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2500年来艾比湖的环境演变信息   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:22  
通过对艾比湖缘1,8m浅孔的沉积相和孢粉组合,结合14C测年资料分析。指出近2500年来艾比湖的沉积环境总体是比较稳定的,但由于气候波动引起艾比湖水位曾发生较明显的变化。约在公元前300~400年,是艾比湖面积缩小时期;约公元前300—公元300年,即东周末至西晋,是艾比湖水位较高时期;约公元300—1400年,即东晋至15世纪初,是艾比湖的高水位时期;约15世纪初至17世纪中是艾比湖的水位下降期,但水位比现代仍然高;约17世纪中至19世纪初的小冰期是艾比湖的水位上升期。研究还提供了历史时期湖泊的盐度变化和湖周发生大火的信息。  相似文献   
论喀斯特环境的脆弱性   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71  
占全球陆地面积15%,居住着近10亿人口的喀斯特区域,是一个特殊的自然环境。在环境科学和喀斯特学间的互相渗透和交叉,产生了喀斯特环境学这一边缘分支学科。本文从系统论的观点、人地关系角度简要地论述了喀斯特环境的结构、功能和特性,并以贵州为例,对喀斯特环境脆弱性问题进行了分析,笔者认为:环境生态系统变异敏感度高,环境容量低,灾变承受阈值弹性小,是喀斯特环境脆弱性的最本质特征。  相似文献   
The construction of multiple dams and barrages in many Indian River basins over the last few decades significantly reduced river flow to the sea and affected the sediment regime. More reservoir construction is planned through the proposed National River Linking Project (NRLP), which will transfer massive amounts of water from the North to the South of India. The impacts of these developments on fertile and ecologically sensitive deltaic environments are poorly understood and quantified at present. In this paper an attempt is made to identify, locate and quantify coastal erosion and deposition processes in one of the major river basins in India—the Krishna—using a time series of Landsat images for 1977, 1990 and 2001 with a spatial resolution ranging from 57.0 m to 28.5 m. The dynamics of these processes are analyzed together with the time series of river flow, sediment discharge and sediment storage in the basin. Comparisons are made with similar processes identified and quantified earlier in the delta of a neighboring similarly large river basin—the Godavari. The results suggest that coastal erosion in the Krishna Delta progressed over the last 25 years at the average rate of 77.6 ha yr− 1, dominating the entire delta coastline and exceeding the deposition rate threefold. The retreat of the Krishna Delta may be explained primarily by the reduced river inflow to the delta (which is three times less at present than 50 years ago) and the associated reduction of sediment load. Both are invariably related to upstream reservoir storage development.  相似文献   
文章基于我国沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)海洋环境和海洋经济的面板数据,将海洋产业结构和海洋产业劳动力要素投入作为控制变量,构建双对数面板数据模型,就海洋环境污染对海洋经济发展的影响进行实证分析。结果表明:海洋环境污染与海洋经济发展存在负相关关系,海洋产业结构与海洋经济发展存在正相关关系,海洋产业劳动力要素投入与海洋经济发展存在负相关关系。基于此,为促进海洋经济的可持续发展,提出加强海洋环境保护和治理、优化升级海洋产业结构以及培养和引进海洋专业人才的建议。  相似文献   
胶州湾贝类体内29种元素含量的分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从胶州湾不同污染程度的几个地点采集贻贝,蛤仔和牡蛎,通过用中子活化分析技术和原子吸收法,测得它们体内的29种元素的组成,通过比较元素组成的差异性,初步分析了样品所在地的环境现状,该项研究是中国环境标本库海洋方面的重要部分。  相似文献   
塔里木河中游天然植被的数量分类与排序研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
李涛  尹林克  严成 《干旱区地理》2003,26(2):173-179
通过塔里木河中下游天然植被带的调查研究,应用数量分类(TWINSPAN)和排序(CCA)方法,对塔里木河中下游地区天然植被类型进行了划分,并探讨了决定该地区天然植物群落类型的主要环境因子。该地区天然植被可分为4个植被型组,4个植被型,6种植被亚型,9个群系,15个群丛。通过对8个环境因子的CCA排序分析,结果表明制约塔里木河中下游天然植被组成和结构的主导环境因子为地下水位、地下水矿化度、地下水酸碱度。通过CCA二维排序图将16种植物对干旱、盐碱的适应性划分5类型。21个样地在CCA二维排序图上可聚集成9个植物群落类群,即胡杨(Populus euphratica)群落、铃铛刺(Halimodendron halodendron)群落、库尔勒沙拐枣(Calligonum Kuerlese)群落、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)群落、黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)群落、盐穗木(Halostashys caspica)群落、花花柴(Karelinia caspica)群落、疏叶骆驼剂(Alhagi sparsifolia)群落、罗布麻(Apocynum venetum)群落,与TWINSPAN结果中的群系分类单位一致。CCA连续排序与TWINSPAN分类结果吻合较好。9种植物群落类型中,能耐受最大盐胁迫的为盐穗木群落,能耐受最大干旱胁迫的为铃铛刺群落,能耐受最大地下水碱胁迫的为黑果枸杞群落。  相似文献   
从汉石桥湿地自然保护区自身特点出发,通过分析受众类型、设计原则、展示形式、内容等方面,对解说系统、展示系统和环境教育活动三方面进行设计,最终形成汉石桥湿地自然保护区的环境教育体系。  相似文献   
相比陆上油气开发工程和其他海洋工程而言,海洋油气开发工程有其自身的特点,海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价应关注的内容与其他工程有所不同。文章通过分析海洋油气开发工程的特点以及对环境影响的特点,提出海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价要点,即包括施工期悬浮泥沙及钻井液钻屑排放对海洋生态环境的影响、运营期含油生产水排放对海洋生态环境的影响、工程建设对海洋环境敏感目标的影响、溢油事故环境风险分析、污染防治及生态保护措施,并针对目前海洋油气开发工程环境影响评价存在的问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   
六横大岙附近海域环境质量现状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1995年4月对码头工程区附近海域的水质和沉积物的环境质量现场调查,采用环境质量指数法,评价了该海区水质和沉积物的环境质量状况。结果表明,水质中无机氮严重超标,超三类标准的超标率达100%。无机磷超一类标准的超标率达100%,有个别测站超二类标准。COD、pH、DO、油类均低于一类海水标准。潮间带水质基本符合一类水质要求。底质环境质量现状良好  相似文献   
Southern California's marine areas are heavily contaminated with dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs), and fish consumption advisories (FCAs) have been issued throughout the region. Between 2002 and 2003, the Montrose Angler Survey, a large-scale survey of subsistence anglers, was developed and implemented on site in Orange and Los Angeles counties. This survey was intended to assist natural resource trustees in the development of restoration programs that will address injuries to natural resources and restore lost economic services for anglers, but the data were never fully analyzed. The trustees have shown a clear preference for ecological restoration programs that may take years to improve fishing services. In contrast, this analysis, which includes a random-parameter fishing site choice model, demonstrates that simple, inexpensive programs such as better signage to warn of FCAs and transportation to clean sites have the potential to yield substantial benefits quickly. This paper also focuses on how different ethnic minority groups are affected by FCAs, and determines how best to communicate risk information and change fishing behavior through outreach programs.  相似文献   
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