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To estimate the deep structure of the southern part of the Nojima Fault, southwest Japan without the influence of near-surface structures, we analyzed the Love-wave-type fault-zone trapped waves (LTWs) recorded by a borehole seismometer at 1800 m depth. We examined the polarization, dispersion, and dominant frequency of the wavetrain following the direct S-wave in each seismogram to identify the LTW. We selected eight candidates for typical LTWs from 462 records. Because the duration of the LTW increases with hypocentral distance, we infer that the low velocity fault-zone of the Nojima Fault continues towards the seismogenic depth. In addition, since the duration of the LTW increases nonlinearly with hypocentral distance, we infer that the S-wave velocity of the fault-zone increases with depth. The location of events showing the LTW indicates that the fault-zone dips to the southeast at 75° and continues to a depth of approximately 10 km. We assumed a uniform low-velocity waveguide to estimate the average structure of the fault-zone. We estimated the average width, S-wave velocity, and Qs of the fault-zone by comparing an analytical solution of the LTW with measured data. The average width, S-wave velocity, and Qs of the fault-zone are 150 to 290 m, 2.5 to 3.2 km/s, and 40 to 90, respectively. Hence the fault-zone structure with a larger width and smaller velocity reduction than the fault-zone model estimated by previous surface observation is more suitable to represent the average fault-zone structure of the Nojima fault. The present study also indicated that the shallow layers and/or a shallow fault-zone structure drastically changes the characteristics of the LTW recorded at the surface, and therefore cause a discrepancy in the fault-zone model between the borehole observation and surface observation.  相似文献   
We present results from petrophysical analysis of a normal fault zone with the aim of defining the flow pathways and their behavior during seismic and interseismic periods. Data are obtained on porosity geometry, strain structure and mineralogy of different domains of a normal fault zone in the Corinth rift. Data point out a close relationship between mineralogy of the clayey minerals, porosity network and strain structures and allow definition of a macroscopic anisotropy of the flow parameters with a strong control by microscopic ultracataclasite structures. The Pirgaki fault zone, developed within pelagic limestone, has a sharp asymmetric porosity profile, with a high porosity volume in the fault core and in the damage zone of the hanging wall. From porosity volumes and threshold measurements, a matrix permeability variation of 6 orders of magnitude could be expected between the protolith and the fault core. Modifications of this pathway during seismic and interseismic phases are depicted. Healing of cracks formed during seismic slip events occurred in the fault core zone and the porous network in the damage zone is sealed in a second step. The lens geometry of the fault core zone is associated with dissolution surfaces and open conduits where dissolved matter could move out of the fault core zone. These elementary processes are developed in particular along Riedel's structures and depend on the orientation of the strain surfaces relative to the local stress and depend also on the roughness of each surface type. P-surfaces are smooth and control shearing process. R-surfaces are rough and present two wavelengths of roughness. The long one controls localization of dissolution surfaces and conduits; the short one is characteristic of dissolution surfaces. The dissolved matter can precipitate in the open structures of the hanging wall damage zone, decreasing the connectivity of the macroscopic conduit developed within this part of the fault zone.  相似文献   
SKUA基岩三维地质建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天津平原地区某个工区为例,介绍了三维地质模型建模的数据准备,SKUA建模的流程以及模型分析,共使用28条断层,6个地层的地质构造图,3条地质剖面构建了地质结构模型,表明SKUA建模是高效的和实用的。  相似文献   
阿尔金断裂东端破裂生长点的最新构造变形*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
阿尔金断裂与祁连山北缘断裂的交汇部位是阿尔金断裂向东扩展的新破裂生长点,两断裂构造与新生的红柳峡断裂构成似三联点构造。破裂生长点附近的最新构造变形表现为:阿尔金断裂的旋转隆升和向北扩展;祁连山北缘断裂的逆冲推覆兼右旋走滑;红柳峡断裂的挤压拖曳弯曲,它们共同受制于青藏高原的强烈隆升和向外扩张作用。推测阿尔金断裂自西而东的破裂扩展就是似三联点构造逐一形成而又被切割贯通的过程。阿尔金断裂以蠕滑活动为主,2002年玉门地震与祁连山北缘逆冲断裂及其伴生的调节断层的活动相关。  相似文献   
The Shihu gold deposit lies in the middle-northern Taihang Mountains and is strictly controlled by faults. The ore-controlling structures in the mining district are not well-documented. Detailed field observation and laboratory investigation of the No.101 vein indicated that the ore-controlling structures of the Shihu gold deposit are the pre-Mesozoic shear joints with SN and NW strike that reactivated during the Yanshanian emerged from. The NNW-SSE left-strike-slip stresses during the main mineralization stage led to the dilation of the NW-strike structural segments along the roof and footwall of the early quartz diorite porphyrite veins, which contributed to the extensive wall-rock alteration, intensive gold mineralization and occur as quartz-vein type ores, and consequently the formation of rich ore pillars. On the contrary, the SN-strike compressive structures correspond to the weak wall-rock alteration and gold mineralization and occur as altered-rock type ores. All the rich ore pillars laterally distributed with high-angle (70°±), and wholly pitched southward with 40° angle. According to the structural ore-controlling regularities, the location between the No.47 and the No.61 exploratory line with elevation below 150 m is an excellent ore-prospecting area. Our prospecting proposal based on the ore-controlling structural analyses in the study area has been proven by the underground works in the Shihu gold deposit. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
The Gemmi fault is a prominent NW–SE striking lineament that crosses the Gemmi Pass in the central Swiss Alps. A multidisciplinary investigation of this structure that included geological mapping, joint profiling, cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy, stable isotope measurements, luminescence- and U-TH-dating, 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveying and trenching reveals a history of fault movements from the Miocene to the Holocene. The main fault zone comprises a 0.5–3 m thick calcite cataclasite formed during several cycles of veining and brittle deformation. Displaced Cretaceous rock layers show an apparent dextral slip of 10 m along the fault.A detailed study of a small sediment-filled depression that crosses the fault provides evidence for a post-glacial reactivation of the fault. A trench excavated across the fault exposed a Late-Glacial-age loess layer and late Holocene colluvial-like slope-wash deposits that showed evidence for fault displacement of a few centimeters, indicating a recent strike-slip reactivation of the fault. Focal mechanisms of recent instrumentally recorded earthquakes are consistent with our findings that show that the fault at the Gemmi Pass, together with other parallel faults in this area, may be reactivated in today's stress field. Taking together all the observations of its ancient and recent activity, the Gemmi fault can be viewed as a window through geological space and time.  相似文献   
The Tan–Lu Fault Zone (TLFZ) extends in a NNE–SSW direction for more than 2000 km in Eastern China. It has been considered either as a major sinistral strike-slip fault, as a suture zone or as a normal fault. We have conducted a structural analysis of the southern segment of this fault zone (STLFZ) in the Anhui Province. The ages (Triassic to Palaeocene) of the formations affected by the faults have been re-appraised taking into account recent stratigraphical studies to better constraint the ages of the successive stages of the kinematics of the STLFZ. Subsequently, the kinematics of the faults is presented in terms of strain/stress fields by inversion of the striated fault set data. Finally, the data are discussed in the light of the results obtained by previous workers.We propose the following history of the STLFZ kinematics during the Mesozoic. At the time of collision, a  NNE orientated Tan–Lu margin probably connected two margins located north of the Dabie and Sulu collision belts. During the Middle–Late Triassic, the SCB has been obliquely subducted below the NCB along this margin which has acted as a compressional transfer zone between the Dabie and Sulu continental subduction zones. The STLFZ has been initiated during the Early Jurassic and has acted as a sinistral transform fault during the Jurassic, following which the NCB/SCB collision stopped. A  NW-trending extension related to metamorphic domes was active during the basal Early Cretaceous ( 135–130 Ma); it has been followed by a NW–SE compression and a NE–SW tension during the middle–late Early Cretaceous ( 127 to  105 Ma, possibly  95 Ma); at that time the TLFZ was a sinistral transcurrent fault within the eastern part of the Asian continent. During the Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene, the STLFZ was a normal fault zone under a WNW–ESE tension.  相似文献   
Ultrashallow P-wave seismic reflection experiments were conducted at a model test site and in a trenched shallow fault zone along the Chelunpu fault line. The field layout was designed to have the shallowest undistorted reflection from about 1 m depth with 0.5 m vertical resolution. The smallest group interval tested in this study was 0.05 m with a 0.25 ms sample interval, which can avoid spatial aliasing of ground roll if the target is very shallow and the velocities are low. Data processing was designed to be simple but consistent. As the ultrashallow reflections may be contaminated with high-amplitude coherent noise in many aspects, first break muting and surgical muting were performed on each file as detailed as possible, and fk filtering was applied mainly for the purpose of attenuating the aliasing energy and back-scattered noise. Data acquired in this study show that the low P-wave velocities (< 200 m/s) and high dominant frequencies (120–200 Hz) of near-surface layers may have a potential vertical resolution of 0.4 m or even better.Comparing the test profile with the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) control profile of the same test site and correlating the results obtained from the study site with those of the geologic cross-section of the trench, this experiment demonstrates the possibility of using seismic methods in investigating shallow structures at depths of less than a few meters with vertical resolution comparable to the GPR technique.  相似文献   
何照波  刘涛  杨宗  余红平 《云南地质》2007,26(2):175-182
萨尔布拉克金矿为北疆地区重要金矿之一,位于两个一级构造单元结合部位,矿床受北西向断裂破碎带控制,走向延伸长,规模大,从地表向下氧化矿、混合矿、硫化矿分带明显。明显受构造、地层及岩性控制,属构造一热液蚀变岩型微粒金矿。  相似文献   
This study defines the Late Cenozoic stress regimes acting around the Bolu Basin along the North Anatolian Fault in northwestern Turkey. The inferred regional stress regime, obtained from the inversion of measured fault-slip vectors as well as focal mechanism solutions, is significant and induces the right-lateral displacement of the North Anatolian Fault. The field observations have also revealed extensional structures in and around the Bolu Basin. These extensional structures can be interpreted as either a local effect of the regional transtensional stress regime or as the result of the interaction of the fault geometries of the dextral Duzce Fault and the southern escarpment of the North Anatolian Fault, bordering the Bolu Basin in the north and in the south, respectively.The inversion of slip vectors measured on fault planes indicates that a strike-slip stress regime with consistent NW- and NE-trending σHmax(σ1) and σHmin(σ3) axes is dominant. Stress ratio (R) values provided by inversion of slip vectors measured on both major and minor faults and field observations show significant variations of principal stress magnitudes within the strike-slip stress regime resulting in older transpression to younger transtension. These two stress states, producing dextral displacement along NAF, are coaxial with a consistent NE-trending σ3 axis. The earthquake focal mechanism inversions confirm that the transtensional stress regime has continued into recent times, having identical horizontal stress axis directions, characterized by NW and NE-trending σ1 and σ3 axes, respectively. A locally consistent NE-trending extensional, normal faulting regime is also seen in the Bolu Basin. The stress-tensor change within the strike-slip stress regime can be explained by variations in horizontal stress magnitudes that probably occurred in Quaternary times as a result of the westward extrusion of the Anatolian block.  相似文献   
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