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为了研究同化雷达资料对数值模式降水预报的改进效果,针对2015年6月26—28日江淮地区梅雨降水过程,进行了结合雷达资料同化的数值模拟研究。首先介绍了过程的降水概况、环流形势。其次,利用WRF模式进行降水过程的数值模拟,在完成控制试验的基础上进行WRF-3DVAR的雷达资料同化。经过15 h的启转后,分别进行了针对背景误差协方差矩阵中特征长度和方差尺度的敏感性试验,得到最适合本次个例的特征长度(0.5)、方差尺度(0.7)。设置最优的特征长度和方差尺度后,进行同时同化反射率因子与径向风、单独同化反射率因子和单独同化径向风的同化试验,并分别设置了间隔为1 h和30 min的同化频率。通过分析个例水汽场、动力场及降水预报场,得到如下结论:1)雷达数据同化能够有效提高降水预报效果;2)同时同化雷达反射率因子和径向风的效果最好;3)同化雷达资料频率越高,效果提高也越明显。  相似文献   
An understanding of surface and subsurface water contributions to streamflow is essential for accurate predictions of water supply from mountain watersheds that often serve as water towers for downstream communities. As such, this study used the end‐member mixing analysis technique to investigate source water contributions and hydrologic flow paths of the 264 km2 Boulder Creek Watershed, which drains the Colorado Front Range, USA. Four conservative hydrochemical tracers were used to describe this watershed as a 3 end‐member system, and tracer concentration reconstruction suggested that the application of end‐member mixing analysis was robust. On average from 2009 to 2011, snowmelt and rainwater from the subalpine zone and groundwater sampled from the upper montane zone contributed 54%, 22%, and 24% of the annual streamflow, respectively. These values demonstrate increased rainwater and decreased snow water contributions to streamflow relative to area‐weighted mean values derived from previous work at the headwater scale. Young water (2.3 ± 0.8 months) fractions of streamflow decreased from 18–22% in the alpine catchment to 8–10% in the lower elevation catchments and the watershed outlet with implications for subsurface storage and hydrological connectivity. These results contribute to a process‐based understanding of the seasonal source water composition of a mesoscale watershed that can be used to extrapolate headwater streamflow generation predictions to larger spatial scales.  相似文献   
张薇 《广东气象》2001,(2):31-33
本文从天气形势的角度出发,对本次特大暴雨过程进行分析,并统计了物理量场的分布,得到较好的对应关系。在此基础上,结合数值预报产品,对前汛期暴雨的预报提出一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   
利用常规和加密气象观测、NCEP再分析、云图等资料,对2010—2019年春季影响大连的温带气旋特征及爆发性气旋造成的极端天气的物理机制进行分析。结果表明:春季进入到渤海、黄海北部的气旋平均每月2.4个;气旋一般先进入黄海,进入黄海和经渤海进入黄海的温带气旋总计有84.5%进入黄海北部,且春季进入黄渤海的气旋73%会给大连地区带来大风或降水天气,影响大连东部沿海的几率远高于其他地区;产生较强灾害性天气的爆发性气旋多发生在春季,路径基本都是由西南向东北方向移动。爆发性气旋主要是因为温带气旋经过黄渤海后短时间快速降压,到大连陆地发生爆发性发展,这种温带气旋的发展一般从低层开始,具有较强的锋区和斜压性,爆发阶段位于正涡度平流最大的高空急流出口区,对应低空位于低空急流左前方辐合区。较强的冷、暖温度平流是造成极端降水和大风天气的主要因素,暴雨的形成主要是温带气旋带来的暖湿气流持续输送,并伴有较强上升运动促使的水汽垂直输送,整层水汽充沛;当低空急流发展和冷、暖空气交绥时,出现了在高湿、高温的湿斜压锋区上的强降水;而北路强冷空气与黄、渤海上爆发性发展的温带气旋形成极强气压梯度,是出现极端大风的主要原因。  相似文献   
陕西中南部一次秋季连阴雨中区域性暴雨的成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用常规高低空气象观测资料、探空资料和FY-2C红外云图,对2011年9月16-18日陕西中南部一次秋季连阴雨中区域性暴雨过程进行了分析,结果表明,暴雨发生在500hPa稳定的东高西低形势下,西西伯利亚阻塞高压和副热带高压强度偏强,持续强劲的东路冷空气和西南暖湿气流为区域性暴雨天气提供了有利的环流背景;高、低空急流是暴雨产生的主要影响系统。暴雨系统的层结特征与夏季暴雨相比有明显的差异,即暴雨发生在大气层结稳定的状态下;卫星云图显示,暴雨云系主要以中低云为主,云顶亮温一般最低为-43℃;低层东路的冷空气对暴雨的作用远远超过中空冷空气;低层锋区附近的强水汽辐合是秋季区域性暴雨产生的主要机制。  相似文献   
何财福  朱光宇 《大气科学》1993,17(4):424-433
β近似下,在等压面上的锋区可变换成孤立子.因此,为了了解锋面形成和维持的动力机制,本文从锋面方程组出发,设基态流场定常,利用地转动量假定及在平衡态附近按Taylor级数展开的方法,最后导出KdV方程。通过讨论,我们得出,锋面是由于非线性过程与频散过程共同作用并达到平衡而形成的,其中形变场对锋面形成是至关重要的.在线性情况下形成不了锋面.锋面移速与锋区强度、基态流场及非绝热加热等有关,而等压面上锋区宽度与锋面强度、切变场等有关,与形变场无直接关系.斜压性对锋面形成是必须的,而凝结加热也具有重要的辅助作用.  相似文献   
Based on the analysis of the environmental isotopes of about 100 water samples, the waters in the front plain of the Tainshan Mountain are divided into eight subprovinces on a horizontal plane and four zones in a vertical plane. The characteristics of the recharge, runoff, and water storage of different waters are discussed, and the runoffs in several sections are also calculated. Last, the tentative space-time regulation plan of the water resources is presented on the basis of the study of the environmental isotopes.  相似文献   
通过成矿地质条件分析,内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗刘店沟矿床的形成与晚侏罗世陆相中酸性火山岩及早白垩世黑云母花岗闪长斑岩、黄铁矿化花岗闪长斑岩关系十分密切,北东、北西向构造为区内主要的控矿构造,北东向构造为导矿构造、北西向构造为容矿构造,因此,地层、岩浆岩、构造“三位一体”控矿为本区控矿规律。成矿时代为早白垩世晚期。成因类型为岩浆热液型。  相似文献   
Uniquely in the Southern Hemisphere the New Zealand micro-continent spans the interface between a subtropical gyre and the Subantarctic Circumpolar Current. Its 20° latitudinal extent includes a complex of submerged plateaux, ridges, saddles and basins which, in the present interglacial, are partial barriers to circulation and steer the Subtropical (STF) and Subantarctic (SAF) fronts. This configuration offers a singular opportunity to assess the influence of bottom topography on oceanic circulation through Pleistocene glacial – interglacial (G/I) cycles, its effect on the location and strength of the fronts, and its ability to generate significant differences in mixed layer thermal history over short distances.For this study we use new planktic foraminiferal based sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates spanning the past 1 million years from a latitudinal transect of four deep ocean drilling sites. We conclude that: 1. the effect of the New Zealand landmass was to deflect the water masses south around the bathymetric impediments; 2. the effect of a shallow submerged ridge on the down-current side (Chatham Rise), was to dynamically trap the STF along its crest, in stark contrast to the usual glacial–interglacial (G–I) meridional migration that occurs in the open ocean; 3. the effect of more deeply submerged, downstream plateaux (Campbell, Bounty) was to dynamically trap the SAF along its steep southeastern margin; 4. the effects of saddles across the submarine plateaux was to facilitate the development of jets of subtropical and subantarctic surface water through the fronts, forming localized downstream gyres or eddies during different phases in the G–I climate cycles; 5. the deep Pukaki Saddle across the Campbell-Bounty Plateaux guided a branch of the SAF to flow northwards during each glacial, to form a strong gyre of circumpolar surface water in the Bounty Trough, especially during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MIS 22-16) when exceptionally high SST gradients existed across the STF; 6. the shallower Mernoo Saddle, at the western end of the Chatham Rise, provided a conduit for subtropical water to jet southwards across the STF in the warmest interglacial peaks (MIS 11, 5.5) and for subantarctic water to flow northwards during glacials; 7. although subtropical or subantarctic drivers can prevail at a particular phase of a G–I cycles, it appears that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the main influence on the regional hydrography.Thus complex submarine topography can affect distinct differences in the climate records over short distances with implications for using such records in interpreting global or regional trends. Conversely, the local topography can amplify the paleoclimate record in different ways in different places, thus enhancing its value for the study of more minor paleoceanographic influences that elsewhere are more difficult to detect. Such sites include DSDP 594, which like some other Southern Ocean sites, has the typical late Pleistocene asymmetrical saw-tooth G–I climate pattern transformed to a gap-tooth pattern of quasi-symmetrical interglacial spikes that interrupt extended periods of minimum glacial temperatures.  相似文献   
段旭  段玮  邢冬 《气象学报》2017,29(5):811-822
利用云贵高原1961-2010年逐日地面观测资料和ERA-Interim 0.125°×0.125°再分析资料,根据昆明准静止锋(KQSF)的天气学特性,综合考虑热力场、动力场和锋面系统空间尺度等要素,开展昆明准静止锋锋线的客观判识研究。经过典型天气过程分析和气候资料统计的验证,客观判识方法是合理的。在用客观判识方法计算50年全部昆明准静止锋样本的基础上,统计分析了其时、空分布特征。这一客观判识方法为统一、客观、定量地描述昆明准静止锋的特征及其在气象业务中精细化和数值化的应用提供了途径。  相似文献   
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