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In military out of area missions of the Bundeswehr, it can be necessary to produce drinking water even from highly polluted surface waters containing a variety of organic, inorganic, and microbiological contaminants. Thus, mobile drinking water purification systems must be able to remove such contaminants as far as possible to meet the requirements of the German and European drinking water regulation/directive. Presently, two novel drinking water purification units applying membrane filtration undergo intensive long‐term trials carried out by the Bundeswehr. If these trials positively proof the functionality of these units and their ability to remove all possible contaminants they shall substitute so far available devices which use large amounts of chemicals and charcoal filtration for water purification.In the course of a research project, the functionality of the new devices and their efficacy to remove high amounts of algae, microbes, and organic and inorganic pollutants are additionally tested in “worst‐case” field studies. In September 2000, the first mobile drinking water purification unit was tested at the Teltowkanal in Berlin, Germany.This canal was chosen because it carries high burdens of municipal sewage effluents. The results from the fatigue test confirmed the ability of the water purification unit to reduce the concentrations of all contaminants meeting the maximum tolerance levels set by the German/European drinking water regulation.The pre‐filtration device was very effective in removing algae and solid particles to protect the membranes from clogging and to enable an almost maintenance‐free operation. Residues of pharmaceuticals and some other organic contaminants have almost totally been removed from the surface water where they were detected at individual concentrations up to the μg/L‐level.  相似文献   
Drinking water wells indiscriminatingly placed adjacent to fecal contaminated surface water represents a significant but difficult to quantify health risk. Here we seek to understand mechanisms that limit the contamination extent by scaling up bacterial transport results from the laboratory to the field in a well constrained setting. Three pulses of Escherichia coli originating during the early monsoon from a freshly excavated pond receiving latrine effluent in Bangladesh were monitored in 6 wells and modeled with a two-dimensional (2-D) flow and transport model conditioned with measured hydraulic heads. The modeling was performed assuming three different modes of interaction of E. coli with aquifer sands: (1) irreversible attachment only (best-fit ki = 7.6 day−1); (2) reversible attachment only (ka = 10.5 and kd = 0.2 day−1); and (3) a combination of reversible and irreversible modes of attachment (ka = 60, kd = 7.6, ki = 5.2 day−1). Only the third approach adequately reproduced the observed temporal and spatial distribution of E. coli, including a 4-log10 lateral removal distance of ∼9 m. In saturated column experiments, carried out using aquifer sand from the field site, a combination of reversible and irreversible attachment was also required to reproduce the observed breakthrough curves and E. coli retention profiles within the laboratory columns. Applying the laboratory-measured kinetic parameters to the 2-D calibrated flow model of the field site underestimates the observed 4-log10 lateral removal distance by less than a factor of two. This is promising for predicting field scale transport from laboratory experiments.  相似文献   
A new study of Black Mesa pluton (Henry Mountains, Colorado Plateau, Utah, USA) indicates that it is a classic example of a small upper-crustal pluton assembled over a few years by incremental amalgamation of discrete magma pulses. The results of our petrostructural study of the pluton interior allow us to constrain the geometry, kinematics and timing of the processes. The symmetric internal fabric is interpreted as an evidence for a feeding by below and not laterally. The observed rotation of the lineation, from WNW–ESE on the very top to NNE–SSW below, lead us to propose that the fabric at the base of the pluton is a record of magma infilling process, and the fabric at the very top is a record of the strain due to the relative movement between magma and wallrocks. A consequence is that except at the contact between pluton and wallrocks (top and margins), the stretching direction, recorded by the lineation, is not parallel to the flow direction of the magma i.e. displacement. The Black Mesa pluton is a sheeted laccolith on its western edge and a bysmalith on its eastern edge. This E–W asymmetry in pluton geometry/construction and the symmetrical internal fabric indicates that the apparently different west and east growth histories could have occurred simultaneously. Our field data indicate pluton growth through an asymmetric vertical stacking of sill-like horizontal magma sheets.One-dimensional thermal models of the pluton provide maximum limits on the duration of its growth. We have constrained the number, the thickness, and the frequency of magma pulses with our structural observations, including: (1) the emplacement of the pluton by under-accretion of successive magma pulses, (2) the absence of solid-state deformation textures at internal contacts, and (3) the apparent absence of significant recrystallization in the wallrocks. Our results suggest that the emplacement of the Black Mesa pluton was an extremely rapid event, with a maximum duration on the order of 100 years, which requires a minimum vertical displacement rate of the wallrocks immediately above the pluton greater than 2 m/yr. Finally, our data show that the rates of plutonic and volcanic processes could be similar, a significant result for interpretation of magma transfer in arc systems.  相似文献   
The paper presented here describes experiments with a nanofiltration pilot plant treating spring water which contains high amounts of humic substances. With this process, water components such as humic substances, iron, manganese, and aluminum may be very well removed. However, the low pH value of the NF filtrate does not conform with the German standards. This is why the pH value will be increased in a second treatment step by limestone filtration. Prior to limestone filtration, CO2 dosage is required in order to make sure that the pH value stays below the upper limit of the German standards of 9.5. With this treatment, a drinking water results which meets the German standards and has good chemical properties with respect to corrosion. The operation of the nanofiltration pilot plant for the treatment of the very soft spring water did not require the continuous addition of chemicals in order to prevent scaling. Although the spring water entered the NF without chemical pretreatment, there was no decrease in filtrate capacity observed over a period of six months. This is in contrast to other investigations involving colour reduction from very hard surface waters. When treating very hard waters by nanofiltration, the addition of complexing agents or acid is required in order to prevent scaling of the membranes. Such intricate pretreatment procedures cause doubt of the application of nanofiltration for the treatment of hard waters in large plants. However, in the case presented here, the application of NF in combination with the hardening step is quite simple, so that the full-scale plant may be operated mainly automatically and will require only little maintenance.  相似文献   
A mathematical model that produces curves for predicting the expansion of granular activated carbon (GAC) filter beds has been developed and applied to several widely used commercial GAC products. Initially, the hydraulic load required to produce a given bed expansion was assumed to be inversely proportional to the viscosity. This assumption was then modified by assuming a power law for the dependence on viscosity. The errors were sufficiently small to allow practical application of the formulae presented in this paper. The potential for application of the method was tested and is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   
Dissolved high molecular weight organic substances, like humic substances, can be characterized with regard to their molecular weight distribution using gel filtration chromatography (GFC). In addition, the adsorption properties, for example on activated carbon, can be described, if the substances are separated by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) in different fractions using a chromatographic column with a hydrophobic matrix. The retention time (Rt) of single chemical substances in this column can be used to characterize the hydrophobicity or hydrophility of each compound as well as of the high molecular weight organic matter. The hydrophobic interaction between the matrix of the column and the dissolved chemical compounds also depends on the hydrophobicity of the gel and the composition of the eluent. Relations between retention times, log P-coefficients (octanol/water partition) and K-values of isotherms on activated carbon (Freundlich equation) were found.  相似文献   
Multi-Stage Filtration (MSF) can provide a robust treatment alternative for surface water sources of variable water quality in rural communities at low operation and maintenance costs. MSF is a combination of Slow Sand Filters (SSFs) and Pre-treatment systems. The general objective of this research was to optimize the treatment capacity of MSF. A pilot plant study was undertaken to meet this objective. The pilot plant was monitored for a continuous 98 days from commissioning till the end of the project. Three main stages of MSF namely: The Dynamic Gravel Filter (DGF), Horizontal-flow Roughing Filter (HRF) and SSF were identified, designed and built. The response of the respective MSF units in removal of selected parameters guiding drinking water quality such as microbiological (Faecal and Total coliform), Suspended Solids, Turbidity, PH, Temperature, Iron and Manganese was investigated. The benchmark was the Kenya Bureau (KEBS) and World Health Organization (WHO) Standards for drinking water quality. With respect to microbiological raw water quality improvement, MSF units achieved on average 98% Faecal and 96% Total coliform removal. Results obtained indicate that implementation of MSF in rural communities has the potential to increase access to portable water to the rural populace with a probable consequent decrease in waterborne diseases. With a reduced down time due to illness, more time would be spent in undertaking other economic activities.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to evaluate crushed recycled glass as a medium for rapid filtration. In the first part of this work, physical and hydraulic characteristics of the glass medium were studied. In the second part, pilot scale inline filtration experiments were carried out using raw waters from three different water sources. Two physically identical filter columns were operated in parallel in all the experiments. One filter contained a silica sand medium that is widely used in Turkey, whereas the other filter contained crushed recycled glass. Experiments were repeated five times as follows: (i) Without the use of a coagulant, (ii–iii) with 5 mg/L and 10 mg/L of alum, and (iv–v) with 5 mg/L and 10 mg/L of ferric chloride. Turbidity, particle counts, and head losses were measured and compared as functions of time. The following were observed: (1) Provided that a coagulant was used, the filter containing crushed glass produced effluent turbidities and particle counts similar to those obtained with the sand filter. (2) The crushed glass medium generated both a smaller clean‐bed head loss and smaller clogging head losses than those of the sand filter. It is concluded that crushed glass shows significant promise as an alternative to silica sand in rapid filtration.  相似文献   
Methane is produced under anaerobic conditions by metabolic processes in microbes and can occur in waters of the types anoxic‐anaerobic (RG 1/2) and anaerobic‐reduced (RG 2). If the concentration of methane lies below 0.2 mg/L, then no special treatment processes are required apart from dosing of oxygen and rapid sand filtration, which are performed to remove iron, manganese, and ammonium. The research results show that a higher concentration of methane must be specially treated. From the point of view of stable deferrisation, oxidation of up to 2 mg/L is tolerable in rapid sand filtration. However, an unusual increase in regrowth potential was observed. For this reason, the oxidation of methane should be reduced to 0.5 mg/L until further experiments yield results on the microbiological stability of treated water. Rapid sand filters for nitrification and demanganisation should have a maximum methane loading of 0.2 mg/L. The experiments show that nitrification first occurs at a methane concentration below 0.1 mg/L. During the working in of demanganisation, the inlet water should be free of methane. Therefore desorption is often required. If there is less than 1 mg/L to be degassed, then desorption can be achieved with overpressure in the oxidiser without any change in the carbonate‐bicarbonate equilibrium. With other systems, such as packed columns, wetted‐wall columns, or percolators, carbon dioxide is removed simultaneously. By means of the coefficients of similarity found, it was shown that methane and carbon dioxide desorb in different proportions depending on the system, and that the discharge of carbon dioxide can be reduced through a decrease in the air/water ratio.  相似文献   
This paper presents a conceptual model for the prediction of energy transmission in presence of emergent permeable low crested structures. The transmitted wave is reconstructed from the superposition of perturbations generated leeward the structure by filtration and overtopped volumes. The model requires only structure geometry and incident wave conditions (wave height, period). A fair agreement is obtained by comparing the predicted transmission coefficients and wave spectra with measurements performed in wave flume and wave basin.  相似文献   
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