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Permeable Reactive Barrier for Groundwater Pollution Remediation: An Review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As an in situ, simple and passive technology, Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) is becoming widely used in groundwater remediation. Based on its definition and development process, the development of PRB can be divided into two stages: The traditional zero-valent iron PRB before 2000 and the PRB composed of novel mixed media after 2000. With the rapid worsening of groundwater pollution, the increasing application of PRB and the rapid development of materials science, the development of PRB technology in future will be mainly focused on the investigation of mixed and novel media, the design of mixed PRBs, the combination of PRB technology with other remediation technology, and the long term monitoring and management of PRB projects.  相似文献   
景观生态风险评价能够有效地对区域景观格局进行优化并为风险防范提供理论基础。文献计量学分析表明,国内岩溶景观生态风险评价研究主要从“研究对象”、“评价模型”、“评价方法”和“评价指标”4个方面分析;而钙华作为特殊的岩溶体,目前对它的生态风险评价几乎未开展。文章从岩溶景观生态风险评价入手,基于模糊数学综合评判法和层次分析法,提出以地表钙华体与地表水循环作为景观主体,并对主体因素逐步细化,形成多层次综合评价模型,展开对雪宝顶流域钙华景观的生态风险评价。  相似文献   
石油污染多孔介质湿润性变异特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁春  郑西来  张俊杰 《地球科学》2011,36(4):765-770
一定程度的石油污染可使多孔介质的湿润性发生变异,导致介质持水能力降低、地下水石油污染、粮食产量品质下降等.采用滴水穿透时间法与酒精溶液入渗法,测定了亚粘土和粗砂在不同柴油、机油含量下的斥水水平,确定了亚粘土、粗砂由亲水表面变为疏水表面的临界含油量.结果表明,亚粘土、粗砂湿润性变异的临界机油含量分别约为7%、0.5%,粗砂湿润性变异的临界柴油含量约为14%,而柴油污染对亚粘土湿润性的影响不显著.另外,当石油污染多孔介质的含水量达到某一临界值时,湿润性将再次发生反转,由疏水表面变回亲水表面.测得机油、柴油污染粗砂的临界含水量约在0.2%~1%之间,机油污染亚粘土的临界含水量在数值上与其含油量近似相等.   相似文献   
We investigate a new proxy for ENSO climate variability based on particle‐size data from long‐term, coastal sediment records preserved in a barrier estuary setting. Corresponding ~4–8 year periodicities identified from Wavelet analysis of particle‐size data from Pescadero Marsh in Central Coast California and rainfall data from San Francisco reflect established ENSO periodicity, as further evidenced in the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI), and thus confirms an important ENSO control on both precipitation and barrier regime variability. Despite the fact that barrier estuary mean particle size is influenced by coastal erosion, precipitation and streamflow, balanced against barrier morphology and volume, it is encouraging that considerable correspondence can also be observed in the time series of MEI, regional rainfall and site‐based mean particle size over the period 1871–2008. This correspondence is, however, weakened after c.1970 by temporal variation in sedimentation rate and event‐based deposition. These confounding effects are more likely when: (i) accommodation space may be a limiting factor; and (ii) particularly strong El Niños, e.g. 1982/1983 and 1997/1998, deposit discrete >cm‐thick units during winter storms. The efficacy of the sediment record of climate variability appears not to be compromised by location within the back‐barrier setting, but it is limited to those El Niños that lead to barrier breakdown. For wider application of this particle size index of ENSO variability, it is important to establish a well‐resolved chronology and to sample the record at the appropriate interval to characterize deposition at a sub‐annual scale. Further, the sample site must be selected to limit the influence of decreasing accommodation space through time (infilling) and event‐based deposition. It is concluded that particle‐size data from back‐barrier sediment records have proven potential for preserving evidence of sub‐decadal climate variability, allowing researchers to explore temporal and spatial patterns in phenomena such as ENSO. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过实地调查和资料搜集,对丹麦日德兰半岛西海岸典型岸段的地貌类型和研究现状进行了总结。丹麦日德兰半岛西海岸岸线长度约为470 km,海岸类型可以分为无障壁海岸和有障壁海岸2大类。无障壁海岸以沙丘为主,并有海蚀崖,主要分布在斯卡恩(Skagen)到布劳万角(Blåøvands Huk);有障壁海岸地貌类型以障壁岛—潟湖、盐沼为主,主要分布在布劳万角到勒姆岛(Rømø),并向南进入德国。丹麦西海岸北部属于冰后期地壳回弹上升区,向南地壳回弹幅度逐渐减弱,至Ringkøbing峡湾地区变为地壳稳定区,再向南地壳变为下降区,因此,全新世地层中分别记录了不同的相对海面变化信息。距今7 150 a以来,北部的Skagen岬角地区的相对海面下降了16~25 m;Skallingen地区过去5 000 a间海面在现代海面附近波动,其后侧Ho Bugt盐沼地区4 000 a以来相对海面上升了4 m;过去8 000 a间,Rømø障壁岛的相对海面上升了15 m。欧洲学者在丹麦西海岸地区取得的典型成果包括:海面变化重建(包括海面变化标志点、泥炭层压实校正、定年等)、全新世地质环境演化、开放潮坪现代沉积定量研究等,为海岸带研究提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
A series of batch tests have been presented to investigate the effects of solid-solution contact time, solid:solution ratio, and pH of solution on sorption of Cd2+ and Pb2+ on Ariake clay from Kyushu region of Japan. The results show that, among the three investigated factors, solid:solution ratio (SD/SN) seems to be the crucial controlling factor. The Freundlich sorption parameters determined from the batch tests were applied to a typical field landfill in which the Ariake clay was used as soil barrier. The impacts of the landfill were assessed by numerical analysis. Based on the analysis result, the significance of selecting proper solid:solution ratio for determining sorption parameters from batch test has been discussed.  相似文献   
南海中部海域障碍层特征及其形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海中部海域(10°~19°N,108°~122°E)存在显著的季节变化的障碍层.障碍层发生概率夏季最大(52.8%),秋季次之(41.0%),春季最小(10.5%).夏季(2000年8~9月)障碍层最显著,平均厚度约为14.2m;除114°E以东、吕宋岛以西海域为障碍层的多发区外,中南半岛东南海域(12°~14°N,110°~114°E)也存在显著的障碍层;春季(1998年4~6月)和秋季(1998年12月)障碍层平均厚度分别为6.8和11.2m,障碍层多位于114°E以东、吕宋岛以西海域.此外,吕宋岛以西海域(12°~16°N,116°~120°E)及中沙和西沙群岛附近(16°~18°N,110°~116°E)海域障碍层年发生几率超过20%,相对而言,其他海域障碍层年发生几率偏小.降水机制和层结机制分别是南海中部海域春、夏季和秋季障碍层形成的主要原因.其中,降水机制及东南向的Ekman平流较好的解释了春、夏季吕宋岛以西附近海域成为障碍层多发区的原因;此外,强降水是夏季中南半岛东南海域(12°~14°N,110°~114°E)障碍层产生的关键,反气旋涡(暖涡)有助于形成更强的障碍层,上升流对障碍层的影响有待进一步研究.  相似文献   
Aquatic dance flies (Empididae; Clinocerinae and Hemerodromiinae) are important components of freshwater assemblages, especially in running waters. They are predators as larvae and adults and thus essential for understanding aquatic food webs. This study was conducted in Plitvice lakes National Park (Croatia) representing a wide variety of freshwater habitats (springs, streams, lakes and tufa barriers). Adults were collected monthly from March 2007 until March 2009 using pyramid-type emergence traps at 13 locations. A total of 3865 specimens comprising 18 species were collected. The dominant genus was Chelifera, while the most abundant species was Hemerodromia unilineata. All species were univoltine except Chelifera precabunda, Chelifera pyrenaica and Chelifera stigmatica that were bivoltine. Considerable differences in composition and structure of aquatic dance flies assemblages were recorded along a longitudinal gradient of studied sites, primarily related to differences in physical and chemical parameters of water. Water temperature was the main factor influencing the timing of emergence. Hemerodromia species preferred variable water temperature throughout the year while the majority of the Chelifera species preferred stable water temperature characteristic of spring sites. Furthermore, discharge affected assemblage composition of aquatic dance flies. The highest abundance of aquatic dance flies was recorded in lotic habitats with fast water current over substrates of moss, gravel and particulate tufa with detritus. These results give a new insight on microhabitat preference and their distribution on unique karstic habitats.  相似文献   
肖思友  苏立君  姜元俊  李丞  刘振宇 《岩土力学》2019,40(11):4341-4351
由坡度和挡墙倾角的改变造成碎屑流冲击力学模型的改变是目前被忽略的问题。在碎屑流冲击倾式拦挡墙物理试验的基础上,利用离散元数值计算方法研究了坡度对碎屑流冲击立式拦挡墙(墙面与地面的夹角为90°)力学特征的影响,依据死区颗粒堆积特征,流动层颗粒冲击特征以及二者的相互作用特征提出了两种新力学模型:由倾斜冲击挡墙向坡面堆积转变的力学模型和考虑流动层对死区冲切摩擦作用的水平直接冲击力学模型。对不同冲击力学模型进行了验证分析,结果表明:坡度和挡墙倾角改变了死区的堆积特征从而改变了流动层的冲击方向和冲击力大小。当坡度小于40°时,碎屑流流动层首先沿死区上覆面倾斜冲击挡墙,在最大冲击力作用时刻,流动在坡面层状堆积,最大法向冲击合力可按静土压力公式估算。随着坡度的增大,在最大冲击力时刻,流动层颗粒直接冲击挡墙,但由于死区颗粒对流动层颗粒具有摩擦缓冲减速作用,大幅降低了流动层对挡墙的直接冲击力。此时死区对挡墙的作用力主要包括3个部分:流动层沿坡面冲击死区,由死区传递至挡墙的冲击力、流动层对死区的冲切摩擦力以及死区自重的静土压力。死区对挡墙作用力占最大法向冲击合力的比例增大至90%左右。当坡度由40°增大到50°时,在最大法向冲击合力作用时刻,流动层对死区的冲切摩擦力占最大冲击力的比例由15%增大到49%,流动层与死区之间的摩擦系数由滚动摩擦系数转变为静摩擦系数。提出的流动层对死区的冲切摩擦力为碎屑流冲击刚性挡墙力学计算模型提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   
2020年6月17日,四川丹巴县半扇门镇梅龙沟发生泥石流,阻断小金川河,形成堰塞湖,造成重大财产损失与人员伤亡。为掌握第一手灾情,辅助开展应急救援,以国产高分二号卫星数据为主要数据源,结合无人机航空摄影数据和灾后现场调查等资料,开展了“6·17”丹巴堵江泥石流灾害链灾区应急调查与分析。研究认为: 灾区影响人口约6.5万人; 国网丹巴县供电公司应急救援队与小金县联通通信应急抢险救援队距离最近,半扇门中学等5所学校可作为临时安置避难场所备选; 受影响矿山企业6家、重要水库1座、水电站1座; 泥石流沟总体呈NW—SE向展布,掩没面积约14.27万m2; 堰塞湖湖面面积约1.03 km2,淹没区约49.8万m2,路基路面全毁路段约2.1 km,下游疑似灾害隐患点9处,因灾受损民居25处、桥梁5处; 优选了2条灾后通达性较好的通往泥石流重灾区的救援生命线。借助遥感技术深入分析泥石流灾害链影响人口等灾情先期研判、灾情灾损应急调查及应急救援生命通道优选,对我国西南山区类似条件地质灾害隐患点的应急抢险救援、防灾减灾工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
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