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南海东沙西南海域冷泉碳酸盐岩特征及其意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陈忠  杨华平  黄奇瑜  颜文  陆钧 《现代地质》2008,22(3):382-389
海底冷泉流体或自生碳酸盐沉积可为碳氢化合物(主要指常规油气或天然气水合物)、冷泉生物群落的调查和研究提供有利线索。对东沙群岛海区、神狐海区和ODP184-1146钻孔碳酸盐沉积的特征进行了对比和研究,结果表明这些海区碳酸盐岩的岩性特征、碳氧同位素组成等存在明显差异。东沙群岛海区和神狐海区的碳酸盐岩的化学成分如TFe、A l2O3、TiO2、K2O、Na2O、MnO、P2O5等不同,表明它们可能分别受到了粘土矿物和铁锰氧化物影响。在神狐海区至少发生了一次冷泉流体活动,形成了早晚两期冷泉碳酸盐岩,而在东沙群岛海区发生了至少3次冷泉流体活动,形成了多期冷泉碳酸盐岩,反映了这两个海区碳酸盐沉积的甲烷成因不同,且形成环境也受不同的因素控制。研究揭示,在东沙群岛南部海区可能发育热成因甲烷汇聚的天然气水合物,其海底可能存在冷泉生物群落,这为东沙西南海域天然气水合物和冷泉生物群落的进一步寻找和研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   
Assessing large-scale patterns of gross primary production (GPP) in arid and semi-arid (ASA) areas is important for both scientific and practical purposes. Remote sensing-based models, which integrate satellite data with input from ground-based meteorological measurements and vegetation characteristics, improve spatially extended estimates of vegetation productivity with high accuracy. In this study, the authors simulated GPP in ASA areas by integrating moderate resolution imaging spectral radiometer (MODIS) data with eddy covariance and meteorological measurements at the flux tower sites using the Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), which is a remote sensing-based model for analyzing the spatial pattern of GPP in different land cover types. The field data were collected by coordinating observations at nine stations in 2008. The results indicate that in the region during the growing season GPP was highest in cropland sites, second highest in woodland sites, and lowest in grassland sites. VPM captured the temporal and spatial characteristics of GPP for different land covers in ASA areas. Further, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) had a strong liner relationship with GPP in densely vegetated areas, while the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) had a strong liner relationship with GPP over less dense vegetation. This study demonstrates the potential of satellite-driven models for scaling-up GPP, which is a key component for studying the carbon cycle at regional and global scales.  相似文献   
Understanding ecosystem processes from a functional point of view is essential to study relationships among climate variability, biogeochemical cycles, and surface-atmosphere interactions. Increasingly during the last decades, the eddy covariance (EC) method has been applied in terrestrial, marine and urban ecosystems to quantify fluxes of greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2, H2O) and energy (e.g., sensible and latent heat). Networks of EC systems have been established in different regions and have provided scientific information that has been used for designing environmental and adaptation policies. In this context, this article outlines the conceptual and technical framework for the establishment of an EC regional network (i.e., MexFlux) to measure the surface-atmosphere exchange of heat and greenhouse gases in Mexico. The goal of the network is to improve our understanding of how climate variability and environmental change influence the dynamics of Mexican ecosystems. First, we discuss the relevance of CO2 and water vapor exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Second, we briefly describe the EC basis and present examples of measurements in terrestrial and urban ecosystems of Mexico. Finally, we describe the conceptual and operational goals at short-, medium-, and long-term scales for continuity of the MexFlux network.  相似文献   
黑潮与南海的相互作用是海洋学研究中一个悬而未决的课题。黑潮在离开吕宋岛跨越巴士、巴林塘等海峡(以下依习惯简称吕宋海峡)时作用于南海。虽然以往对黑潮通过日宋海峡侵入南海东北部有过若干研究,但未曾有过黑潮分离涡旋进入南海的观测报道。在1994年9月初,我们在南海东北部人陡坡外首次捕获一反气旋型的黑潮分离流环,本文报道此次观测结果。该流环为中心位于21°N,117.5°,直径约150km,垂直尺度超过1000m的反气旋;其外形沿大陆坡拉长,呈卵圆型。地转计算和ADCP直接测量均表明其近表层流速接近lms-1.流环中水温高于周围海水,密度则偏低,因而该中尺度涡属暖流环类(wormcorering)。T-S特性分析表明流环内海水特性不同于周围,次表层高盐核盐度高出四周,中层低盐核盐度则低于四周,说明该流环应源于黑潮。观测期间在巴士、巴林塘等海峡似有另一流环正在形成过程中。  相似文献   
海洋沉积物中大部分甲烷会通过甲烷厌氧氧化作用(anaerobic oxidation of methane, AOM)而被消耗。早期研究表明,AOM可与硫酸盐、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的还原作用相耦合,从而有效减少甲烷向大气的排放。最近,金属依赖型AOM(metal-AOM,活性金属氧化物还原反应驱动的AOM)被证实存在于自然界沉积物和富集培养的样品中。但是,目前仍未从自然海洋环境中分离获得能够介导metal-AOM的微生物。对海洋沉积物中metal-AOM的研究大多聚焦于热液或冷泉等海洋特殊生境,一系列研究表明地质流体在这些海底化能自养生态系统的维持和演化方面起到了重要作用,并深刻影响全球地球化学循环,因此,该科学问题研究吸引了越来越多的注意力。本文讨论了可能参与海洋沉积物中metal-AOM的微生物类群及其地球化学证据,并在前人工作基础上,以冲绳海槽冷泉-热液共生区为例,提出一种新的metal-AOM作用机制。认为在全球冷泉-热液系统相互作用地区的调查有助于更好地探讨metal-AOM的发生机制及微生物在深海生境中分布的连通性问题。  相似文献   
正交小波变换研究复杂下垫面边界层的湍流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小波变换方法具有较好的时频局部特性,非常适合于分析非平稳的湍流信号。本文对35 m铁塔的超声风速测量数据进行了离散正交小波变换,计算了各向同性系数(ISO isotropy coefficient)及小波功率谱,以此对实验场所代表的水陆交际复杂下垫面的近地面层湍流特征进行了研究。ISO系数可以很好地描述实际大气在不同尺度的各向同性特征。根据ISO系数的分布,我们可以通过设定一定的阈值(ISO=0.7)来得到各向同性小涡的分离尺度(记为ISO0.7),即湍流的各向同性尺度范围。研究表明,下垫面对于边界层湍流各向同性特性具有相当大的影响,当风从不同下垫面吹过时ISO0.7尺度的均值具有较明显的差异。同时湍流度和稳定度对湍流各向同性也有一定的影响。对湍流小波功率谱研究表明,功率谱谱幂率在分离出的小涡所处的频段接近于-5/3。而当风从陆面吹过且湍流度较弱时,湍流小波功率谱小涡以分离尺度所对应的频率(fms)为界具有明显的两段趋势:高于fms的频段,谱幂率一般接近-5/3;而低于fms的频段的谱幂率接近-3/3。这反映了下垫面特征对湍流功率谱的影响。同时在不同的风向转变过程中下垫面对功率谱的影响具有差异。  相似文献   
赵俊虎  陈丽娟  章大全 《气象》2022,48(1):107-121
2021年夏季我国天气气候异常特征突出,极端天气气候事件多,东部主要多雨区在我国北方,降水的季节内变化显著,华南前汛期开始偏晚、江淮流域梅雨和华北雨季开始偏早.东亚大气环流季节内变化对降水异常的空间分布影响较大.6月,东北冷涡活动频繁,导致东北及邻近区域降水异常偏多,黑龙江、嫩江流域发生严重汛情;东北冷涡的异常活跃可能...  相似文献   
2015年11月25日黄海上空冷空气爆发,中国北部发生暴雪,西北东南向云街在黄海上空大面积密集分布。为研究垂直热输运的网格大小依赖性是否会对黄海对流云街数值模拟产生影响,本文利用WRF模式,分别采用考虑网格大小依赖性的边界层(PBL)参数化方案和基于非局部K理论闭合的YSU PBL方案对该个例进行数值模拟。结果表明两方案均能较好地再现云街出现区域和盛行风向。由于考虑网格大小依赖性的PBL方案模拟水平滚涡对流和次级环流的能力更强,所模拟的水平垂直速度强度更大,云水混合比更高,促进更多的云得以发展;同时其稳定性参数ζ更小,模拟的水平滚涡对流强度更大。  相似文献   
本文主要从东北冷涡气候研究角度,回顾和总结了东北冷涡在定义、主客观识别方法、气候特征、分类研究、影响因子、气候效应等方面的研究进展,并探讨了东北冷涡研究现状中存在的问题及未来可能的研究方向和发展趋势。识别与量化是东北冷涡气候研究的基础,客观识别结果的对比分析及其技术的完善是未来冷涡识别研究的重点。今后有针对性地开展不同类别东北冷涡的气候特征、异常成因及气候影响等,深入探究东北冷涡与影响因子相互作用的物理机制,科学客观的定量化预测,可为东北区域气候异常成因诊断和预测提供更精细、准确的科学依据。  相似文献   
Evaporation of intercepted rain by a canopy is an important component of evapotranspiration, particularly in the humid boreal forest, which is subject to frequent precipitation and where conifers have a large surface water storage capacity. Unfortunately, our knowledge of interception processes for this type of environment is limited by the many challenges associated with experimental monitoring of the canopy water balance. The objective of this study is to observe and estimate canopy storage capacity and wet canopy evaporation at the sub-daily and seasonal time scales in a humid boreal forest. This study relies on field-based estimates of rainfall interception and evapotranspiration partitioning at the Montmorency Forest, Québec, Canada (mean annual precipitation: 1600 mm, mean annual evapotranspiration: 550 mm), in two balsam fir-white birch forest stands. Evapotranspiration was monitored using eddy covariance sensors and sap flow systems, whereas rainfall interception was measured using 12 sets of throughfall and six stemflow collectors randomly placed inside six 400-m2 plots. Changes in the amount of water stored on the canopy were also directly monitored using the stem compression method. The amount of water intercepted by the forest canopy was 11 ± 5% of the total rainfall during the snow-free (5 July–18 October) measurement periods of 2017 and 2018. The maximum canopy storage estimated from rainfall interception measurements was on average 1.6 ± 0.7 mm, though a higher value was found using the stem compression method (2.2 ± 1.6 mm). Taking the average of the two forest stands studied, evaporation of intercepted water represented 21 ± 8% of evapotranspiration, while the contribution of transpiration and understory evapotranspiration was 36 ± 9% and 18 ± 8%. The observations of each of the evapotranspiration terms underestimated the total evapotranspiration observed, so that 26 ± 12% of it was not attributed. These results highlight the importance to account for the evaporation of rain intercepted by humid boreal forests in hydrological models.  相似文献   
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