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姚锦梅  周训  谢朝海 《现代地质》2009,23(6):1174-1179
在广东省湛江市深层承压水开采过程中,在开采区内形成了区域水位降落漏斗。降落漏斗的形成对深层承压水的化学特性产生了一些影响,具体表现为:西部和西北部铁含量低,北部铁含量高,降落漏斗附近铁含量中等。对降落漏斗内深层承压水铁分布进行演化模拟计算,结果表明,降落漏斗内深层承压水的补给可能来自北部高铁承压水、西部和西北部低铁承压水以及浅层承压水。深层承压水由这些地下水混合而成,高铁地下水是主要补给来源。降落漏斗中心区深层承压水的大量人工开采导致其铁含量升高。地下水在向降落漏斗中心区的径流过程中,不但发生了方解石、白云石和赤铁矿的溶解作用以及菱铁矿和水绿矾的沉淀作用,而且发生了Na+与Ca2+的交换、铁氧化-还原反应等一系列复杂的水-岩作用。  相似文献   
桂林铁矿位于河源市连平县,侵入岩体为黑云母花岗岩。该矿床主要产于三叠系地层中,矿体赋存于矽卡岩中,主要由磁铁矿和透辉石两种矿石组成。地质特征综合分析认为,该矿床属于接触交代-热液铁矿床。  相似文献   
王胜江 《云南地质》2014,(4):566-572
腾冲县叫鸡冠梁子铁多金属矿矿体呈似层状、脉状,赋存于二叠系空树河组中,空树河组普遍有矽卡岩化、角岩化和铁多金属矿化,矿化主要受矽卡岩控制,初步认为矿床类型为燕山晚期矽卡岩型铁多金属矿床.  相似文献   
There are two main types of iron deposits in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley district.Both of them underwent post-magmatic hydrothermal processes during ore formation.Iron in the hydrothermal ore bodies was derived largely through mobilization from substantially consolidated diroitic intrusives.Wall-roch alteration zonation indicates that iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids evolved in a trend of decreasing alkalinity,which is suggested by regularly distributed wall-rock alterations formed by iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids and is in contradiction with the current chloride,chloride complex and bicarbonate models for iron mobilization.The close association of carbonatization with iron ores and the high concentrations of reduced gases such as CO,CH4 and H2 in fluid inclusions suggest that iron is most probably transported in the form of iron carbonyls during post-magmatic hydrothermal processes. In the light of the iron carbonyl mobilization model,explanations are made of the constraints on ores of some geologic factors such as melanocratic alteration,carbonatization,carbonate strata,structural fractures,cyptoexplosive pipes and embryo ores.  相似文献   
To better understand the Fe isotope characteristics of natural samples in the Karst area, the Fe isotope compositions of riverine suspended particulates, lake suspended particulates, lake sediments, porewaters, phytoplanktons, and aerosols in the watersheds of Lake Aha (a mineralized water system) and Lake Hongfeng (a mesotrophic water system), which are located in the Karst area, southwest China, were investigated. The studied samples displayed a variable range between δ56Fe=?2.03‰ and 0.36‰. Aerosols and phytoplanktons have similar or slightly heavier Fe isotope compositions relative to the average of igneous rocks. Fe isotope compositions of riverine Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) were mainly affected by the types of tributaries. Suspended particulates collected from tributaries seriously contaminated with coal mine drainages displayed negative δ56Fe values (?0.89‰ to ?0.31‰) during summer, and there were significant increases of δ56Fe values in winter, except AR2, which was polluted with both coal mine drainage and sewage effluent. Characteristics of lakes have important influences on Fe isotope compositions of suspended particulates, lake sediments, and porewaters. The epilimnetic particulate Fe of Lake Hongfeng had δ56Fe=?0.04‰ to 0.13‰, while lighter Fe isotope compositions were measured for particulate Fe from Lake Aha, ranging from ?0.42‰ to ?0.09‰. Sediments collected from Hou Wu (HW) station of Lake Hongfeng have an average δ56Fe value of 0.09‰ and their corresponding porewaters have lighter Fe isotope compositions, ranging from ?0.57‰ to ?0.31‰; no significant variations have been observed. For the Liang Jiang Kou (LJK) station of Lake Aha, the content of reactive Fe and the concentration of sulfate were all high. Due to the reactive Fe recycling, including dissimilatory Fe reduction, adsorption, and Fe–sulfide formation, porewaters sampled near the sediment surface have been found to have a δ56Fe value as low as ?2.03‰ and an increase up to 0.12‰, with a burial depth of 10?cm. In contrast, an opposite variation trend was found for LJK sediments. Sediments sampled at 1-cm depth had a value of δ56Fe=?0.59‰ and decrease as low as ?1.75‰ with burial depth. This investigation demonstrated that significant Fe isotope fractionations occur in surface environments. Fe isotope compositions of particulate Fe were seriously affected by Fe sources, and Fe biogeochemical recycling has an important influence on Fe isotope fractionations in lake sediments, especially when there are significant amounts of reactive Fe and sulfate.  相似文献   
铁(Fe)作为海洋初级生产所必需的微量和限制性营养元素影响着海洋生物群落结构、生态功能以及碳循环,理解溶解Fe的物质来源及其对气候变化的响应具有重要的科学意义。早期研究多强调风尘输入是维持大洋Fe循环的主要机制。近年来,随着海水Fe分析数据的积累,尤其是痕量元素及其同位素海洋生物地球化学循环研究计划(GEOTRACES)的开展,陆架沉积物和热液活动所释放Fe的贡献开始越来越受到重视。尽管如此,不同物源对开阔大洋溶解Fe的影响依然存在相当的不确定性。以海水溶解Fe的化学组分为出发点,强调有机配体对大洋Fe循环的决定性作用,综述了不同来源Fe的通量估计和第四纪大洋Fe来源的研究争议。铁同位素为理解大洋Fe的物源演变提供了新的工具。讨论了不同物源的Fe同位素特征,并提出结合沉积物的活动性Fe同位素和组分研究可能为理解过去陆架-热液活动-风尘输出与输运Fe的机制提供全新视角。  相似文献   
吕晓立  刘景涛  周冰  朱亮 《中国地质》2020,47(6):1765-1775
以新疆塔城盆地80组地下水样品水化学组分测试结果为依据,结合区域地质、水文地质调查资料,研究塔城盆地地下水中铁、锰分布特征及其成因。结果表明,研究区浅层地下水中铁、锰浓度总体较低,局部超标,其空间分布特征基本一致。对比2017年发布的地下水质量标准,地下水中铁、锰超标率依次为25%和5%,深层承压水铁、锰含量均未超标。地下水中铁锰离子浓度受原生地质环境所控,同时叠加人类活动影响,城镇周边人口密集区尤其是排污沟渠附近地下水中耗氧量、溶解性总固体、铁、锰含量明显升高。地下水中铁锰超标连片区域呈条带状或斑块状分布于塔城盆地北部山区、中部冲积平原区以及南部低山丘陵区的铜钼成矿带,受人类活动影响,在塔城市、额敏县及其周边的地表水和地下水重污染区分布有地下水铁、锰重污染点,污染物特别是有机污染物排放所引起的还原环境促使地层中难溶的铁锰矿物的溶解释放。地层中,尤其是矿床及周边地层中高含量的铁锰是地下水中铁锰的重要来源,沉积层中富含丰富的有机质同时叠加人类活动输入所形成的还原条件是研究区地下水中铁、锰迁移和富集的主控因素。  相似文献   
样品经氢氟酸-盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸混合酸一次加入冷浸直接溶解,在5%(体积分数)的盐酸介质中,用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定富镁铁橄榄岩类矿石中的铜、镍、铁、氧化镁,克服了传统分析方法操作繁琐、周期长、成本高,而过程难以控制等缺点。方法检出限为铜2.0μg/g,镍3.0μg/g,铁10μg/g,氧化镁20μg/g;精密度(RSD,n=12)为0.8%~4.1%。经国家一级标准物质分析验证,测定值与标准值吻合,结果准确可靠。对于富镁铁岩类矿石中含量较高的硫化物的测定,采用一次加混合酸冷浸除硫后,再加热分解样品,结果令人满意;其中含量较高的铁和氧化镁,采用分取稀释测定,减小基体干扰。建立的方法样品处理程序简单快速,线性范围宽,分析重现性好,适用于地质部门批量样品的分析。  相似文献   
The present paper deals with the modeling of the removal of total arsenic As(T), trivalent arsenic As(III), and pentavalent arsenic As(V) from synthetic solutions containing total arsenic (0.167–2.0 mg/L), Fe (0.9–2.7 mg/L), and Mn (0.2–0.6 mg/L) in a batch reactor using Fe impregnated granular activated charcoal (GAC‐Fe). Mass ratio of As(III) and As(V) in the solution was 1:1. Multi‐layer neural network (MLNN) has been used and full factorial design technique has been applied for the selection of input data set. The developed models are able to predict the adsorption of arsenic species with an error limit of ?0.3 to +1.7%. Combination of MLNN with design of experiment has been able to generalize the MLNN with less number of experimental points.  相似文献   
氯代烃的污染治理已成为当今世界最热门的研究领域之一。以水体中最常见的氯代烃污染物1,1-二氯乙烯(1,1-DCE)、林丹(γ-HCH)为主要目标污染物,探讨了不同条件下负载型纳米Pd/Fe对氯代烃的去除效果。负载型纳米Pd/Fe采用浸渍→液相还原→还原沉淀的方法制备,透射电镜显示采用该方法制备的负载型金属钯和铁的平均粒径均在纳米级范围内。负载型纳米Pd/Fe具有较高的表面反应活性,当负载型纳米Pd/Fe 用量为40 g/L、反应时间达2 h时,1.1-二氯乙烯和林丹的去除率分别达到85%和100%。脱氯率与Pd/Fe投加量、钯含量、初始pH值、反应温度等因素有关,与溶液的初始浓度关系不大。负载型纳米Pd/Fe对11-DCE和γ-HCH去除均符合一级反应动力学方程,速率常数分别为0-528 3 h-1及2-012 9 h-1,反应的半衰期t1/2分别为1.31 h和0.34 h。推断在反应过程中,Fe腐蚀产生的H2为主要还原剂,Pd是良好的加氢催化剂,在金属颗粒表面形成高浓度反应相,使反应短时间内完成。  相似文献   
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