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Response based analysis (RBA) is used to establish the design metocean conditions (DMCs) of a generic weather-vaning FPSO off the North West Shelf (NWS) of Australia for determining greenwater severity. A vessel heading prediction tool, an essential component of the RBA analysis for weather-vaning vessels, is developed and evaluated by comparing with full-scale measurements from an operating FPSO. Locations at the bow, amidships and the stern of the vessel are found to be susceptible to greenwater risks and the vessel is often exposed to oblique waves during tropical cyclones. Long-term extrapolation is performed to estimate 1 in. N-year return relative wave-vessel motions represented by both the most probable maximum relative wave-vessel motion within a storm rmp, and the maximum individual relative wave-vessel motion rMax. It is observed that rMax ˜ (1.1–1.2) rmp. The use of rMax allows for the variability of the short term maxima per storm and also the fact that the peak in response might not come in the most severe sea-state. Given the focus on greenwater rather than wave severity, the slightly larger value of rMax at a given return period is used for assessment of greenwater risk. The sea-states that lead to rMax at a 1 in 100 year level are identified and subsequently used for characterising the wave groups causing maximum relative wave-vessel motion at various locations around the vessel. For a given location, the shapes of the wave time histories which give rise to extreme relative wave-vessel motions in a set of design metocean conditions are similar, indicating that a ‘design wave’, derived within the framework of linear wave theory, may be a useful approach to tackle highly nonlinear and complex greenwater overtopping problems.  相似文献   
针对传统圆筒型FPSO垂荡运动剧烈的特点,提出一种带有垂荡抑制结构的圆筒型FPSO。采用1∶77.8的缩尺比制作模型,进行垂荡纵摇衰减试验,得到带有不同垂荡抑制结构模型的固有周期和无因次阻尼系数,进而选取最优的垂荡抑制结构型式。之后计算并对比传统圆筒型FPSO和新型圆筒型FPSO垂荡纵摇运动的固有周期和幅频响应函数。在此基础上,结合我国南海海洋环境条件,设计新型圆筒型FPSO的系泊系统,计算分析自存工况下的耦合动力响应,并与传统圆筒型FPSO进行对比。结果表明,文中提出的垂荡抑制结构可以有效增大系统垂荡纵摇运动的固有周期,改善运动性能,提高系泊的安全性。  相似文献   
基于风险的检测(RBI)技术在FPSO上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了FPSO检测的特点和基于风险检测的基本原则.根据基于风险的检测技术,提出了FOSO检测的方法,包括检测的决策论基础和基本步骤,并给出其在上部组块的具体应用.  相似文献   
It is ideal to design the best hull shape for a floating production storage and offloading unit (FPSO) that meets all performance criteria from an engineering point of view. However, in reality, it is difficult to satisfy all the criteria at the same time. If one of the performances cannot meet the criteria, then additional equipment or systems are installed to improve that performance. In this paper, when an FPSO cannot meet the towing stability inherently, we attempt to establish a procedure for determining an auxiliary towing system. Firstly, various systems that can be applied to the FPSO are compared and reviewed to improve the towing stability of the FPSO. Among them, using three active thrusters was chosen as the auxiliary towing system. Improvement of towing stability was verified from a towing model test conducted at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN). However, thruster cavitation was raised as a key problem when using thrusters for a purpose for which they were not intended. A thruster cavitation model test was additionally performed to check the safety of the thrusters. Based on these results, a safe operating range under extreme condition was confirmed by observing the occurrence of thruster cavitation. The predicted maximum unit total thrust of each thruster was compared with the observed safe operating range. Finally, the effectiveness and safety of the auxiliary towing system was verified.  相似文献   
The highest similarity degree of static characteristics including both horizontal and vertical restoring force-displacement characteristics of total mooring system, as well as the tension-displacement characteristics of the representative single mooring line between the truncated and full depth system are obtained by annealing simulation algorithm for hybrid discrete variables (ASFHDV, in short). A“baton” optimization approach is proposed by utilizing ASFHDV. After each baton of optimization, if a few dimensional variables reach the upper or lower limit, the boundary of certain dimensional variables shall be expanded. In consideration of the experimental requirements, the length of the upper mooring line should not be smaller than 8 m, and the diameter of the anchor chain on the bottom should be larger than 0.03 m. A 100000 t turret mooring FPSO in the water depth of 304 m, with the truncated water depth being 76 m, is taken as an example of equivalent water depth truncated mooring system optimal design and calculation, and is performed to obtain the conformation parameters of the truncated mooring system. The numerical results indicate that the present truncated mooring system design is successful and effective.  相似文献   
浮式生产储油船(FPSO)具有强大的油气处理、存储等功能,是海洋石油特别是深海油气开发的重要设备。在FPSO旋转半径内作业时,为保证其安全,并尽量减少FPSO停产时间,需要对FPSO进行限位操作。根据实践经验,总结了FPSO限位的相关技术,为以后的限位作业提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
针对1 000 m水深作业的新型圆筒型浮式生产储卸油系统(FPSO),选择多点系泊FPSO和穿梭油轮串靠外输方案,分析串靠方案在中国南海的可行性。FPSO和穿梭油轮作业时两者之间相互影响的研究较为重要,通过ANSYS-AQWA建立水动力耦合分析模型,基于多浮体水动力学方法进行时域耦合仿真模拟。在FPSO作业海况下,分析了串靠外输时系泊锚链及系泊大缆的张力特性和两浮体的运动响应,对大缆的长度和刚度参数变化进行了分析。结果表明:串靠外输方案满足新型圆筒型FPSO的作业环境。随着系泊大缆长度增加,其张力最值逐渐减小,FPSO和穿梭油轮的最小间距逐渐增大。两浮体最小距离稳定在83 m左右。随着系泊大缆刚度增加,其张力最值增大,相比于大缆长度,大缆刚度对耦合系统的影响较弱。  相似文献   
As the first step of the fire/gas-detection systems of floating production storage and offloading(FPSO)units is to iden-tify leakage accidents,gas detectors play an important role in controlling the leakage risk.To improve the leakage scenario detection rate and reduce the cumulative risk value,this paper presents an optimization method of the gas detector placement.The probability density distribution and cumulative probability density distribution of the leakage source variables and environmental variables were calculated based on the Offshore Reliability Data and the statistical data of the relevant leakage variables.A potential leakage sce-nario set was constructed using Latin hypercube sampling.The typical FPSO leakage scenarios were analyzed through computational fluid dynamics(CFD),and the impacts of different parameters on the leakage were addressed.A series of detectors was deployed according to the simulation results.The minimization of the product of effective detection time and gas leakage volume was the risk optimization objective,and the location and number of detectors were taken as decision variables.A greedy extraction heuristic algo-rithm was used to solve the optimization problem.The results show that the optimized placement had a better monitoring effect on the leakage scenario.  相似文献   
八角形FPSO串靠外输系统耦合动力响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对100 m作业水深的八角形FPSO,提出采用穿梭油轮串靠的外输方案,研究串靠外输在南海的适用性。建立由八角形FPSO及其系泊系统、穿梭油轮及FPSO与穿梭油轮之间的系泊大缆等组成的浮式多体动力学模型,根据多浮体动力学理论进行耦合时域模拟。在外输海况条件下,分析了串靠连接的环境适应性及研究大缆载荷的响应特性,对连接大缆的长度、刚度等关键参数进行了敏感性分析。研究表明,串靠外输的形式对于八角FPSO具有足够的安全性和可靠性,系泊大缆受到明显的冲击张力,张力的幅值受大缆的长度和刚度影响较大。  相似文献   
浮式生产储油轮船艏结构疲劳分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
由单点平台系泊的浮式生产储油轮的船脂结构承受着交变系泊力作用。通过详细的脂部结构有限元模型,进行了应力分析,应用S—N曲线和Miner线性疲劳累积损伤原理,进行了疲劳分析,预报了焊缝疲劳寿命。  相似文献   
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