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We present Galaxy Evolution Explorer ( GALEX ) far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) imaging of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 2974, along with complementary ground-based optical imaging. In the ultraviolet, the galaxy reveals a central spheroid-like component and a newly discovered complete outer ring of radius 6.2 kpc, with suggestions of another partial ring at an even larger radius. Blue FUV–NUV and UV-optical colours are observed in the centre of the galaxy and from the outer ring outwards, suggesting young stellar populations (≲1 Gyr) and recent star formation in both locations. This is supported by a simple stellar population model which assumes two bursts of star formation, allowing us to constrain the age, mass fraction and surface mass density of the young component pixel by pixel. Overall, the mass fraction of the young component appears to be just under 1 per cent (lower limit, uncorrected for dust extinction). The additional presence of a nuclear and an inner ring (radii 1.4 and 2.9 kpc, respectively), as traced by [O  iii ] emission, suggests ring formation through resonances. All three rings are consistent with a single pattern speed of  78 ± 6  km s−1 kpc−1, typical of S0 galaxies and only marginally slower than expected for a fast bar if traced by a small observed surface brightness plateau. This thus suggests that star formation and morphological evolution in NGC 2974 at the present epoch are primarily driven by a rotating asymmetry (probably a large-scale bar), despite the standard classification of NGC 2974 as an E4 elliptical.  相似文献   
Based on results from cold dark matter N -body simulations, we develop a dynamical model for the evolution of subhaloes within group-sized host haloes. Only subhaloes more massive than 5 × 108 M are considered, because they are massive enough to possibly host luminous galaxies. On their orbits within a growing host potential the subhaloes are subject to tidal stripping and dynamical friction. At the present time  ( z = 0)  , all model hosts have equal mass  ( M vir= 3.9 × 1013 M)  but different concentrations associated with different formation times. We investigate the variation of subhalo (or satellite galaxy) velocity dispersion with host concentration and/or formation time. In agreement with the Jeans equation, the velocity dispersion of subhaloes increases with the host concentration. Between concentrations of ∼5 and ∼20, the subhalo velocity dispersions increase by a factor of ∼1.25. By applying a simplified tidal disruption criterion, that is, rejection of all subhaloes with a tidal truncation radius below 3  kpc at   z = 0  , the central velocity dispersion of the 'surviving' subhalo sample increases substantially for all concentrations. The enhanced central velocity dispersions in the surviving subhalo samples are caused by a lack of slow tangential motions. Additionally, we present a fitting formula for the anisotropy parameter which does not depend on concentration if the group-centric distances are scaled by r s, the characteristic radius of the Navarro, Frenk & White profile. Since the expected loss of subhaloes and galaxies due to tidal disruption increases the velocity dispersion of surviving galaxies, the observed galaxy velocity dispersion can substantially overestimate the virial mass.  相似文献   
Radiative transfer calculations have been performed for five cool stars: α Tau, β Gem, Procyon, ε Eri and the Sun, for the purpose of investigating the behaviour of the O  i emission over a wide range of stellar types, and its dependence on coherent photon scattering. These stars span a range of spectral types from F5 iv – v to K5 iii and surface gravities  1.25 < log  g * < 4.75  . Particular attention has been paid to the calculation of the flux in the resonance triplet around 1305 Å which is pumped by H Lyβ, including the effects of partial redistribution (PRD) and cross-redistribution of photons. These are the first calculations for the resonance triplet in giant stars using a full PRD treatment. Calculations of the predominantly collisionally excited intersystem doublet at 1355, 1358 Å are included, and it is found that the ratio of these fluxes shows the effects of opacity. The flux in the forbidden line at 1641 Å is calculated for the giant stars and the effects of coherent scattering on this line are investigated. The discrepancy between the calculated and observed fluxes in the O  i lines is used to infer the inadequacy of single-component chromospheric models.  相似文献   
A Bayesian multiplanet Kepler periodogram has been developed for the analysis of precision radial velocity data. The periodogram employs a parallel tempering Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The HD 11964 data have been re-analysed using 1, 2, 3 and 4 planet models. Assuming that all the models are equally probable a priori, the three planet model is found to be ≥600 times more probable than the next most probable model which is a two planet model. The most probable model exhibits three periods of  38.02+0.06−0.05, 360+4−4 and 1924+44−43 d  , and eccentricities of  0.22+0.11−0.22, 0.63+0.34−0.17 and 0.05+0.03−0.05  , respectively. Assuming the three signals (each one consistent with a Keplerian orbit) are caused by planets, the corresponding limits on planetary mass ( M sin  i ) and semimajor axis are     respectively. The small difference (1.3σ) between the 360-d period and one year suggests that it might be worth investigating the barycentric correction for the HD 11964 data.  相似文献   
We have detected low-amplitude radial-velocity variations in two stars, USNO-B1.0 1219–0005465 (GSC  02265–00107 = WASP–1  ) and USNO-B1.0 0964–0543604 (GSC  00522–01199 = WASP–2  ). Both stars were identified as being likely host stars of transiting exoplanets in the 2004 SuperWASP wide-field transit survey. Using the newly commissioned radial-velocity spectrograph SOPHIE at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, we found that both objects exhibit reflex orbital radial-velocity variations with amplitudes characteristic of planetary-mass companions and in-phase with the photometric orbits. Line-bisector studies rule out faint blended binaries as the cause of either the radial-velocity variations or the transits. We perform preliminary spectral analyses of the host stars, which together with their radial-velocity variations and fits to the transit light curves yield estimates of the planetary masses and radii. WASP-1b and WASP-2b have orbital periods of 2.52 and 2.15 d, respectively. Given mass estimates for their F7V and K1V primaries, we derive planet masses 0.80–0.98 and 0.81–0.95 times that of Jupiter, respectively. WASP-1b appears to have an inflated radius of at least 1.33 R Jup, whereas WASP-2b has a radius in the range 0.65–1.26 R Jup.  相似文献   
The theory of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in solar coronal slabs in a zero-β configuration and for parallel propagation of waves does not allow the existence of surface waves. When oblique propagation of perturbations is considered, both surface and body waves are able to propagate. When the perpendicular wavenumber is larger than a certain value, the body kink mode becomes a surface wave. In addition, a sausage surface mode is found below the internal cutoff frequency. When nonuniformity in the equilibrium is included, surface and body modes are damped by resonant absorption. In this paper, first, a normal-mode analysis is performed and the period, the damping rate, and the spatial structure of the eigenfunctions are obtained. Then, the time-dependent problem is solved, and the conditions under which one or the other type of mode is excited are investigated.  相似文献   
The stars that populate the solar neighbourhood were formed in stellar clusters. Through N -body simulations of these clusters, we measure the rate of close encounters between stars. By monitoring the interaction histories of each star, we investigate the singleton fraction in the solar neighbourhood. A singleton is a star which formed as a single star, has never experienced any close encounters with other stars or binaries, or undergone an exchange encounter with a binary. We find that, of the stars which formed as single stars, a significant fraction is not singletons once the clusters have dispersed. If some of these stars had planetary systems, with properties similar to those of the Solar System, the planets' orbits may have been perturbed by the effects of close encounters with other stars or the effects of a companion star within a binary. Such perturbations can lead to strong planet–planet interactions which eject several planets, leaving the remaining planets on eccentric orbits. Some of the single stars exchange into binaries. Most of these binaries are broken up via subsequent interactions within the cluster, but some remain intact beyond the lifetime of the cluster. The properties of these binaries are similar to those of the observed binary systems containing extrasolar planets. Thus, dynamical processes in young stellar clusters will alter significantly any population of Solar System-like planetary systems. In addition, beginning with a population of planetary systems exactly resembling the Solar System around single stars, dynamical encounters in young stellar clusters may produce at least some of the extrasolar planetary systems observed in the solar neighbourhood.  相似文献   
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