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本文论述了使用作者于1988年研制成功的国内第一台拖曳荧光计系统,通过改换荧光测量滤片为中性滤光片。  相似文献   
文章详细介绍了 BCF- 2型手持测风测温仪的技术指标和工作原理 ,其中重点介绍了该仪器在运动载体上实时测量并求解真风速和真风向的关键技术  相似文献   
Sensitive Ocean Bottom Implanted Tiltmeters (OBITs) with a sophisticated data retrieval system have been developed in order to observe directly the subduction of oceanic lithosphere. The OBIT is the first long-term geophysical instrument which was designed to be deployed by a manned deep-sea submersible. When the OBIT is put on oceanic lithosphere which is bending and is about to subduct under a deep sea trench, the OBIT records the subduction by observing the tilt of the surface of the lithosphere. The OBIT system has a sensitivity of 10-8 radian, which is enough to detect the ongoing subduction in months or years. The OBIT may give an answer to the question whether there are fluctuations in the subduction rate.Two OBITs were successfully deployed on a seaward slope of the Kuril Trench by the newly built French deep submersible, Nautile. The OBITs were installed on the northwest shoulder of Erimo seamount, at a depth of 3930 m, in the Kuril Trench. In order to attain stable long-term observations of crustal deformations, the sensing unit was cemented onto bare rock by mortar. We have not yet had an opportunity to recover the data.The life of the instruments is expected to be more than five years. An acoustic data transmission system has been developed for the OBIT data recovery. The stored data can be retrieved at any moment during the observation period, with no need to retrieve the instruments nor to interrupt the observation, by use of the acoustic system. The acoustic system has a high data transmission rate as well as extremely low power consumption. This will be the first long-term crustal deformation measurement on the sea floor.  相似文献   
疲劳模型评价海底粉土不稳定性的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文探讨疲劳模型在评价海底粉土不稳定性中的应用。研究表明以超孔压为疲劳参数 ,以 Ψ 作为孔压产生率的疲劳模型可用于预测海底粉土中超孔压的产生和累积。基于已有的疲劳模型 ,借鉴以孔压作为疲劳参数 ,运用包含有周期循环数的公式来预测超孔压的累积的思路 ,将粉土的动三轴孔压累积曲线用一条渐进线来代表 ,从而用一种新的且较简单的疲劳模型可预测超孔压的均值。  相似文献   
Magnetic data collected in conjunction with a Sea Beam bathymetric survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Fracture Zone are used to constrain the spreading history of this area over the past 3 Ma. Two-dimensional forward modeling and inversion techniques are carried out, as well as a full three-dimensional inversion of the anomaly field along a 90-km-long section of the rift valley. Our results indicate that this portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, known as the MARK area, consists of two distinct spreading cells separated by a small, zero-offset transform or discordant zone near 23°10′ N, The youngest crust in the median valley is characterized by a series of distinct magnetization highs which coalesce to form two NNE-trending bands of high magnetization, one on the northern ridge segment which coincides with a large constructional volcanic ridge, and one along the southern ridge segment that is associated with a string of small axial volcanos. These two magnetization highs overlap between 23° N and 23°10° N forming a non-transform offset that may be a slow spreading ridge analogue of the small ridge axis discontinuities found on the East Pacific Rise. The crustal magnetizations in this overlap zone are generally low, although an anomalous, ESE-trending magnetization high of unknown origin is also present in this area. The present-day segmentation of spreading in the MARK area was inherited from an earlier ridge-transform-ridge geometry through a series of small (∼ 10 km) eastward ridge jumps. These small ridge jumps were caused by a relocation of the neovolcanic zone within the median valley and have resulted in an overall pattern of asymmetric spreading with faster rates to the west (14 mm yr−1) than to the east (11 mm yr−1). Although the detailed magnetic survey described in this paper extends out to only 3 Ma old crust, a regional compilation of magnetic data from this area by Schoutenet al. (1985) indicates that the relative positions and dimensions of the spreading cells, and the pattern of asymmetric spreading seen in the MARK area during the past 3 Ma, have characterized this part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for at least the past 36 Ma.  相似文献   
实验室用超声地形测量仪   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
滩海工程模拟对地形测量的速度和精度要求很高。目前国内测量地形的仪器速度太慢 ,不能满足要求。实验室用超声地形测量仪 (以下简称地形仪 )可以在实验室大水池内快速、精确测量冲刷地形 ,测量精度达到± 2 mm,能在 1.2 m/ s的运动速度下以每厘米一个测点的密度进行测量。能绘出水下地形的三维立体图和二维等高线图 ,是目前国内水工实验室内独有的测量仪器。  相似文献   
对冲绳海槽Jade热液区块状硫化物中流体包裹体的氦、氖和氩同位素组成进行了测定,流体包裹体的3He/4He比值为(6.2~10.1)Ra,均值为7.8Ra,与大洋中脊玄武岩一致[3He/4He≈(6~11)Ra],20Ne/22Ne比值为10.7~11.3,明显高于大气值(9.8),而40Ar/36Ar比值的变化范围在287~334之间,接近大气值(295.5),这些结果表明,块状硫化物中热液流体捕获的稀有气体是地幔和海水源组分混合的产物,且流体包裹体中的氦主要来自地幔,氖和氩主要来自海水。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONDuringtheperiodofearly 1 980stomid 1 990s ,withtherapiddevelopmentofexplorationtotheseafloorhydrothermalactivities ,thesulfurisotopiccompositionofhydrothermasedimentsaroundtheworldhadbeencarriedouttosomeextent (ZierenbergandShanks ,1 988;BlumandPuchel…  相似文献   
本文提供了作者研制的三维内波及分层流水槽系统的背景技术资料。经源致三维内波的实验证实 ,利用该水槽系统中的双缸制取分层水系统可快速制取所需的分层水 ,不必利用分子扩散而 1次得到预先设置的密度剖面。同时 ,还介绍了利用该水槽系统进行的 1个典型的源致内波的内波增阻实验。从所获得的增阻实验结果得知 ,对于一给定的分层、拖曳速度和水下回转体 ,存在唯一 1个内Froude数使得强迫源受到最大的内波增阻。大量的实验证实 :该水槽系统是研究三维自由和强迫内波的 1个基本实验系统。  相似文献   
High-resolution Sea Beam bathymetry and Sea MARC I side scan sonar data have been obtained in the MARK area, a 100-km-long portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley south of the Kane Fracture Zone. These data reveal a surprisingly complex rift valley structure that is composed of two distinct spreading cells which overlap to create a small, zero-offset transform or discordant zone. The northern spreading cell consists of a magmatically robust, active ridge segment 40–50 km in length that extends from the eastern Kane ridge-transform intersection south to about 23°12′ N. The rift valley in this area is dominated by a large constructional volcanic ridge that creates 200–500 m of relief and is associated with high-temperature hydrothermal activity. The southern spreading cell is characterized by a NNE-trending band of small (50–200 m high), conical volcanos that are built upon relatively old, fissured and sediment-covered lavas, and which in some cases are themselves fissured and faulted. This cell appears to be in a predominantly extensional phase with only small, isolated eruptions. These two spreading cells overlap in an anomalous zone between 23°05′ N and 23°17′ N that lacks a well-developed rift valley or neovolcanic zone, and may represent a slow-spreading ridge analogue to the overlapping spreading centers found at the East Pacific Rise. Despite the complexity of the MARK area, volcanic and tectonic activity appears to be confined to the 10–17 km wide rift valley floor. Block faulting along near-vertical, small-offset normal faults, accompanied by minor amounts of back-tilting (generally less than 5°), begins within a few km of the ridge axis and is largely completed by the time the crust is transported up into the rift valley walls. Features that appear to be constructional volcanic ridges formed in the median valley are preserved largely intact in the rift mountains. Mass-wasting and gullying of scarp faces, and sedimentation which buries low-relief seafloor features, are the major geological processes occurring outside of the rift valley. The morphological and structural heterogeneity within the MARK rift valley and in the flanking rift mountains documented in this study are largely the product of two spreading cells that evolve independently to the interplay between extensional tectonism and episodic variations in magma production rates.  相似文献   
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