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The Victoria Land Basin forms part of the failed West Antarctic Rift, and preserves a Cenozoic succession up to 4 km thick that records the onset of Cenozoic glaciation, and the history of Antarctic glaciation over the past 34 Myr. This succession is relevant both to investigations of modern climate change and to studies of long‐term palaeoclimate change in general. This study provides a sedimentological and stratigraphic review of the Victoria Land Basin succession, based on analysis of several continuous drillcores acquired since the 1970s, and supported by seismic stratigraphic analysis of a large array of seismic reflection data. An array of fifteen lithofacies is recognized within the Victoria Land Basin Cenozoic succession, including fossiliferous and diversely bioturbated mudrocks and diatomites, texturally mature sandstones and conglomerates, mixed mudstones and sandstones with dispersed gravel with restricted bioturbation, and diamictites and associated lithologies. These facies record a variety of marine, glaciomarine, proglacial and subglacial environments. Locally, volcanic and volcaniclastic deposits are interbedded in the succession. Lithofacies are arranged in repetitive vertical stacking patterns (depositional sequences) that record glacial advance–retreat cycles with attendant relative sea‐level changes. Seven varieties of depositional sequences (stratigraphic motifs) are recognized within the succession as a whole, and interpreted to record a range of depositional settings from rifts unaffected by glacial ice (Motif 7), through varying degrees of glacial influence with abundant meltwater contributions (Motifs 6 to 3), to cold, polar glaciated environments such as that of today (Motifs 2 and 1). Overall, there is a gradual trend upward through the succession from Motif 7 at the base towards Motif 1 at the top, but the trend is not monotonic. A significant conclusion of this work is that a record of dynamic climate and glacial conditions is preserved through the entire 34 Myr period of the Cenozoic icehouse, at least in the Victoria Land Basin. Intervals characterized by consistent stratigraphic style (motifs) are recognized throughout the Victoria Land Basin succession. These intervals are of 1 to 6 Myr duration, each containing numerous depositional sequences; they are one to two orders of magnitude longer than glacial–interglacial cycles, and record periods during which environmental conditions varied in an internally consistent manner. These intervals are considered to reflect convolutions of orbital parameters that remained stable for periods of 106 a, and then switched to alternative configurations. Such intervals are directly analogous to 1 to 8 Myr intervals characterized by glaciogenic strata that are preserved within the late Palaeozoic of eastern Australia among other areas, and may be a recurring stratigraphic response to icehouse climate regimes through geological time.  相似文献   
《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):173-180
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are persistent organic contaminants detected in various environmental matrices including sediment, air, biota, and water. The objectives of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of these contaminants within the surface waters of the Pacific Northwest region and through relative concentrations and ratios, to assess their possible sources. Surface waters were extracted and analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LCMSMS). Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) were the most commonly detected PFCs. Total PFC concentrations detected ranged from 1.5 to 41 ng L-1. Surprisingly, levels of PFCs in the more urbanized Puget Sound waters were comparable to those measured from the more rural region of Clayoquot and Barkley Sounds in British Columbia. The ratio of PFHpA/PFOA were also similar between the two regions, suggesting that the burden of PFCs throughout the region results from direct input from regional sources.  相似文献   
Despite the widely accepted need for ecosystem-based management of coastal and marine systems, many managers struggle with how to put these principles into practice. Commonly voiced concerns include complicated and expensive implementation, prohibitive data requirements, and lack of testing with long-term applications. We address some of these perceived barriers by providing guidance on strategies and approaches that can be used for the steps of one ecosystem-based management process, the integrated ecosystem assessment framework, including scoping, defining indicators, setting thresholds, risk analysis, management strategy evaluation, monitoring and evaluation. Importantly, we demonstrate how an ecosystem-based management approach can be utilized in a variety of contexts which vary widely in data quality and availability, governance structure, and time frame. We then illustrate the suggested steps in the process by exploring two case studies that represent realistic ends of the data/governance/time frame spectrum: Puget Sound, Washington, USA and Raja Ampat, Indonesia. By providing concrete suggestions for how to move forward with key steps in an integrated management process, we show that ecosystem-based management is feasible from a range of starting points and that for any given starting point there are numerous productive paths forward.  相似文献   
 The empirical linear relation between volume and logarithm of bulk modulus of a material, discovered by Grover, Getting and Kennedy is taken as the basis for our equation of state. Using the latest experimental information on the adiabatic bulk modulus, the equation of state is applied to the three polymorphs of Mg2SiO4 to develop a consistent dataset of their thermodynamic properties in the temperature range of 200–2273 K and a pressure range of 0.1 MPa–30 GPa. The results imply that the bulk sound velocity contrast (v βv α)/v α increases with temperature along the α–β phase boundary and reaches the value 8.9% at 13.5 GPa, a pressure equivalent to 410 km depth in the Earth. The bulk sound velocity contrast (v γv β)/v β decreases with temperature along the β–γ phase boundary and becomes less than 0.7% at temperatures and pressures equivalent to those associated with the 520-km seismic discontinuity in the Earth. Received: 1 August 2000 / Accepted: 1 March 2001  相似文献   
The weekly mass flux of C and phytoplankton pigments at five depths in the main basin of Puget Sound, a deep (200 m) fjordlike estuary, was sampled for a year with moored sequentially-sampling sediment traps. Flux measurements were compared with weekly samples of suspended pigments in the euphotic zone and bi-monthly samples of total suspended matter and particulate C throughout the water column at the mooring site.Seasonal changes in the total mass flux at all depths were small; instead, physical (river runoff, bottom resuspension) and biological (phytoplankton blooms) events caused occasional sharp increases on a weekly scale. The dry weight concentration of pigments in the trap samples mirrored the concentration of pigments in the euphotic zone suspended matter, increasing from 0·01% in winter to a maximum of 0·65% in late summer. Bloom-induced changes in the pigment concentration were observed almost simultaneously in the euphotic zone and in the traps to a depth of 160 m, indicating a rapid vertical transfer of surface-originating particles by organic aggregates. In contrast to the strong seasonal signal in the pigment concentration, C concentration varied by only a factor of three during the year.The seasonal trend of C/pigment ratios in the C flux arises from at least two sources: (1) a balance between terrestrial sources of C during the high-runoff winter season and in-situ primary production in spring and summer, and (2) cycling of C through the zooplankton population. Budget calculations suggest that the loss of primary-produced C and pigment from the euphotic zone by settling is 5% regardless of season. On an annual basis, this C flux (16 g m−2) is sufficient to support previously measured values of benthic aerobic respiration at the mooring site. To account for other C sinks such as burial, predation and chemical oxidation, however, terrestrial C sources and alternate transport pathways, such as vertical advection and sediment movement down the steep basin walls, are necessary.  相似文献   
A box model of Puget Sound   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A classical two-layer box model has been used to calculate volume transports and vertical exchange coefficients for the Main Basin of Puget Sound. High river flow (January–February) and low flow (August–September) calculations, using salinity and runoff observations, show that basically two estuarine types exist within the basin under both flow conditions. Admiralty Inlet, the north entrance to the Main Basin, is similar to a partially mixed estuary with vigorous tidal mixing, so that horizontal and vertical salinity gradients are similar in winter and late summer. Within the deep main basin, two layer transports are proportional to salinity stratification and the vertical exchanges are low. Calculated summer transports are about a factor of two smaller than winter transports for the Main Basin. Model transports agree quite well with daily net transports estimated from current meters. Flushing times calculated by the model also agree with volume replacement times calculated using current meter data and by methods using oxygen deficits in the lower layer.  相似文献   
Water exchange between the coastal ocean and underlying aquifers provides a newly-recognized source of materials to the ocean. The flux of materials into the ocean from this process is termed submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Both surficial and semi-confined aquifers contribute to SGD. Here we use 226Ra and 228Ra to quantify fluxes of SGD to Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, and to separate fluxes from the Upper Floridan (UFA) and surficial aquifers. Higher activity ratios of 228/226Ra in the surficial aquifer make this separation possible. We estimate total SGD fluxes of about 100 m3 s-1 with about 80% being derived from the surficial aquifer. The SGD flux provides about1.8 × 106 mol d-1 of NH4 with almost 90% from the surficial aquifer. Because of strong differences in the concentration of PO4 within the UFA, PO4 fluxes areless certain. Using the UFA wells with low PO4 concentrations yields a flux of 1.2 × 105 mol d-1; using wells with high concentrations yields a flux of 2.0 × 105 mol d-1. In the first case virtually all of the PO4 flux is from the surficial aquifer; in the second case, 40% is from the UFA.The UFA in this region has experienced dramatic changes as a result of withdrawals for human use. Prior to these withdrawals, total nutrient fluxes from the UFA may have been even larger. These changes in the UFA and similar coastal aquifers worldwide have the potential to significantly alter a major nutrient source for the coastal ocean.  相似文献   
Ocean noise levels are thought to be increasing as a result of major growth in global shipping activity, but data quantifying those changes are limited in space and time. As an alternative approach, this study examines the current and future maximum noise capacity of three segments of the global commercial shipping fleet: container ships, oil tankers, and bulk carriers. It shows that continued growth in the number of ships, the quantity of goods carried and the distances traveled could increase the maximum noise capacity of the global shipping fleet by up to a factor of 1.9 by 2030, with major growth in particular in the container and bulk carrier segments. Thus, in the absence of operational or manufacturing changes to such ships, the contribution of commercial shipping to ambient ocean noise levels can be expected to dramatically increase.  相似文献   
Sediment of Ostrich Bay, an arm of Dyes Inlet on Puget Sound, was historically contaminated with ordnance compounds from an onshore US Navy facility. An initial recommendation for a sediment cover to mitigate benthic risks was followed by studies of sediment transport and deposition to determine whether contaminated sediment from Dyes Inlet or other offsite sources in Puget Sound may contribute to Ostrich Bay impacts. A Sediment Trend Analysis (STA) identified net sediment transport pathways throughout the bay and inlet by examining changes in grain size distributions in multiple adjacent samples. Results indicated that fine-grained sedimentary material transports into and deposits throughout the Dyes Inlet system, with no erosion or transport out of Ostrich Bay. Echinoderm larvae mortality bioassay results were elevated in fine-grained sediments of both Ostrich Bay and Dyes Inlet. Ordnance compounds were undetected, and although sediment mercury concentrations were elevated at 0.48-1.4 mg/kg in both waterbodies, the relationship with toxicity was weak. Results of the studies and sedimentation modeling indicate that impacted sedimentary material deposits throughout the Dyes Inlet/Ostrich Bay system from unknown sources and will prevent natural recovery of Ostrich Bay as well as negate long-term effectiveness of active remedial measures. Stakeholders have recognized that remediation of the bay can be achieved only after the toxicity of depositing sediment decreases.  相似文献   
在Munk模型和GDEM模型的基础上,提出了一种新的声速剖面结构参数化模型,即分层声速剖面模型(LSSPM).模型用含9个参数的四层分段函数分别描述混合层、主跃层、深海声道层和深海等温层的声速结构,形式简明、直观.数值实验结果表明,LSSPM模型对声速剖面的拟合可达到较高的精度,且对于中国周边的深海和浅海区域有较好的适...  相似文献   
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