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Currumbin Creek on the Australian Gold Coast is a wave-dominated tidal inlet which exhibits a particularly active morphology. The recent history of Currumbin Creek entrance has seen rapid growth of the entrance for access to the ocean by fishermen, as a world class surfing site, and as a recreational area. Before the construction of two groynes in the 70's, Currumbin Creek entrance was highly variable in terms of inlet location and sand bar characteristics due to a cyclical behaviour of spit migration. Nowadays, the entrance is stabilised. However, natural processes continue with the entrance infilling causing flood and navigation issues, resulting in a regular dredging program to maintain an open entrance and for regular beach nourishment plans.  相似文献   
Described by Governor Phillip as 'the finest harbour in the world', Sydney Harbour was affected by accelerated sedimentation very soon after settlement in 1788. Dredging began in 1842 to deal with the problems caused by sedimentation and to enhance foreshore amenity. By the end of the nineteenth century, dredging was also excavating the bottom of the Harbour and its bays to accommodate larger ships with deeper draughts, and dredged sediment was increasingly used to reclaim mudflats or marshes deemed unhealthy or unsightly, thereby creating additional useful waterfront land. There was virtually continuous dredging in some part or other of the Harbour and its tributaries for almost 140 years. With increasing costs and mounting environmental concerns, dredging is now intermittent, and carried out largely to facilitate navigation for specific projects, despite continued sedimentation. While there was an early lack of understanding of the Australian environment and the impact of clearing on soils, the causes of increased sedimentation had been documented by the 1860s. However, measures to seriously address causes were not introduced until late in the twentieth century. This paper briefly outlines the development of the Sydney estuary to 1788, considers the impact of settlement in accelerating sedimentation, traces the development of dredging and reclamation, and discusses their significance for a number of areas of current research and environmental management, as well as to social and economic history. Within the limitations of the data available, annual sediment dredged, annual expenditure, cost per tonne, and areas reclaimed by dredging and filling are included.  相似文献   
I INTRODUCTIONSediment dredging operations are effective means of maintaining the natural navigation channel ofshipping for transportation of passengers and cargoes (Goldbeck 1998, Wakeman 1998). Expansions ofexisting ports to facilitate the groWth in marine traffic often necessitate navigation channel dredgingactivities (Foxworthy et. al. 1995, Luger et. al. 1998). Dredging is also heavily used for marine mining ofthe scabed deposits for gold or minerals (Anon 1996, Gamett 1996), and …  相似文献   
The impact of dredging and dumping on the morphologic stability of the tidal channels is investigated using morphologic field observations for the Westerschelde estuary dating back to 1955. The results are used to verify the theoretical concept presented by Wang and Winterwerp (2001). This concept states that a critical threshold for the amount of sediment dumping exists above which a channel system in equilibrium may become unstable and degenerate. The value of this threshold amounts to 5–10% of the total sediment transport capacity. Verification of this concept using field observations is not straightforward as the morphology of tidal channel often changes as a result of both natural processes and human interferences, i.e. the channels are not in equilibrium. In addition, the morphological timescales associated with channel degeneration are large (decades to centuries). Verification of the theory thus requires a careful analysis of abundant morphological data and numerical modeling of sediment transports. The results of such analyses presented in this study confirm the existence and the approximate magnitude of the critical level for dumping that follows from theory. Refined guidelines are derived to use the theoretical concept as an engineering tool for the evaluation and design of strategies for dumping in estuarine multi-channel systems. In the absence of the required morphological data the indicative theoretical level of 5–10% can be used to obtain a first estimate of the dump capacity in two-channel systems.  相似文献   
Series of experiments, including background sediment elutriate, spiked-sediment elutriate and spiked- water toxicity tests, were carried out to study the effect of dredging on survivability and ecological competence of commercially important shrimp postlarvae of Penaeus monodon Fabricius. The test sediment represented the most contaminated from endosulfan and lindane in the Chantaburi river mouth estuary. The maximum sediment contamination levels were 49.4 μg/kg of endosulfan and 58.1 μg/kg of lindane in dry weight basis. Dose-response studies in static, non-renewal spiked-sediment elutriate toxicity tests revealed that LC 50 (96 h) values for survival effect based on measured concentrations were 0.50 (0.26-0.95) μg/L for endosulfan and 0.92 (0.63-1.34) μg/L for lindane. The LOECs for endosulfan and lindane were 0.141 and 0.429 μg/L, respectively. The NOECs were estimated to be the dissoluted endosulfan and lindane concentrations from the Chantaburi estuary sediment. The effects on phenoloxidase enzyme activity in shrimp postlarvae exposed for sub-lethal to lethal doses in sediment elutriate were not significant (p〉0.05) at all tested dose levels. The worst case dissolution concentrations of endosulfan and lindane in the water column upon simulatory dredging in the Chantaburi estuary were found to be toxic to shrimp postlarvae on lethal and sub-lethal effects. The NOECs of respective chemicals (i.e., 0.034 and 0.16 μg/L) shared the same orders of magnitude for corresponding NOECs established for whole salt water aquatic life by the USEPA and "safe" levels calculated by 0.01 safety factor approach. In addition, the significance of multiple pollutant assessments for ecological toxicity testing is highlighted.  相似文献   
Carbonate sands undergo degradation when transported hydraulically from a dredging vessel to the reclamation site. Risks involved in the production of fines during hydraulic transport are a deterioration of the mechanical properties of the fill in certain areas of the reclamation area where these fines concentrate. In order to assess sand degradation in the concrete and road construction industry, the Micro-Deval test for fine aggregates was developed in France and Canada. During Micro-Deval testing, aggregates degrade when tumbled in a rotating steel drum with water and steel balls. In the Canadian standard, the steel charge is lower than in the French standard and balls have the diameter of the smallest balls used in the French test. During testing, the quantity of fines produced is measured. This makes the Micro-Deval test an option for assessing the degradation of sand during hydraulic transportation of slurries in the dredging industry. Three sands are tested: two shelly carbonate sands and one quartzic river sand for comparison. The carbonate sands were sampled on reclaimed land and had been subjected to hydraulic transportation in pipeline before artificial deposition. Due to differences in particle shape, the carbonate sands and the quartz sand have a different number of contacts with the steel charge in the drum of the Micro-Deval and are not exposed to the same degradation forces during testing. It was found that the quartzic sand suffers relatively much degradation as compared to the carbonate sands, despite its greater hardness and resistance to crushability. The French test appears to create turbulence that promotes floatation of the curved shells of the carbonate sands instead of shell grinding at the bottom of the drum by contact with the steel balls. Microscopic observations of sand samples before and after testing showed that the French Micro-Deval test is too destructive. The test leads to the fragmentation by impact of the quartz sands and the destruction of certain particle types that had survived hydraulic transportation. With respect to the Canadian test, microscopic examination of sand grains before and after testing shows there is still much fragmentation of quartz grains. A lower rotational speed combined with a limited steel charge made of uniform balls of a smaller diameter, reduces turbulence, shell floatability and last but not the least, impact forces. It produces the desired result: a high Micro-Deval loss for the carbonate sands in comparison to that for the quartz sands and a very limited fragmentation of the quartz grains. Once the slurry reaches its destination, the grain size distribution of the fines fraction will influence the mechanical behaviour of mixed sands. A procedure is proposed to measure the particle size distribution of the fines fraction produced during Micro-Deval testing.Field validation is needed to validate preliminary laboratory results.  相似文献   
In the period 1997-2000, approximately 1,800,000 m3 of material dredged from the Port of Leghorn was discharged into a sea dumping site located 14 miles from the coast. The red mullet (Mullus barbatus) was used as a bioindicator species for monitoring the biological impact of these discharges on a geographical and temporal scale. Organisms were sampled over three years (1998-2000) at different stations and several biomarkers, both of exposure and effect, were analyzed. Bioavailability of specific classes of pollutants was evaluated by analyzing levels of metallothioneins, the activity of cytochrome P450 1A (CYPIA) and of glutathione S-transferases. Among biomarkers of effect, special attention was paid to the balance between prooxidant challenge and antioxidant defenses, and to the appearance of damage caused by oxidative stress. The analyses of the main components of the antioxidant system included superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidases, glutathione reductase, glyoxalase I and II, and total glutathione. These data were integrated with the measurement of total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC) as an indication of the overall biological resistance to toxicity of different forms of oxyradicals (peroxyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite). Results indicated a biological impact in organisms sampled near the disposal site; the impact was particularly evident during 1999 and mainly related to organic chemicals such as PAH. Exposure to these pollutants also caused variations in the levels and activity of several antioxidants. The analysis of TOSC, however, revealed that the overall capacity of specific tissues of organisms to absorb various oxidants was not seriously compromised when challenged with increased prooxidant pressures. Variations of single antioxidants were useful in revealing early warning "biological responses", while integration with TOSC analyses indicated if such changes also reflect a more integrated and functional "biological effect" with possible consequences at the organisms level. The red mullet appears to be a useful sentinel species for a biomarker approach to monitoring impact caused by dredged materials.  相似文献   
The Jatadharmohan creek lies between Mahanadi and Devi Rivers along the Orissa coast and it is separated from the sea by an elongated sand spit. It was proposed to mine a volume of 15×106 m3 of sand from the creek for land filling, but maintaining the spit intact. For this, the stability of sand spit is studied with different criteria. The results confirm that the creek mouth is a near permanent zone of deposition. The model results obtained for various depth scenarios show that the magnitude of currents would increase considerably when depth is increased by 7.0 m and marginally for further increase in depth by 10.0 m. Accordingly, a dredging scheme has to be designed without affecting the spit stability. Considering the existing hydrodynamics in the creek system, it is recommended that a bed slope of 1:6 (9.5°) be maintained during dredging, which is much less than 13.75°—the evaluated critical slope at the site when seepage flow is parallel to the bed slope. It is observed during monitoring that the creek is very productive, and the sand spit is totally intact.  相似文献   
The application of scoping is reviewed to improve the efficiency and rationality of the marine environmental impact assessment system applied to the dredging of coastal sediments and the oceanic disposal of dredged material in Korea. Both the impact levels and those items requiring assessment vary in response to differing goals of the coastal activities involved and also to changes in the characteristics of different marine environments. As a consequence, different assessment fields need to be emphasized for evaluation of the impact that both dredging and dumping might have on the sites involved. The status of current assessment procedures is examined and its problems are diagnosed. Following a survey of interested parties and a review of case studies of the oceanic disposal of dredged sediment in other countries, checklists of core assessment items are proposed as part of a revamped review process, along with improvements to the assessment system.  相似文献   
The physical and chemical changes in sediment and near bottom water caused by clam dredging were examined during July and September 1999, at two locations Vilamoura (VL) and Armona (AR), south coast of Portugal. Sediment cores and near bottom water were collected simultaneously before dredging (control samples) and within short time intervals (min-h) after dredging. After dredging operations, microphytobenthos coming from the path were accumulated in the re-worked sediment (ridge). Chlorophyll a in superficial sediment increased from 1.2 microg x g(-1) before dredging to 1.7 microg x g(-1) after dredging and these higher values remained for a few hours. However, the expected increase of chlorophyll a in near bottom water due to re-suspension was not observed. After sediment disturbance an instantaneous sorption of phosphorus onto iron oxides occurred in the upper sediment layers (from 2 to 3 micromol x g(-1) before dredging to 4-5 micromol x g(-1) after dredging). A microcosm experiment showed that after sediment disturbance HPO(4)(2-) dissolved in pore water decreased from 40 to 10 microM being simultaneously sorbed onto iron oxides formed in the top layer of sediment. The ammonium, nitrates, organic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate dissolved in pore water decreased immediately after dredging activity and simultaneously an increase in near bottom water was sporadically observed. Generally, the re-establishment of seabed was reached within a short time (min-h), at both stations (VL and AR).  相似文献   
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