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海南岛古生代岩石Rb-Sr年代学和氧同位素研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
海南岛抱板群上部混合片麻岩和混合花岗岩的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为600.8Ma,上部混合片麻岩和斜长角闪岩的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为470.1Ma;岳岭群黑色板岩的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为537Ma。抱板群是寒武—奥陶纪地层在海西期经历区域变质作用形成的。岛上广泛分布的似斑状花岗质岩石的Rb-Sr全岩等时线年龄为320.7Ma;岩石-矿物内部等时线年龄为316.4Ma。它们是由52.3%地壳硅铝质岩石和47.7%地下壳基性岩石所构成。  相似文献   
西南极利文斯顿岛百耳斯半岛中生代火山岩地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑祥身  李钟益 《岩石学报》1998,14(4):503-519
西南极利文斯顿岛百耳斯半岛中生代火山岩是晚侏罗纪至晚白垩纪三期火山活动的产物。岩石普遍贫钾,轻稀土元素略为富集,但轻重稀土分馏不强烈;Sr、K、Rb、Ba、Th等大离子亲石元素(LIL)明显富集,Nb和Ta明显亏损,过渡金属族元素Cr和Ni强烈亏损,表明它们属于火山弧环境中生成的钙碱性系列岩石。白垩纪中期和白垩纪晚期岩石的87Sr/86Sr比值主要在0.7039~0.7053之间变化,εNd>0,87Sr/86Sr相对1/Sr、Rb、K和SiO2等的变化不大,表明其源区岩浆可能直接来自上地幔,很少受到壳源物质的混染。而晚侏罗纪火山岩的Sr同位素比值较高,说明早期岩浆可能受到少量地壳物质的混染。但在Th/Ta-Th和Th/Sm-Th图解上所有岩石的投影点分布趋势相同,趋势线的斜率>0。百耳斯半岛中生代火山岩是上地幔部分熔融生成的同源岩浆不同期的产物  相似文献   
海南岛是中国唯一一个全省位处热带的省份,有得天独厚的环境和资源。到目前为止,海南省的环境一直处于良好的状态,大气环境各项指标基本上符合国家一级标准,全省河流和水库中的水有80%符合国家地面水环境质量Ⅱ类及以上标准。但是,对海南省的环境也不应当地高估计,建省前后的开发过程出现了许多生态和环境问题,例如林业砍伐、橡胶垦殖等。不能只讲开发,不讲保护或是因为开发对环境有影响就不进行开发,要坚持可持续发展的战略,妥善解决实现可持续发展中遇到的各种具体问题,真正把海南省规划建设好。  相似文献   
In the Delgo basement area of northern Sudan, low to medium grade metamorphosed volcanic, sedimentary and plutonic rocks are surrounded by high grade gneisses. A NNE-SSW trending suture zone can be defined by the lithological, chemical and structural characteristics of several distinct units. The early Proterozoic gneiss terrain is overlain by metasedimentary units, the metamorphism of which has been dated by the Sm-Nd whole rock-mineral technique (702 ± 27 Ma in the west, 592 ± 16 Ma in the east). In the central part, the Abu Sari volcanic rocks show geochemical signatures of formation at an arc, with a protracted tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and shoshonitic evolution. The overlying El Hamri ophiolite contains chemical features of a back-arc tectonic environments. The ophiolite was dated by the Sm-Nd whole rock method on metagabbros at 752 ± 48 Ma. The further extension of this oceanic basin into the Jebel Rahib in the south-west was dated at 707 ± 54 Ma (Sm-Nd whole rock and minerals).Widespread suite of syn-tectonic granitoid intrusives displays subduction-related characteristics. They where emplaced between 650 to 760 Ma (Pb-zircon evaporation method). Their Nd and Sr isotopic compositions indicate a changing pattern of island arc to active continental margin character along an east-west transect and suggest a west to north-west dipping subduction zone. All units were juxtaposed at the minimum age of 600 Ma and rearranged during an extensional event, which was dated by the Rb-Sr thin slab technique (546 ± 19 Ma) on a migmatite. The Delgo suture provides evidence of a complex terrane pattern in north-east Africa and crustal growth during the Pan-African event by the addition of oceanic material to pre-existing continental crust.  相似文献   
南极罗斯海恩克斯堡岛(Inexpressible Island)是中国南极新建考察站重点预选区域。本文利用1988—2012年曼努埃拉自动气象站(AWS Manuela)资料统计分析了该岛的气温、相对湿度、气压和风速风向等要素的特征和变化趋势。结果表明,该岛多年平均气温为-18.5℃,年平均气温有降低趋势;多年平均相对湿度较低,仅为45%,但春夏秋冬各季节的平均湿度均有增加趋势;多年平均气压为979.7hPa,无显著变化趋势;该站点多年平均风速为12.0 m·s-1,风向以WNW为主。干冷的下降风为该岛风场的主要特征,强下降风事件多发生在冬季(49.8%),其风速在25—45 m·s-1之间,冬季单次强下降风事件的平均持续时间达10 h以上。和中山站相比,该站点气温更低、空气更干燥、风速更大,这对该岛的越冬考察活动将带来巨大挑战。  相似文献   
The species and characteristics of Radiolaria in the surface sediments were systematcally investigated in the sea east of Taiwan Island. One hundred and seventy-eight species of Radiolaria (including 21 unidentified species) have been identified in the surface sediments, and they belong to 2 orders, 34 families and 101 genera. Among them there are 19 families, 70 genera, 134 species of Spumellaria and 15 families, 31 genera, 44 species of NasseUaria. Of the 178 species of Radiolaria, the individual number of Spumellaria amounts to 88.1% of the total individual number, and that of Nassellaria amounts to 11.9% of the total individual number. It is shown that most of the dominant species belong to the tropical and subtropical dominant species and are brought into the area mainly by the Kuroshio, and some affecting factors including the submarine topography, submarine sediments, upwelling current east of Taiwan Island and carbonate dissolution play a secondary role in forming the Radiolaria distributions.  相似文献   
水资源紧缺问题制约砣矶岛社会经济发展。文章对砣矶岛水资源现状进行实地调研,主要包括地表水、地下水和海水淡化水的水量和水质;根据相关资料和发展规划,对砣矶岛水资源供需情况进行预测,得出2020年需水总量为48.33万m3,水资源缺口最高可达9.19万m3;通过总结目前岛上供水存在的问题,提出多水源分质供水的水资源优化配置方案,即增加9.19万m3/a的海水淡化工程以及污水处理和中水回用装置,生活用水采用地下水与淡化水的混合水,生产用水采用淡化水,生态用水采用地表水和回用水,同时建设水资源监视监测系统,提高水资源综合利用率。  相似文献   
遥感技术在新一轮全国海岛调查中得到广泛而深入的应用。针对目视解译方法的不足,采用面向对象的自动分类方法实施海岛专题信息提取。对多源多级遥感图像数据和多时相高分辨率光学图像数据,分别采取了不同的小目标识别与伪信息剔除策略。实验结果表明,不论融合高分辨率雷达图像数据与多光谱光学图像数据,还是直接利用多时相高分辨率光学图像数据,面向对象的自动分类方法均能够达到较高的海岛识别能力与识别精度。  相似文献   
An understanding of the sedimentary environment in relation to its controlling factors is of great importance in coastal geomorphology,ecology,tourism and aquaculture studies.We attempt to deal with this issue,using a case study from the Xincun Lagoon,Hainan Island in southern China.For the study,surficial sediment samples were collected,together with hydrodynamic and bathymetric surveys,during August 2013.Numerical simulation was carried out to obtain high-spatial resolution tidal current data.The sediment samples were analyzed to derive mean grain size,sorting coefficient,skewness and kurtosis,together with the sand,silt and clay contents.The modern sedimentary environments were classified using system cluster and principal component analyses.Grain size analysis reveals that the sediments are characterized by extremely slightly sandy silty mud(ESSSM) and slightly silty sand(SSS),which are distributed in the central lagoon and near-shore shallow water areas,respectively.Mean grain size varies from 0 to 8.0Ф,with an average of 4.6Ф.The silt content is the highest,i.e.,52% on average,with the average contents of sand and clay being 43% and 5%,respectively.There exists a significant correlation between mean size and water depth,suggesting that the surficial sediments become finer with increasing water depth.Cluster analyses reveals two groups of samples.The first group is characterized by mean grain size of more than 5.5Ф,whilst the second group has mean grain size of below 3.5Ф.Further,these groups also have different correlations between mean grain size and the other grain size parameters.In terms of the tidal current,the average values of the root mean square velocity(RMSV) are 7.5 cm/s and 6.9 cm/s on springs and neaps,respectively.For the RMSVs that are higher than 4 cm/s,a significant positive correlation is found between the content of the 63–125 μm fraction and the RMSV,suggesting that the RMSV determines the variability of the very fine sand fraction.Based on system cluster and principal component analyses(PCA),the modern sedimentary environments are classified into three types according to the grain size parameters,RMSVs and water depth data.The results suggest the importance of grain size parameters and high-spatial resolution hydrodynamic data in differentiating the coastal sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
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