in natural science. Examples include sandpile models, forest fire models, and slider block models used in seismology. In the present paper, they have been used for establishing temporal relations between the energy releases of the seismic events that occurred in neighboring parts of the crust. The catalogue is divided into time intervals, and the region is divided into cells which are declared active or inactive by means of a threshold energy release criterion. Thus, a pattern of active and inactive cells which evolves over time is determined. A stochastic cellular automaton is constructed starting with these patterns, in order to simulate their spatio-temporal evolution, by supposing a Moore's neighborhood interaction between the cells. The best model is chosen by maximizing the mutual information between the past and the future states. Finally, a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map is given for the different energy releases considered. The method has been applied to the Greece catalogue from 1900 to 1999. The Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for energies corresponding to m = 4 and m = 5 are close to the real seismicity after the data in that area, and they correspond to a background seismicity in the whole area. This background seismicity seems to cover the whole area in periods of around 25–50 years. The optimum cell size is in agreement with other studies; for m > 6 the optimum area increases according to the threshold of clear spatial resolution, and the active cells are not so clustered. The results are coherent with other hazard studies in the zone and with the seismicity recorded after the data set, as well as provide an interaction model which points out the large scale nature of the earthquake occurrence.  相似文献   
Remote sensing, evaluation of digital elevation models (DEM), geographic information systems (GIS) and fieldwork techniques were combined to study the groundwater conditions in Eritrea. Remote sensing data were interpreted to produce lithological and lineament maps. DEM was used for lineament and geomorphologic mapping. Field studies permitted the study of structures and correlated them with lineament interpretations. Hydrogeological setting of springs and wells were investigated in the field, from well logs and pumping test data. All thematic layers were integrated and analysed in a GIS. Results show that groundwater occurrence is controlled by lithology, structures and landforms. Highest yields occur in basaltic rocks and are due to primary and secondary porosities. High yielding wells and springs are often related to large lineaments, lineament intersections and corresponding structural features. In metamorphic and igneous intrusive rocks with rugged landforms, groundwater occurs mainly in drainage channels with valley fill deposits. Zones of very good groundwater potential are characteristic for basaltic layers overlying lateritized crystalline rocks, flat topography with dense lineaments and structurally controlled drainage channels with valley fill deposits. The overall results demonstrate that the use of remote sensing and GIS provide potentially powerful tools to study groundwater resources and design a suitable exploration plan.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
针对当前计算机网络的特点,从地震科技信息介质的转变,资源的开发、利用,管理、保障体系的完善,服务方式的改变等方面进行了论述,指出,要充分利用网络资源,使地震科技信息更及时、准确、全面地为防震减灾事业服务。  相似文献   
基础地理信息数据库是我国要建立的四大数据库中的重要内容,各省均相继开展或完成了省级基础地理信息数据库的建设。数据库建成后,如何高效和安全地使用数据库,广泛服务于社会,是当前面临的重要问题。本文结合数据库的建设现状,从实际需求出发,在实践中归纳了基础地理信息数据库目前及未来应用的设想。  相似文献   
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