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To develop a management strategy for informal fishers, a necessary first step is information about the nature of these fishers, their numbers and their socio-economic status. To accomplish this, a survey of socio-economic conditions and use of marine resources was undertaken in 1999 at 20 localities where fishing occurs around the coast of South Africa, concentrating on subsistence or small- to micro-scale artisanal commercial fishers. In each locality, 16–31 "fisher households" were surveyed by questionnaires, focus-group discussions and interviews with key informants. Demographic analyses revealed a low level of migrancy (~5%), an average of 5.3 persons per household and a mean age of 27. Only ~20% of fishers were women and ~15% were children. Poverty was prevalent: unemployment averaged 40.3% (much higher than the national norm of 29.3%). Mean adult equivalent income per month spanned R193–R735 among regions, and was not correlated with size of settlement. Education levels were low, only ~33% of people >20 years old having completed primary school. Migrancy was highest in rural areas (but still much less than the national norm), intermediate in towns and least in metropolitan areas. Household size, participation of women and poverty all followed similar trends. Comparing regions, the East Coast and the province of KwaZulu-Natal had higher migrancy rates, larger household sizes, greater poverty, and greater participation by women in fishing, than on the South and West coasts. Household expenditure on food was ~R450 per month on the South-East and KwaZulu-Natal coasts and ~R750 on the West Coast, and exceeded 60% of income (a measure of "food security") in about half the households surveyed. Harvested resources were sold, consumed or used as bait. In all regions, the two most frequently harvested resources were fish (mostly sold, predominantly fished by men) and intertidal rocky-shore invertebrates (largely consumed, and involving women to a greater degree). On the West Coast, rock lobster Jasus lalandii was the third-most important resource, but on the South and KwaZulu-Natal coasts this species was replaced by estuarine invertebrates. Abalone Haliotis midae, oysters, sandy-beach invertebrates and kelp or seaweeds made up the balance. Diversity of harvested resources increased west to east, following biogeographic trends. The resources could be divided into those of high value (rock lobsters, abalone and, to a lesser extent, fish) and those of lower value (such as limpets, mussels and bait organisms). It is argued that high-value resources are best used to create micro- and small-scale commercial enterprises that can serve to uplift poor fishers. Low-value resources constitute subsistence resources, for which preferential rights should be established for subsistence fishers, including development of exclusive-use zones where necessary. Emerging characteristics of fishing communities that were helpful in defining subsistence fishers in the South African context were poverty, harvest for self-use (whether by consumption or sale to meet basic needs of food security), use of low-technology gear, and concentration of effort on or from shores or in estuaries. At least portions of the catches of all resources are sold, and the majority of equipment is purchased, so any definition of subsistence fishers cannot exclude those who sell part of their catch or do not use hand-made equipment. Some success was evident with co-management, encouraging further exploration of this style of management for subsistence fishers.  相似文献   
关于长江冲淡水路径的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从1980年6月中美关于长江口及其邻近陆架海区的沉积动力学联合考察开始以来,关于长江径流人海后路径的时空变化问题,引起了中外学者的广泛兴趣。 在这次中美联合考察之前,作者曾根据1980年以前的实测水文资料和余流资料,分析了洪水期本区的盐度分布和海流结构。本文目的是根据中美联合考察所得到的资料和历史资料,对长江冲淡水实测路径的性状作进一步的分析,并拟对影响长江冲淡水复杂多变路径的若干动力学问题作一初步分析。  相似文献   
Cognitive map-design research has the goal of understanding human cognition in order to improve the design and use of maps. As a systematic sub-discipline of cartography, cognitive map-design research is a phenomenon of the twentieth century, specifically the latter half. Robinson's The Look of Maps, published in 1952, played a seminal role in the genesis of cognitive map-design research in several countries, but it had interesting precursors. Empirical work that followed from The Look of Maps included psychophysical studies of graduated circles and studies of eye movements during map reading. Theoretical work that followed included a variety of cognitive theories but especially the development of the communication model as a comprehensive framework foi˙ scientific cartography. I chart the changing fortunes of cognitive map-design research after The Look of Maps and offer explanations for these changes. I also consider the legacy of cognitive map-design research—ways in which it has or has not mattered. I conclude with a list of questions suggested, but not decisively answered, by this exploratory essay.  相似文献   
Gringonen's square equal-area map projection has been forgotten since its appearance in 1972. I describe a modern implementation, including details of how to arrange, in different ways, the fundamental Gringonen projection of a sexadecant (one sixteenth of the surface of the sphere) onto a triangle. The Gringorten Mark I projection is an arrangement in which one hemisphere forms a square, with the other hemisphere disposed around it so that the whole sphere projects as a diamond, which may then be rotated to appear as a square. I introduce an alternative arrangement, the Gringorten Mark II, which is twice as high as it is wide, with one hemisphere on top of the other. These variants are compared with some other square map projections. Maps that fill a rectangular space completely can be very useful where, as on computer screens, space is limited and must be used efficiently.  相似文献   
An area cartogram is a transformed map on which areas of regions are proportional to statistical data values; it is considered to be a powerful tool for the visual representation of statistical data. A circle cartogram is a type of area cartograms, on which regions are represented by circles. Its first construction algorithm is proposed by Dorling in 1996, based on the following requirements to construct visually elegant cartograms: 1) maintain the similarity of configurations between circles and regions, 2) express the contiguity of regions on cartograms if possible, and 3) avoid overlap of circles. The algorithm is widely used for its easiness to use and its ability to express a spatial distribution of data; however, the relative positions of circles on cartograms sometimes greatly differ from the geographical maps, since the algorithm does not consider the first requirements explicitly. In this paper, it is first pointed out that the construction problem of circle cartograms resembles that of distance cartograms, and the only difference is the existence of third requirement. Then a new construction method for circle cartograms is proposed based on the distance cartogram construction method; the proposed method is formulated as non-linear minimization with inequality constraint conditions. Finally its applicability is confirmed using dataset, including the comparison with the result of previous algorithm.  相似文献   
A hybrid system that integrates two-dimensional (2D) GIS and three-dimensional (3D) visualization has been developed to provide unique solutions to application domains where traditional 2D GIS and 3D visualization cannot alone provide a solution. In this paper, we focus on three key issues in realizing such an integrated system, including large-scale terrain rendering, 2D and 3D combination display (for example, rendering 2D GIS layers in 3D space), expanding traditional 2D GIS analysis functions into a 3D environment, and visualizing 3D geographical data. A generic framework is developed to integrate 3D visualization with various types of 2D GIS, such as commercial GIS software, open source GIS software and spatial databases. A prototype 2D and 3D hybrid system that seamlessly integrates 2D GIS (developed with ArcEngine) and 3D rendering engine (developed with DirectX) is then developed based on the framework. In this hybrid system, 2D and 3D data are viewed within the same scene. Multiple 2D GIS layers are overlaid on the base terrain using a Level of Detail (LOD) model. Advanced query functions, data accessing, data management and spatial analysis, which are executed in the traditional 2D GIS, are provided to users in a 3D environment by continuously transforming information between the 2D GIS subsystem and the 3D subsystem. The 3D data are organized and displayed by Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and textured 3D models in the COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) format. The prototype demonstrates that this hybrid system has effectively addressed the three key issues identified above and that it can seamlessly integrate 2D GIS and 3D visualization. The hybrid system has great potential to be employed in many application domains, such as urban planning, landscape design and environmental decision making, among others, to enhance the 3D design capability and facilitate public participation in the planning, design and decision-making process.  相似文献   
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) algorithms are used to simplify, edge match, and overlay large data sets. Some of these GIS processes can cause considerable positional changes to spatial data which are sometimes difficult to assess. This study presents a visualization technique for the evaluation of GIS algorithms and their positional effects on spatial data. The technique is applicable to vector representations and can be used with any GIS operation that changes vector geometry. The technique employs a uniform reference grid to exploit the visual skills of human operators in the evaluation of positional changes in spatial databases after applying GIS transformations. Changes in grid cell length, area, and shape, along with a set of displacement vectors, can be analyzed to evaluate positional changes in spatial data and to compare the behaviors of different algorithms. The technique can assist GIS users in the documentation of positional changes and in the comparison and selection of algorithms for various mapping tasks. Such a technique may assist software developers in creating and selecting appropriate GIS algorithms.  相似文献   
From 2001 to 2006, two new designs of flipper bands made from silicone rubbers were tested on African penguins Spheniscus demersus at 365 nests on Robben Island, South Africa. We compared, over six years, the breeding success, from hatching to fledging, of three different groups of penguins: those with rubber bands (117 nests), with conventional stainless-steel bands (103 nests) and without bands (145 nests). There were no significant differences in breeding success between the three groups, suggesting that neither the currently used steel bands, nor either of the new rubber-band designs, were harmful during the seasons investigated. The rubber bands caused less wear of feathers and less drag on a model penguin than the steel bands. In captivity, the behaviours of African penguins fitted with rubber bands were not noticeably different to those of unbanded birds.  相似文献   
该文对国际旅游学术界最具影响力的英文期刊ANNAIS OF TOURISM RESEARCH(旅游研究纪事),自1974年创刊至2001年发表的有关游憩研究的96篇文献进行分类分析和讨论,总结相关文献的内容类属及专业和地域背景,试图了解20世纪80年代以来国外关于游憩研究的特点和趋势,以期对国内的相关研究有所启示。  相似文献   
地壳垂直形变场的综合逼近模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地壳垂直形变受多力源影响,单一逼近模型难以准确逼近地壳形变场的问题,提出了两步逼近综合模型和加权综合逼近模型,给出了模型应用实例并进行了验证。结果表明,综合逼近模型具有一定的理论研究和实际应用价值。  相似文献   
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