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Ecosystem approaches to natural resource management place demands on adopting agencies to focus on those activities that support organizational change, especially communication activities, both to foster adoption of, and later to support continuance of ecosystem management activities. An assessment of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Ecosystem Approach to Fish and Wildlife Conservation found that implementation was incomplete, and its management team consequently took actions related to organizational transformation. This attention to organizational change, concentrated on both agency function and form, represents a new modus operandi for the governance of natural resource management agencies. The concept of leadership, as contrasted to management, is offered as an overlooked tool for achieving an ecosystem approach to natural resource management .  相似文献   
While ecosystem management has been widely accepted as a key to addressing ecological crisis and conflict over aquatic resources, this article argues that the success of this approach may be threatened by the unarticulated assumptions of property rights embedded in the interstices of the law. Drawing on a history of conflict and cooperation in the management of natural resources, the article identifies different ways in which legal premises may be used to advance or retard the implementation of systems of aquatic resource management. Finally, the article calls for a closer understanding, within the law, of the relationship between the biological and ecological characteristics of a particular aquatic resource and the legal rules required to manage it in a sustainable way.  相似文献   
Simultaneous to the advent of ecosystem management in the United States, heritage management has occurred. Heritage resources are broadly defined as those resources that describe the past. Within the U.S. Forest Service, heritage management includes using knowledge and skills from diverse cultures in resource decision making. A case study from the Mount Hood National Forest in Oregon is presented. The case study illustrates an integration of ecosystem management and heritage management, especially in regard to American Indians. Four fundamental principles of ecosystem management to guide the heritage management process are using an ecological perspective, forming partnerships, promoting grass-roots participation, and using scientific knowledge.  相似文献   
First appearing in political discourse in the late 1980s, forest health (FH) has been a contentious concept in federal resource management for almost two decades, particularly in the western United States. One of its more recent expressions was the FH legislation passed in December 2003, which seeks to reduce the risk of wildfire on public lands while providing jobs in the forest industry. Using interview data collected in 1997 from 25 “leaders” in federal forest policy in Idaho, this paper explores the concept of FH: what it is, who says so, how best to implement it, the underlying rationale used to defend it, and the role that the concern with FH plays in the informant's lifeworld.  相似文献   
Since Kaufman and Kaufman's seminal 1946 Kaufman , H. F. and L. C. Kaufman . 1946 . Toward the stabilization and enrichment of a forest community . In Communities and forests: Where people meet the land , eds. R. G. Lee and D. R. Field , 96112 . Corvallis , OR : Oregon State University Press . [Google Scholar] study examining the relationship between forests and communities, forest and community paradigms have shifted from (1) utilitarian views that stressed community stability and sustained yield harvests, to (2) ecosystem management and community resilience, to, we posit, (3) a new paradigm of forest and community health. The healthy forests, healthy communities paradigm both builds upon and departs from older paradigms. This article presents a case study of a small, resource-dependent community in eastern Oregon to illustrate the meanings and policy implications of this emerging paradigm.  相似文献   

In spring 1995, wolves were returned to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for the first time in five decades. Despite this being hailed as a success, public opposition to the wolf remains intense in many rural communities surrounding the reintroduction site. This study shows that social controversy remains because it is much more than a debate about wolves; it is a conflict between the advocates of two social movements—environmentalism and wise use—struggling to impose their own preferences for land use in the American West. Wolves are merely symbols delineating the battle lines of a much larger conflict. Three underlying social issues drive the debate: (1) differential access to social power, (2) conflicting ideas about private property, and (3) divergent beliefs about nature. Recognizing these deeper levels of social conflict is important, because it is from here that future land use controversies are likely to emerge. By identifying and describing the symbolic nature of the wolf reintroduction conflict, this article addresses a major policy issue dividing the environmental movement from the wise use movement and reveals long‐standing social issues that recently have erupted into the foreground of policy discourse over the future of federal land management in the American West.  相似文献   
乌梁素海水体汞的分布特征及污染风险评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
于2011年1月采集乌梁素海表层水样,对湖水中重金属Hg含量进行分析.结合Hg的空间分布特征,利用单因子指数综合污染评价指数与健康风险评价模型对Hg污染程度与风险进行评估.结果表明,乌梁素海表层水体中Hg的平均浓度为1.04μg/L,所有监测点Hg的含量都超出地表水Ⅲ类标准和国家渔业用水标准,50%的监测点超出了地表水Ⅳ类标准.水体中Hg的分布模式与流域排污口位置、入湖口及水动力条件有一定关系,高值区域分布在入湖口相对集中的西北与东北部,湖泊南部与出口处的含量相对较低,处于中等水平.乌梁素海湖水中Hg的非致癌性污染物所致的健康危害风险度介于0.75×10-9~2.15×10-9a-1之间,Hg所致的健康危害风险度的贡献率在71.43%~92.44%之间,表明Hg污染水平与健康风险都较高,应该给予特别关注.  相似文献   
利用实地调研结果,结合相关文献资料,采用市场价值法、影子工程法、旅行费用法等评估方法,对溱湖湿地生态系统的物质生产、涵养水源和调蓄洪水、提供动植物栖息地、调节气候、降解污染物和科考旅游等6个效益最为突出的生态系统服务功能经济价值指标进行评估。研究表明:溱湖湿地生态系统的总价值为1.15×109元,其中直接使用价值为7.708×108元,间接使用价值为3.62×108元,非使用价值为0.18×108元。其中科考旅游价值所占比重最大,为40.84%,调节气候价值次之,而生物多样性保护价值仅占1.45%。对溱湖湿地生态系统服务功能及服务价值的探讨,可正确认识该生态系统的生态经济价值,为合理开发利用提供决策参考,确保其资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   
天气气候与健康--兼论中国气候与中医养生文化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林之光 《气象》1999,25(3):3-8
人生活在大气之中,人的健康和疾病深受气象条件影响,我国盛行大陆性季风气候,冬冷夏热和冷干夏湿,这种特殊的气候条件,诞生了中国的特殊医学-中医,中医是中国对人类的巨大贡献,并大大丰富了世界医药文化的宝库。  相似文献   
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