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李植斌 《热带地理》1994,14(4):364-371
本文从含水地层、构造、地貌等方面阐明了湖南省岩溶水的富集特征,对其埋藏条件、时空变化、水化学等进行了较系统的研究,并把岩溶水资源分为湘西北、湘中和湘南三大岩溶水资源区,并对其开发利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
黄海太平洋褶柔鱼资源现状与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董正之 《海洋科学》1996,20(6):34-38
太平洋褶柔鱼是我国近年在黄海开发的重要渔业资源。首先概括了本种柔鱼的基本属性,阐述了资源开发现状,块状分布,种群,渔获量和资源量,对块状分布的形成作了理论分析;最后探讨了黄海柔鱼资源的开发与保护问题。  相似文献   
In arid and semi-arid zones, water is the most vulnerable resource to climate change. In fact, various techniques such as artificial recharge are adopted to restore aquifers and to ensure aquifer sustainability in relation to the accelerated pace of exploitation. Morocco is a Mediterranean country highly vulnerable to climate change, many of its main aquifers are subjected to excessive drawdowns. This technique is practiced to increase potentiality of these aquifers. In the Northwestern area of Morocco, the significant development experienced by Tangier City in the industrial, tourism, and commercial sectors will lead to increased water requirements-up to 5 067 L/s (159.8 mm3) by 2030. However, the Charf El Akab aquifer system, subject to artificial recharge, is the only groundwater resource of Tangier region; hence, a rational management context is needed to ensure aquifer sustainability, and optimized exploitation under the background of differing constraints, such as increased water requirements, and climate change impacts. This work aims to respond, for the first time, to the Charf El Akab aquifer overexploitation problem, and to evaluate the future scenarios of its exploitation in the event of failure of one of the superficial resources. This work also presents a synthesized hydrodynamic modeling based on the results of the numerical simulations carried out using Feflow software for 2004 (date of cessation of injections) and 2011 (date of resumption of these facilities), making it possible to evaluate the impact of the artificial recharge on the piezometric level of the aquifer on a spatiotemporal scale. Finally, the exploitation scenarios have shown that the aquifer of Charf El Akab will not adequatly provide for the region's water requirements on the future horizon, entailing an optimal management of water resources in the region and an intentionally increased recharge rate.  相似文献   
江苏泥炭大多数为低有机质分解较强的低位泥炭,适于制作肥料或制成腐肥使用;江苏硅质原料丰富,一种以硅为主的化肥——硅肥正日益显示其重要性;湖泊淤泥具有颗粒微细、含砂量少、可塑性高、结合力强、干燥敏感性好和收缩率较大等特点,是生产空心砖的最佳原料;高家边组泥页岩和坟头组底部细粉砂质泥岩及泥质粉砂岩是良好的陶粒原料、砖瓦、陶瓷建材以及水泥用粘土质原料;利用矿泉水与茶的结合能够生产出高、中、低多效应的复合型新产品。上述尚未被利用或利用程度不够的矿产资源有着广泛的开发利用前景。  相似文献   
HYDROPOWERRESOURCESINUPPERYANGTZECHENJisheng(DirectorEmeritus,YangtzeRiverScientificResearchInstitute(YRSRI),23HuangpuRoad,Wu...  相似文献   
天津地热资源现状与可持续性开发利用问题   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
天津地区地热资源十分丰富,至2005年底,已有地热井269眼,年开采量2564万m^3。但地热资源利用率最高为62.4%,地热尾水回灌率不到8%,是一种粗放的开发利用模式。笔者从实现地热资源可持续开发利用角度出发,针对天津地区不同热储层的特征,在阐述天津地热资源开发利用现状的基础上,针对所存在的缺乏统一规划、地热利用率低和回灌量少等问题,针对不同的开采类型区制订了相应的保护措施及保护目标,提出了分区管理、总量控制、强度控制、利用方式控制和优化配置的保护原则,为有限、宝贵的地热水可持续开发利用提供技术保证;并提出地热资源必须走回灌开发道路,增加回灌井,提高回灌率是实现地热资源可持续开发利用的重要保障。  相似文献   
张国建 《地下水》2008,30(3):20-23
开发地热资源是节约其它能源的一种方式,可以改变一个地区的投资环境,通过对山东滕州市煤系地层的区域地质情况进行勘察,并运用先进施工工艺及机械,开钻了鲁南地区第一眼煤系地层下的温泉井。并对之进行了经济效益分析。鲁南第一温泉井(滕温1号地热井)。  相似文献   
玉溪市萝卜子地水源地地下水允许开采量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈炜 《云南地质》2007,26(2):242-248
萝卜子地供水水源地,水文地质条件较复杂。利用多年地下水动态及抽水试验资料上,进行基岩富水地段地下水的补给量计算,以补给量作为该水源地的允许开采量合理。  相似文献   
In recent years, voices in Jordan became lauder to exploit the fresh to brackish deep groundwater overlain by fresh groundwater bodies. In this article the implications of such a policy on the existing fresh water bodies are worked out through studying the sources of salinity in the different aquifer systems and the potentials of salinity mobilization by artificial changes in the hydrodynamic regimes. It is concluded that extracting the groundwater of deep aquifers overlain by fresh water bodies, whether the deep groundwater is fresh to brackish, brackish or salty, is equivalent to extracting groundwater from the overlying fresh groundwater bodies because of the hydraulic connections of the deep and the shallow aquifers’ groundwaters. The consequences are even more complicated and severe because exploiting the deep groundwater containing brackish or salty water will lead to refilling by fresh groundwater leaking from the overlying aquifers. The leaking water becomes salinized as soon as it enters the pore spaces of the emptied deep aquifer matrix and by mixing with the deep aquifer brackish or saline groundwater. Therefore, the move to exploit the deep groundwater is misleading and damaging the aquifers and is unjust to future generation's rights in the natural wealth of Jordan or any other country with similar aquifers’ set-up. In addition, desalination produces brines with high salinity which cannot easily be discharged in the highlands of Jordan (with only very limited access to the open sea) because they will on the long term percolate down into fresh water aquifers.  相似文献   
宋祥文 《福建地质》2001,20(2):57-69
这次会议是进入新世纪我局第一次工作会议,是一次总结过去,谋划未来的重要会议,开好这次会议对我局在新世纪实现新发展有着十分重要的意义.会议的主要内容是认真学习温家宝副总理的重要讲话精神,总结回顾"九五"地矿工作改革发展的基本情况,讨论修改我局"十五"改革发展纲要、"十五"前三年经济责任制考核办法和精神文明建设考核办法,安排部署2001年工作.下面我代表局党组作工作报告.  相似文献   
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