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Flocculation has an important impact on particle trapping in estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) through associated increases in particle settling velocity. To quantify the importance of the flocculation processes, a size-resolved flocculation model is implemented into an ocean circulation model to simulate fine-grained particle trapping in an ETM. The model resolves the particle size from robust small flocs, about 30 μm, to very large flocs, over 1000 μm. An idealized two-dimensional model study is performed to simulate along-channel variations of suspended sediment concentrations driven by gravitational circulation and tidal currents. The results indicate that the flocculation processes play a key role in generating strong tidal asymmetrical variations in suspended sediment concentration and particle trapping. Comparison with observations suggests that the flocculation model produces realistic characteristics of an ETM.  相似文献   
基于静止卫星红外云图的MCS普查标准不统一不利于各种MCS普查结果的对比分析, 该文在总结MCS普查研究进展的基础上, 依据Orlanski尺度分类标准对MβCS普查的最小尺度标准作了修订, 即修订为TBB≤-32 ℃的连续冷云区直径≥20 km。根据马禹等的MβCS普查标准和该文修订的MβCS普查标准, 利用GOES-9卫星红外云图普查了2003年6月19日—7月22日淮河大水期间的MCS, 结果发现共有10个MαCS和24个MβCS, 并对24个MβCS作了普查标准修订前后的统计结果对比, 发现新的普查标准比根据马禹等的MβCS普查标准获得的结果多7个MβCS, 并且这7个MβCS中有6个都引起强降水, 因此这种对比分析结果表明:新MβCS普查标准对揭示淮河大水和MCS的关系更具合理性。此外, 还分析了3个因MβCS而引起局地强降水的典型个例, 这些MβCS的直径尺度只有几十至一百多公里, 不符合马禹等的MβCS普查标准。对这3个MβCS分析结果表明:该文新MβCS普查标准有助于对产生剧烈天气的MCS的普查研究和预报。  相似文献   
探讨使用长江口的河口海岸数据,提出一套数据结构标准和服务框架,构建一个具有多源数据统一集成管理,适用于本地存储及网络呈现的数据服务平台。基于XML技术通过数据库实现数据的集中存储管理,基于FLEX通过WebGIS实现各种数据在线管理,从而提供一个具有统一的组织结构的综合数据管理服务的解决方案,给长江口的河口海岸的学科基...  相似文献   
园林湿地——一种独特的人工湿地类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确认园林湿地是人工湿地的一种独特类型。定义园林湿地为:在以隔离物为边界的空间范围内,构建具有协调建筑物和文化装饰的人工水景湿地,并具有审美、文化娱乐、休憩与居住等综合功能的自然—人文复合湿地系统。园林湿地具有不同的类型和结构,按风格可分为欧美西方园林与中国园林,古典园林与现代园林。苏州园林是中国古典园林的代表,具有极高的世界文化遗产价值。园林湿地是生态城市的重要基础,对城市可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
张欣炜  宁越敏 《地理科学》2015,35(6):665-673
借鉴都市区概念,采用“六普”城乡统计口径,以区、县为基本单元,利用人口密度、城镇化率等指标界定了128个大都市区。其次,对2000~2010年中国大都市区人口规模结构和空间分布的特征及变动进行了研究。从规模结构上看,以大都市区人口表征的中国城市规模分布符合位序规模法则,且属于较为分散的类型,但斜率q从2000年的0.787提高到2010年的0.891,显示都市区的规模分布趋向集聚,且高等级都市区仍有一定发展空间。从空间分布上看,东部是中国大都市区的主要分布地带,且人口有进一步向该地区集聚的趋势,并形成了三大都市区连绵地区;中部地区都市区数量增加较多,但人口比重有所下降;西部地区大都市区发展最为滞后,都市区极化现象十分突出。最后就中国大都市区的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
植被发育斜坡非饱和带大孔隙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在气候温湿的滑坡灾害易发区,根系通道、动物通道、干裂缝、管道及团聚体间的结构性孔隙等大孔隙普遍存在于斜坡非饱和带中.采用微观观察、化学分析和现场试验方法并结合相关学科的研究成果,分析大孔隙界定、大孔隙类型和主控因素、大孔隙三维空间结构及大孔隙时效稳定.不同测量方法的差异和大孔隙密度时空变异性是目前大孔隙定义缺乏统一性的原因.大孔隙尺寸不能作为唯一标准界定大孔隙,必须考虑其三维几何形态.多因素控制大孔隙的成因和类型,其中根系通道、裂缝和结构性孔隙对优先流有显著贡献.需从三维几何学和拓扑学方面进一步研究大孔隙三维结构.枯枝落叶层是大孔隙抵御环境因素扰动的重要屏障,但大孔隙域与周围基质域水量交换对大孔隙时效稳定是不利的.深入研究以上问题对植被发育斜坡优先流模型的改进和发展是重要的.  相似文献   
Spatial dimensions of New Zealand's environmental management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New Zealand's regional council boundaries drawn as part of the 1989 local government reforms privilege integrated catchment management. This privilege is now challenged by calls to both fragment and amalgamate councils and centralise decision‐making but with little analytic assessment of the spatial differentiation to support them. The spatial underpinnings of these calls were explored using a case study that assessed the spatial dimensions of environment management. Analysis of the Land Environments and River Environment Classification databases and councils' planning documents highlights challenges local governments face in applying integrated natural resource management within single purpose jurisdictions and implications for wider sustainable development policy.  相似文献   
In this paper a novel series of field measurements are presented, which are the first to elucidate the processes influencing siltation in Botlek Harbour. Botlek Harbour is situated at the limit of saline water intrusion in the Rotterdam Waterway. Normally, after the ebb tide fresher river waters are found in the Rotterdam Waterway at the location of Botlek Harbour. On the flooding tide, the tip of the salt wedge is advected along the Rotterdam Waterway towards the mouth of Botlek Harbour. Hence on flood, a lock-exchange mechanism operates between Botlek Harbour and the Rotterdam Waterway. On the flood tide, when there is a supply of suspended particulate matter (SPM) associated with the presence of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) at the mouth of the harbour, the survey data show exchange of SPM into the harbour. This lock-exchange process is found to be the dominant cause for SPM transport into the harbour. This is further substantiated by an analysis of the mass transport mechanisms. In this analysis, the vertical profiles of the instantaneous velocity, salinity and SPM concentration fields, recorded during the surveys, were decomposed into advective and dispersive transport components. The results of this analysis indicate that the correlation between the lock-exchange mechanism on the flood tide with the availability of SPM for exchange and efficient trapping, dominate the total exchange of SPM (97%). Hence, the increase in measured near-bed SPM concentration within the harbour is ascribed to tidal advection of saline water and the ETM along the Rotterdam Waterway. Tidal advection controls the density difference between the estuary and harbour, as well as the availability of SPM for exchange at the entrance to Botlek Harbour. The location of the ETM at the tip of the salt wedge is a key factor in supplying SPM to Botlek Harbour. Consequently the timing of the availability of SPM at the mouth of the harbour needs to be considered in siltation studies. The survey data suggest that Botlek Harbour basin has a 100% trapping efficiency. Analysis of 5 months of data, from a measuring rig located within the harbour, show excursions of the limit of the salt wedge and ETM. These excursions are likely to affect siltation of upstream harbours. Salinity-induced density gradients control the transport and subsequent trapping of SPM in the estuary in close proximity to the harbour entrance, the exchange of SPM between the estuary and harbour, and the trapping of SPM in the harbour basin.  相似文献   
我国沙漠化研究的若干问题--1.沙漠化的概念及其内涵   总被引:62,自引:33,他引:62  
王涛  朱震达 《中国沙漠》2003,23(3):209-214
荒漠化就是土地退化,主要由沙漠化、水土流失和盐渍化3个部分组成,其中沙漠化是中国北方广大地区主要的土地退化形式。在简要回顾了国际国内对沙漠化概念研究和认识的基础上,根据20多年来在中国北方土地退化区域的研究与实践,作者认为:沙漠化是干旱、半干旱及部分半湿润地区由于人地关系不相协调所造成的以风沙活动为主要标志的土地退化。并在时间、空间、成因、景观、发展趋势和造成的结果等内涵方面给予了概括性的描述;同时,从形成演变的时空差别、成因、过程和防治利用的不同等方面将原生沙漠、戈壁与沙漠化土地区分开来,认为沙漠的形成演变主要受控于气候变化,而人类既是沙漠化的导致者,也是沙漠化的受害者,更是沙漠化的防治者。所以,沙漠化的研究应主要侧重在人地关系及其相互作用等方面。  相似文献   
颜开  舒金扬  熊珊珊  王云  邱鹏 《水文》2013,33(2):15-18
指出干旱研究的基础是以区域水资源承载力为前提。利用陆地水文学知识分析了自然界水循环运动的每个环节和特点,剖析了水资源承载力在陆面蒸发和径流衰退过程中形成干旱的机制。定义了广义干旱,并简析了与气象、农业等各种狭义干旱的区别与联系。强调了陆地水文学是唯一可以给干旱以科学、严谨和充分定义的学科。  相似文献   
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