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为查明青海驼路沟新型独立钴(金)矿床的成因和成矿物质来源,文章对矿区发育的块状、条带状和浸染状黄铁矿矿石进行了黄铁矿流体包裹体氦氩同位素和黄铁矿硫、铅同位素测试。结果表明,不同类型矿石的成矿流体氦、氩同位素组成基本一致,3He/4He介于0.10~0.31Ra(平均0.21Ra),40Ar/36Ar比值为302~569(平均373),反映钴矿化流体主要来源于在赋矿岩系中深循环的大气降水;矿石黄铁矿硫同位素值分布集中且接近于零,δ34S变化于-4.5‰~+1.5‰,集中在-1.8‰~-0.2‰,显示深部来源;矿石铅以高放射性成因为特征(206Pb/204Pb>19.279、207Pb/204Pb>15.691、208Pb/204Pb>39.627),且自地层围岩→区域早古生代火山岩→矿石依次明显增大,可能指示高放射性成因矿石铅主要是由以深循环大气降水来源为主的热液不断从围岩地层中淋取而来。  相似文献   
The Jidetun deposit is a large porphyry Mo deposit that is located in central Jilin Province, northeast China. The Mo mineralization occurs mainly at the edge of porphyritic granodiorite, as well as the adjacent monzogranite. Field investigations, cross-cutting relationships, and mineral paragenetic associations indicate four stages of hydrothermal activity. To determine the relationships between mineralization and associated magmatism, and better understand the metallogenic processes in ore district, we have undertaken a series of studies incluiding molybdenite Re–Os and zircon U–Pb geochronology, fluid inclusions microthermometry, and C–H–O–S–Pb isotope compositions. The molybdenite Re–Os dating yielded a well-defined isochron age of 168.9 ± 1.9 Ma (MSWD = 0.34) that is similar to the weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 173.5 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8) obtained from zircons from the porphyritic granodiorite. The results lead to the conclusion that Mo mineralization, occurred in the Middle Jurassic (168.9 ± 1.9 Ma), was spatially, temporally, and genetically related to the porphyritic granodiorite (173.5 ± 1.5 Ma) rather than the older monzogranite (180.1 ± 0.6 Ma). Fluid inclusion and stable (C–H–O) isotope data indicate that the initial H2O–NaCl fluids of mineralization stage I were of high-temperature and high-salinity affinity and exsolved from the granodiorite magma as a result of cooling and fractional crystallization. The fluids then evolved during mineralization stage II into immiscible H2O–CO2–NaCl fluids that facilitated the transport of metals (Mo, Cu, and Fe) and their separation from the ore-bearing magmas due to the influx of abundant external CO2 and heated meteoric water. Subsequently, during mineralization stage III and IV, increase of pH in residual ore-forming fluids on account of CO2 escape, and continuous decrease of ore-forming temperatures caused by the large accession of the meteoric water into the fluid system, reduced solubility and stability of metal clathrates, thus facilitating the deposition of polymetallic sulfides.  相似文献   

Cultures throughout the world are associating with the rivers. People depend upon the rivers and their tributaries for food, water, transport, and many other aspects of their daily lives. Unfortunately, human beings have not calculated the accurate lengths for the great rivers even today. The lengths of the rivers are very different in popular textbooks, magazines, atlases and encyclopedias, etc. To accurately determine the lengths of the principal rivers of the world, the combination of satellite image analysis and field investigations to the source regions is proposed in this paper. The lengths of the Nile, Amazon, Yangtze, Mississippi, Yellow, Ob, Yenisey, Amur, Congo and Mekong, with lengths over or close to 5000 km, were calculated using the proposed method. The results may represent the most reliable and accurate lengths of the principal rivers of the world that are currently achievable.  相似文献   
利用1981—2020年5—9月天山南坡16个气象站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR GDAS再分析资料,分析天山南坡暖季暴雨过程的环流形势,并采用HYSPLIT模式,模拟追踪水汽源地及输送特征。结果表明:天山南坡暖季暴雨主要发生在南亚高压双体型、500 hPa以上西南急流(气流)、700 hPa切变辐合以及天山地形辐合抬升的重叠区域。水汽主要源自中亚、大西洋及其沿岸、地中海和黑海及其附近,经TKAP(塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯坦、阿富汗东北部、巴基斯坦北部和印度西北部)、南疆、北疆关键区,分别从偏西、偏南、偏北通道输入暴雨区,700 hPa以上偏西通道、以下偏北通道占主导地位,且贡献最大的是南疆关键区。源自中亚的水汽主要输送至暴雨区700 hPa及以下,对暴雨的贡献较大,且沿途损失较大;源自大西洋及其沿岸、地中海和黑海及其附近的水汽主要输送至暴雨区700 hPa以上,对暴雨的贡献较小。另外,中低层还存在源自北疆、南疆、北美洲东部、蒙古的水汽。基于上述特征,建立了天山南坡暖季暴雨过程水汽三维精细化结构模型。  相似文献   
Single-point, three-component turbulent velocity time series data obtained in the atmospheric boundary layer over the ocean reveal coherent structures that are consistent with a model of a steady linearly varying spatial velocity field that translates past the measurement point at constant velocity. The kinematic model includes both strain and rotation rates and has implications regarding vortex generation, vortex pairing, vortex break-up, and stability. While the complete specification of the dimensions, spatial velocity gradients, and translational velocity of the linear coherent structure (LCS) cannot be made from the single-point, three-component measurements, the model LCS velocity time series can be determined from least- squares fits to the data. The total turbulent kinetic energy is used to find in the record the initial and final times of a model LCS in the data, i.e., the time interval over which a model LCS is passing over the anemometer. Maxima in the kinetic energy removed from the data (by subtraction of the model LCS velocity functions from the data) are used to identify the most-energetic model LCSs. These model LCS velocity functions replicate the essential large-scale features of the time series of the three-component velocity fluctuations, most noticeably in the streamwise component. The model LCS decomposition was used to perform a scale analysis of the data, which was compared to the usual Fourier method. Time intervals of model LCSs were found successively in the data, after subtracting the previous fits. This process resulted in a series of 'levels with a number of LCSs found at each level. About six levels account for most of the kinetic energy. The model also allows the computation of the Reynolds stress components, for which six levels also are sufficient. The recomposition of the time series on a LCS-by-LCS basis compares well with the mode-by-mode Fourier recomposition for the average momentum fluxes and kinetic energy.  相似文献   
白秧坪铜银多金属矿床主要产于白垩系下统景星组石英砂岩、粉砂岩中 ,矿体受一组北东向的压扭性断层控制而呈似层状、脉状产于断裂带中。包裹体分析表明成矿流体为低温 (平均124~141℃ )、低矿化度的盆地卤水 ,流体的H、O同位素组成位于大气降水线附近 ,反映了水 /岩作用程度较低、水 /岩反应时限短 ,流体流动与循环速度较快。计算机模拟结果表明在景星组沉积之后的13~16Ma期间断裂作用所产生的断裂渗透性达到最大 ,此期间流体演化的温度也达到125~140℃。断裂作用所产生的高断裂渗透性对周围地层中的流体产生泵吸作用并形成流体流动的断裂引水渠 ,从而导致大量流体在断裂带中快速流动、循环和汇聚成矿  相似文献   
Multi-biomarker indexes were analyzed for two piston cores from potential cold seep areas of the South China Sea off southwestern Taiwan. Total organic carbon(TOC) normalized terrestrial(n-alkanes) and marine(brassicasterol, dinosterol, alkenones and iso-GDGTs) biomarker contents and ratios(TMBR, 1/Pmar-aq, BIT) were used to evaluate the contributions of terrestrial and marine organic matter(TOM and MOM respectively) to the sedimentary organic matter, indicating that MOM dominated the organic sources in Core MD052911 and the sedimentary organic matter in Core ORI-_(86)0-22 was mainly derived from terrestrial inputs, and different morphologies were the likely reason for TOM percentage differences. BIT results suggested that river-transported terrestrial soil organic matter was not a major source of TOM of sedimentary organic matter around these settings.Diagnostic biomarkers for methane-oxidizing archaea(MOA) were only detected in one sample at 172 cm depth of Core ORI-_(86)0-22, with abnormally high iso-GDGTs content and Methane Index(MI) value(0.94). These results indicated high anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) activities at or around 172 cm in Core ORI-_(86)0-22.However in Core MD052911, MOA biomarkers were not detected and MI values were lower(0.19–0.38), indicated insignificant contributions of iso-GDGTs from methanotrophic archaea and the absence of significant AOM activities. Biomarker results thus indicated that the discontinuous upward methane seepage and insufficient methane flux could not induce high AOM activities in our sampling sites. In addition, the different patterns of TEX_(86) and U_(37)~(K′) temperature in two cores suggested that AOM activities affected TEX_(86)37 temperature estimates with lower values in Core ORI-_(86)0-22, but not significantly on TEX_(86) temperature estimates in Core MD052911.  相似文献   
冲绳海槽沉积物物源示踪研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冲绳海槽作为浅水陆架与深海大洋之间联系的过渡地带,其海底的厚层沉积物记录了晚第四纪海平面波动、构造活动、气候变化,以及冲绳海槽古环境演化信息,因此,对于冲绳海槽沉积物的研究一直是边缘海研究中的热点问题之一,而识别沉积物物源成为解决这一系列问题的关键。众多学者已对冲绳海槽沉积物的来源进行了诸多探讨,并取得了丰硕的成果。在综合前人研究成果的基础上,系统地总结了冲绳海槽沉积物的来源及示踪方法,包括矿物学、地球化学以及环境磁学,评述了目前研究存在的问题,并对未来沉积物物源的识别工作提出了展望。  相似文献   
The Yinjiagou Mo–Cu–pyrite deposit of Henan Province is located in the Huaxiong block on the southern margin of the North China craton. It differs from other Mo deposits in the East Qingling area because of its large pyrite resource and complex associated elements. The deposit’s mineralization process can be divided into skarn, sulfide, and supergene episodes with five stages, marking formation of magnetite in the skarn episode, quartz–molybdenite, quartz–calcite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–bornite–sphalerite, and calcite–galena–sphalerite in the sulfide episode, and chalcedony–limonite in the supergene episode. Re–Os and 40Ar–39Ar dating indicates that both the skarn-type and porphyry-type orebodies of the Yinjiagou deposit formed approximately 143 Ma ago during the Early Cretaceous. Four types of fluid inclusions (FIs) have been distinguished in quartz phenocryst, various quartz veins, and calcite vein. Based on petrographic observations and microthermometric criteria the FIs include liquid-rich, gas-rich, H2O–CO2, and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz phenocrysts of K-feldspar granite porphyry ranges from 341 °C to >550 °C, and the salinity is 0.4–44.0 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–molybdenite veins is 382–416 °C, and the salinity is 3.6–40.8 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–calcite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–bornite–sphalerite ranges from 318 °C to 436 °C, and the salinity is 5.6–42.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–molybdenite stockworks is in a range of 321–411 °C, and the salinity is 6.3–16.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–sericite–pyrite is in a range of 326–419 °C, and the salinity is 4.7–49.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The ore-forming fluids of the Yinjiagou deposit are mainly high-temperature, high-salinity fluids, generally with affinities to an H2O–NaCl–KCl ± CO2 system. The δ18OH2O values of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids are 4.0–8.6‰, and the δDV-SMOW values are between −64‰ and −52‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were primarily magmatic. The δ34SV-CDT values of sulfides range between −0.2‰ and 6.3‰ with a mean of 1.6‰, sharing similar features with deeply sourced sulfur, implying that the sulfur mainly came from the lower crust composed of poorly differentiated igneous materials, but part of the heavy sulfur came from the Guandaokou Group dolostone. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb values of sulfides are in the range of 17.331–18.043, 15.444–15.575, and 37.783–38.236, respectively, which is generally consistent with the Pb isotopic signature of the Yinjiagou intrusion, suggesting that the Pb chiefly originated from the felsic–intermediate intrusive rocks in the mine area, with a small amount of lead from strata. The Yinjiagou deposit is a porphyry–skarn deposit formed during the Mesozoic transition of a tectonic regime that is EW-trending to NNE-trending, and the multiepisode boiling of ore-forming fluids was the primary mechanism for mineral deposition.  相似文献   
The geologic positions and geochemical and isotope parameters of the Ordovician-early Silurian and Early-Middle Devonian continuous volcanic series of the Minusa basin and its mountainous framing are compared. Both series are composed mostly of moderately alkaline rocks with variations in SiO2 contents from 45 to 77 wt.%. The Ordovician-early Silurian series differs from the Early-Middle Devonian one in lower contents of TiO2 (< 1.7 wt.%) and Fe2O3tot and higher contents of Al2O3 in all rock varieties and in the more fractionated REE patterns of trachybasalts. The compositions of both series reflect two simultaneous mechanisms of magma evolution. The main process was fractional crystallization leading to the formation of rocks from trachybasalts to trachyrhyodacites. The accessory mechanism was the contamination of fractionated melts by crustal material, anatectic melting of crust, and mixing of deep-seated magmas with crustal melts. These processes had specifics at each stage and were controlled by the composition of the sources of parental melts. Their geochemical and isotopic parameters (high alkalinity, high contents of lithophile elements, negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, and Ti, and enrichment in radiogenic Sr) point to the interaction of mantle plumes with the lithospheric mantle that was metasomatically transformed during the preceding Vendian-early Cambrian subduction processes.  相似文献   
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