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Zusammenfassung Ein zweidimensionales, linearisiertes Strömungsmodell für orographisch induzierte Effekte wird vorgestellt: Unter Voraussetzung von Pseudo-Instationärität lassen sich in einem schwach-geschichteten, reibungsfreien Medium mittlerer Größenordnung dynamisch-thermodynamische Störungen parameterisieren. Beim Überströmen eines Hindernisses, das durch effektiven QuellflußQ simuliert wird, kann man für normierte Stromlinien eine inhomogene Helmholtz-Gleichung ableiten, deren vier Randbedingungen durch das Eingreifen zweier Zusatzterme, welche das instationäre Verhalten beschreiben, modifiziert werden. Man wählt im folgenden den Quellfluß derartig, sodaß vonQ ein aufz=0 aufliegender, endlich ausgedehnter Rücken (mit dem ungefähren Querschnitt eines Halbzylinders) beschrieben wird.Näherungslösungen für den stromaufwärts liegenden Teil eines Rechteckbereiches nach Erreichen eines stationären Strömungszustandes sind mit den Methoden von Laplace-Fourier bestimmbar. Die numerische Größenabschätzung dieser kolumnaren Wellen zeigt, daß die im Windfeld orographisch induzierten Scherungszonen noch in beträchtlicher Entfernung stromaufwärts eines endlichen Hindernisses auftreten. Ihre Größenordnung gleicht jener von Scherungen, welche aus Effekten des thermischen Windes entstehen können. Die horizontale Perturbation der Geschwindigkeit ist bloß um eine Größenordnung kleiner als die Fließgeschwindigkeit des Grundstromes.Die Vorteile des neuen Ansatzes werden diskutiert: Quellsingularitäten sind besser als die üblichen analytischen Darstellungen der Topographie geeignet, die mitunter über weite Distanzen laufenden Störwellen niedrigster Frequenzen mit kolumnarem Charakter zu erfassen.Im Anhang findet man die Verallgemeinerung auf ein analoges dreidimensionales Modell: Ein System zweier partieller Differentialgleichungen führt zu Pseudo-Stromlinien des dreidimensionalen Raumes.
Source disturbances simulating orographical effects: The determination of upstream boundary values
Summary As outlined in an Appendix a system of partial differential equations is derived for the stream surfaces of a flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle for the so-called pseudo-instationary case of an inviscid linearized model for mesoscale motions in three dimensions.The solution for the two-dimensional case, which is the basic part of this paper, results in a Helmholtz Equation, the four boundary conditions of which are partially modified by two additional terms characterizing the instationarity of the problem. The orographic effects are parameterized by the effective source singularity. (The latter corresponds roughly to a mountain range with a semi-circular cross-sectional profile).For the upstream part of a rectangular range steady-state solutions in the limit of long time are obtained by the methods of Laplace-Fourier. The numerical calculation shows, that a system of orographically caused shear-layers (columnar waves) exists. The wind shears induced are of the order of shears due to thermal wind effects, though quite apart from these effects. The perturbations of horizontal velocity are only one order of magnitude smaller than the velocity of the fluid-flow itself.The results show that source singularities are good means to represent topographical effects: Especially they may explain more precisely upstream influences due to horizontally propagating waves having near-zero frequencies than the usual analytical formulations of orography can do it.Finally the theoretical results are compared with some data-sets taken from fluid-tank experiments and from observations from instrumented aircraft.
扩底桩的上拔试验及其颗粒流数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
刘文白  周健 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):201-206
通过原型试验和应用颗粒流理论及其PFC2D程序数值模拟,研究了黄土中扩底桩承受上拔荷载的宏观力学性能及其细观结构,以及扩底桩在上拔荷载下的位移、极限上拔承载力和破坏机理.结果表明增加扩底桩扩大端的高度对提高承载力是有效的;破坏机理为土的减压软化和损伤软化的渐进性破坏.并提出了扩底桩极限上拔承载力计算式,计算值与实测值相吻合.应用颗粒流理论分析了颗粒细观结构、受影响区域、扩底桩的上拔位移和土中滑裂面.颗粒流模拟的土中滑裂面、荷载与位移关系和宏观试验实测结果相一致.  相似文献   
王建强  周道银 《云南地质》2007,26(2):207-212
云南1990年至今推广应用V型槽防治泥石流灾害,对多条泥石流工程防治实践与试验研究的总结,介绍云南泥石流的特点、V型排导槽防治泥石流原来以及V型槽技术治理泥石流灾害的优点。  相似文献   
Modeling the spread of subsurface contaminants requires coupling a groundwater flow model with a contaminant transport model. Such coupling may provide accurate estimates of future subsurface hydrologic states if essential flow and contaminant data are assimilated in the model. Assuming perfect flow, an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) can be used for direct data assimilation into the transport model. This is, however, a crude assumption as flow models can be subject to many sources of uncertainty. If the flow is not accurately simulated, contaminant predictions will likely be inaccurate even after successive Kalman updates of the contaminant model with the data. The problem is better handled when both flow and contaminant states are concurrently estimated using the traditional joint state augmentation approach. In this paper, we introduce a dual estimation strategy for data assimilation into a one-way coupled system by treating the flow and the contaminant models separately while intertwining a pair of distinct EnKFs, one for each model. The presented strategy only deals with the estimation of state variables but it can also be used for state and parameter estimation problems. This EnKF-based dual state-state estimation procedure presents a number of novel features: (i) it allows for simultaneous estimation of both flow and contaminant states in parallel; (ii) it provides a time consistent sequential updating scheme between the two models (first flow, then transport); (iii) it simplifies the implementation of the filtering system; and (iv) it yields more stable and accurate solutions than does the standard joint approach. We conducted synthetic numerical experiments based on various time stepping and observation strategies to evaluate the dual EnKF approach and compare its performance with the joint state augmentation approach. Experimental results show that on average, the dual strategy could reduce the estimation error of the coupled states by 15% compared with the joint approach. Furthermore, the dual estimation is proven to be very effective computationally, recovering accurate estimates at a reasonable cost.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION'LOcal scour around a pier is a result of the interatiOn amongst the pier, the aPproach flow and theerodible bed. The Presence of a pier results in a stagnation pressure build-up in front of the pier and athree-dimensional tUrbulent flow echaracterized by the downward flow ahead of the pier and the so-called horseshoe vortex along the base of the Pier forms itself The flow modifies the erothe bed inthe vicinity of the pier when local scour takes place (Graf and AJhnakar l…  相似文献   
华南暴雨第六次加强观测期间 (IOP-6), 1998年6月9日在福建长乐地区出现了一次局地性的强降水过程.该文应用单多普勒天气雷达资料及其风场反演结果对此次过程进行了初步分析, 从多普勒雷达反演的风场结构看, 这次过程与出现在3~5 km高度上的风切变有关, 在低层雷达回波图像上出现中尺度气旋波的结构, 强降水是气旋波活动的结果.  相似文献   
利用自然正交函数分解法,对北太平洋海温与江淮流域汛期流量的关系进行了研究。结果表明,赤道东人平洋(10°S-10°N、180°-80°W)和西北太平洋(35°—45°N、150°E-140°W及30°N、170°-140°W)的海温变化与江淮流域汛期流量关系密切。当赤道东太平洋海温升高时,江淮流域汛期流量减少,反之则增加。依据这两个关键区的典型场时间系数所建立的流域预报模型,试报效果较为理想,除汉口8月流量预报误差为-10.7%外,其他要素流量预报误差均在±5%左右。  相似文献   
本文采用二阶矩湍流闭合方案,分别就非静力和准静力两种条件建立PBL数值模式,并模拟了二维山脊流场的结构,计算了二维山体对气流平均场和湍流场的影响。计算结果表明,无论是平均场还是湍流场,采用准静力假设都会造成模拟结果的较大偏差,且对平均场的影响比对湍流场的影响更为显著。两种模式计算结果的差别还随地形坡度和背景风增大而增大。  相似文献   
To obtain a better understanding of the oscillatory soil liquefaction around an offshore pipeline, a three-dimensional integrated model for the wave–seabed–pipeline interaction (WSPI) is proposed by combining the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations for flow simulations and the dynamic Biot’s equation (“u-p” approximation) for the poro-elastic seabed model. Compared with previous investigations, the wave–current interaction is included in the present WSPI system. At a given time step, the wave pressure extracted from the flow model is applied on the seabed surface to determine the corresponding oscillatory seabed response around an offshore pipeline. The integrated numerical model is first validated using previous laboratory experiments. Then, a parametric study is conducted to examine the effects of flow obliquity and pipeline burial depth on the soil response around an offshore pipeline. Numerical results indicate that the soil under the pipeline is more susceptible to liquefaction at a reduced flow obliquity and pipeline burial depth. Moreover, the liquefaction depth in the case where the wave travels along the current can increase by 10%–30% compared to that in the case where the wave travels against the current, when the magnitude of the current velocity is 1 m/s.  相似文献   
Detailed measurements of profiles of mean and turbulent variablesthrough the nocturnal stable boundary layer over a valley arepresented. Two nights of data are analysed in detail, one with only aweakly stable boundary layer and one with a strongly stable boundarylayer. The weakly stratified night shows high levels of turbulence inwhich the flow remains attached to the valley and the boundary layeracts as a single coherent layer. On the strongly stratified night, twoflow regimes are identified: attached flow, as on the weaklystratified night, and decoupled flow in which the air in the valleybecomes so dynamically stable that there is no turbulent interactionwith the mean flow aloft. Because the valley is sloping, the decoupledlower stagnant air then forms a drainage current. We find that theFroude number evaluated at the hill height, FH = U(H)/N(H) H,diagnoses the flow regime: when FH = 2, the flow remainsattached and when FH 2 the flow in the valley becomesdecoupled from the flow aloft. The dynamics of the flow regimes areshown to be understandable in terms of the gradient Richardson number,which indicates the turbulent mixing. We show that the gradientRichardson number is a key parameter in diagnosing each flow regime.  相似文献   
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